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48 FRIEDRICHSHAIN eennbb mm Frie FFFFFFFFFFFFFrie Frie Frie Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fr FFFFFFF berg be be b Strausberger Platz U Krautstr Krautstr.. Singerstr Singerstr Singerstr gg tr tr. Ostbahnhof S enstr. str Karl-Marx-Allee A ee AAm Am Ostbahnhof OOstbahnhof O An Ad Andrea nd ea asstr a sstr.. Andreasstr Andrea Andreasstr.. st Stralauer SStralauer Stralauer Platz Plat Platz Köpenicker Köpenicker öpenicker Manteuffelstr Manteuffelstr. an ffels st str. The Oberbaumbrücke and Friedrichshain 3 4 H Former border Str Str.. Pücklerstr Pücklerstr. Pücklerstr. Wrangelstr Wrangelstr Wrang Wrangelstr Wrang . Muskauer Mu Muskauer Muskauer Muskauer ue St Str Str.. Laus Lausit itzer it Pllaatz Pali Palis Palis sa sa sa sade denstr de denstr.. str str.. enst KKoppen ppen ppen ppen-- Koppenstr Koppenstr Koppenst Koppenstr. pp pp Koppen Eisenbahns Eisenbahnst Eisenbahnstr nstr str. F Zeughofstr ZZeughofstr Zeughofstr.. ugho ugho SSStraaße ddeer Paariseer KKommune MMMMMühhllensstr. Spree Skalitzer Skalitzer Str Str S .. Wriezener Wriezener Wriezener Karree Rüüüüdeeerrsdddoorfferr SStrrr.. Wriezener Wriezener Wri Wri Wri Wriezener Karree EDR EDRIC EDRI EDR Köpenicker Köpenicker Köpenicker Köp en en Str Str Str.. East Sidde GGallllery Schlesisches Tor U Friedrichshain is a lively old workers district that has completely been taken over by rad nightlife venues, graffiti and leftist students moaning about Touri’s encroaching on their favourite watering holes. Tree-lined Simon-Dach-Straße is full of cafés and bars, while Boxhagener Platz hosts a popular flea market. In the former border zone along the river, the ‘Mediaspree’ development plan for offices, apartmens and skyscrapers is passionately opposed by many vocal locals who fear they’ll lose the river. This chapter also includes sights east of Friedrichshain. Getting there From Mitte, hop on a train to S/U-Bahn station Warschauer Straße or U-Bahn station Frankfurter Tor. From Nordbahnhof or Prenzlauer Berg catch the M10 tram. Pocket Walk Get off the S- or U-Bahn at Warschauer Straße; enjoy the wide city panorama from the bridge and glance back at the dainty red-brick Oberbaumbrücke bridge before heading north into the district. Turn right on Revaler Straße and left on Simon-Dach-Straße for Friedrichshain’s most touristy stretch of bars and cafés. A right on Krossener Straße takes you to Boxhagener Platz, scene of the excellent Sunday flea market. Walk north along Gärtnerstraße and Mainzer Straße to reach the grand Stalinist-style Frankfurter Allee. Follow this west (it becomes Karl-Marx-Allee) and turn right onto Friendenstraße for a stroll and a beer in Volkspark Friedrichshain. er er er er er Str SStr SStr.. Auerst Auerstr Auerstr.. Weidenweg eidenweg denweg Str Str Str. U Weberwiese H. H.-Jadamowit Jadamowitz Jadamowitz da da -St Str Str.. Marchlewskistr Marchlewskistr Marchlewskistr rc rch . Marchlewskistr O2 World Worl Wor M.-Harnack-Str. Gröbenufer Gröbenufer Gröbenufer enu en Wedekindstr edekindstr. dekindstr eki ki OOOberbau uuuum- tr tr tr. str str st . Schle Schles Löwestr Löwestr Löwestr we e . Mühsamstr Mü Mühsamstr Mü Müh Mü Mühsamstr Mü Mühsamstr. mst mst Marchlewskistr Marchlewskistr hle . Helsingforser Helsingforser Helsingforser ingf ngf Str Str Str tr tr.. Weidenweg eidenweg eidenweg Grünberger Grünberger Grü Grünberger nbe Str. Gubener Gubener Gubener uben r r Str Str Str tr tr Warschauer Str. Kadiner Kadiner Str Str tr tr Be Bersarin sa sar n n- pl platz atz tz Karl K -Marx-Allee Tamara-Danz-Str. Frankfurter Tor U GGGrünberger Grünber rünberge rünberge ger err St Str Str SStr... Warschauer s ch Str. ggg Weiiidddenwwweeggg tttttttt S U Warschauer Str. Rothe Rother Rother the the -- Warschauer arschauer arschauer ue Platz Platz Platz Stralauer Allee Berlin In Your Pocket Thae Thaer Thaer Rigaer Rigaer Rigaer er Kopernikusstr. KKopernikusstr. opernikusstr ss ssach Simon Simon Revaler Revaler Str Str.. Lehmbruckst Lehmbruckstr Lehmbruckstr. ck cks Danneckerst Danneckerstr Da Danneckerstrrrr er ersttr. Ehrenbergstr Ehrenbergstr Ehrenbergstr ergs ergs .. Rudolfstr Rudolfstr Rudolfstr udo udo fs fst str tr. st str str. Symbol key T Child friendly U Facilities for the disabled V Home delivery E Live music N No credit cards M Nearest S/U-Bahn station B Outside seating G Non-smoking room S Take away W Wi-Fi R Internet Dinner price guide The number of euro symbols in our restaurant, café and nightlife reviews indicates the approximate price level based on a main course with a glass of wine. €€€€ Expensive; more than €30 per person. €€€ Not cheap; €20-30 per person. €€ Middling; from €10-20 per person. € Cheap; less than €10 per person. Restaurants & Cafés Schneeweiß Simplonstraße 16, Friedrichshain, MS/U Warschauer Straße, tel. +49 30 29 04 97 04, www. Schneeweiß is extremely stylish, very popular, and very, very white. The delicious Alpine and ‚new German cuisine‘ on the menu here is easily a match for the chic interior, which has won accolades for its fantastic design. This is the place to go if you‘re looking for a full-on dining experience, not just food. QOpen 18:00 - 01:00, Sat, Sun 10:00 - 01:00. €€. TGBS Simon-Dach Dach Dach ach ach-St aach ahStr Str. I Str Str.. Frankfurter Allee Modersohnstr Modersohnstr.. soh soh st Liebigs Liebigstr Liebigstr. gstr sstttt st strrrr st sttrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr st st st st stttttt st st st st st st st st sttttttttttttt Samariterstr. U Boxhagener Box Box Boxhagener oxha oxha hagener agener agener Str Str. St tr r Lenbach- Len enbachenb ennbac ach plat platz S Ostkreuz S Frankfurter Allee S U Frankfurter Allee BBoxhhagggener Str. Gürtelstr Corinthstr Corinthstr thst thst st .. Str Str.. AAAAA Proskauer Proskauer Proskauer skauer skauer eer St Str Str.. Kreutziger Kreutziger Kreutziger Str Str Str ut . Krossener Krossener Krossener ene en St Str Str Str Str.. PPersiiussssttr. Corinthst Corinthst rint Eld Eldenaer Eldenaer S Dolziger Dolziger Dolziger ger ger Str Str Str. Bänschstr Bänschstr Bänschstr Bänschstr Bänschstr. Schreinerst Schreinerstr Schreinerstr ein ein . Colbest Colbestr Colbestr bes be .. Wühlischstr Wü Wühlischstr.. hli chs hstr Gärtne Gärtner Gärt Gärtner Gärt - st str str. Revaler RRevaler e Str Str.. S Simplonstr SSimplonstr SSimplonstr im mpp onstr onstr. Holteist Holtei Holteistr. tr t Rigaer Rigaer igaer Str Str. raaffeenddddamm VVVoigtstr oigtstr oigt oigtstr oig .. Neue Neue Neue ynnassttttsstrr.. Pettenkofer Pettenkofer Pettenkofer tte tte fer fer Str Str Str St St .. Bänschstr Bänschstr Bänschstr Bänschstr Bänschstr. äns än Voigtstr oigtstr oigts oigtstr igts .. Scharnweber Scharnweberstr Scharnweberstr cha ha web weberstr rstr.. t Jungstr Jungstr Jungstr ngs gs gs . Sonntagstr Sonntagstr Sonntagstr Sonn onn agstr agstr. WWWW eserstr eser eserstr ese erstr rstr st .. Oders Oderstr Oderstr.. erst str Weichselstr eichselstr ichselsst . JJessnerstr Jessnerstr Jess essnerst st rr . Bahnhof Bahnhofstr. Marktstr MMMarktstr. rk r Hauptstr Hauptstr Hauptstr.. st Gürtelstr. ls Wiesentweg Wi WWW Wiesentweg Wiesentweg se se tw twe Kaskel Kaskel Kaskel- str str. Schreiberhauer Schreiberhauer Schreiberhauer ib ibe hau hau au aue Str Str St . Spittastr Spittastr Spittastr.. 0 500 1000 m Rummelsburger Macondo I-4, Gärtnerstraße 14, Friedrichshain, tel. +49 30 54 73 59 43, Macondo was the setting of García Márquez‘ novel 100 Years of Solitude, and you could say that its languid tropical atmosphere perseveres in this wonderful ‚reading café‘. There‘s old furniture to sink in to, views over the Sunday market, good coffee and original South American mate tea, sipped through a silver straw. Bring a book, and time. QOpen 15:00 - 02:00, Sat, Sun 10:00 - 02:00. BW Nightlife Bars Crack Bellmer I-4, Revaler Straße 99, Friedrichshain, MS/U Warschauer Straße, A barn of a bar amidst all the clubs in the formerly industrial RAW compound. Crack Bellmer is not just a place for drinking however; there‘s film screenings, and a good-sized space for dancing to DJs at 80s or swing nights. Find the entrance at the southern end of Simon-Dach-Straße. QOpen 19:00 - 05:00. Closed Mon. UNB Habermeyer J-4, Gärtnerstraße 6, Friedrichshain, MS Ostkreuz, tel. +49 30 29 77 18 87, Like many Berlin bars, Habermeyer recycles the 1970s with its light fixtures and furnishings but it also created its own unusual wall designs. A popular table football and flipper machine provide distraction from the loud and very varied DJ music, though there‘s no space to dance, but there‘s free salty snacks to console you. Q Open from 19:00 - open end. UNB Clubs Berghain I-3/4, Am Wriezener Bahnhof, Friedrichshain, MS Ostbahnhof, tel. +49 30 29 36 02 10, www. A legendary techno club. Pretty much anything goes on the main dance floor, in the Panorama Bar and in the dark rooms of this huge old power plant. The doorman picks from the queue of hopefuls to create the right mix, so parties are always varied and exciting. Arrive early Sunday morning for the best atmosphere. There are concerts and events on weekdays too, and in summer an outdoor Diskogarten. Q Open Fri 24:00 - Sat 12:00, Sat 24:00 - Mon 09:00. UNGBW Matrix I-4, Warschauer Platz 18, Friedrichshain, MS/U Warschauer Straße, tel. +49 30 29 36 99 90, www. Directly underneath under the Warschauer Straße U-Bahn station DJs lay down tracks of R´n´B, straight house, soul, electro, disco and pop on seven dance floors within the vaults that date back to 1901. There‘s always a party here, 365 nights a year. Thursday is student night, Friday has party classics with free champagne before midnight for ladies, Saturday is Fruity Night, with juicy cocktails. QOpen 22:00 - 06:00. Admission €3-6. UGBW Sightseeing Museums Computerspielemuseum (Computer Game Museum) I-3, Karl-Marx-Allee 93a, Friedrichshain, MU Weberwiese, tel. +49 30 60 98 85 77, www. Stroll through decades of computer game history, from the 1951 Nimrod calculating robot and 1980s gaming machines to 3D simulators. You FRIEDRICHSHAIN can try out about 24 classic games yourself, and have a go at Atari‘s huge 1977 Jumbo Joystick. QOpen 10:00 - 20:00. Closed Tue. Admission €8/5. Museumswohnung WBS 70 (GDR Apartment Museum) Hellersdorfer Straße 179, Hellersdorf, MU Cottbusser Platz, tel. +49 151 16 11 44 40. Travel back to 1986 and visit a GDR worker‘s dream property; this mundane but much-coveted prefab Plattenbau museum home is the last of 42,000 such apartments with all its original fittings (drab wallpapered ceilings), appliances (yoghurt machine, Albanian chairs) and decorations (lurid floral patterns). The rent was 109 Marks, about 10% of the average wage, but the colour TV cost 4,500 Marks. From the station exit left and follow the street around the block. No English spoken or captions; bring a local. Q Open Sun 14:00-16:00, other days by appointment. Admission free. Stasi Museum (Forschungs- und Gedenkstätte Normannenstraße) Ruschestraße 103, Haus 1, Friedrichshain, MU Magdalenenstraße, tel. +49 30 553 68 54, East Germany‘s State Security Service or Stasi was responsible for intelligence gathering both at home and abroad. It spied on its own citizens, sometimes employing the friends, colleagues, and family of those they wished to keep an eye on. Today, this humble museum shows the office of Erich Mielke, the feared Stasi minister for 32 years, in its original dull state. There‘s a video of Mielke testifying before a panel in 1989, symbols of Communist kitsch, and many documents in German. Groups of 10 or more can get an English-language tour at no extra cost, when requested in advance. See also the Stasi Exhibition in Mitte. QOpen 11:00 - 18:00, Sat, Sun 14:00 - 18:00. Admission €5/4. Parks and Gardens Volkspark Friedrichshain H-2/3, Friedenstraße, Friedrichshain, MU Strausberger Platz. Berlin‘s oldest public park was opened in 1846 for the residents of the densely populated Friedrichshain and Prenzlauer Berg neighbourhoods; it was soon enlarged, inspired by New York‘s Central Park. Two wartime Flak towers were dynamited and covered by a million cubic metres of rubble to form the landscaped Bunkerberg hills - foliage unfortunately obscures the views. Visit it today for the open-air theatre and cinema, the Märchenbrunnen fountain with its fairy tale and animal figures, meadows, sports facilities and the Schönbrunn Biergarten. Shopping Fashion & Shoes tausche Taschen Krossener Straße 19, Friedrichshain, MS/U Warschauer Straße, tel. +49 30 34 71 11 50. Bags with exchangeable flaps in over 100 different designs. Two flaps are included and various insets equip the bag to suit any occasion. QOpen 10:00 - 19:00, Sat 10:00 - 18:00. Closed Sun. Markets Flohmarkt am Boxhagener Platz J-4, Boxhagener Platz, Friedrichshain, MU Frankfurter Tor, tel. +49 162 292 30 66. The fleamarket on the Boxi may be the funkiest place to trawl though junk. There‘s everything from 1970s tape recorders to Polish art posters and second-hand clothing. Q Open Sun 10:00 - 18:00. December 2012 - January 2013 49


eennbb<br />

mm<br />

Frie FFFFFFFFFFFFFrie Frie Frie Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fr FFFFFFF<br />

berg be be b<br />

Strausberger Platz<br />

U<br />

Krautstr Krautstr..<br />

Singerstr Singerstr Singerstr gg tr tr.<br />

Ostbahnhof<br />

S<br />

enstr. str<br />

Karl-Marx-Allee A ee<br />

AAm Am Ostbahnhof OOstbahnhof<br />

O<br />

An Ad Andrea nd ea asstr a sstr..<br />

Andreasstr Andrea Andreasstr.. st<br />

Stralauer SStralauer Stralauer Platz Plat Platz<br />

Köpenicker Köpenicker öpenicker<br />

Manteuffelstr<br />

Manteuffelstr. an ffels<br />

st str.<br />

The Oberbaumbrücke and<br />

Friedrichshain<br />

3<br />

4<br />

H<br />

Former border<br />

Str Str..<br />

Pücklerstr Pücklerstr. Pücklerstr.<br />

Wrangelstr Wrangelstr Wrang Wrangelstr Wrang .<br />

Muskauer Mu Muskauer Muskauer Muskauer ue St Str Str..<br />

Laus Lausit itzer it<br />

Pllaatz<br />

Pali Palis Palis sa sa sa sade denstr de denstr..<br />

str str..<br />

enst<br />

KKoppen ppen ppen ppen--<br />

Koppenstr Koppenstr Koppenst Koppenstr. pp pp<br />

Koppen<br />

Eisenbahns Eisenbahnst Eisenbahnstr nstr str.<br />

F<br />

Zeughofstr ZZeughofstr Zeughofstr.. ugho ugho<br />

SSStraaße ddeer Paariseer KKommune<br />

MMMMMühhllensstr.<br />

Spree<br />

Skalitzer Skalitzer Str Str S ..<br />

Wriezener Wriezener Wriezener<br />

Karree<br />

Rüüüüdeeerrsdddoorfferr SStrrr..<br />

Wriezener Wriezener Wri Wri Wri Wriezener<br />

Karree<br />


Köpenicker Köpenicker Köpenicker Köp en en Str Str Str..<br />

East Sidde GGallllery<br />

Schlesisches Tor<br />

U<br />

Friedrichshain is a lively old<br />

workers district that has<br />

completely been taken over<br />

by rad nightlife venues,<br />

graffiti and leftist students<br />

moaning about Touri’s encroaching<br />

on their favourite<br />

watering holes. Tree-lined<br />

Simon-Dach-Straße is full<br />

of cafés and bars, while<br />

Boxhagener Platz hosts a<br />

popular flea market. In the former border zone along the<br />

river, the ‘Mediaspree’ development plan for offices, apartmens<br />

and skyscrapers is passionately opposed by many<br />

vocal locals who fear they’ll lose the river. This chapter<br />

also includes sights east of Friedrichshain.<br />

Getting there<br />

From Mitte, hop on a train to S/U-Bahn station Warschauer<br />

Straße or U-Bahn station Frankfurter Tor. From Nordbahnhof<br />

or Prenzlauer Berg catch the M10 tram.<br />

Pocket Walk<br />

Get off the S- or U-Bahn at Warschauer Straße; enjoy the<br />

wide city panorama from the bridge and glance back at the<br />

dainty red-brick Oberbaumbrücke bridge before heading<br />

north into the district. Turn right on Revaler Straße and left<br />

on Simon-Dach-Straße for Friedrichshain’s most touristy<br />

stretch of bars and cafés. A right on Krossener Straße<br />

takes you to Boxhagener Platz, scene of the excellent<br />

Sunday flea market. Walk north along Gärtnerstraße and<br />

Mainzer Straße to reach the grand Stalinist-style Frankfurter<br />

Allee. Follow this west (it becomes Karl-Marx-Allee)<br />

and turn right onto Friendenstraße for a stroll and a beer in<br />

Volkspark Friedrichshain.<br />

er er er er er Str SStr<br />

SStr..<br />

Auerst Auerstr Auerstr..<br />

Weidenweg eidenweg denweg<br />

Str Str Str.<br />

U Weberwiese<br />

H. H.-Jadamowit Jadamowitz Jadamowitz da da -St Str Str..<br />

Marchlewskistr<br />

Marchlewskistr<br />

Marchlewskistr rc rch . Marchlewskistr<br />

O2 World Worl Wor<br />

M.-Harnack-Str.<br />

Gröbenufer Gröbenufer Gröbenufer enu en<br />

Wedekindstr edekindstr. dekindstr eki ki<br />

OOOberbau uuuum-<br />

tr tr tr.<br />

str str st .<br />

Schle Schles<br />

Löwestr Löwestr Löwestr we e .<br />

Mühsamstr Mü Mühsamstr Mü Müh Mü Mühsamstr Mü Mühsamstr. mst mst<br />

Marchlewskistr<br />

Marchlewskistr hle .<br />

Helsingforser Helsingforser Helsingforser ingf ngf Str Str Str tr tr..<br />

Weidenweg eidenweg eidenweg<br />

Grünberger Grünberger Grü Grünberger nbe<br />

Str.<br />

Gubener Gubener Gubener uben<br />

r r Str Str Str tr tr<br />

Warschauer Str.<br />

Kadiner Kadiner Str Str tr tr<br />

Be Bersarin sa sar n n-<br />

pl platz atz tz<br />

Karl K -Marx-Allee<br />

Tamara-Danz-Str.<br />

Frankfurter Tor<br />

U<br />

GGGrünberger Grünber rünberge rünberge ger err St Str Str SStr...<br />

Warschauer s ch Str.<br />

ggg<br />

Weiiidddenwwweeggg tttttttt S<br />

U Warschauer Str.<br />

Rothe Rother Rother the the --<br />

Warschauer arschauer arschauer ue Platz Platz Platz<br />

Stralauer Allee<br />

Berlin In Your Pocket<br />

Thae Thaer Thaer<br />

Rigaer Rigaer Rigaer er<br />

Kopernikusstr.<br />

KKopernikusstr. opernikusstr ss ssach<br />

Simon Simon<br />

Revaler Revaler Str Str..<br />

Lehmbruckst<br />

Lehmbruckstr<br />

Lehmbruckstr. ck cks<br />

Danneckerst<br />

Danneckerstr<br />

Da Danneckerstrrrr er ersttr.<br />

Ehrenbergstr<br />

Ehrenbergstr<br />

Ehrenbergstr ergs ergs ..<br />

Rudolfstr Rudolfstr Rudolfstr udo udo fs fst str tr.<br />

st str str.<br />

Symbol key<br />

T Child friendly U Facilities for the disabled<br />

V Home delivery E Live music<br />

N No credit cards M Nearest S/U-Bahn station<br />

B Outside seating G Non-smoking room<br />

S Take away<br />

W Wi-Fi<br />

R Internet<br />

Dinner price guide<br />

The number of euro symbols in our restaurant, café and<br />

nightlife reviews indicates the approximate price level<br />

based on a main course with a glass of wine.<br />

€€€€ Expensive; more than €30 per person.<br />

€€€ Not cheap; €20-30 per person.<br />

€€ Middling; from €10-20 per person.<br />

€ Cheap; less than €10 per person.<br />

Restaurants & Cafés<br />

Schneeweiß Simplonstraße 16, Friedrichshain, MS/U<br />

Warschauer Straße, tel. +49 30 29 04 97 04, www.<br /> Schneeweiß is extremely stylish, very<br />

popular, and very, very white. The delicious Alpine and ‚new German<br />

cuisine‘ on the menu here is easily a match for the chic interior,<br />

which has won accolades for its fantastic design. This is the place<br />

to go if you‘re looking for a full-on dining experience, not just food.<br />

QOpen 18:00 - 01:00, Sat, Sun 10:00 - 01:00. €€. TGBS<br />

Simon-Dach Dach Dach ach ach-St aach ahStr<br />

Str.<br />

I<br />

Str Str..<br />

Frankfurter Allee<br />

Modersohnstr<br />

Modersohnstr.. soh soh st<br />

Liebigs Liebigstr Liebigstr. gstr sstttt st strrrr st sttrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr st st st st stttttt st st st st st st st st sttttttttttttt<br />

Samariterstr.<br />

U<br />

Boxhagener Box Box Boxhagener oxha oxha hagener agener agener Str Str. St tr r<br />

Lenbach- Len enbachenb ennbac<br />

ach<br />

plat platz<br />

S<br />

Ostkreuz<br />

S<br />

Frankfurter Allee<br />

S<br />

U<br />

Frankfurter Allee<br />

BBoxhhagggener Str. Gürtelstr<br />

Corinthstr Corinthstr thst thst st ..<br />

Str Str..<br />

AAAAA<br />

Proskauer Proskauer Proskauer skauer skauer eer<br />

St Str Str..<br />

Kreutziger Kreutziger Kreutziger<br />

Str Str Str<br />

ut .<br />

Krossener Krossener Krossener ene en St Str Str Str Str..<br />

PPersiiussssttr.<br />

Corinthst Corinthst rint<br />

Eld Eldenaer Eldenaer S<br />

Dolziger Dolziger Dolziger ger ger Str Str Str.<br />

Bänschstr Bänschstr Bänschstr Bänschstr Bänschstr.<br />

Schreinerst Schreinerstr Schreinerstr ein ein .<br />

Colbest Colbestr Colbestr bes be ..<br />

Wühlischstr Wü Wühlischstr.. hli chs hstr<br />

Gärtne Gärtner Gärt Gärtner Gärt - st str str.<br />

Revaler RRevaler e Str Str.. S<br />

Simplonstr SSimplonstr SSimplonstr im mpp<br />

onstr onstr.<br />

Holteist Holtei Holteistr. tr t<br />

Rigaer Rigaer igaer Str Str.<br />

raaffeenddddamm<br />

VVVoigtstr oigtstr oigt oigtstr oig ..<br />

Neue Neue Neue<br />

ynnassttttsstrr..<br />

Pettenkofer Pettenkofer Pettenkofer tte tte fer fer Str Str Str St St ..<br />

Bänschstr Bänschstr Bänschstr Bänschstr Bänschstr. äns än<br />

Voigtstr oigtstr oigts oigtstr igts ..<br />

Scharnweber Scharnweberstr<br />

Scharnweberstr<br />

cha ha web weberstr<br />

rstr.. t<br />

Jungstr Jungstr Jungstr ngs gs gs .<br />

Sonntagstr Sonntagstr Sonntagstr Sonn onn agstr agstr.<br />

WWWW eserstr eser eserstr ese erstr rstr st ..<br />

Oders Oderstr Oderstr.. erst str<br />

Weichselstr eichselstr ichselsst<br />

.<br />

JJessnerstr Jessnerstr Jess essnerst st rr<br />

.<br />

Bahnhof Bahnhofstr.<br />

Marktstr MMMarktstr. rk r<br />

Hauptstr Hauptstr Hauptstr.. st<br />

Gürtelstr. ls<br />

Wiesentweg<br />

Wi WWW Wiesentweg<br />

Wiesentweg se se tw twe<br />

Kaskel Kaskel Kaskel- str<br />

str.<br />

Schreiberhauer Schreiberhauer Schreiberhauer ib ibe hau hau au aue Str Str St .<br />

Spittastr Spittastr Spittastr..<br />

0 500 1000 m<br />

Rummelsburger<br />

Macondo I-4, Gärtnerstraße 14, Friedrichshain, tel. +49<br />

30 54 73 59 43, Macondo was<br />

the setting of García Márquez‘ novel 100 Years of Solitude,<br />

and you could say that its languid tropical atmosphere<br />

perseveres in this wonderful ‚reading café‘. There‘s old<br />

furniture to sink in to, views over the Sunday market, good<br />

coffee and original South American mate tea, sipped through<br />

a silver straw. Bring a book, and time. QOpen 15:00 - 02:00,<br />

Sat, Sun 10:00 - 02:00. BW<br />

Nightlife<br />

Bars<br />

Crack Bellmer I-4, Revaler Straße 99, Friedrichshain,<br />

MS/U Warschauer Straße, A<br />

barn of a bar amidst all the clubs in the formerly industrial<br />

RAW compound. Crack Bellmer is not just a place for drinking<br />

however; there‘s film screenings, and a good-sized space for<br />

dancing to DJs at 80s or swing nights. Find the entrance at the<br />

southern end of Simon-Dach-Straße. QOpen 19:00 - 05:00.<br />

Closed Mon. UNB<br />

Habermeyer J-4, Gärtnerstraße 6, Friedrichshain, MS<br />

Ostkreuz, tel. +49 30 29 77 18 87,<br />

Like many Berlin bars, Habermeyer recycles the<br />

1970s with its light fixtures and furnishings but it also created<br />

its own unusual wall designs. A popular table football and<br />

flipper machine provide distraction from the loud and very<br />

varied DJ music, though there‘s no space to dance, but there‘s<br />

free salty snacks to console you. Q Open from 19:00 - open<br />

end. UNB<br />

Clubs<br />

Berghain I-3/4, Am Wriezener Bahnhof, Friedrichshain,<br />

MS Ostbahnhof, tel. +49 30 29 36 02 10, www.<br /> A legendary techno club. Pretty much anything<br />

goes on the main dance floor, in the Panorama Bar and in the<br />

dark rooms of this huge old power plant. The doorman picks<br />

from the queue of hopefuls to create the right mix, so parties<br />

are always varied and exciting. Arrive early Sunday morning<br />

for the best atmosphere. There are concerts and events<br />

on weekdays too, and in summer an outdoor Diskogarten.<br />

Q Open Fri 24:00 - Sat 12:00, Sat 24:00 - Mon 09:00.<br />

UNGBW<br />

Matrix I-4, Warschauer Platz 18, Friedrichshain, MS/U<br />

Warschauer Straße, tel. +49 30 29 36 99 90, www.<br /> Directly underneath under the Warschauer<br />

Straße U-Bahn station DJs lay down tracks of R´n´B, straight<br />

house, soul, electro, disco and pop on seven dance floors<br />

within the vaults that date back to 1901. There‘s always a<br />

party here, 365 nights a year. Thursday is student night, Friday<br />

has party classics with free champagne before midnight for<br />

ladies, Saturday is Fruity Night, with juicy cocktails. QOpen<br />

22:00 - 06:00. Admission €3-6. UGBW<br />

Sightseeing<br />

Museums<br />

Computerspielemuseum (Computer Game<br />

Museum) I-3, Karl-Marx-Allee 93a, Friedrichshain,<br />

MU Weberwiese, tel. +49 30 60 98 85 77, www.<br /> Stroll through decades of<br />

computer game history, from the 1951 Nimrod calculating<br />

robot and 1980s gaming machines to 3D simulators. You<br /><br />


can try out about 24 classic games yourself, and have a go<br />

at Atari‘s huge 1977 Jumbo Joystick. QOpen 10:00 - 20:00.<br />

Closed Tue. Admission €8/5.<br />

Museumswohnung WBS 70 (GDR Apartment<br />

Museum) Hellersdorfer Straße 179, Hellersdorf, MU<br />

Cottbusser Platz, tel. +49 151 16 11 44 40. Travel back to<br />

1986 and visit a GDR worker‘s dream property; this mundane<br />

but much-coveted prefab Plattenbau museum home is the<br />

last of 42,000 such apartments with all its original fittings<br />

(drab wallpapered ceilings), appliances (yoghurt machine,<br />

Albanian chairs) and decorations (lurid floral patterns). The<br />

rent was 109 Marks, about 10% of the average wage, but<br />

the colour TV cost 4,500 Marks. From the station exit left<br />

and follow the street around the block. No English spoken or<br />

captions; bring a local. Q Open Sun 14:00-16:00, other days<br />

by appointment. Admission free.<br />

Stasi Museum (Forschungs- und Gedenkstätte<br />

Normannenstraße) Ruschestraße 103, Haus 1,<br />

Friedrichshain, MU Magdalenenstraße, tel. +49 30<br />

553 68 54, East Germany‘s State<br />

Security Service or Stasi was responsible for intelligence<br />

gathering both at home and abroad. It spied on its own<br />

citizens, sometimes employing the friends, colleagues, and<br />

family of those they wished to keep an eye on. Today, this<br />

humble museum shows the office of Erich Mielke, the feared<br />

Stasi minister for 32 years, in its original dull state. There‘s a<br />

video of Mielke testifying before a panel in 1989, symbols of<br />

Communist kitsch, and many documents in German. Groups of<br />

10 or more can get an English-language tour at no extra cost,<br />

when requested in advance. See also the Stasi Exhibition<br />

in Mitte. QOpen 11:00 - 18:00, Sat, Sun 14:00 - 18:00.<br />

Admission €5/4.<br />

Parks and Gardens<br />

Volkspark Friedrichshain H-2/3, Friedenstraße,<br />

Friedrichshain, MU Strausberger Platz. Berlin‘s oldest<br />

public park was opened in 1846 for the residents of the<br />

densely populated Friedrichshain and Prenzlauer Berg<br />

neighbourhoods; it was soon enlarged, inspired by New<br />

York‘s Central Park. Two wartime Flak towers were dynamited<br />

and covered by a million cubic metres of rubble to form the<br />

landscaped Bunkerberg hills - foliage unfortunately obscures<br />

the views. Visit it today for the open-air theatre and cinema,<br />

the Märchenbrunnen fountain with its fairy tale and animal<br />

figures, meadows, sports facilities and the Schönbrunn<br />

Biergarten.<br />

Shopping<br />

Fashion & Shoes<br />

tausche Taschen Krossener Straße 19, Friedrichshain,<br />

MS/U Warschauer Straße, tel. +49 30 34 71 11 50.<br />

Bags with exchangeable flaps in over 100 different designs.<br />

Two flaps are included and various insets equip the bag to<br />

suit any occasion. QOpen 10:00 - 19:00, Sat 10:00 - 18:00.<br />

Closed Sun.<br />

Markets<br />

Flohmarkt am Boxhagener Platz J-4, Boxhagener<br />

Platz, Friedrichshain, MU Frankfurter Tor, tel. +49<br />

162 292 30 66. The fleamarket on the Boxi may be the<br />

funkiest place to trawl though junk. There‘s everything from<br />

1970s tape recorders to Polish art posters and second-hand<br />

clothing. Q Open Sun 10:00 - 18:00.<br />

December 2012 - January 2013<br />


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