GHCL Digest JUNE 2018

GHCL Digest JUNE 2018

GHCL Digest JUNE 2018


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i-FLO Product<br />

Honey –nature's original sweetener<br />

Honey –nature's original sweetener, is a natural source of energy that has a unique combina on of<br />

nutri onal, therapeu c and healing quali es.<br />

Honey has long been used as a replacement to sugar. It is widely used in the cosme c and medicine<br />

industries across the world. Honey finds its men on in several religious texts such as the Hindu<br />

scriptures, the Jewish Tanakh and the Holy Quran along with Buddhism and Chris anity. Ayurveda,<br />

India's ancient system of medicine, has highlighted the benefits of honey for centuries. Across cultures,<br />

honey is termed as 'The Nectar of the Gods'.<br />

People of all age group consume honey. With the growing consciousness surrounding health, the<br />

demand of honey has seen a great rise. Consumers seeking healthier and natural op ons of sweetener<br />

turn to honey which is a natural energy booster too.<br />

Honey is available in our natural forests and is also collected through apiaries all over the country. Being<br />

a 100% natural product, derived out of nectar from flowers and made by honey bees, it has zero fat and<br />

zero cholesterol, and ideally suits to the modern-day hec c lifestyle.<br />

To start the produc on and export of honey, the business operator needs to obtain a number of<br />

cer fica ons as this category requires to follow many stringent norms of quality and safety. There are<br />

standards for the composi on, moisture content, fructose, sucrose and glucose percentages,<br />

conduc vity and floral source. All of these need be taken into account in order to maintain and improve<br />

the quality of honey. Business operators have to put forth robust QC procedures, with well-documented<br />

processes that ensure traceability ll the beekeeper's level.<br />

Honey is regulated under the Preven on of Food Adultera on Rules, 1955, the voluntary Bureau of<br />

Indian Standards for ISI mark, and Honey Grading and Marking Rules, 2008, under the Agricultural<br />

Produce (Grading and Marking) Act, 1937, also known as AGMARK.<br />

All of the above define honey as a natural product and lay down standards for its composi on and<br />

quality.<br />

The availability of honey across all seasons adds up to its industry's profit which is moving on a rapid<br />

growth rate. The branded honey market is growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10 per<br />

cent, with a current market size of Rs.700 crores. India produces 7000 million tons of honey, out of<br />

which 50 per cent is exported annually. As per industry es mates, it is believed that the size of both the<br />

branded and unbranded segments in the Indian market is approximately Rs.2000 crore. Within this, the<br />

share of branded honey is approximately Rs.700-800 crore. There has been a steady surge in the organic<br />

honey market. The industry is s ll considered niche but the product is gradually finding its place in the<br />

mass consumers' household.<br />

i-FLO Honey is a pure and one of the best in terms of quality. We have a strong sourcing point along with<br />

huge global volumes, hence we do not compromise on the quality and purity of the product.<br />

June <strong>2018</strong><br />


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