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10 things the smartest leaders say to<br />

motivate their employees...<br />

“My boss totally motivates me through fear and control,” said no employee ever.<br />

Motivation can come in many different forms, but all towards achieving something good. If you’re a leader,<br />

then you hold the key to unlock the power of motivation to get the effort you require from your team.<br />

Motivating your team towards a common goal just won’t happen using negative talk and fear tactics. It all starts with<br />

what you say and how you say it. Here are some examples of how smart leaders motivate their teams:<br />

“I’ll follow up on that and get back to you<br />

by Tuesday.”<br />

As a leader it’s up to you to set a clear plan of action, within<br />

an agreed timeframe. You set the direction and the proper<br />

expectations, and follow through on your promises. Your<br />

team success relies on it. Make sure you say what you mean,<br />

because if you don’t, your staff will start to question you and<br />

distrust will creep in.<br />

“Come and see me anytime.”<br />

Don’t just say it, follow through with it. If you offer an open<br />

door policy to your staff, then let them come and see you,<br />

talk to you, whenever they feel it necessary.<br />

“I have good news and bad news.”<br />

Smart leaders tell the truth. Being an open communicator<br />

can go a long way toward motivating employees. It means<br />

you can be trusted to tell your team the truth. We all know<br />

honesty goes a long way!<br />

“I want you to know how much I appreciate you.”<br />

The most important performance motivator – is praise and<br />

recognition. It should be given at least once a week. Praise in<br />

front of their peers, their team members, is gold, it gives that<br />

team member value to everyone. Your employees wont just<br />

be more motivated, but more committed and loyal.<br />

“Here’s what we’re dealing with, and what<br />

this means for you.”<br />

Your team just want to know where they stand. When<br />

something happens that disrupts things, communicate what’s<br />

really going on with your team, reset expectations, and keep<br />

your team focused. You will keep motivation high in your<br />

team by being positive, but realistic.<br />

“Here’s what’s working well.”<br />

Start with the positive when you need to discuss an area that<br />

needs improvement with your team. Don’t jump right into<br />

the hard part, it will just put your team straight into defence<br />

mode. Acknowledge what is already working, and what you<br />

appreciate about your team member’s strengths. Then ease<br />

into how you’d like to see performance specifically improve<br />

in the areas of concern<br />

“I want you to know how the work you’re doing<br />

aligns with our company’s objectives.”<br />

Smart leaders let their people know regularly how they’re<br />

hitting their goals and how their work is hitting company<br />

goals as well. This gives their work meaning and higher<br />

purpose – a great motivator.<br />

“I trust your judgment.”<br />

Smart leaders find ways to rely on others for their input.<br />

Trust is a two-way street. By extending it as a gift to<br />

employees, they’ll be more inclined to return the favour<br />

and trust you back. It also brings your team closer together<br />

to produce excellent, cohesive work.<br />

“I’m really not sure where to go with this.<br />

What would you do in my situation?”<br />

Everyone needs help or input from other people sometimes.<br />

It’s not a sign of weakness, in fact it’s the opposite. It’s<br />

honest, and will give you more of a connection with your<br />

team. It will also encourage your employees to speak up<br />

when they need help.<br />

“You are right.”<br />

The smartest leaders are also humble by nature. Don’t let<br />

your ego get in the way of finding a different, and better<br />

solution to a problem.<br />

Ultimately you wont get anywhere with your employees with negative talk. It’s all about the positives. Motivation<br />

comes from positivity, and your business will drive forward with a positive motivated team behind it.

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