30 Day Whole Food Cleanse

Curious about cleansing but not interested in starving yourself to death or spending six hours a day layering smoothie bowls?

Curious about cleansing but not interested in starving yourself to death or spending six hours a day layering smoothie bowls?


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F R E E W O R K B O O K<br />

M O O R E N U T R I T I O U S . C O M<br />



<strong>30</strong> DAY<br />

WHOLE<br />


E L I Z A B E T H A N D R A C H A E L M O O R E W A L K Y O U T H R O U G H 3 0<br />

D A Y S O F C L E A N S I N G T H E B O D Y A N D M I N D T O R E S E T B A D<br />

H A B I T S A N D C U L T I V A T E A L I F E O F J O Y A N D H E A L T H .

want to open this booklet with a disclaimer. We are not<br />

We<br />

We are not nutritionists. We do not claim to know what is<br />

doctors.<br />

for you personally. We are health coaches. It is our job to<br />

best<br />

you to your best and most natural health. We promise to<br />

guide<br />

the knowledge we have gained from our training and our<br />

share<br />

experiences.<br />

personal<br />

consult your doctor before making any drastic lifestyle or<br />

Please<br />

changes.<br />

dietary<br />

life and knowledge with a healthy dose of skepticism<br />

Approach<br />

curiosity. Trust your intuition and know that no one knows you<br />

and<br />

note that if you are currently suffering from an eating<br />

Please<br />

or have suffered from one in the past, you should enter<br />

disorder,<br />

cleanse with the self-awareness that this is not a diet and if<br />

this<br />

are still suffering then it may not be a good idea for you. We<br />

you<br />

be more than happy to share our personal experiences with<br />

would<br />

but we encourage you to seek the help you need. Getting<br />

you,<br />

L I Z A B E T H M O O R E<br />

E<br />

Author<br />



615 482 0396<br />

MooreNutritious@gmail.com<br />

www.moorenutritious.com<br />

SOCIAL<br />


Facebook.com/MooreNutritious<br />


@MooreNutritious<br />


Private Yoga<br />


Cooking Lessons<br />

Private Health Coaching<br />

We're so glad you're here.<br />

Group Health Coaching<br />

Lectures<br />

Workshops<br />


MooreNutritious.com<br />


better than you do.<br />

healthy is so much easier with the proper help.<br />

We hope you enjoy.









A U T H O R , C O A C H , L E C T U R E R , E N D O R S E D B Y O P R A H<br />

S O Y O U K N O W S H E ' S L E G I T :<br />


is that we are simply removing harmful<br />

detox,<br />

and chemicals from our diet. We are not<br />

foods<br />


PAGE 3<br />

A cleanse can be the removal of anything<br />

specific from your diet or lifestyle in the<br />

WHY<br />

SHOULD I<br />

CLEANSE?<br />

be a sugar detox, caffeine detox, juice<br />

can<br />

or just a clean eating cleanse. You can<br />

cleanse<br />

detox from things like television, social<br />

even<br />

or toxic people.<br />

media<br />

be clear here though. We do most of our<br />

Let's<br />

naturally through the breath. We<br />

detoxing<br />

aid the natural detoxification process of<br />

can<br />

body with certain teas, specific cleanses<br />

the<br />

a few lifestyle practices but they can't do<br />

and<br />

work alone. A "skinny detox tea" that will<br />

the<br />

interest of cleaning it from your system. This<br />

make you lose weight all on its own is snake<br />

oil.<br />

P h o t o s b y C a r l i o f I n k e d F i n g e r s<br />

The reason we call this a cleanse, and not a<br />

starving ourselves and not dieting. This is a <strong>30</strong><br />

day reset to get you back on track, or maybe<br />

W H Y C L E A N S E | 3

For the purpose of our cleanse specifically,<br />

life.<br />

are removing added sugar (including refined<br />

we<br />

we reduce inflammation and give our<br />

diets,<br />

a rush of much-needed nourishment so<br />

bodies<br />


PAGE 4<br />

Signs that you may need to detox include:<br />

even on track for the first time, so that we can<br />

begin to craft awareness around living a healthy<br />

-Gas and bloating<br />

-Headaches and migraines<br />

carbohydrates & alcohol), processed and<br />

-Anxiety and depression<br />

-Yeast infections<br />

packaged foods, foods that are difficult on<br />

digestion and stimulants. Why? Because these<br />

-Fatigue<br />

-Brain fog<br />

foods inhibit our bodies ability to operate at<br />

optimum capacity and make us sick.<br />

-Mood swings<br />

-Acne<br />

-Autoimmune diseases<br />

In our everyday lives our bodies produce<br />

inflammation to fight infection. A small amount<br />

-Sinus problems<br />

-PMS<br />

of inflammation is natural and healthy, but an<br />

over production can lead to everything from<br />

-Low sex drive<br />

-Sore throat<br />

major health issues like cancer, diabetes, and<br />

Alzheimer's to every day issues like heartburn<br />

-Learning difficulties<br />

-Inability to lose or gain weight<br />

and bloating. By cleansing harmful food from our<br />

-Acid reflux and heartburn<br />

-A feeling of permanent fullness<br />

we can heal and begin re-populating our gut<br />

with healthy bacteria.<br />

N O M A D I C | 2 4

knowledge of cleansing often conjures horrific images<br />

Our<br />

strange concoctions, celery juice and starvation, but that<br />

of<br />

not the case here. The point of this cleanse is to reset, rest<br />

is<br />

create awareness while we flood our bodies with<br />

and<br />

and remove the processed foods that we have<br />

nutrients<br />

so accustomed to. The hardest part of building a<br />

become<br />

lifestyle is breaking the old habits. We have gotten<br />

healthy<br />

far away from our kitchens that we have forgotten how to<br />

so<br />

and how to feed ourselves from the earth. This point of<br />

cook<br />

cleanse is to get back to that place.<br />

this<br />

will eliminate processed dairy, grain and meats. We will<br />

We<br />

them with grass-fed, free-range meats and eggs,<br />

replace<br />

dairy or small amounts of organic probiotic-rich dairy<br />

and<br />

like greek yogurt, ghee and kefir (this sounds<br />

products<br />

I get it, try going to your local farmers market<br />

intimidating<br />

will have it or know who does). For your grains I<br />

they<br />

quinoa, wild rice, steel cut oats and organic<br />

recommend<br />

polenta (if you want to get crazy you can add teff,<br />

corn<br />

an aside, if you're vegan just don't buy the meat or<br />

As<br />

obviously. There are many vegan options in this<br />

cheese,<br />

so you're safe here. If you feel like the instructions for<br />

packet<br />

cleanse are vague...you're not wrong. But hang in there<br />

this<br />

want to stress again that this is not a diet. This is the<br />

We<br />

button. This is a way to get back your natural rhythm<br />

reset<br />

eliminating processed food. For every food you are<br />

by<br />

about giving up there is a healthy, natural<br />

bummed<br />

and you may have it. Give up the obviously bad<br />

alternative<br />

we can work on the rest later.<br />

and<br />

Do your best. If you mess up and eat something you aren't<br />

1.<br />

to just use it as an opportunity to asses your<br />

supposed<br />

place in your life for the next <strong>30</strong> days (or ever). THIS IS<br />

no<br />


RULE<br />

Eliminate processed and convenience foods. This is huge.<br />

2.<br />

really, really hard. But for <strong>30</strong> days don't eat anything<br />

And<br />

that comes wrapped in plastic and has a<br />

pre-made<br />

ingredients. You can do it. You can meal prep. You<br />

thousand<br />

cook at home. You can go to a farm to table<br />

can<br />

you trust. Put down the Slim Jim and walk away<br />

restaurant<br />

No factory farmed meat or dairy. The hormones in those<br />

3.<br />

become the hormones in you. You eat what your<br />

animals<br />

Put down the sugar. It's insanely addictive. We know. It<br />

4.<br />

But you can use alternatives. If you want to keep a<br />

SUCKS.<br />

honey in that's fine with us. Stevia and monkfruit are<br />

little<br />

glycemic so those are your best options. Fruit is fine but<br />

zero<br />

No boozin. The goal is to create awareness not drown your<br />

5.<br />

Weed is fine in moderation if you must, but limit<br />

sorrows.<br />

Immerse yourself in the experience. Go to the New Moon<br />

6.<br />

you've been thinking about but have always<br />

Ceremony<br />

too hungover for. Go buy that cookbook you've been<br />

been<br />

about. Go to the lecture about local foods at the<br />

dreaming<br />

farm down the street. Talk to the person in your<br />

organic<br />

class you've been avoiding because you know it's going<br />

yoga<br />

be an amazing conversation but you just don't have time<br />

to<br />

HAPPY HOUR. Throw a dinner party where you get<br />

because<br />

make up the rules. Ask a friend to do the cleanse with<br />

to<br />

It's just <strong>30</strong> days. So for <strong>30</strong> days change your stars, point<br />

you.<br />


PAGE 5<br />


W H A T A R E T H E Y A N D W H A T T H E H E L L<br />

C A N I E A T O N T H I S C L E A N S E ? !<br />

"What is a whole food cleanse? Does it mean I<br />

go to <strong>Whole</strong> <strong>Food</strong>s Grocery and just eat<br />

GOT IT? Okay. Good.<br />

anything I can find? How can you cleanse and<br />

eat at the same time? I have so many<br />

questions!" Sound like you? Well, not to worry,<br />

We are here to break it down for you.<br />

slowly.<br />

food eats (same goes for plants), so we really mean this one.<br />

don't go wild.<br />

your desire to escape as much as possible. It's <strong>30</strong> days, y'all.<br />

amaranth or sorghum).<br />

with us.<br />

yourself in a different direction and see where it takes you.<br />

There are only a few major rules to this cleanse:<br />

behavior and start again. Fail forward. Guilt is stupid and has

W H O L E F O O D C L E A N S E | F R I D G E P R I N T O U T<br />


During a cleanse we recommend eliminating<br />

caffeine and alcohol. This is up to you depending<br />

on the level of cleansing you are seeking. Alcohol<br />

stresses the liver and caffeine the adrenals. To get<br />

the full benefit it's best to eliminate them for the<br />

duration.<br />

Added sugar<br />

Processed dairy<br />

Processed grain<br />

Factory meat<br />

Prepackaged foods<br />

Canola and other vegetable oils<br />

ENJOY<br />

For the purpose of this cleanse we<br />

recommend eating organic or local produce<br />

whenever possible. If you are simply seeking a<br />

lifestyle change, then just do what you can!<br />

Fruit<br />

Vegetables<br />

Sprouted grains and breads (like wild rice,<br />

oats, quinoa)<br />

Sourdough (bakery style)<br />

Nuts (preferably soaked and sprouted)<br />

Green juice<br />

Farm and pasture raised meats<br />

Olive oil, coconut oil and ghee<br />


We think you would get the most benefit doing<br />

this cleanse and reset for <strong>30</strong> days. That's a long<br />

time. We get it. If this is your first time, try it for<br />

two weeks and see how you feel. If you want to<br />

keep going, we encourage you to do so.

grocery store. Bacon? Sugar.<br />

the<br />

Sugar. Tomato sauce? Sugar.<br />

Bread?<br />

them out of them and go!<br />

grab<br />

out to Jess of My Poor<br />

(Shout<br />

Reading labels will terrify you<br />

natural.<br />

create an awareness you will<br />

and<br />


1started!<br />

2<br />

Plan ahead.<br />

Clean it out.<br />

Do the hard work<br />

before you begin.<br />

Clean out all of the<br />

crap that stands<br />

between you and your<br />

best self and get it out<br />

of your pantry. Throw<br />

away that old Easter<br />

candy and let's get<br />

Prep and chop your fruits and<br />

veggies if you think you will be<br />

short on time. Make dressings<br />

ahead of time if you're going<br />

to be making salads. One of<br />

my favorite tricks is to chop<br />

and wash a ton of greens and<br />

put them in the fridge, then<br />

whenever I want a salad I just<br />

Tired Liver for that one.)<br />

Read your labels.<br />

is literally the whole point. 3This<br />

There is sugar in<br />

Awareness.<br />

you've ever bought from<br />

everything<br />

dressing? So. Much. Sugar. Stay<br />

Salad<br />

from added sugars even if it's<br />

away<br />

never be able to (or want to) turn off<br />

again.<br />

P R E P P I N G | 7


NATURAL.<br />


WHEN<br />

feeling low on energy.<br />

are<br />

and colonics can make you feel<br />

-Enemas<br />

high-quality water.<br />

filtered,<br />

to dealing with the emotions<br />

-Commit<br />

Detoxing can be an emotional<br />

support.<br />

and that's okay, in fact, it's the<br />

experience<br />

part! best<br />

stevia! It will satiate your craving for<br />

-Use<br />

Find organic. The liquid kind is less<br />

index.<br />

bitter.<br />

profile feels more filling.<br />

flavor<br />

on what you can have, not what<br />

-Focus<br />

can't. you<br />

you are hungry you need to eat. But<br />

-If<br />

snack and true hunger.<br />

to<br />

fun with it! If you tell yourself you<br />

-Have<br />

full.<br />

uncomfortably<br />

a lot of sleep. Your body uses sleep to<br />

-Get<br />

detoxify you.<br />

naturally<br />

is called such because you are<br />

-Breakfast<br />

would be perfect.<br />

egg<br />

yourself by supportive people<br />

-Surround<br />

you can handle it.<br />

think<br />

you mess up make the promise that<br />

-If<br />

forward.<br />

herbal tea is your best friend. High<br />

-Hot<br />

matters.<br />

single person is different and needs<br />

-Every<br />



-While cleansing and/or resetting it is<br />


really important not to overeat. Your body<br />

is working overtime to eliminate toxins so<br />

give it some room to breathe. Eat enough<br />


to satiate you, but stop before you are<br />


-Prefer softer movement like yoga if you<br />

breaking the fast you began when you<br />

so much better. Colonics can be<br />

expensive but enemas can be purchased<br />

went to sleep. If you're not hungry try to<br />

eat something anyway. If you're really not<br />

at any drug store. Make sure you use<br />

hungry then don't have that cup of coffee<br />

(it reduces your appetite) and try to at<br />

least eat something small. A hardboiled<br />

that come up. If you need it, seek out<br />

and don't put yourself in situations where<br />

you know you will be tempted if you don't<br />

sweets without impacting your glycemic<br />

you will not be unkind to yourself. Just get<br />

back on it the next day and continue<br />

-Use tons of herbs and spices! A strong<br />

Garden in Nashville is the best! Organic<br />

learn to distinguish between your desire<br />

different things. Let go of what you think<br />

you should be doing and listen to your<br />

needs and your intuition.<br />

are or will be miserable...then you will be.<br />

KN E OY S MTA O DSI U C C| E S 2S 4 | 8

Breakfast | Green juice, chia seed pudding with<br />

berries and walnuts<br />

Snack | Avocado with homemade vegan ranch<br />

and hemp seeds<br />

Lunch | Spring rolls with almond butter sauce<br />

(included in recipe booklet)<br />

Snack | Raw hummus with cucumber and<br />

veggies (included in recipe booklet)<br />

Dinner | Baked tofu or tempeh with brussels<br />

and sprouted brown rice topped with tahini,<br />

side salad<br />

Dessert | Raw vanilla cashew ice cream<br />

V E G A N<br />

E X A M P L E M E A L S<br />

E X A M P L E M E A L S | 9

Breakfast | Warm oatmeal with stevia, cacao<br />

and berries<br />

Snack | Hard boiled egg (or two)<br />

| Sourdough bread with avocado,<br />

Lunch<br />

cucumbers, chicken salad with sugar-<br />

arugula,<br />

free mayo (or not) and red onion, drizzle of<br />

olive oil<br />

Snack | Green juice (included in recipe booklet)<br />

with almonds<br />

Dinner | Sprouted quinoa or brown rice bowl<br />

(included in recipe booklet) add meat of your<br />

choice<br />

Dessert | Strawberries with a drizzle of honey<br />

D A I R Y - F R E E<br />

E X A M P L E M E A L S<br />

E X A M P L E M E A L S | 1 0

Breakfast | Sugar-free bacon with scrambled<br />

eggs<br />

Snack | Hard boiled egg<br />

Lunch | Butternut squash soup (included in<br />

recipe booklet)<br />

Snack | Green smoothie<br />

Dinner | Zucchini pasta with avocado sauce<br />

(included in recipe booklet)<br />

Dessert | Organic, grass-fed Greek yogurt<br />

(Gluten Free) or sugar free coconut yogurt<br />

(Paleo) with drizzle of honey and berries<br />

G L U T E N F R E E &<br />

P A L E O E X A M P L E<br />

M E A L S<br />

E X A M P L E M E A L S | 1 1

You can't afford to get<br />

sick, and you can't<br />

depend on the<br />

present health care<br />

system to keep you<br />

well. It's up to you to<br />

protect and maintain<br />

your body's innate<br />

capacity for health<br />

and healing by<br />

making the right<br />

choices in how you<br />

live.<br />

Dr. Andrew Weil

e e n s ( k a l e , c o l l a r d s , r o m a i n , a r u g u l a o r<br />

G<br />

p i n a c h )<br />

s<br />

q u a s h ( z u c c h i n i , b u t t e r n u t )<br />

S<br />

n i o n s O<br />

o c o n u t O i l<br />

C<br />

a c a o ( n o t c o c o a )<br />

C<br />

S A M P L E G R O C E R Y<br />

S H O P P I N G L I S T<br />

F I N D A T A N Y S T O R E<br />


C a u l i f l o w e r<br />

C a r r o t s<br />

B e l l p e p p e r<br />

B r u s s e l s<br />

B e r r i e s<br />

G r e e n a p p l e<br />


C u c u m b e r<br />

i l d r i c e<br />

W ENS<br />

Q u i n o a<br />

C h i c k p e a s<br />

W a l n u t s<br />

A l m o n d s<br />

F I N D A T S P E C I A L T Y S T O R E S<br />

S H O P P I N G L I S T<br />

F l a x s e e d s<br />

C o c o n u t m i l k<br />

T a h i n i<br />

C h i a s e e d s<br />


P r o b i o t i c s<br />

R i c e p a p e r<br />

K e f i r<br />

G r a s s - f e d b e e f<br />

O r g a n i c c h i c k e n<br />

P a s t u r e r a i s e d e g g s<br />

W i l d c a u g h t f i s h<br />

O r g a n i c t o f u o r t e m p e h<br />

S H O P P I N G L I S T | 1 3<br />



Self-care is absolutely critical to your success as you cleanse. Be easy on yourself and embrace the<br />

journey. Below is a list of all my favorite cleansing practices.<br />

-Probiotics and Prebiotics: We want to increase<br />

the number of good gut bacteria, right? So let's<br />

help our bodies out with digestive enzymes before<br />

you eat and probiotics in the morning. Josh Axe's<br />

soil based probiotics are my favorite and you can<br />

find those on his website.<br />

-Meditation: This part is great because it's free, easy<br />

and very relaxing. I use apps called "Breathe" and<br />

"Headspace," but you can also look up "guided<br />

meditations" on Spotify and Google.<br />

-Yoga: This practice can make all the difference,<br />

but make sure you find a studio you like.<br />

Sometimes hot yoga can be difficult, but if you can<br />

manage it, the sweating is incredibly beneficial to<br />

you. Just make sure you drink a TON of water.<br />

-Drink A Ton of Water: Do not skip this step. Start<br />

your day with lemon water and make sure you are<br />

drinking consistently throughout the day.<br />

-Journal: Keep a journal. Write it all down. How you<br />

feel, what emotions are coming up for you? Are<br />

you tired? How is your sleep? Keeping a record will<br />

help you keep track of everything.<br />

-Reduce Stress: Stress slows digestion to a crawl<br />

and will inhibit the success of your cleanse.<br />

-Sweat: Go to a sauna! YMCAs, spas and most local<br />

gyms will have one. It's a great way to eliminate<br />

toxins. Hot Epsom salt baths have a similar healing<br />

effect.<br />

-Use Crystals: Crystals have energetic properties<br />

that can help cleanse the aura as well as the body.<br />

Even if you don't buy in to all that stuff you can<br />

find one you love and set an intention with it and<br />

will be reminded of it every time you use it.<br />

-Be Mindful of Body Products: What you put ON<br />

your body gets absorbed BY your body, so if you<br />

can, try to eliminate the most toxic products from .<br />

your bathroom for the duration of the cleanse. No<br />

coloring your hair and watch out for deodorant,<br />

shampoo & conditioner, and sunscreen, they are<br />

often the biggest and baddest players in the<br />

toxicity game.<br />

S E L F - C A R E | 1 4

journaling exercise &<br />

prompts<br />

F I N D A Q U I E T S P A C E , A G O O D<br />

P E N ( C R U C I A L ) , G O G E T<br />

Y O U R S E L F A C U T E N E W<br />

J O U R N A L A N D L E T ' S G E T T O<br />

W O R K .<br />

1. What are the goals that you have for this<br />

program? Try to think of at least five. Write<br />

them down.<br />

2. What is the common thread that you see in<br />

those goals? Do you see something? That is<br />

your intention. Record your full intention for this<br />

practice.<br />

3. What could change in your life as a result of<br />

completing this cleanse? What positive benefit<br />

could it have?<br />

4. Spend a moment thinking about your<br />

relationship with food. Do you eat when you're<br />

sad? Do you eat when you're stressed or<br />

anxious? How could crafting awareness around<br />

what goes into your body on a regular basis<br />

help you to manage your relationship with<br />

food?<br />

5. What element of self-care do you feel is<br />

most lacking in your life right now? Sleep?<br />

Healthy eating? Hot baths? Ridding yourself of<br />

toxic relationships or friendships? Write three<br />

ways that you could integrated more self-care<br />

around that element for the next <strong>30</strong> days. Make<br />

them actionable (i.e. "I'm not getting enough<br />

sleep. I am going to go to bed earlier, not play<br />

on my phone before bed and invest in some<br />

melatonin for the next <strong>30</strong> days!).


PAGE 16<br />


M A K I N G A P L A N F O R L I F E A F T E R<br />

C L E A N S I N G<br />

So you've finished your cleanse and want<br />

to know what to do next. The most<br />

important thing is that you know and<br />

remember that this is not and was never a<br />

diet. This is a jump start to a new and<br />

improved you. It's you as nature intended.<br />

It's you free and clear. Life is meant to be<br />

enjoyed and food is a major part of that.<br />

Your best contingency plan is simply this:<br />

consciousness and intentionality. Make<br />

the commitment to be aware of what<br />

Diets don't work. They have failed you in the<br />

goes in your body (and even on your<br />

past and they will fail you in the future.<br />

body!). Eat close to the earth. Eat foods<br />

When you feel like you need to clean your<br />

that look like their original form. Commit<br />

system return to this cleanse to jump start<br />

to cooking at home more.<br />

your healthy eating habits. Always return to<br />

You have gained a major amount of<br />

the source: the Earth. Add a green juice to<br />

knowledge and self-awareness through<br />

your regular routine. Stop feeling guilty all<br />

your journey. It's up to you what you do with<br />

the time. Learn to love your body, it is an<br />

that. This is not an overnight weight loss<br />

amazing machine and you are a beautiful,<br />

program, this a small-steps-to-big-change<br />

powerful human capable of great and<br />

kind of lifestyle pivot. It shouldn't feel<br />

unbelievable things. Your contingency plan<br />

restrictive. If you want to go out on Saturday<br />

is to keep going, to keep learning and to<br />

night and have a glass of wine, or three, and<br />

eat fro-yo. Then you go out on Saturday<br />

keep exploring your best self, free from selfdoubt,<br />

armed with knowledge and<br />

night and you have a glass of wine or three<br />

perspective and ready to accept an<br />

and cup of fro-yo (after the cleanse!).<br />

abundant life.

Resources<br />

Cookbooks<br />

Everyday Detox by Megan Gilmore<br />

The Everyday Ayurveda Cookbook: A Seasonal Guide to Eating and Living Well by Kate<br />

O'Donnell, Cara Brostrom<br />

No Excuses Detox: 100 Recipes to Help You Eat Healthy Every <strong>Day</strong> by Megan Gilmore<br />

Thug Kitchen: The Official Cookbook: Eat Like You Give a F*ck by Thug Kitchen<br />

Thug Kitchen 101: Fast as F*ck by Thug Kitchen<br />

Thug Kitchen Party Grub: For Social Motherf*ckers<br />

by Thug Kitchen<br />

The Oh She Glows Cookbook: Over 100 Vegan Recipes to Glow from the Inside Out<br />

Paperback by Angela Liddon<br />

Mark Bittman's Kitchen Matrix: More Than 700 Simple Recipes and Techniques to Mix<br />

and Match for Endless Possibilities by Mark Bittman<br />

Educational Books<br />

Eat Dirt: Why Leaky Gut May Be the Root Cause of Your Health Problems and 5<br />

Surprising Steps to Cure It by Josh Axe<br />

In Defense of <strong>Food</strong>: An Eater's Manifesto Paperback by Michael Pollan<br />

The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals<br />

by Michael Pollan<br />

<strong>Food</strong> Politics: How the <strong>Food</strong> Industry Influences Nutrition and Health<br />

by Marion Nestle<br />

Longevity Now: A Comprehensive Approach to Healthy Hormones, Detoxification ,<br />

Super Immunity, Reversing Calcification, and Total Rejuvenation by David Wolfe<br />

Websites<br />

Deliciously Ella<br />

https://deliciouslyella.com/<br />

Organic Olivia<br />

http://organicolivia.com/<br />

Dr. Axe<br />

https://draxe.com/natural-remedies-category/top-10-lists/<br />

Dr. Weil<br />

https://www.drweil.com/<br />

Life Spa<br />

http://lifespa.com/<br />

Documentaries<br />

Forks Over Knives<br />

<strong>Food</strong>Matters<br />

<strong>Food</strong>, Inc<br />

Hungry For Change<br />

GMO OMG<br />

How Not To Die<br />

Cooked<br />

R E S O U R C E S | 1 7

. B u t w e a r e t a k i n g o u t t h e w o r s t t h i n g s : p a c k a g e d f o o d s , s u g a r y f o o d s ,<br />

5<br />

r t i f i c i a l f o o d s a n d p r o c e s s e d m e a t a n d d a i r y .<br />

a<br />

T H E S H O R T & S W E E T<br />

Y O U R C L E A N S E J O U R N E Y S U M M A R I Z E D<br />

MOORE<br />

1 . T h i s i s n o t a d i e t . Y o u u n d e r s t a n d t h a t b y n o w , y e s ? P r o m i s e m e n o w : I<br />

w i l l e a t i f I a m h u n g r y .<br />

2 . T h i s i s a n e x e r c i s e i n e d u c a t i o n . T h e g o a l i s t o l e a r n y o u r b o d y a n d<br />

h o w t o p r o v i d e f o r i t h o l i s t i c a l l y .<br />

3 . F o r e v e r y u n h e a l t h y f o o d t h e r e i s a w h o l e s o m e w a y t o r e c r e a t e i t .<br />

4 . W e a r e f o c u s i n g m o r e o n a d d i n g g o o d i n t h a n t a k i n g b a d o u t .<br />

6 . S o m a n y v e g g i e s f o r e v e r . A m e n .<br />

7 . S t a r t t a k i n g a p r o b i o t i c .<br />

8 . F i n d a c o o k b o o k y o u l o v e .<br />

9 . M a k e y o u r g r o c e r y l i s t f r o m y o u r r e c i p e s b e f o r e y o u g o t o t h e s t o r e .<br />

1 0 . P r e p a r a t i o n i s y o u r b e s t f r i e n d . C a r r y s n a c k s .<br />

1 1 . R e a c h o u t i f y o u n e e d h e l p .<br />

R E S O U R C E S | 1 8

19<br />


FOR<br />

MOORE?<br />

This is a three or six month program where we meet for two-hour<br />

long individual session each month to help you get to the bottom<br />

of your health and wellness goals. It can be conducted remotely or<br />

in person if you are in Nashville and includes:<br />

General Health and Wellness Assessment<br />

Handouts<br />

Goal Setting<br />

Recipes<br />

Personalized Plan of Action<br />

Dietary Tips and Advice<br />

Resources for Independent Success<br />

Self-Care Strategies and Best Practices<br />

Assistance Setting and Achieving Goals<br />

One Month Of Unlimited Access to us Via Email<br />

Self-Care Strategies and Best Practices<br />

Individualized Health Coaching<br />

Group Health Coaching<br />

In group coaching we accomplish the same things as in individual<br />

therapy but we meet in groups of 3 or more to create a community<br />

of accountability and support. This program is a great way to get<br />

your friends and family on board as you make your way to a<br />

healthier and happier life together.<br />

Private Yoga + Meditation<br />

Yoga is a beautiful and ancient practice designed to help you<br />

strengthen and tone as well as journey inward toward self<br />

discovery.<br />

Whether it's just for you or for a small group, private yoga classes<br />

can deepen your practice and improve your strength and flexibility<br />

in a personalized and catered way.<br />

Cooking Classes + Demos<br />

Cooking demos can be given in small or large groups, tailored to<br />

your needs. We love these! We're talking everything from healthy<br />

cocktails to vegan cheese. Contact us with your interests and the<br />

size of your group and costs will be discussed at that time.<br />

Need More Information? Email us directly at<br />

MooreNutritous@gmail.com.<br />

3 3 | T R I P M A G . C O M

M O O R E N U T R I T I O U S H E A L T H C O A C H I N G<br />

Thank You<br />

We've learned so much from so many different people but we really<br />

wanted to close this booklet by practicing what we preach and showing<br />

a little gratitude. Amy Rachelle is the naturopath Elizabeth received<br />

her detox training from on a scholarship in Bali that changed her life.<br />

Amy we are so grateful. Unsplash.com is where we got many of the<br />

images that we did not take ourselves. It's an incredible gift and we are<br />

grateful it exists. Also, our parents are rad and endlessly supportive so<br />

obviously that has to go in here. Mom and dad, you are amazing and<br />

we love you forever. And a MAJOR HUGE THANK YOU TO YOU. If<br />

you downloaded this booklet then we like you very much as well.<br />

xoxo<br />

The Moore Sisters<br />

B Y E L I Z A B E T H & R A C H A E L M O O R E

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