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Torah in the Mouth, Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism, 200 BCE - 400 CE Jaffee, Martin S., Samuel and Althea Stroum Professor of Jewish Studies, University of Washington Print publication date: 2001, Published to Oxford Scholarship Online: November 2003 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-19-514067-5, doi:10.1093/0195140672.001.0001 Gamble, H., Books and Readers in the Early Church: A History of Early Christian Texts (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995). Gammie, J., “The Sage in Sirach,” in J. Gammie and L. Perdue, The Sage in Israel and the Ancient Near East , 355–372. Gammie, J., and L. Perdue, eds., The Sage in Israel and the Ancient Near East (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbraun's, 1990). end p.218 Gerhardsson, B., Memory and Manuscript: Oral Tradition and Written Transmission in Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity with Tradition and Transmission in Early Christianity, Foreword by Jacob Neusner (repr. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdman's Publishing, 1998). Gewirtsmann, M., “The Concept, Yetiv, and Its Meaning” (Heb.), Sinai 65 (1969), 9–20. Ginzberg, L., The Legends of the Jews (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1910). ——, “The Mishnah Tamid,” Journal of Jewish Lore and Philosophy 1 (1919), 284–293. Golb, N., Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls? The Search for the Secret of Qumran (New York: Scribner, 1995). Goldberg, A., “The Tosefta to Tractate Tamid,” in E. Melammed, ed., Festschrift in Memory of Benjamin DeVries (Heb.) (Jerusalem: Tel Aviv University, 1969), 18–42. ——, “The Mishna—A Study Book of Halakha,” in S. Safrai, The Literature of the Sages , 211–251. ——, “The Tosefta—Companion to the Mishna,” in S. Safrai, The Literature of the Sages , 283–302. Goldenberg, R., “The Problem of Originality in Talmudic Thought,” in J. Neusner et al., eds., From Ancient Israel to Modern Judaism: Intellect in Quest of Understanding. Essays in Honor of Marvin Fox, vol. 2 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1989), 19–27. Goldin, Judah, “On the Account of the Banning of R. Eliezer b. Hyrcanus,” in B. Eichler and J. Tigay, eds., Studies in Midrash and Related Literature (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1984), 283–297. Golinkin, D., “The Meaning of the Concepts wtyqyn, wtyq, and tlmyd wtyq in the Book of Ben Sira and the Talmudic Literature” (Heb.), Sidra 13 (1997), 47–60. Goodblatt, D., Rabbinic Instruction in Sassanian Babylonia (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1975). ——, “Sources for the Origins of Organized Jewish Education in the Land of Israel” (Heb.), in B. Oded, ed., Studies in the History of the Jewish People and the Land of Israel (Haifa: University of Haifa, 1980), 83–103. ——, “The Place of the Pharisees in First Century Judaism: The State of the Debate,” Journal for the Study of Judaism 20 (1989), 12–30. ——, The Monarchic Principle: Studies in Jewish Self-Government in Antiquity (Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr [Paul Siebeck], 1994). Goodman, M., State and Society in Roman Galilee, A.D. 132–212 (Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Allenheld, 1983). ——, “Texts, Scribes, and Power in Roman Judaea,” in A. Bowman and G. Woolf, Literacy and Power in the Ancient World , 99–108. Goody, J., The Domestication of the Savage Mind (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977). ——, The Logic of Writing and the Organization of Society (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986). ——, The Interface Between the Written and the Oral (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987). Goshen-Gottstein, M., “'Sefer Hagu'—the End of a Puzzle,” Vetus Testamentum 8 (1958), 286–288. Graham, W., Beyond the Written Word: Oral Aspects of Scripture in the History of Religion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987). Gray, R., Prophetic Figures in Late Second Temple Jewish Palestine (New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993). Green, W., “Palestinian Holy Men: Charismatic Leadership and Rabbinic Tradition,” in W. Haase, ed., Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt, II, 19.2 (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1979), 619–647. end p.219 PRINTED FROM OXFORD SCHOLARSHIP ONLINE ( (c) Copyright Oxford University Press, 2003 - 2011. All Rights Reserved. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a monograph in OSO for personal use (for details see Subscriber: Columbia University; date: 20 September 2011

Torah in the Mouth, Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism, 200 BCE - 400 CE Jaffee, Martin S., Samuel and Althea Stroum Professor of Jewish Studies, University of Washington Print publication date: 2001, Published to Oxford Scholarship Online: November 2003 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-19-514067-5, doi:10.1093/0195140672.001.0001 Gruber, M., “The Meaning of 'orait'a in the Babylonian Talmud,” Hebrew Studies 22 (1981), 25–33. ——, “The Mishnah as Oral Torah: A Reconsideration,” Journal for the Study of Judaism 15 (1984), 112–122. ——, “Rashi's Torah Commentary as a Source of Corruption in Talmudic Aggadah” (Heb.), Sinai 106 (1990), 225–228. Hadot, I., “The Spiritual Guide,” in A. H. Armstrong, ed., Classical Mediterranean Spirituality: Egyptian, Greek, Roman (New York: Crossroad, 1986). Hadot, P., “Forms of Life and Forms of Discoursse in Ancient Philosophy,” Critical Inquiry 16 (1990), 483–505. Halverson, J., “Goody and the Implosion of the Literacy Thesis,” Man n.s. 27 (1992), 301–317. Haran, M., “Book-Scrolls at the Beginning of the Second Temple Period: The Transition from Papyrus to Skins,” Hebrew Union College Annual 54 (1983), 111–122. ——, “On the Diffusion of Literacy and Schools in Ancient Israel,” in J. Emerton, ed., Congress Volume. Jerusalem 1986. Vetus Testamentum Supplement 40 (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1988), 81–95. ——, The Scriptural Collection: Processes of Formation Until the End of the Second Temple Period and Transformations Until the Middle Ages (Heb.) (Jerusalem: Mosad Bialik and Magnes Press of the Hebrew University, 1996). Harrington, D. J., “Palestinian Adaptations of Biblical Narratives and Prophecies,” in R. Kraft and G. Nickelsburg, eds., Early Judaism and Its Modern Interpreters, 239–247. Harrington, H., The Impurity Systems of Qumran and the Rabbis: Biblical Foundations (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1993). Harris, W. V., Ancient Literacy (Cambridge, MA & London: Harvard University Press, 1989). Heer, M. D., “Continuity of Tradition in the Transmission of Torah” (Heb.), Zion 44 (1979/ 1980), 43–56. Hengel, M., Judaism and Hellenism: Studies in Their Encounter in Palestine During the Early Hellenistic Period , vols. 1–2 (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1974). ——, The Charismatic Leader and His Followers (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1981). Hengel, M., and R. Deines, “E.P. Sanders' ‘Common Judaism,’ Jesus and the Pharisees: A Review Essay,” Journal of Theological Studies 46 (1995), 1–70. Herford, R., Christianity in Talmud and Midrash (repr. New York: KTAV, 1975). Hezser, C., “Die Verwendung der Hellenistischen Gattung Chrie im frühen Christentum und Judentum,” Journal for the Study of Judaism 27 (1996), 371–439. ——, The Social Structure of the Rabbinic Movement in Roman Palestine (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1997). ——, “The Codification of Legal Knowledge in Late Antiquity: The Talmud Yerushalmi and Roman Law Codes,” in P. Schäfer, The Talmud Yerushalmi in Graeco-Roman Culture I, 582–641. Hirshman, M., A Rivalry of Genius: Jewish and Christian Biblical Interpretation (Albany: SUNY Press, 1996). Hock, R., and E. O'Neil, eds., The Chreia in Ancient Rhetoric, vol. 1: The Progymnasmata (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1986). Hoenig, S., “Dorshe Halakot in Pesher Nahum,” Journal of Biblical Literature 83 (1964), 119–138. Horbury, W., et al., eds., The Cambridge History of Judaism. Volume Three. The Early Roman Period (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999). Horsely, R. A., Galilee: History, Politics, People (Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press International, 1995). end p.220 Houtman, A., Mishnah and Tosefta: A Synoptic Comparison of the Tractates Berakhot and Shebiit (Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr [Paul Siebeck], 1996). Jacobs, L., “Halakhah le-Mosheh mi-Sinai,” Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem: Keter, 1972), vol. 7, p. 167. PRINTED FROM OXFORD SCHOLARSHIP ONLINE ( (c) Copyright Oxford University Press, 2003 - 2011. All Rights Reserved. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a monograph in OSO for personal use (for details see Subscriber: Columbia University; date: 20 September 2011

<strong>Torah</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Mouth</strong>, Writ<strong>in</strong>g and Oral Tradition <strong>in</strong> Palest<strong>in</strong>ian Judaism, 200 BCE - 400 CE<br />

Jaffee, Mart<strong>in</strong> S., Samuel and Al<strong>the</strong>a Stroum Professor of Jewish Studies, University of Wash<strong>in</strong>gton<br />

Pr<strong>in</strong>t publication date: 2001, Published to Oxford Scholarship Onl<strong>in</strong>e: November 2003<br />

Pr<strong>in</strong>t ISBN-13: 978-0-19-514067-5, doi:10.1093/0195140672.001.0001<br />

Gruber, M., “The Mean<strong>in</strong>g of 'orait'a <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> Babylonian Talmud,” Hebrew Studies 22 (1981), 25–33.<br />

——, “The Mishnah as Oral <strong>Torah</strong>: A Reconsideration,” Journal for <strong>the</strong> Study of Judaism 15 (1984), 112–122.<br />

——, “Rashi's <strong>Torah</strong> Commentary as a Source of Corruption <strong>in</strong> Talmudic Aggadah” (Heb.), S<strong>in</strong>ai 106 (1990), 225–228.<br />

Hadot, I., “The Spiritual Guide,” <strong>in</strong> A. H. Armstrong, ed., Classical Mediterranean Spirituality: Egyptian, Greek, Roman (New York:<br />

Crossroad, 1986).<br />

Hadot, P., “Forms of Life and Forms of Discoursse <strong>in</strong> Ancient Philosophy,” Critical Inquiry 16 (1990), 483–505.<br />

Halverson, J., “Goody and <strong>the</strong> Implosion of <strong>the</strong> Literacy Thesis,” Man n.s. 27 (1992), 301–317.<br />

Haran, M., “Book-Scrolls at <strong>the</strong> Beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>the</strong> Second Temple Period: The Transition from Papyrus to Sk<strong>in</strong>s,” Hebrew Union College<br />

Annual 54 (1983), 111–122.<br />

——, “On <strong>the</strong> Diffusion of Literacy and Schools <strong>in</strong> Ancient Israel,” <strong>in</strong> J. Emerton, ed., Congress Volume. Jerusalem 1986. Vetus<br />

Testamentum Supplement 40 (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1988), 81–95.<br />

——, The Scriptural Collection: Processes of Formation Until <strong>the</strong> End of <strong>the</strong> Second Temple Period and Transformations Until <strong>the</strong><br />

Middle Ages (Heb.) (Jerusalem: Mosad Bialik and Magnes Press of <strong>the</strong> Hebrew University, 1996).<br />

Harr<strong>in</strong>gton, D. J., “Palest<strong>in</strong>ian Adaptations of Biblical Narratives and Prophecies,” <strong>in</strong> R. Kraft and G. Nickelsburg, eds., Early Judaism and<br />

Its Modern Interpreters, 239–247.<br />

Harr<strong>in</strong>gton, H., The Impurity Systems of Qumran and <strong>the</strong> Rabbis: Biblical Foundations (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1993).<br />

Harris, W. V., Ancient Literacy (Cambridge, MA & London: Harvard University Press, 1989).<br />

Heer, M. D., “Cont<strong>in</strong>uity of Tradition <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> Transmission of <strong>Torah</strong>” (Heb.), Zion 44 (1979/ 1980), 43–56.<br />

Hengel, M., Judaism and Hellenism: Studies <strong>in</strong> Their Encounter <strong>in</strong> Palest<strong>in</strong>e Dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> Early Hellenistic Period , vols. 1–2 (Philadelphia:<br />

Fortress Press, 1974).<br />

——, The Charismatic Leader and His Followers (Ed<strong>in</strong>burgh: T&T Clark, 1981).<br />

Hengel, M., and R. De<strong>in</strong>es, “E.P. Sanders' ‘Common Judaism,’ Jesus and <strong>the</strong> Pharisees: A Review Essay,” Journal of Theological<br />

Studies 46 (1995), 1–70.<br />

Herford, R., Christianity <strong>in</strong> Talmud and Midrash (repr. New York: KTAV, 1975).<br />

Hezser, C., “Die Verwendung der Hellenistischen Gattung Chrie im frühen Christentum und Judentum,” Journal for <strong>the</strong> Study of Judaism<br />

27 (1996), 371–439.<br />

——, The Social Structure of <strong>the</strong> Rabb<strong>in</strong>ic Movement <strong>in</strong> Roman Palest<strong>in</strong>e (Tüb<strong>in</strong>gen: Mohr Siebeck, 1997).<br />

——, “The Codification of Legal Knowledge <strong>in</strong> Late Antiquity: The Talmud Yerushalmi and Roman Law Codes,” <strong>in</strong> P. Schäfer, The Talmud<br />

Yerushalmi <strong>in</strong> Graeco-Roman Culture I, 582–641.<br />

Hirshman, M., A Rivalry of Genius: Jewish and Christian Biblical Interpretation (Albany: SUNY Press, 1996).<br />

Hock, R., and E. O'Neil, eds., The Chreia <strong>in</strong> Ancient Rhetoric, vol. 1: The Progymnasmata (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1986).<br />

Hoenig, S., “Dorshe Halakot <strong>in</strong> Pesher Nahum,” Journal of Biblical Literature 83 (1964), 119–138.<br />

Horbury, W., et al., eds., The Cambridge History of Judaism. Volume Three. The Early Roman Period (Cambridge: Cambridge University<br />

Press, 1999).<br />

Horsely, R. A., Galilee: History, Politics, People (Valley Forge, PA: Tr<strong>in</strong>ity Press International, 1995).<br />

end p.220<br />

Houtman, A., Mishnah and Tosefta: A Synoptic Comparison of <strong>the</strong> Tractates Berakhot and Shebiit (Tüb<strong>in</strong>gen: J. C. B. Mohr [Paul<br />

Siebeck], 1996).<br />

Jacobs, L., “Halakhah le-Mosheh mi-S<strong>in</strong>ai,” Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem: Keter, 1972), vol. 7, p. 167.<br />

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