Travellive 5 - 2018

Dear valued readers, Summer is no doubt the most fun and vibrant season of the year, when you can enjoy long vacations to pristine beaches or explore nature’s magnificent beauty. It is also the perfect season for families to spend quality time together, and expand your children's views of the world by taking them to places where they can discover new things. Travellive invites you to welcome back Mr. Harry Trung, his loving family and their little girl in their amazing 30-day journey in Cat Ba. We have also picked out a list of stunning coastal resorts for you and your family to enjoy this summer. Summer is also the perfect time for more adventurous travelers to go on long journeys to far-flung corners of the Earth. Join two friends in their incredible cycling trip through Central Asian Tajikistan to conquer a famous moutain range known as “the roof of the world". But perhaps, the height of any mountain or the depth of any abyss is nothing compared to the vast spaces of one’s soul and heart. Follow the journey of travel blogger Huyen Chi to Phuktal, where she touched the heart of Northern India – a mysterious spiritual world hidden deep within the majestic Himalayas. We wish you a fantastic summer. EDITORIAL BOARD Dear valued readers,
Summer is no doubt the most fun and vibrant season of the year, when you can enjoy long vacations to pristine beaches or explore nature’s magnificent beauty. It is also the perfect season for families to spend quality time together, and expand your children's views of the world by taking them to places where they can discover new things.
Travellive invites you to welcome back Mr. Harry Trung, his loving family and their little girl in their amazing 30-day journey in Cat Ba. We have also picked out a list of stunning coastal resorts for you and your family to enjoy this summer.
Summer is also the perfect time for more adventurous travelers to go on long journeys to far-flung corners of the Earth. Join two friends in their incredible cycling trip through Central Asian Tajikistan to conquer a famous moutain range known as “the roof of the world". But perhaps, the height of any mountain or the depth of any abyss is nothing compared to the vast spaces of one’s soul and heart. Follow the journey of travel blogger Huyen Chi to Phuktal, where she touched the heart of Northern India – a mysterious spiritual world hidden deep within the majestic Himalayas.
We wish you a fantastic summer.

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Oc got to see many new things during her first day in the forest, from ants crawling under the brown carpet of leaves on the ground, to termites making a nest in a tree trunk, to colorful bugs which can be spotted under the leaves, as well as all kinds of different birds and butterflies flying from one branch to another. 76 TRAVELLIVE Trekking is a task that often requires adults to have strength, endurance, and some degree of physical conditioning. With children, it is a different story. One kilometer of climbing equals a 3 km walk on flat terrain, so we had to sing to Oc to motivate her. She mostly walked by herself, except for some parts where she held our hands, or needed to be lifted or held. With children, each day gives a different experience. On a normal day, she would get very excited and could walk long distances, but on a different day, she would refuse to walk by herself, and wanted to be held instead. Oc is older this year, but still very much a little girl. We encountered countless colorful butterflies, mushrooms, and huge red ants on our way to Ao Ech. The forest is such a great world with so many things to explore for Oc. We stayed at a villa in Cat Ba National Park where we were surrounded with lush mountains and forests. From here, you can trek along a number of trails into the forest. To the north is Gia Luan Commune where you cross over to Quang Ninh, to the west is Phu Long Commune, well-known for its mangrove forests, and to the southeast is the town. As soon as the sun sunk behind the far away mountains, everything became pitch black, and the sound of birds, monkeys, and night insects echoed from afar. We quickly trekked back to the villa with Oc holding the flashflight to show us the way. Up in the sky were countless stars lighting the night forest. The story of the moon, stars and telescope We were lucky to experience the moon at its peak during our first nights. The full moon lit up the sky with its magical light, and its beautiful presence was felt even when we were inside the room. Oc loved the experience. We opened all the windows to let the light in, and only closed them when we went to bed, but still we kept the curtains open. If we had to, we could have easily slept under this beautiful starry sky. The moonlight spread over the entire villa and the surrounding forest. We could hear the sound of birds, crickets, and insects clearly throughout the nights. Sometimes the glistening stars were spotted from our beds. Oc loved to sing the North Star song, "North star, north star, are you near or are you far?" before she went to bed. Her favorite thing to do was to assign the stars, one for her, one for me and one for her mother. We brought out our telescope, binoculars, and camera during our first nights to try to capture the breathtaking beauty of the moon. It was my first time getting the telescope out, and putting it together was no Travel with children in the forest ñ Bring insect repellents, a first aid kit, some basic medicines or specific medications for your children. ñ Bring a climbing stick, trekking shoes, and a good flashlight to ensure the family has the safest and most enjoyable experience. The children can have their own climbing sticks to help them balance when going long distances or when climbing though this isn't necessary. Bring along items such as GPS, binoculars, and telescope for a more fun experience. ñ Wear a hat with a neck flap, sunglasses, and sunscreen. ñ Bring some snacks for your children to eat along the way. ñ Bring plenty of water for the whole family. ñ Tell your children which plant is safe to touch and which plant is not. The same goes with the insects. There are many kinds of toxic mushrooms, plants, and flowers in the forest. It is best to advise your children not to touch or eat anything while in the forest. ñ Teach your children about the natural world, the forest, the sea, the moon, and the stars. ñ Remind your children not to litter in the forest, make a fire, or damage any plants to protect the environment.

easy task since it came in with many different parts. It took me forever to read the instruction and assemble the telescope. Oc's mother came to my aid, while Oc played with different screws, and lenses. It took me almost a day to set up the tent and get the telescope together, yet some parts still remained unfitted as I had no idea where to place them. Oc had her own binoculars, a small one, which works perfectly fine, while we had a bigger pair of binoculars. It was Oc's first time looking at things through the binoculars, and she loved it. I helped her adjust the lenses for sharper images. At night, when the sky is clear, is when we used the binoculars to watch thousands of bright stars of different sizes. It was a truly spectacular sight. The story of the insects We as adults often prefer the convenience and comfort that big cities provide, but to young children, being in nature with the opportunity to explore seems to make them the happiest. The forest is home to many different types of insects, and we encountered many both at the villa and on our trails. I brought along a container made of transparent plastic that has air holes on one side, all equipped with a neck strap, a hand lens, and an insect tweezer. Oc was very happy that her daddy bought her an insect container to study live insects. We caught a big mantis on our first day in the forest. After placing it in the container, we observed the mantis together. We used both our eyes and the hand lens to watch the mantis in close up. Oc could not keep her eyes away from the mantis. The next day, we added other insects including a grasshopper, a longhorn beetle, and a butterfly to our little container. We later also found a bee. The box turned into Oc's own world of insects, and she was very fond of it. Despite the little knowledge she had about insects, she enjoyed studying them nevertheless. Oc's friends, the children of other vacations, who she met in the forest all wanted to take turns to have a look at Oc's amazing insect box. We also found many house lizards inside the villa, whom Oc loved saying hello to in the evening, and sometimes eve whispered to them, "Do not be scared, I'm not a lion." TRAVELLIVE 77

easy task since it came in with<br />

many different parts. It took me<br />

forever to read the instruction<br />

and assemble the telescope. Oc's<br />

mother came to my aid, while<br />

Oc played with different screws,<br />

and lenses. It took me almost a<br />

day to set up the tent and get the<br />

telescope together, yet some parts<br />

still remained unfitted as I had no<br />

idea where to place them.<br />

Oc had her own binoculars, a<br />

small one, which works perfectly<br />

fine, while we had a bigger pair<br />

of binoculars. It was Oc's first<br />

time looking at things through<br />

the binoculars, and she loved it.<br />

I helped her adjust the lenses for<br />

sharper images. At night, when<br />

the sky is clear, is when we used<br />

the binoculars to watch thousands<br />

of bright stars of different sizes. It<br />

was a truly spectacular sight.<br />

The story of the insects<br />

We as adults often prefer the<br />

convenience and comfort that<br />

big cities provide, but to young<br />

children, being in nature with the<br />

opportunity to explore seems to<br />

make them the happiest.<br />

The forest is home to many<br />

different types of insects, and we<br />

encountered many both at the villa<br />

and on our trails. I brought along<br />

a container made of transparent<br />

plastic that has air holes on one<br />

side, all equipped with a neck<br />

strap, a hand lens, and an insect<br />

tweezer. Oc was very happy that<br />

her daddy bought her an insect<br />

container to study live insects.<br />

We caught a big mantis on our<br />

first day in the forest. After placing<br />

it in the container, we observed<br />

the mantis together. We used<br />

both our eyes and the hand lens<br />

to watch the mantis in close up.<br />

Oc could not keep her eyes away<br />

from the mantis. The next day, we<br />

added other insects including a<br />

grasshopper, a longhorn beetle, and<br />

a butterfly to our little container.<br />

We later also found a bee.<br />

The box turned into Oc's own world<br />

of insects, and she was very fond<br />

of it. Despite the little knowledge<br />

she had about insects, she enjoyed<br />

studying them nevertheless. Oc's<br />

friends, the children of other<br />

vacations, who she met in the forest<br />

all wanted to take turns to have a<br />

look at Oc's amazing insect box.<br />

We also found many house lizards<br />

inside the villa, whom Oc loved<br />

saying hello to in the evening, and<br />

sometimes eve whispered to them,<br />

"Do not be scared, I'm not a lion."<br />



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