GHCL Digest JUNE 2018

GHCL Digest JUNE 2018

GHCL Digest JUNE 2018


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Supply Chain- The Missing Link in Sustainability!<br />

This month from the sustainability desk, we have come up<br />

with an ar cle to enlighten our readers on supply chain<br />

sustainability. Supply chain sustainability basically is the<br />

management of environmental, social and economic<br />

impacts, along with the encouragement of good governance<br />

prac ces, throughout the lifecycles of goods and services.<br />

The main objec ve of supply chain sustainability is to create,<br />

protect and grow long-term environmental, social and<br />

economic value for all stakeholders involved in bringing<br />

products and services to market.<br />

Business<br />

Integrity<br />

Labor Standards &<br />

Human Rights<br />

Supply Chain<br />

Environment<br />

Health &<br />

Safety<br />

Historically, supply chain was simply about logis cs and knowing when and where goods were moving,<br />

but with increasing technological advancements & accompanying visibility in all aspects has provided<br />

companies with the ability to gather data about how well each component in the supply chain<br />

demonstrates social & environmental responsibility. This transparency has promoted the concept of<br />

responsible sourcing and encouraged supply chain partners to develop and share best prac ces for<br />

sustainable opera ons and logis cs along with demonstra ng<br />

compliance with industry best standards for worker safety,<br />

environmental protec on and business ethics. Increased visibility has<br />

also led to heightened consumer awareness and increased demand that<br />

firms ensure environmental & social sustainability through the en re<br />

supply chain.<br />

As ini al step towards supply chain sustainability for a business is to iden fy the high priority supply<br />

chain issues, evaluate environmental & social risks and opportuni es. Many organiza ons are also<br />

driven by their corporate values and culture to address sustainability issues. For such organiza ons, the<br />

fact that supply chain sustainability is the right thing to do and is a driver of social development and<br />

environmental protec on helps create internal buy-in and commitment. The most common business<br />

drivers for supply chain sustainability are depicted in the figure below:<br />

Managing<br />

Business Risks<br />

Realising<br />

Efficiencies<br />

Crea ng Sustainabile<br />

Products<br />

Minimize business<br />

disrup on from<br />

environmental, social<br />

and economic impacts<br />

Reduce cost of<br />

material inputs,<br />

energy, transporta on<br />

Meet evolving<br />

customer and business<br />

partner requirements<br />

Protect company’s<br />

reputa on and<br />

brand value<br />

Increase labour<br />

produc vity &<br />

efficiency<br />

Innovate for<br />

changing market<br />

June <strong>2018</strong><br />


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