Law of Attraction Magazine - May 1, 2018

Lynne McTaggart of Intention Experiment is featured and talks about the biggest discovery regarding Intention!. It turns the Law of Attraction UPSIDE DOWN. Joe Vitale Talks about Bruce Willis Manifestation and how we go GAGA when meeting Celebrities. Also Peter Woodbury of the Edgar Cayce Institute talks about what Edgar Cayce taught about Karma. Michael Losier writes an article about Your Life's Purpose and We also have a delightful article on The Faerie Code... it's really magical!

Lynne McTaggart of Intention Experiment is featured and talks about the biggest discovery regarding Intention!. It turns the Law of Attraction UPSIDE DOWN. Joe Vitale Talks about Bruce Willis Manifestation and how we go GAGA when meeting Celebrities. Also Peter Woodbury of the Edgar Cayce Institute talks about what Edgar Cayce taught about Karma. Michael Losier writes an article about Your Life's Purpose and We also have a delightful article on The Faerie Code... it's really magical!


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Bet ween Li fe<br />

Agr eem ent s<br />

Ti to Abao<br />

'Br uce Willis<br />

Mani fest at i on'<br />

By Dr . Joe Vi t al e<br />

The<br />

Faer i e<br />

Code<br />

Moni ca<br />

Canducci<br />

Beyond<br />

Kar m a<br />

Peter<br />

Woodbur y<br />

Your Li fe's<br />

Pur pose<br />

Michael J. Losi er<br />

The Gr at i t ude<br />

For m ul a<br />

<strong>May</strong> McCar t hy<br />

Lynne McTaggar t<br />

The Am azi ng Di scover y <strong>of</strong> Intent i on<br />


New Di scover y <strong>of</strong> Intent i on<br />

Lynne McTaggar t - Pg. 28<br />

Br uce Willis Mani fest at i on<br />

Dr . Joe Vi t al e - Pg. 24<br />

You r L i f e's Pu r p ose<br />

M i ch ael L osi er - Pg. 20<br />

T h e Faer i e Cod e<br />

M on i ca Car d u cci - Pg.6<br />

Bet ween Li fe Agr eem ent s<br />

Ti to Abao - Pg. 16<br />

The Gr at i t ude For m ul a<br />

<strong>May</strong> McCar t hy - Pg. 12<br />

L y m e D i sease - A D i f f er en t Vi ew<br />

H ar vey B i gel sen , M .D . - Pg. 11<br />

M ay / Ju n e 20 18 A str ol ogy Rep or t<br />

M an i sh K am u r A r or a - Pg. 44<br />

B ey on d K ar m a-T ou ch i n g Gr ace<br />

Peter W ood bu r y, M SW Pg. 40

This is a GREAT Issue<br />

By th e Ed i tor -I n -Ch i ef , Jew el s Joh n son<br />

I love this issue because it has so much terrific information! Well, actually, all <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Law</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> issues have so many insightful articles, but I especially like this<br />

one featuring Lynne McTaggart. Originally, I had an interview Lynne but for some<br />

reason (Mercury Retrograde?) it did not record. Such in the life <strong>of</strong> a Radio Show host...<br />

and fortunately, I had a pretty good memory in which to write the article which was pro<strong>of</strong>ed by Lynne to<br />

make sure it was accurate.<br />

I am delighted to report that Lynne's Interview was amazing because it really does change my perception <strong>of</strong><br />

setting "Intentions."<br />

A few years ago, I stated that the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> was shifting from the "I AM" to "We Are" and it turns out<br />

that my intuition was correct as demonstrated by Lynne McTaggart's research and Book "The Power <strong>of</strong><br />

Eight." This literally does turn the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> principles upside down and takes us out <strong>of</strong> the trap <strong>of</strong><br />

focusing on individual intention to something much more powerful that connects us to the collective<br />

consciousness.<br />

The reason I think this is so important is because, as a practicing Hypnotherapist, some <strong>of</strong> my clients have a<br />

very hard time getting outside <strong>of</strong> their problems which end up causing them depression, frustration and<br />

extreme anger. We all become stuck within our own problems causing stress simply because we were<br />

taught that we have to figure out our own emotional issues before we can get back to normal. Now there is<br />

a different way to heal emotionally.<br />

Lynne McTaggart's research proves that we must get to the place where we shift from focusing on just<br />

ourselves to shifting on helping others. Research reveals that something as simple as meditating on<br />

another's intention shifts us outside <strong>of</strong> our own issues. The miracles that occur because <strong>of</strong> this are nothing<br />

short <strong>of</strong> amazing.<br />

You will want to read this article on page 28 because it is the next step in your evolution in using the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Attraction</strong>.<br />

We also have Mr. Fire (Dr. Joe Vitale) back with us who wrote the fun story <strong>of</strong> 'Bruce Willis Manifestation.'<br />

This has more to do with how the brain works when we finally meet someone that we go GAGA over. It<br />

also has to do with being in the vibration <strong>of</strong> those who you strive to meet. It's a great article.<br />

Also back with us is our American Hero, Harvey Bigelsen, M.D. He delivers some powerful information<br />

about Lyme Disease... did you realize that Lyme Disease is not really caused by a Tick Bite, but by scarring<br />

and missing teeth? Remember, Harvey wrote the book, Holographic Blood and it is absolutely fascinating<br />

how he can accurately diagnose what is going on in the body through a drop <strong>of</strong> blood.<br />

Another great article is by Peter Woodbury, MSW from The Edgar Cayce Institute in Virginia Beach. He talks<br />

about Edgar Cayce and about Karma. It is so informative and really matches up to what Tito Abao states in<br />

his Between Life's Agreements' article.<br />

There is so many great articles in this issue that I know you will enjoy it! Don't forget to order the print<br />

version <strong>of</strong> this issue. You will want to re-read it <strong>of</strong>ten!<br />

Jewels<br />

Page 4 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>


T h e Faer i e Cod e<br />

By M on i ca Car d u cci<br />

L y m e D i sease - A D i f f er en t Vi ew<br />

H ar vey B i gel sen , M .D .<br />

T h e Gr ati tu d e For m u l a<br />

M ay M cCar th y<br />

B etw een L i f e A gr eem en ts<br />

T i to A bao<br />

You r L i f e's Pu r p ose<br />

M i ch ael L osi er<br />

B r u ce W i l l i s M an i f estati on<br />

D r . Joe Vi tal e<br />

T h e A m azi n g D i scover y <strong>of</strong> I n ten ti on - L y n n e M cT aggar t<br />

By Jew el s Joh n son<br />

A Rad i cal N ew A p p r oach to Gover n m en t<br />

By Josh u a, Ch an n el ed th r ou gh Gar y T em p l e B od l ey<br />

B ey on d K ar m a - T ou ch i n g Gr ace<br />

ByPeter W ood bu r y, M SW - Ed gar Cay ce I n sti tu te<br />

A str ol ogy For ecast - M ay/ Ju n e, 20 18<br />

M an i sh K u m ar A r or a<br />

Su gar Can Er ase M ed i tati on B en ef i ts<br />

Featu r ed Col u m n i st, El l en W ood<br />

H ow to M ak e Adver ti si n g W or k For You vi a th e L aw <strong>of</strong> A ttr acti on<br />

Jew el s Joh n son , Ed i tor -i n -Ch i ef<br />

U si n g th e L aw <strong>of</strong> A ttr acti on to Get B od y Con f i d en ce f or m th e I n si d e O u t<br />

Step h an i e W ood , PCC<br />

A sk Ju l i e Ry an Col u m n<br />

Psy ch i c, I n tu i ti ve, M ed i u m an d A n i m al Com m u n i cator<br />

5<br />

11<br />

12<br />

16<br />

20<br />

24<br />

28<br />

36<br />

40<br />

44<br />

47<br />

48<br />

52<br />

54<br />

For Q u esti on s or Com m en ts:<br />

Staf f @L O A r ad i oN etw or k .com<br />

For Adver ti si n g Sal es:<br />

Gi n a@L O A m ed i a.com<br />

Page 5 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong><br />

Jewel s Johnson, Edi tor -In-Chi ef ,<br />

Steven Li k i ar dopoul os, Gr aphi cs<br />

Gi na Appl egate, Stor y Li ne Edi tor<br />

Paul Micheal , Pr oduct i on Super vi si on<br />

<strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> At t r act i on Magazi ne<br />

P.O. Box 1933, La Qui nt a, CA 92247

The Faerie Code<br />

M aking Our Wishes Come True by<br />

Realizing Our True M agical Nature<br />

By M onica Canducci<br />

Page 10 - Oct ./ Nov. 2017

As a trans-disciplinary and trans-dimensional<br />

dancer, artist, author and researcher in the field <strong>of</strong><br />

traditional spiritual paths, I have study<br />

transcultural approaches to healing and<br />

disciplines. My focus is on the interconnections<br />

between body, mind, emotions and environment.<br />

This is how I discovered the Faerie Code.<br />

I have always been committed to the exploration<br />

<strong>of</strong> the relationship between human structure,<br />

movement, archetypes and psychological states in<br />

order to help people achieve self-realization.<br />

Through my joyful channeling, information flows<br />

from the dimension <strong>of</strong> Being, which is invisible to<br />

the eye and much subtler than tangible<br />

information. This information flow allows me to<br />

help people connect with their missing dots in<br />

order to make their wishes come true? because<br />

this is what Faeries are supposed to do!<br />

In fact, I am also known as ?Dancing Fairy? because<br />

I perform as I am immersed in Nature with all its<br />

elements. Dance is<br />

my favorite means<br />

<strong>of</strong> expression, and I<br />

utilize it also in my<br />

workshops as an<br />

instrument for<br />

healing. For each<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the books I<br />

wrote, I created a<br />

show and a<br />

workshop. In this<br />

way I can share with<br />

my audience,<br />

students and<br />

followers joyful<br />

tools for a deep<br />

transformative work, leading to self knowledge<br />

and realization <strong>of</strong> our full potential. This allows full<br />

expression in harmony with the world around us.<br />

Many years ago I was called to write about Faerie<br />

beings, transmitting their message globally. I<br />

dedicated a great amount <strong>of</strong> time to research into<br />

the Faerie dimension. My book, The Faerie Code is<br />

partly based in personal experience and partly on<br />

my research, not only through books, but<br />

especially through deep connection with other<br />

many teachers, healers and masters from many<br />

different spiritual paths.<br />

As an avid artistic painter, I began creating magical<br />

faerie being?s paintings that I felt connected to. I<br />

felt such a close connection to the Faerie World<br />

that I began to dance and perform in theatres?<br />

inspired by these subtle, invisible dimensions <strong>of</strong><br />

Being. A deeper understanding and revelations<br />

occurred as I began to connect the dots between<br />

the Faerie Realms and the fascinating world <strong>of</strong><br />

neuroscience.<br />

Interestly, I found<br />

that the hidden<br />

principles ruling<br />

the communication<br />

between<br />

the Faerie/ Genie<br />

world and the<br />

human dimension<br />

are very similar to<br />

the principles<br />

ruling the<br />

communication<br />

between the<br />

conscious and<br />

unconscious parts<br />

<strong>of</strong> our brain and<br />

mind.<br />

By comparing ancient spiritual teachings with the<br />

understanding <strong>of</strong> way our brain works, I found that<br />

some principles are ?hidden? within our own<br />

human structure producing yet another ?secret?<br />

behind ?The Secret.? This resulted in the discovery<br />

<strong>of</strong> a ?Secret <strong>Law</strong>? that works beside the ?<strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Attraction</strong>.? Surprisingly, this ?Secret <strong>Law</strong>? can be<br />

amplified enormously in our ability to utilize the<br />

<strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> itself, enabling us to find the key<br />

in which to unlock the Faerie dimension and its<br />

amazing gifts.<br />

There is a definite connection between this Secret<br />

<strong>Law</strong>, the Faerie world and our human structure and<br />

physiology. I brought these exciting revelations<br />

through the publication <strong>of</strong> my book, ?The Faerie<br />

Code.? Above all, it is a delightful tool to realize<br />

our true nature and self, which allows us to<br />

accomplish our spiritual journey on Earth.????<br />

In the Faerie Code, I<br />

describe this invisible<br />

realm defined by<br />

different spiritual and<br />

popular traditions<br />

around the world as<br />

?Faerie? and its<br />

inhabitants, explaining<br />

how those beings<br />

could interact with the<br />

human dimension. It<br />

truly doesn?t matter if<br />

we believe in Faeries<br />

or not, because they<br />

actually represent and<br />

in most cases reflect<br />

Page 7 <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

some functions <strong>of</strong> our human attitude and<br />

consciousness.<br />

Once we understand the connections between the<br />

Faerie and the human dimension ? which is the<br />

secret language<br />

understood and<br />

spoken by the<br />

Faerie, we begin<br />

to own the key to<br />

access our<br />

deepest<br />

resources. It is a<br />

journey into the<br />

Faerie dimension<br />

that creates a<br />

deeper<br />

connection within<br />

hearts. This state<br />

promotes well<br />

being, harmony,<br />

health, peace,<br />

unconditional<br />

love, gratitude<br />

and fulfillment. And it is what is exactly needed to<br />

contact the Faerie realm. This is indeed necessary<br />

to avoid undesired surprises, due to a few <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Faerie beings being some naughty ones!<br />

My research also reveals the secrets to utilize<br />

clearly mental imagery to be turned into<br />

imagin-action. Yet again, this is another<br />

prerequisite to be understood by the Faeries and<br />

Genies, when we make a wish!<br />

The Faerie Code is a journey which includes seven<br />

tales, meant to bring the reader to seven ?gates?<br />

which are levels <strong>of</strong> initiation to the Faerie Path,<br />

each one revealing a special<br />

gift from the Faerie realm.<br />

It is a guide to understand<br />

not only the Faerie<br />

dimension and its<br />

connections with our human<br />

world, but it reveals how our<br />

thoughts and emotions have<br />

an impact on the physical<br />

world that resonates within<br />

the Faerie dimension which<br />

amplify everything we<br />

transmit and emanate.<br />

By understanding the hidden meaning <strong>of</strong> faerie<br />

tales, we <strong>of</strong>ten can find a way to increase our<br />

awareness and to manage our thoughts, emotions<br />

and relationships in a beneficial way, creating<br />

harmony and promoting wellbeing all around us.<br />

Once we understand the<br />

connections between the Faerie and<br />

the Human Dimension - which is<br />

the secret language understood by<br />

the Faeries, we begin to own the<br />

key to access our deepest resources.<br />

And, <strong>of</strong> course, when we can increase our<br />

opportunities to connect with the elements and<br />

Spirits <strong>of</strong> Nature and Faerie beings in general<br />

terms, we make the invisible seen.<br />

The Faerie Code produces many secrets, and since<br />

it can be read many times, it brings about many<br />

levels <strong>of</strong> understanding. It is written in a way that<br />

enables the readers to increase their ability to<br />

connect with the magic <strong>of</strong> life, in any given moment<br />

or situation, to find the needed resources in order<br />

to realize their true nature. This is what make their<br />

dreams come true in complete harmony with the<br />

world around.? ?<br />

What I have discovered through The Faerie Code is<br />

that it is like a bridge between what is visible and<br />

what is invisible for the human eye. It is meant not<br />

just for looking into the Faerie world, but it also<br />

exposes the world <strong>of</strong> the hidden aspects <strong>of</strong> our<br />

potential and<br />

consciousness. It<br />

integrates knowledge<br />

from traditional within<br />

spiritual paths <strong>of</strong><br />

personal experiences, as<br />

it reveals the<br />

connections between<br />

popular beliefs with the<br />

contemporary<br />

discoveries in the field <strong>of</strong><br />

neuroscience. It again,<br />

reveals the secret code to<br />

access our personal<br />

self-realization, happiness and wellbeing.<br />

I created a workshop around The Faerie Code<br />

addressed in order to teach people the secrets to<br />

connecting to the Faerie<br />

dimension. In a workshop<br />

setting, I am able to easily<br />

transmit (channel) what I?m<br />

constantly receiving from<br />

the invisible world. Even<br />

though I can transmit<br />

through the written word <strong>of</strong><br />

my books, the Invisible<br />

Dimension calls me to share<br />

?in person? as it is more<br />

effective allowing for faster<br />

growth. When I am in touch with the Faerie realm,<br />

channeling the flow coming from the highest<br />

dimensions <strong>of</strong> the Faerie world, and I can share this<br />

?state <strong>of</strong> grace.? The benefits coming from<br />

experiencing it in person is an amazing experience<br />

whether a workshop or a speaking engagement.<br />

And this is what I love more: sharing with others<br />

Page 8 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

the gifts I receive from the subtle, invisible dimension <strong>of</strong> Being.<br />

The world <strong>of</strong> Faeries opens up a new dimension which can only enhance your life to rapidly expand into a<br />

magical realm <strong>of</strong> absolute joy and a great sense <strong>of</strong> well-being. ??<br />

?Whether this dimension belongs to the inspiration coming from the realms <strong>of</strong> Consciousness, or rather to<br />

a subtle Dimension where the Faeries are supposed to live, it does not matter much? Because on the Faerie<br />

Path everything is possible??<br />

About M onica Canducci<br />

Born in Italy on the Adriatic Coast Monica has always been attracted to the<br />

invisible side <strong>of</strong> life, and to the invisible worlds that sheI was able to perceive<br />

and, sometimes, even to see around her. At the age <strong>of</strong> 17, she discovered<br />

herself to be an extraordinary channel in which to receive information not only<br />

from the afterlife, but also from that subtle, ethereal dimension described as<br />

Faerie. As an adult, by following the call <strong>of</strong> the mountain, she happily moved<br />

first to the magic Aosta Valley at the slopes <strong>of</strong> the magnificent Mont Blanc,<br />

fulfilling a kind <strong>of</strong> mission related to Spirits <strong>of</strong> Nature and their connection<br />

with the humans who are living there. Then, in 2012, by responding to another<br />

call involving all the family she moved to the enchanting and powerful<br />

Quebec, with her husband, son and her three cats. Monica also has a scientific background She is a Certified<br />

Rolfer? , Rolf Movement practitioner and creator <strong>of</strong> the Move-In Mind? method about the power <strong>of</strong> mental<br />

imagery in rewiring our neural networks. We invite you to explore these Faeries Realms further by visiting<br />

her websites :<br />

www.Monica-Canducci.com * www.youtube.com/ c/ MonicaCanducci<br />

www.facebook.com/ monicadancingfairy<br />

What is the real secret behind<br />

The Secret?<br />

Welcome to the world?s first and<br />

only guide to the Faerie<br />

Dimension, where the invisible<br />

becomes seen. This Book<br />

discloses information froma<br />

realmthat is invisible to most<br />

humans but can help you to see!<br />

Buy The Faerie Code Audio-Book Click Here<br />

Purchase Hard copy or Kind at Am azon Below<br />

Page 9 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

Page 10 March, <strong>2018</strong>

Lyme Disease: A Different View<br />

By Harvey Bigelsen M.D.<br />

There is a growing epidemic <strong>of</strong> ?Lyme disease? that is<br />

spreading rapidly through this country and also through most <strong>of</strong><br />

the industrialized countries <strong>of</strong> the world. If you spoke with<br />

almost any allopathic doctor in the country they would<br />

recommend a plethora <strong>of</strong> pharmaceutical drugs to try and beat<br />

out the spirochete that they claim came from a tick bite and into<br />

an unsuspecting hiker, thereby causing Lyme disease. This<br />

epidemic has been blamed on a spirochete that is transmitted by<br />

the bite <strong>of</strong> a tick. Frankly, I do not believe that. Approximately 30% <strong>of</strong> all Lyme disease cases have NEVER<br />

had a tick bite. So, you may ask, where does Lyme come from?<br />

There are multiple physicians who are trying to treat Lyme disease by<br />

using antibiotics. Their antibiotic treatments, sometimes lasting for<br />

years, do not produce consistent results. Essentially, those people who<br />

have Lyme disease are analogous to a car that is running on only 4 out<br />

<strong>of</strong> 8 cylinders. I would search for the reason why their ?car?is running<br />

on only 4 cylinders.<br />

I do not believe in the germ theory <strong>of</strong> disease, which came from Louis<br />

Pasteur. Rather, I place belief in the theory that Pasteur?s rival,<br />

Antoine Bechamp proposed. He believed that germs grow in the diseased body. Germs adapt and change<br />

according to the pH and chemistry <strong>of</strong> the terrain <strong>of</strong> the physical body in which they live. Every living thing,<br />

humans, animals, germs, etc., adapt to the terrain they are living in.<br />

Following Bechamp?s theory <strong>of</strong> terrain helped me produce positive results in 80% <strong>of</strong> Lyme patients. The first<br />

time they came into my <strong>of</strong>fice, when I was actively practicing, I would give them a history form and I would<br />

be most interested in what type <strong>of</strong> damage was done to this God created body.<br />

What I found was that the biggest cause <strong>of</strong> damage to this body was a surgical scar. Dental problems also are<br />

very important as they relate to the structure <strong>of</strong> the body. A scar blocks everything, blood flow, lymphatic<br />

flow, nerves, etc. and that blockage creates a stagnant pond, as fluid cannot get through it, and the germs<br />

grow in that stagnant pond.<br />

When I was actively practicing, I would treat the surgical scars and the results were excellent. I am not<br />

against surgery, as I was a trauma surgeon in Vietnam. There are many surgeries that are necessary, however<br />

I believe things such as plastic surgery are barbaric. Treating the scar would release the stagnation and the<br />

car would then be able to run on more cylinders again.<br />

When the car is running stronger, the system is running better. Also, since there is no stagnation, the ?Lyme?<br />

spirochete has no place to grow.<br />

As a tireless advocate for homeopathy and biological medicine, Dr. Harvey Bigelsen has courted controversy and<br />

endured legal persecution, while helping to change the public perception <strong>of</strong> healthcare. A true pioneer, Bigelsen<br />

co-authored the Arizona Homeopathic Medical Practice Act, and<br />

was appointed by then Governor Babbitt to establish a board, and<br />

while acting as president, to set the standards for holistic medicine.<br />

Counter to conventional medicine and Big Pharma, which promote<br />

treatments that merely attack and kill germs, Harvey Bigelsen<br />

believes that germs are not harmful, and actually live in a<br />

symbiotic relationship with the entire body.<br />

Please Visit: https:/ / www.drbigelsen.com<br />

Page 11 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

TheGratitude Formula<br />

By<br />

<strong>May</strong>McCarthy<br />

Canyouremember thelast time<br />

that you reached a goal or something turned out<br />

the way that you wanted it to? I imagine that you<br />

felt happy, grateful, and even powerful. I want<br />

everyone to experience that feeling more <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

with less <strong>of</strong> the work to get there. I know that we<br />

live in an abundant universe and all <strong>of</strong> us can learn<br />

to create the lives that we love by incorporating<br />

more gratitude into our lives along with the use <strong>of</strong><br />

simple spiritual tools.<br />

I decided to write my latest book, The Gratitude<br />

Formula; A 7-step success system to create the life<br />

that you love after spending the last 5 years<br />

traveling the world teaching goal attainment<br />

systems to corporations and thousands <strong>of</strong> people.<br />

What I learned is that many people feel that big<br />

Page 12 ,<strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong><br />

success is unattainable; that there?s a secret others<br />

know that they don?t.<br />

I want you to know ? that?s a lie.<br />

Success is a system, not a secret. The same system<br />

applies no matter the size <strong>of</strong> the goal.<br />

Anyone can use a simple system for success to<br />

achieve whatever they desire in life. If you want<br />

harmonious relationships with others or to have<br />

that special someone to share your life with ? you<br />

can have it. If you want terrific health in a pain free<br />

energetic body - you can experience that, too. If<br />

you want fulfilling and satisfying work or a full<br />

bank account and the freedom to do whatever you<br />

want, whenever you want ? that can be yours. And,<br />

if you desire a deeper spiritual connection with an<br />

all-knowing power in the universe as the source <strong>of</strong><br />

your intuition and ultimate advisor - you can enjoy<br />

that experience as well.

You?ve already proved how powerful you are in using systems for success. Remember learning to read, or<br />

ride a bike, or drive a car? You used a system for success to master these skills. And, what about typing on<br />

that strange keyboard that?s not even in alphabetical order? <strong>May</strong>be your mastery <strong>of</strong> that skill now allows<br />

you to type faster that I can talk. You have already proven that you know how to succeed. The Gratitude<br />

Formula shows you how to achieve even larger goals in seemingly miraculous ways. The best part is that<br />

it?s really simple and gets easier to do over time ? just like reading or driving a car.<br />

I?ve proven that this success system works in growing seven companies to as large as $100 million in<br />

annual revenues and being led to great and perfect health after being diagnosed with cancer. Each goal<br />

that I created was bigger than the last, and I achieved them. You can too! Success is a system, not a secret.<br />

The most important step is to make the commitment to use the daily system.<br />

The Gratitude Formula shares the importance in using spiritual and practical tools along with the practice<br />

<strong>of</strong> gratitude to magnetize you to receiving more <strong>of</strong> what you desire in life. As Oprah Winfrey said, ?Be<br />

thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will<br />

never, ever have enough.? As you use the system outlined in The Gratitude Formula, good things will<br />

multiply in your life!<br />

There are three important elements <strong>of</strong> this system for success:<br />

1. Hold a daily goal planning meeting with the source<br />

<strong>of</strong> your intuition, who I affectionately refer to as the<br />

Chief Spiritual Officer or CSO. In your daily planning<br />

meeting, use powerful word statements that describe<br />

your goals as completed with gratitude. Write down,<br />

speak out loud, and imagine what you want, not what<br />

you don?t want. For example, I know a saleswoman<br />

who <strong>of</strong>ten says things like, ?I really hope that I?m not<br />

late for my appointment with ABC Company on<br />

Tuesday.? Most likely, she?ll be late for her appointment<br />

because that?s what she?s focused on. A better way to<br />

phrase that would be, ?I?m so grateful that I am always<br />

on time or early for my appointments and easily<br />

facilitate a fair exchange <strong>of</strong> value with my customers.? With statements like those, she might feel inspired to<br />

check the traffic report or get ready earlier.<br />

2. Make what you desire familiar and welcome into<br />

your life by learning more about other people who<br />

have achieved the kind <strong>of</strong> success you desire. This<br />

shifts your beliefs to possibility which is required to<br />

achieve any goal. For example, a man named Harold<br />

wanted to be a successful real estate agent in Southern<br />

California. In the first eight months <strong>of</strong> his new job, the<br />

few clients that he worked with ran him ragged for very<br />

little money in commission. Harold couldn?t rationally<br />

see how he could ever be a successful, well-paid agent<br />

with great clients, and started to consider other lines <strong>of</strong><br />

work. But before he gave up, he committed to creating<br />

new goal statements and using them in the daily<br />

Page 13 <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

practice as part <strong>of</strong> his system for success. He<br />

described his perfect clients and his desired<br />

amount <strong>of</strong> money with gratitude as though he had<br />

already achieved his goal. He also took steps to<br />

make the success that he wanted welcome by<br />

reading about the journeys <strong>of</strong> successful real estate<br />

agents and going to networking events to meet<br />

some <strong>of</strong> them and hear<br />

their stories. As he did his<br />

daily practice and met<br />

other successful agents<br />

over several months, his<br />

beliefs shifted. Harold<br />

started to believe that it<br />

was possible to experience<br />

the same kind <strong>of</strong> success.<br />

He didn?t know how it was<br />

going to happen; he waited<br />

for his CSO to illuminate<br />

possibilities through<br />

intuitive leads. A short time<br />

later, he got a strong<br />

thought to call surfing<br />

shops and corporations<br />

who had surfers as part <strong>of</strong><br />

their executive teams to<br />

see if they?d like him to come in and speak for free<br />

about the risk-taking characteristics that surfing<br />

and business have in common. Since he had been a<br />

competitive surfer, he could discuss that topic. He<br />

was invited to several places to speak, met lots <strong>of</strong><br />

new contacts, and received a substantial increase in<br />

business that surpassed his original goal. Make<br />

what you want welcome to shift your beliefs to<br />

possibility.<br />

3. Watch for intuitive thoughts, gut feelings, and<br />

signs throughout the day, and have the courage to<br />

take the steps that you are guided to take. This<br />

builds confidence so that you can manifest your<br />

goals sooner. As Harold got the intuitive thought to<br />

call surf shops and corporations, he ?had courage to<br />

follow his intuition? as Steve Jobs advised.<br />

Remember, if you don?t<br />

feel comfortable taking<br />

the step that your CSO<br />

gives you, just ask for<br />

another lead. Eventually,<br />

when the same intuitive<br />

message has repeated<br />

itself over and over, you?ll<br />

feel more confidence in<br />

taking the step. There are<br />

dozens <strong>of</strong> stories in my<br />

book that will illustrate<br />

how you can recognize<br />

your intuition as a<br />

spiritual success tool to<br />

achieve greater levels <strong>of</strong><br />

health, happiness,<br />

abundance, and freedom.<br />

The Gratitude Formula fully explains all <strong>of</strong> these<br />

elements and will show you how to use them to<br />

achieve more <strong>of</strong> your dreams. I?m so excited about<br />

the wonderful experiences that will soon be yours<br />

as you make a CHOICE to use gratitude as part <strong>of</strong><br />

your system for success and create the life that you<br />

love! I?m grateful for you! For more information<br />

about me and my work, please visit<br />

www.maymccarthy.com.<br />

<strong>May</strong> McCarthy has co-founded and helped to grow seven successful<br />

companies over her thirty-five-year career, with the largest growing to<br />

over $100 million in annual revenues. She credits her success to the<br />

principles described in her best-selling book,The Path to Wealth: Seven<br />

Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance, and her new book,The<br />

Gratitude Formula. <strong>May</strong> firmly believes that financial success and<br />

freedom are available to anyone who is willing to apply them. Visit her<br />

on-line for more information and events near you at<br />

www.<strong>May</strong>McCarthy.com.<br />

Page 14 <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

The Between Life Agr eements<br />

By Tito Abao<br />

All happens within the bubble <strong>of</strong> Consciousness called 'i'.<br />

Ramana Mahar shi<br />

I am going to establish a vocabulary for my work. It<br />

begins with labeling the field in which everything<br />

happens. That field from here on in will be called<br />

Consciousness. The Third dimensional world most<br />

known as the Physical Universe is a duality which is<br />

composed <strong>of</strong> only two energy flows ? a positive<br />

energy flow and a negative energy flow. The way<br />

these energy flows interact with each other creates<br />

all the physical and subtle forms that go into the<br />

phenomenal world images and experiences you<br />

perceive. It all happens within the field <strong>of</strong><br />

Consciousness.<br />

The two-flow concept is exactly the principle in<br />

computer science where there are only two<br />

charges, a positive electrical charge and a negative<br />

electrical charge. The way those two opposing<br />

charges are programmed to relate to each other<br />

causes an image to form.<br />

Consciousness itself is a Matrix.<br />

By the way, I use the word matrix on purpose<br />

because the creators <strong>of</strong> The Matrix movie had an<br />

uncanny understanding <strong>of</strong> exactly how the universe<br />

works. After reading this article, I suggest that you<br />

go back and watch The Matrix series and realize the<br />

machinery that the creators used as a device to tell<br />

a story is actually the human brain and its pathways.<br />

The Matrix constructs a maze <strong>of</strong> agreed upon<br />

thought forms in<br />

many layers. Each<br />

layer mathematically<br />

relates to the<br />

others in ways that<br />

create holographic<br />

functional forms<br />

with stories flowing<br />

in and out <strong>of</strong><br />

each other. This<br />

occurs in an orderly<br />

and mathematically<br />

consistent<br />

flow based on precise laws <strong>of</strong> cause and effect<br />

which is known as Karma.<br />

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These stories interweave with each other in a<br />

cause and effect relationship out <strong>of</strong> which the <strong>Law</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> arises to drive the story lines. All the<br />

unique identities must and do 'believe' the<br />

thoughts in order for existence as an idea to<br />

manifest a dream world in which all the<br />

participating entities agree to 'Play the Game!' It is<br />

self-perpetuating and goes on forever. There is no<br />

beginning nor is there an end to the Grand Game.<br />

Individual games end in the seeming death <strong>of</strong> the<br />

entity. Upon the entity's death, it grabs on to any<br />

available bundle <strong>of</strong> passing thoughts... enters them<br />

and appear to be born into another story. It grabs<br />

on to the thought bundles in a related Karmic<br />

manner and makes between-life-agreements that<br />

unwind in the new life stream. The classic esoteric<br />

description is called burning Karma. The energetic<br />

components <strong>of</strong> the story literally burn themselves<br />

out and the ancients knew it as the Phoenix Rising.<br />

A modern story <strong>of</strong> this literal burning out <strong>of</strong> Karma<br />

is described in great detail in the Anita Moorjani<br />

miracle (Dying to be Me) <strong>of</strong> burning out her cancer<br />

ridden body to a clean and healthy body.<br />

When the between-life-agreement is fulfilled, I<br />

cannot tell you what happens going forward in all<br />

cases. I can only tell you what happened to me. I<br />

died!<br />

Excerpted from my book - The Monograph Of The<br />

Parallel Life <strong>of</strong> Tito Abao 1936 AD - & Nero 37AD ?<br />

68 AD - Chapter 1, p. 3:<br />

Near-Death-Experience - 'Please don't die!'<br />

On the morning <strong>of</strong> January 19 <strong>of</strong> 2007 I began to<br />

die. As I drifted away in sleep, I began to realize I<br />

was dying. It was very pleasant. My body tingled at<br />

first and began to vibrate to a high intensity<br />

frequency and I was in an orgasmic glow <strong>of</strong><br />

beautiful sensual feelings. I began to leave my<br />

physical body.<br />

I was not afraid. I<br />

thought, yes, I am<br />

ready to die. I began<br />

to let go. A pr<strong>of</strong>ound<br />

euphoria enveloped<br />

me. Suddenly my<br />

brother (deceased),<br />

Kristina, a spiritual<br />

teacher (still alive),<br />

and others started<br />

working on me in a<br />

way I didn?t understand. It was not medical. This<br />

was not a hospital setting. I have no idea what they<br />

were doing. I was not a happy camper. ?Leave me<br />

alone,? I thought.<br />

A disembodied voice pleaded 'Please don't die!'<br />

Litte did I know about the voice and reason for its<br />

desperation for me to live. But there was a reason.<br />

Suffice to say when I arose from sleep in the<br />

morning, everything was quite different and I came<br />

under what I call ?divine guidance.? A whole new<br />

story agreement began to flow through my form.<br />

The Tito who existed before the NDE (near death<br />

experience) no longer existed.<br />

I surmised that the story lines move in parabolic<br />

fashion cresting out at the accomplishment or<br />

fulfillment <strong>of</strong> the between-life-agreement. Take<br />

the case <strong>of</strong> President Clinton for example, who<br />

suggested that at an early age he knew he was<br />

going to be President <strong>of</strong> the United States.<br />

President Obama does not seem to have had such a<br />

premonition, but, his Presidency was written in the<br />

stars. A famous Seer <strong>of</strong> Angels, Lorna Bryne, in a<br />

YouTube <strong>of</strong>fering describes what the angels told<br />

her: Just think about this for a moment. A<br />

blackman wins the presidency before a white<br />

woman or a Jew! Lorna Bryne said it was divine<br />

intervention. No Las Vegas odds maker would even<br />

have made book on that eventuality in the year<br />

2000.<br />

And there is a story line with President Trump as<br />

well. President Reagan while talking to a young<br />

Donald Trump, told him that one day he would<br />

become President. Again, Trumps win in the 2016<br />

election was a complete surprise and perhaps was<br />

again, written in the stars.<br />

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These, <strong>of</strong> course, are prominent examples <strong>of</strong> the<br />

existence <strong>of</strong> the between-life-agreements. In<br />

short, every-one <strong>of</strong> you is heading toward a Grand<br />

Finale!<br />

Please note the number 7 in all the demarcation<br />

points in my life. The NDE in January 19th <strong>of</strong> 2007.<br />

This shows the fact that it took 7000 years for me<br />

to wake up. And I finally woke up on December 17,<br />

2017. Are these just coincidences? I think not. The<br />

way the Matrix manifests the myriads <strong>of</strong><br />

between-life-agreements in the 3rd dimensional<br />

world follows precise mathematical formulas and<br />

they are based on prime numbers as noticed by Carl<br />

Sagan in his book Contact. Seven is a prime<br />

number!<br />

When I awoke, I was astonished to note that as a<br />

born and raised Roman Catholic Christian, I and all<br />

the Christian Theologians for 2000 years were<br />

staring at the truth right there in the Bible and<br />

didn't cop to it.<br />

John 1: King James Version<br />

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was<br />

with God, and the Word was God. Read 'Word' as<br />

thought.<br />

I said it earlier. The Matrix is a conglomeration <strong>of</strong><br />

thoughts. My awakening was simply this... I don't<br />

have to believe my thoughts and neither do you.<br />

About Tit o Abao, Aut hor<br />

Stopping one?s<br />

belief in<br />

thoughts is<br />

Spiritual<br />

Freedom...<br />

liberation <strong>of</strong> a<br />

sort... but it is<br />

not the end.<br />

At that<br />

moment, the<br />

Universe ceased to exist for almost twenty-four<br />

hours because I stopped believ- ing my thoughts. It<br />

took a few days to integrate the experience and<br />

from my basic knowledge <strong>of</strong> New Age, Buddhist<br />

theory, I knew that I had shifted out <strong>of</strong> the Left<br />

Brain, Dual Universe <strong>of</strong> Subject-Object<br />

computations into the Right Brain <strong>of</strong> Non-Dual<br />

computations. It was here I became and am the<br />

Observer <strong>of</strong> the Dual Universe game.<br />

On Dec 26, 2017 ? The integration <strong>of</strong> the initial<br />

awakening seemed to be completed as I recognized<br />

that as a personal 'i'... I don't exist!<br />

The crowning jewel experience happened on<br />

January, 15, <strong>2018</strong> ? I had the classic experience <strong>of</strong><br />

Samadhi. The pure consciousness state <strong>of</strong> bliss. It<br />

also produced a rare secretion <strong>of</strong> Soma. I have not<br />

read a lot about the Soma experience though it may<br />

be just not talked or written about much.<br />

In my case the Soma was generated in the Solar<br />

plexus chakra, I could feel it developing then I<br />

tasted it in my mouth though I don't know how it<br />

got there. It may be a general bodily secretion.<br />

In the sacred literature it is described as follows:<br />

The real Soma is a secretion in the brain from<br />

spiritual practices <strong>of</strong> Yoga, pranayama, mantra and<br />

meditation (nectar or elixir <strong>of</strong> life lubricating the<br />

nervous system). ... Inner Soma! Amrita A sanskrit<br />

word meaning "nectar <strong>of</strong> immortality".<br />

The path continues in what is known in esoteric<br />

literature as ascension or climbing the ladder <strong>of</strong><br />

awakening into higher and higher states <strong>of</strong><br />

consciousness.<br />

The spiritual path is vertical not horizontal. Note<br />

the curious symbol <strong>of</strong> The Cross is the horizontal<br />

bar, life, in the horizontal pendulumic world <strong>of</strong><br />

cause and effect. While the vertical bar, the symbol<br />

<strong>of</strong> ascension into higher levels <strong>of</strong> spiritual<br />

awareness and personal freedom!<br />

My first introduction to spiritual work was in the early ?60?s, as an initiate in a Christian<br />

Yoga Church in San Francisco led by one <strong>of</strong> the first American Realized Beings, Sri<br />

Subramuniya. My initiate name was Shantianada. My the Between-Lives agreements<br />

were too powerful to remain in that role. My spiritual quest began in ernest after my<br />

NDE in 2007. Under inner guidance I earned six certificates <strong>of</strong> completion in The<br />

Monroe Institute?s seminar program in Faber, Virginia.<br />

Even before Christian Yoga as a child I had many paranormal experiences including<br />

Out-<strong>of</strong>-Body-Experiences and recurring (? what I know now were? ) past life<br />

dreams/ memories.<br />

Page 18 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

Only now i n t he t went y-f i r st cent ur y<br />

<strong>of</strong> t he m oder n er a can t he t r ut h<br />

about t he univer se be openly<br />

descr i bed, ex pl ai ned, and<br />

under stood by a si gni f i cant par t <strong>of</strong><br />

t he popul at i on <strong>of</strong> pl anet Ear t h.?<br />

The Monogr aph <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Par allel Life <strong>of</strong> Tito<br />

Abao and Ner o is the<br />

stor y <strong>of</strong> a soul called<br />

Tito Abao w ho enter s<br />

the physical plane<br />

(thir d dimensional<br />

r eality) seven<br />

thousand year s ago.<br />

Tito shar es his<br />

extr aor dinar y vision<br />

and the jour ney he<br />

under takes to find the<br />

meaning. Yet this not<br />

only the stor y <strong>of</strong> Tito<br />

Abao's soul, it is also<br />

the stor y <strong>of</strong> your soul.<br />

Thi s book i s m eant to be a tem pl ate. It i s a w i ndow i nto your l i fe. Thr ough i t<br />

you w i l l be abl e to see t he pat ter ns <strong>of</strong> your ow n per sonal l i fe as i t unfol ds.<br />

You ar e t he sum tot al <strong>of</strong> al l t hat you ever wer e t hat w i l l l ead you to an<br />

absol ute under st andi ng about how l i fe r eal ly wor k s.<br />

Page 19 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

By Master Tr ainer Michael J. Losier<br />

Are you one <strong>of</strong> those people who struggle to discover your life?s<br />

purpose? Or do you think you uncovered it, only to find out you?re<br />

still not feeling fulfilled or that there?s not enough joy in your life?<br />

Whether you?re just finishing college, or have been<br />

in the workforce for 30 years, you?ve learned that<br />

feeling fulfilled is the essential part <strong>of</strong> anything<br />

you do.<br />

And, like most people, you know what it?s like to<br />

feel joyless whether it?s at your workplace, in your<br />

relationships, or how you spend your time.<br />

All <strong>of</strong> that can change, and I?ll show you how to do<br />

it.<br />

It?s time for a paradigm shift. It?s time for you to<br />

change the way you think and operate.<br />

Start by embracing these four assumptions.<br />

1. It?s okay to feel fulfilled in every area <strong>of</strong> your<br />

life.<br />

I spent over five years researching and writing Your<br />

Life?s Purpose: Uncover What Really Fulfills You. I<br />

hosted seminars in Hong Kong, Malaysia,<br />

Singapore, Canada, and United States. What I<br />

Page 20 <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong><br />

discovered was that most people found it difficult<br />

to accept that it was okay to want to feel joy in all<br />

areas <strong>of</strong> their lives. Their response wasn?t<br />

surprising, given that they grew up watching their<br />

parents work for money, not for fulfillment.<br />

2. The purpose <strong>of</strong> your life is to feel joy.<br />

When I asked people to share their life?s purpose<br />

most said that they wanted ?to be? something or<br />

?do? something? be a doctor, an artist, a teacher,<br />

to construct things, to serve others, to work with<br />

their hands, etc.<br />

3. Your objective is to create strategies to get your<br />

fulfillment needs met so you can feel joy in every<br />

part <strong>of</strong> your life.<br />

Specific needs, when we get them met, bring us<br />

joy. These needs fulfill us; hence the term<br />

"fulfillment needs.? While the ambitions listed<br />

under # 2 may seem to describe one?s life purpose,<br />

they?re actually strategies that people can use to

get their fulfillment needs met.<br />

4. Your task is to uncover what fulfills you.<br />

When you know what fulfills you, you can make<br />

better decisions that result in you feeling joy in all<br />

areas <strong>of</strong> your life.<br />

What?s a Fulfillment Need?<br />

A fulfillment need or experience, when present,<br />

fulfills you or makes<br />

you feel joyful. When<br />

this fulfillment need or<br />

experience is missing,<br />

we are unfulfilled or<br />

joyless.<br />

I coined the term<br />

?fulfillment needs?<br />

after hearing many<br />

people talk about being<br />

unfulfilled. To me, this<br />

meant that they were<br />

missing certain things that brought them<br />

fulfillment? some <strong>of</strong> their needs were not being<br />

met.<br />

You may be familiar with other terms used to<br />

describe this category <strong>of</strong> needs, such as:<br />

- Calling<br />

- Driving Needs<br />

- Life Purpose<br />

- Meaning <strong>of</strong> Life<br />

- Motivators<br />

- Personal Calling<br />

- Personal Core Values<br />

- Reason for Being<br />

- Soul's Purpose<br />

- Vocation<br />

How to Determine Your Fulfillment Need<br />

In the many years that I've been helping people<br />

uncover their fulfillment needs, there are thirty<br />

needs that people most <strong>of</strong>ten identify as important.<br />

Read through the list and notice the words that<br />

resonate with you.<br />

Identify the ones that you see as your ?top four<br />

fulfillment needs? or four core motivators.<br />

Consider referring to my book, Your Life?s Purpose:<br />

Uncover What Really Fulfills You for the<br />

comprehensive step-by-step how-to process.<br />

If you feel uncomfortable with the definition <strong>of</strong> the<br />

needs you identify as important, re-frame their<br />

meanings. For example, you may choose to<br />

interpret the word ?control? as ?confident<br />

leadership? or ?function and order? rather than<br />

?strict and bossy.?<br />

- Acknowledgment<br />

- Adventure<br />

- Appreciation<br />

- Attention<br />

- Connection<br />

- Control<br />

- Creativity<br />

- Freedom<br />

- Fun<br />

- Importance<br />

- Inclusion<br />

- Influence<br />

- Intimacy<br />

- Leadership<br />

- Recognition<br />

- Security<br />

- Specialness<br />

- Uniqueness<br />

To obtain the full list visit <strong>of</strong> fulfillment needs and<br />

worksheets go to<br />

www.HangoutWithMichael.com/ LifePurpose<br />

Read Your Fulfillment Meter<br />

Now that you?ve identified your top four fulfillment<br />

needs, it?s vital that you are aware <strong>of</strong> the level <strong>of</strong><br />

joy associated with your<br />

choices.<br />

Check your feelings (your<br />

fulfillment meter) as they are<br />

always reflecting and<br />

measuring the joy that you feel<br />

in every situation.<br />

To stay joyful, you need to be<br />

?feeding? your fulfillment<br />

meter with strategies that<br />

bring you joy. Ideally, your<br />

meter will register high on joy<br />

all the time, and you?ll avoid things that don?t make<br />

you happy.<br />

To experience joy as <strong>of</strong>ten as you'd like sometimes<br />

means making choices that seem selfish, but what<br />

you're demonstrating is "self-care.? You care<br />

enough about yourself to keep your fulfillment<br />

meter on high!<br />

Applying the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong><br />

Page 21 <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

Once you have an understanding <strong>of</strong> what fulfills you, it?s time to tap into the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> to<br />

deliberately invite the opportunities, ideas, and information that will help you satisfy your fulfillment<br />

needs.<br />

In my first book, <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong>, I explained how we could draw more <strong>of</strong> what we want and less <strong>of</strong> what<br />

we don?t want into our lives. The words we use and the thoughts we think cause us to send out a vibe<br />

(vibration), and what we attract matches the vibrations we put out. Life is energy, and energy attracts like<br />

energy.<br />

In simplest terms, the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> means that we invite into our lives whatever we give our attention,<br />

energy, and focus to? whether positive or negative.<br />

LoA Step 1: Identify what you want.<br />

LoA Step 2: Focus on, and give attention and energy to your desire, so that you are sending out a positive<br />

vibration for the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> to match.<br />

To help you with Step 2, here are three sample scripts you can use to help you give attention, energy, and<br />

focus to the needs you want to fulfill. The scenarios are deliberately designed to provide positive<br />

attention to your desires.<br />

Script A: "I'm in the process <strong>of</strong> attracting and allowing everything I need to do, know, and have in order to<br />

bring in opportunities to fulfill my top four needs <strong>of</strong> __________, __________, _________, and _________ (fill<br />

in the blanks). I love knowing that the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> is unfolding and orchestrating positive strategies<br />

for getting my needs met so I can live a rich joyful life."<br />

Script B: ?I love the thought <strong>of</strong> attracting resources and information that will lead me to the strategies I<br />

need to get my fulfillment needs met. I love knowing that the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> will bring to me contacts,<br />

information, and resources that are in alignment with getting my top four fulfillment needs met.?<br />

Script C: ?I love knowing that the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> is unfolding and orchestrating whatever needs to<br />

happen so I can live a life <strong>of</strong> joy through fulfilling my needs. I love attracting strategies that I can apply to<br />

fulfill my needs in positive ways.?<br />

Feel free to adjust these scripts and post them where you can read them <strong>of</strong>ten.<br />

Remember: The more you give attention, energy, and focus to your desires; the stronger and more precise<br />

the vibration that the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> has to match.<br />

LoA Step 3: Remove doubt so that you allow things to come to you. You can do that by noticing and<br />

acknowledging (celebrating) the things showing up in your life that are in alignment with getting your<br />

fulfillment needs met.<br />

Tell yourself, ?I notice that I?m attracting information, people, and resources that are in alignment with<br />

having my fulfillment needs met.?<br />

As you're using the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> you may find you are drawing only pieces <strong>of</strong> a plan or idea. In other<br />

words, the whole strategy might not arrive right away.<br />

Notice the things that are coming. Keep track <strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> things you are attracting that are in<br />

alignment with your fulfillment needs. Measuring your results will help you to believe that it is possible<br />

for you to attract what you need.<br />

When life isn?t fulfilling, it can be hard to see what?s holding you back. Understanding<br />

your four core motivators or top fulfillment needs is the first step to changing your life<br />

for the better.<br />

Michael Losier (Low-zee-eh) lives in beautiful Victoria, BC, on Canada?s West Coast. He is<br />

the author <strong>of</strong> the best-selling books, <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong>: The Science <strong>of</strong> Attracting More <strong>of</strong><br />

What You Want and Less <strong>of</strong> What You Don?t, and <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> Connection: The Science <strong>of</strong> Using<br />

NLP to Create Ideal Personal and Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Relationships as well as his latest: Your Life's<br />

Purpose, Uncover What Really Fullfills you. Visit Michael's Website to see all <strong>of</strong> his<br />

upcoming events and to get more information: https://www.michaellosier.com/<br />

Page 22 <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

Br uce Willis Manifesting<br />

By Dr. Joe Vitale<br />

Page 17 March, <strong>2018</strong>

I?m not actor Bruce Willis, and I?ve not met him yet,<br />

but I know something he may not. Let?s call it ?Bruce Willis<br />

Manifesting.?<br />

It?s a way to use your mind to attract what you want. It?s something<br />

you already do when you think <strong>of</strong> your favorite celebrity, and it?s<br />

something you can consciously direct to manifest what you want.<br />

It?s actually a very cool way to speed up the manifestations <strong>of</strong> your<br />

goals, desires and intentions.<br />

Interested? Let me explain:<br />

Recently a woman was about to interview me, but couldn?t calm<br />

down. ?You?re a legend!? she kept repeating. ?You?re a legend!? She<br />

was going gaga for me.<br />

But why?<br />

I certainly know the feeling <strong>of</strong> being star struck in the presence <strong>of</strong> a celebrity. I was that way with rock icon<br />

Melissa Etheridge. I was that way with actor James Caan. Same when actor-bodybuilder Lou Ferrigno came<br />

to my house. I met President Jimmy Carter twice and couldn?t speak either time.<br />

If and when I meet Bruce Willis, I?ll probably be star struck with him, too. At least for a few minutes.<br />

But why?<br />

I propose the reason you and I are in awe <strong>of</strong> stars we like is a clue on how to manifest what we want faster.<br />

So give me a moment to explain. Last year I was invited to act in my first indie movie. A woman came to my<br />

music show last July at The Townsend in Austin. She heard my Band <strong>of</strong> Legends and me and afterwards<br />

invited me to act in her movie. I haven?t acted since kindergarten. I was one <strong>of</strong> the three little pigs in a<br />

kids?play. But I told this delightful woman I?d do it. And I did. It was the movie Cecilia.<br />

When you see it, you might experience the manifestation strategy I?m wanting to discuss here. But even if<br />

you don?t see that movie, maybe you saw me in the movie The Secret. If not, I?m in about 15 other movies,<br />

with three more coming out this year. And <strong>of</strong> course I?ve been on Larry King Live national television, twice.<br />

All <strong>of</strong> this public exposure is making more people recognize me. And when they do, some are star struck.<br />

I remember landing in Peru and a bunch <strong>of</strong> people ran up to me. It spooked me because some <strong>of</strong> them were<br />

security guards. I thought something was wrong. But no, they wanted to meet a star from a movie. They<br />

wanted photos and autographs at baggage claim.<br />

Why?<br />

So let me get back to explaining: We watch a movie we like. We see a star we<br />

like. There is emotion. Our brains ?brand? this emotion onto our minds. We<br />

?link? the visual <strong>of</strong> seeing our favorite star with the emotion <strong>of</strong> what the<br />

movie is triggering in us. Then, if we ever our star on the street, the mental<br />

switch is triggered.<br />

And we go gaga.<br />

If you don?t know a celebrity, and he or she walks by, you won?t think<br />

Page 25 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

anything <strong>of</strong> it. That star hasn?t been inputted into your brain to have any meaning. There?s no<br />

?programming.? There?s no emotion. There?s no ?link.? But if you see a celebrity that you go gaga for, that<br />

you watch in all their movies, that you feel love for, you will flip out.<br />

This is ?Bruce Willis Manifesting.?<br />

Why?<br />

The movie star has activated the Reticular Activator<br />

System or RAS in your brain. Your RAS responds to<br />

emotion, imagery, and repetition. Anything you think<br />

about with emotion, imagery, and repetition will act as<br />

a new program in your brain. And you will<br />

unconsciously use the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> to bring it into<br />

your life.<br />

her by the Ford Institute<br />

Melissa Etheridge showing a ?Mustang? guitar given to<br />

So, if I see Melissa Etheridge on stage, and on television, and on DVD, and I<br />

watch her moved by the emotion in her songs and her performances, and I do<br />

this repeatedly for two decades, then the day I meet her is going to feel like<br />

lightning struck my spinal cord. And that?s what it felt like when I went to her<br />

home for my songwriting lesson with her. I was star struck.<br />

My RAS had been ?Melissa Etheridge? programmed<br />

So let?s take this concept to a deeper level.<br />

I?m a huge fan <strong>of</strong> actor Bruce Willis. I?ve seen all his movies, bought all his<br />

music, and follow his career. His movies, from Die Hard to 16 Blocks to Death<br />

Wish, all do something for me. (16 Blocks is one <strong>of</strong> my all time favorite<br />

movies.)<br />

Whenever I get to meet him, I?ll probably be star struck and silent, at least at first.<br />

Why?<br />


Because he?s branded in my brain with the three ways you engage your RAS: imagery, emotion, repetition.<br />

· I?ve seen his movies. (Visual)<br />

· I?ve felt something while watching those movies. (Emotion)<br />

· I?ve watched many <strong>of</strong> the movies more than twice. (Repetition)<br />

This imagery, emotion and repetition has wired Bruce Willis in my mind.<br />

But you can use this ?gaga? switch <strong>of</strong> the mind to attract more <strong>of</strong> what you want. And this is where you<br />

should take notes. You can use this ?Bruce Willis Manifesting? Secret<br />

I?ve written about this formula in numerous books, including the brand new one, Anything Is Possible.<br />

Imagine it. Feel it. Repeat it.<br />

In short:<br />

1. See it. Imagine what you want to have, do or be.<br />

Page 26 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

2. Feel it. Imagine using it or living it or being it.<br />

3. Repeat. Do this repeatedly.<br />

You have just used the three step system that stars innocently use to get in our heads: imagery, emotion,<br />

and repetition. It?s also the same three things that your RAS requires to make a change. So we can thank<br />

our favorite stars for showing us a way to control our mind.<br />

Your Mental Movie<br />

One way to make this formula work is to create a mental movie <strong>of</strong> what you want, complete with the<br />

sensory experience <strong>of</strong> imagining that it is all complete and real. In other words, when you watch a film on<br />

television or in the theater, your mind is being programmed. You are seeing a visual, feeling emotion, and<br />

repeating the experience throughout the film. But you can use this same technique to program your mind<br />

intentionally: by creating a mental movie.<br />

By Creating a Mental Movie!<br />

And instead <strong>of</strong> feeling like a star struck little child when you meet your<br />

favorite star, you can thank them for showing you a way to manifest what you<br />

want. And now you know something even Bruce Willis doesn?t know ? ?Bruce<br />

Willis Manifesting.?<br />

What will you create next? Make a mental movie <strong>of</strong> it and step into it.<br />

And then, Expect Miracles.<br />

Ao Akua , Joe<br />

Visit Joe Vitale's Website for More Fabulous Information:<br />

Http:/ / JoeVitale.com<br />

Page 27 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

Lynne<br />

McTaggar t's<br />

Amazing<br />

Discover y<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

Intention<br />

Page 22 March, <strong>2018</strong><br />

By<br />

Jew el s Joh n son

Imagine a wor ld...<br />

where there is no more war, no more division, no<br />

more lack. Imagine a world where everyone knows<br />

how powerful they are individually and<br />

collectively.<br />

I am thrilled to tell you that we can now<br />

experience the power that we were born with to<br />

the fullest extent through the discovery <strong>of</strong> former<br />

investigative reporter Lynne McTaggart.<br />

As many <strong>of</strong> you know, Lynne McTaggart is an<br />

award-winning best-selling author <strong>of</strong> seven books<br />

including The Field and The Intention Experiment."<br />

Through her intensive scientific research, Lynne<br />

has shown us our innate ability to heal and create<br />

miracles using intention via large groups around<br />

the world.<br />

Now she has detailed her<br />

amazing discovery through<br />

her very powerful new book<br />

called The Power <strong>of</strong> Eight that<br />

will completely change how<br />

to view intentions and<br />

miracles.<br />

Lynne began her career as an<br />

investigative reporter in New<br />

York, covering some really<br />

sinister things like<br />

international baby selling<br />

rings, with the aid <strong>of</strong> hidden tape recorders.<br />

After her second book, she moved to the UK and<br />

met her future husband, Bryan Hubbard. Early in<br />

their relationship, Lynne experienced a mysterious<br />

illness that could not be explain by western<br />

medicine. Eventually, she discovered a pioneering<br />

nutritional doctor who revealed the source <strong>of</strong> her<br />

illness some undiagnosed and other gut issues) and<br />

provided her with the tools to heal. In the process,<br />

Lynne learned a great deal about health, so much in<br />

fact that both Lynne and her husband decided to<br />

launch a publication together called ?What<br />

Doctor?s Don?t Tell You." It was with this<br />

publication ? first a newsletter and now an<br />

international magazine - that Lynne started to<br />

change our world.<br />

A stickler for facts, Lynne discovered many<br />

scientific studies demonstrating that spiritual<br />

In 2005, Lynne had a basic<br />

question: Can you use<br />

intention to heal the wor ld?<br />

And what happens when lots <strong>of</strong><br />

people ar e thinking the same<br />

thought at the same time?<br />

Does it magnify the effect?<br />

Page 29, <strong>May</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

healing actually has evidence proving it works.<br />

When she attempted to discover why this might be<br />

the case, she then found a number <strong>of</strong> frontier<br />

scientists who were demonstrating that all living<br />

things, including human beings, are part <strong>of</strong> a giant<br />

quantum energy field. She synthesized these<br />

findings in what became her bestselling book,The<br />

Field.<br />

In researching this book, Lynne also discovered a<br />

great deal <strong>of</strong> scientific evidence showing that<br />

thoughts are an actually something with the<br />

capacity to change physical matter. As an<br />

investigative reporter, she wasn't really satisfied<br />

with claims being made about the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Attraction</strong>, in popular books and DVDs, which<br />

trivialized this extraordinary power <strong>of</strong> the mind<br />

into using intention for personal gain and materials<br />

things.<br />

This was when Lynne decided<br />

to attempt to put this power<br />

to a bigger test ? to try to use<br />

it to heal the world.<br />

She wondered, "What if many<br />

people were thinking the<br />

same thought at the same<br />

time? Would that actually<br />

magnify the effect?" Her<br />

curiosity made her want to<br />

put this to the ultimate test.<br />

Lynne knew she had many<br />

readers around the world through her best selling<br />

book, The Field, (her books are printed in 30<br />

languages) and she knew many scientists from<br />

writing that book, so she decided to put them<br />

together to create a world-wide experiment, which<br />

eventually became the well-known "Intention<br />

Experiment." Her book <strong>of</strong> the same name invited<br />

its readers to participate in periodic experiments<br />

in well-controlled<br />

studies set up by some<br />

<strong>of</strong> the scientists she<br />

knew at prestigious<br />

universities like Penn<br />

State University and<br />

the University <strong>of</strong><br />

California. As Lynne<br />

said, "We would set up<br />

some controlled<br />

experiment and

then ask readers, or an audience if I was speaking<br />

somewhere, to participate by sending an intention<br />

to specific target. " To date, she has run 30<br />

experiments, everything from trying to affect very<br />

subtle elements <strong>of</strong> a leaf to trying to make plants<br />

grow faster, then purifying water, lowering violence<br />

in war-torn areas and healing a war veteran <strong>of</strong><br />

PTSD.<br />

Phot o Credit : St uart Conw ay<br />

data over more than two years showed that<br />

violence levels, which were increasing, definitely<br />

bucked the trend after the experiment.<br />

But then something even more interesting<br />

happened. It turned out that that very week Lynne?s<br />

group sent intention appeared to be pivotal week<br />

in the whole twenty-five year course <strong>of</strong> the war.<br />

The Sri Lanka government won some very decisive<br />

battles which enabled them to then recapture the<br />

north, which had been held by rebel forces. Within<br />

five months, the 25-year war which ended in a<br />

bloody finish, was over. Jessica Utts, the University<br />

<strong>of</strong> California pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> statistics who had<br />

analyzed the data, remarked upon the fact that<br />

those precise eight days appeared to have been<br />

pivotal to the entire course <strong>of</strong> the war!<br />

Lynne began to realize that that was not the real<br />

point <strong>of</strong> her experiments. As a matter <strong>of</strong> fact it took<br />

Out <strong>of</strong> those 30 experiments, 26 had shown<br />

measurable significant results. By way <strong>of</strong><br />

comparison there is no pharmaceutical drug that<br />

can claim that had that kind <strong>of</strong> consistent track<br />

record, so now they had the pro<strong>of</strong> that sending<br />

intentions was real phenomenon.<br />

In 2008, Lynne wanted to see bigger experiments<br />

that could change humanity, such as setting<br />

intentions for war-torn areas in order to gauge the<br />

effects on a larger scale. This led to a major<br />

experiment where about 15,000 participants from<br />

around the world spent eight days sending<br />

intentions to Sri Lanka, which was in the middle <strong>of</strong> a<br />

25-year civil war, during a 10-minute window every<br />

day.<br />

She chose eight days <strong>of</strong> intention because her<br />

scientific team examined the protocol <strong>of</strong>ten used<br />

by the Transcendental Meditation organization,<br />

which examined whether violence would lower in a<br />

specific city if a critical mass <strong>of</strong> meditators were<br />

regularly meditating.<br />

Lynne chose Sri Lanka because one peace-keeping<br />

organization was carefully compiling statistics <strong>of</strong><br />

casualties.<br />

After the experiment, Lynne?s scientific team<br />

discovered that the violence levels fell sharply<br />

after the Intention Experiment. Interestingly, a<br />

statistical time analysis examining weekly Page violence 44 Jan., <strong>2018</strong><br />

her 10 years to fully grasp the real story, which was<br />

what was happening to the participants themselves<br />

and how they were transforming right in front <strong>of</strong><br />

her.<br />

She began to surveyed the participants because she<br />

simply wanted to find out how the experience was<br />

for them. The little survey came back with<br />

thousands <strong>of</strong> answers such as,<br />

?I felt as though I were attached to a higher<br />

network.?<br />

Page 30 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong><br />

Phot o Credit : St uart Conw ay

"I felt a tingling all across all along my body<br />

?I was sobbing uncontrollably.?<br />

? I felt like I was in the tractor beam that they talked<br />

about in Star Wars.?<br />

Each participant described essentially an altered state<br />

that you could call ?a mystical experience.? Then the<br />

participants revealed that what they had experienced<br />

during the eight days <strong>of</strong> meditation had, in fact, changed<br />

their lives significantly.<br />

Amazingly, many <strong>of</strong> the participant were getting along<br />

better with everybody that they knew. They actually<br />

begun to resolve differences with people they'd been<br />

estranged from. Many were essentially hugging<br />

strangers. The participants came back extremely<br />

transformed by what had happened to them.<br />

When Lynne started looking at these mystical<br />

experiences, she found that the participants had five aspects <strong>of</strong> their experience similar to what American<br />

psychologist Abraham Maslow considered the five key attributes <strong>of</strong> a mystical experience. Participants felt<br />

a sense <strong>of</strong> connection and oneness with the entire universe.<br />

Even the late astronaut Edgar Mitchell, coming back from the moon, described this same kind <strong>of</strong> feeling as a<br />

sense <strong>of</strong> rejuvenation: colors were brighter and smells became more intoxicating than he ever knew before.<br />

This all suggested to Lynne that there is some sort <strong>of</strong> an amazing rebound effect or a mirror effect that<br />

happens when people are involved in an exercise <strong>of</strong> intention in a group. After a peace Intention<br />

Experiment, participant's lives somehow got more peaceful. Lynne stated, "It's was fascinating because in a<br />

sense, it flips the whole law <strong>of</strong> attraction on its head!"<br />

Simply put, when we are NOT intending for ourselves but intending for someone else (even though we may<br />

not know them) we're reaping the benefits from it as well.<br />

Lynne started to discover that not only was her big intention group experiments very powerful, the small<br />

groups <strong>of</strong> eight were just as powerful. When shifting away from their own personal needs by focusing on<br />

assisting others through intention, a participant's own life started working. In other words, there are mirror<br />

effects that occur when the they intend for someone else rather than themselves.<br />

Interestingly, neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Newberg performed many studies <strong>of</strong> people having these kinds <strong>of</strong><br />

mystical states. He found that when Sufi masters or Buddhist monks were in ecstatic prayer or even when<br />

Pentecostal Church members spoke "in tongues," there became a quieting <strong>of</strong> the parietal lobes <strong>of</strong> the brain.<br />

These are the areas <strong>of</strong> the brain that govern our sense <strong>of</strong> who we are in relation to everything else in the<br />

world and help us to navigate through space. In those experiments, Dr. Newberg found that the parietal<br />

lobes were turned way down, which meant that the people were experiencing a real sense <strong>of</strong> oneness and a<br />

sense <strong>of</strong> connection with the energy. They ceased feeling separate.<br />

When Lynne began to investigate her own Power <strong>of</strong> Eight groups, she found that during these kinds <strong>of</strong><br />

altered states, participants experienced this amazing sense <strong>of</strong> oneness. Based on those findings, she<br />

decided to do a brain study on it. Life University, the largest chiropractic university in the world, <strong>of</strong>fered to<br />

carry out a series <strong>of</strong> experiments on these groups through their psychology and neuroscience departments.<br />

They enlisted students, many <strong>of</strong> whom had never meditated before. They were put into small groups and<br />

were ask to send intentions to one <strong>of</strong> the members <strong>of</strong> the group with a healing challenge. They found that<br />

when they were in the process <strong>of</strong> doing this, the sender had the identical brainwave signatures that<br />

Page 31 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

Dr. Newberg found when he was measuring<br />

the Sufi masters. The feelings <strong>of</strong> separateness<br />

were vastly decreased, as were feelings <strong>of</strong><br />

negativity and doubt. This all pointed to a kind<br />

<strong>of</strong> ecstatic state <strong>of</strong> oneness and connection,<br />

feeling much bigger as part <strong>of</strong> the Universe.<br />

The miraculous part <strong>of</strong> it is that people in<br />

Power <strong>of</strong> Eight groups reach that state without<br />

years <strong>of</strong> practice and discipline.<br />

Recently, I asked Lynne when I interviewed her<br />

for this article, about the division that is now<br />

occurring between people, between religions,<br />

between race and sex and especially between<br />

politically parties... "What should be the intention?" Her answer was incredibly pr<strong>of</strong>ound in that we need to<br />

set the intention for not only peace but to find common ground in which to build on. If we can take the<br />

common ground and send that intention, then not only would there be a change in these divisions, but also a<br />

change within each participant. Perhaps even a new acceptance <strong>of</strong> all differing viewpoints could be<br />

obtained.<br />

The bottom line? When we take the focus <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> ourselves with the intention to help others, everyone shifts.<br />

This is one <strong>of</strong> the most amazing discoveries <strong>of</strong> all time and it was through Lynne McTaggart's investigative<br />

skills that we are now able to live the phenomenon <strong>of</strong> peace and harmony with all.<br />

If you would like to be a participant in the Power <strong>of</strong> Eight groups, or to<br />

start a group yourself, please visit https:/ / LynneMcTaggart.com/ forum<br />

Lynne McTaggart is one <strong>of</strong> the central voices in the new consciousness movement. She is the award-winning<br />

author <strong>of</strong> seven books, including worldwide bestsellers "The Field," "The Intention Experiment," "The Bond" and<br />

her latest book "The Power <strong>of</strong> Eight." Lynne is consistently listed in the Watkins?annual list <strong>of</strong> the 100 most<br />

spiritually influential people in the world. As Editorial Director <strong>of</strong><br />

What Doctors Don?t Tell You (www.wddty.com), she publishes one <strong>of</strong><br />

the world?s most highly praised health publications and runs highly<br />

popular health and spirituality teleconferences and workshops. For<br />

the third time, What Doctors Don?t Tell You has been awarded ?Best?<br />

and ?Most Popular? website <strong>of</strong> the year for health and wellbeing.<br />

Lynne is also the architect <strong>of</strong> the Intention Experiments, a web-based<br />

?global laboratory,? which was prominently featured in the plot-line<br />

<strong>of</strong> Dan Brown?s blockbuster "The Lost Symbol.? Lynne is a member <strong>of</strong><br />

both the Transformational Leadership Council, launched by Jack<br />

Canfield, and the Evolutionary Leaders, launched by Deepak Chopra.<br />

She has appeared in many documentaries on the science <strong>of</strong><br />

spirituality, including ?What the Bleep?!: Down the Rabbit Hole,? ?The<br />

Living Matrix,? ?I Am? and ?The Abundance Factor.? She is a highly<br />

sought after public speaker, speaking at conferences and workshops<br />

around the world. Lynne and her husband, WDDTY co-founder Bryan<br />

Hubbard, live and work in London, UK. They have two adult daughters.<br />

For more information, visit www.LynneMcTaggart.com.<br />

Page 32, <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

Discover how to tap into your extraordinary human capacity<br />

for connection and healing, using astonishing new findings<br />

about the miraculous power <strong>of</strong> group intention<br />

and its boomerang effect.<br />

Page 33, <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

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Page 35 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

A Radical New A pproach to<br />

Government<br />

Joshua Channeled by Gary Temple Bodley<br />

You are in a time <strong>of</strong> awakening and millions <strong>of</strong><br />

people all over the world are coming out <strong>of</strong> the<br />

haze <strong>of</strong> duality and embracing neutrality. When you<br />

come to know the laws <strong>of</strong> the universe and the<br />

mechanism <strong>of</strong> physical reality, the mass<br />

consciousness <strong>of</strong> your world will shift. There will be<br />

more <strong>of</strong> you living in love and less living in fear.<br />

Change will occur naturally and swiftly. Flawed<br />

institutions will crumble and human separations<br />

will fall apart. You will<br />

become as one and will<br />

live in harmony. You<br />

will allow the standards<br />

<strong>of</strong> all to rise and you<br />

will balance your own<br />

standards as well. As<br />

you learn to base you<br />

personal decisions on<br />

love, your government<br />

will begin to do the<br />

same.<br />

You will look back on<br />

this period in your<br />

history and you will not truly believe the progress<br />

that has been made is such a short time. Here is<br />

When you have mass<br />

consciousness that has shifted<br />

fr om fear to love,<br />

you have no need for any<br />

institution that constr icts your<br />

per sonal fr eedom.<br />

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what will happen as the consciousness moves from<br />

fear to love. Without fear you have no need for<br />

armies or borders. You will have no need for many<br />

different countries and many governments. You<br />

will have no need for separation since you operate<br />

from a stance <strong>of</strong> love and acceptance. You not only<br />

tolerate your cultural differences, you appreciate<br />

those differences for the tapestry that is created.<br />

When you have mass consciousness that has<br />

shifted from fear to love,<br />

you have no need for any<br />

institution that constricts<br />

your personal freedom. As<br />

consciousness shifts from<br />

fear to love, you will see all<br />

as truly equal and worthy.<br />

You will not condemn one<br />

to prison for doing something<br />

that you do not<br />

approve <strong>of</strong>. In an environment<br />

<strong>of</strong> love, you will<br />

support those who are still<br />

operating out <strong>of</strong> fear and<br />

lack. You will help them rather than lock them<br />

away, out <strong>of</strong> sight. Your attention will be on what is

see that resources are scarce, but that the power <strong>of</strong><br />

creation is abundant. You will not fear losing<br />

anything because you will understand that you are<br />

the creator <strong>of</strong> your reality and as you believe in<br />

your creative abilities and you understand the<br />

mechanism <strong>of</strong> physical reality, you do not worry<br />

about the possibility <strong>of</strong> loss. Loss will cease to exist<br />

as a fear. The fear <strong>of</strong> loss can only occur within the<br />

unconscious mind.<br />

wanted, not ?ghting against what is not wanted.<br />

If you understand how this reality is designed, then<br />

you can never lose anything. The loss <strong>of</strong> something<br />

only makes room for a new thing to enter. If you<br />

give away everything you own, you allow new<br />

things to come. If you hold onto what you have out<br />

<strong>of</strong> fear, then you prevent more from entering your<br />

More <strong>of</strong> you will understand the laws <strong>of</strong> the<br />

universe and you will understand that your<br />

attention to anything from a stance <strong>of</strong> fear will only<br />

cause the object <strong>of</strong> that fear to grow.<br />

You will realize that anything and everything you<br />

want is attracted from a stance <strong>of</strong> love and<br />

appreciation. Therefore, you will realize that the<br />

way to build the society that serves what you want<br />

is to create it out <strong>of</strong> love, not fear. All <strong>of</strong> your<br />

decisions will be based on love.<br />

You will eliminate most <strong>of</strong> your laws since they<br />

were created out <strong>of</strong> fear. You will come to understand<br />

that your laws only restrict the freedom <strong>of</strong><br />

law abiding people and do nothing to control the<br />

actions <strong>of</strong> those who would commit the crimes<br />

regardless <strong>of</strong> the law. You will move toward<br />

freedom when you make decisions based on love.<br />

Much <strong>of</strong> the fear in your society is the fear <strong>of</strong> loss.<br />

You believe you are entitled to the wealth you<br />

enjoy. You fear that sharing your wealth with the<br />

poor, whether they may live in your own country or<br />

another, will cause you to lose your standard <strong>of</strong><br />

living. But you <strong>of</strong>fset this grand lifestyle by<br />

operating from a stance <strong>of</strong> fear. You must<br />

constantly be on guard for you to perceive that<br />

others may take what is yours.<br />

In the future, you will be more aligned with<br />

abundance and less focused on lack. You will not<br />

reality.<br />

When a society, as a mass consciousness, releases<br />

its fear <strong>of</strong> loss, miraculous changes can occur. By<br />

the time this happens your government will be<br />

unrecognizable from the form <strong>of</strong> government you<br />

are so familiar with today.<br />

In the near future, you will come together as a<br />

people understanding the laws <strong>of</strong> the universe and<br />

the mechanism <strong>of</strong> physical reality. You will no<br />

longer have separate approaches to governance.<br />

The conscious will lead the unconscious to a new<br />

awakening <strong>of</strong> reality. What is really important will<br />

be how you represent yourselves as a people. The<br />

great shift will occur when you come to understand<br />

that you are all one. This might be the most surreal<br />

aspect <strong>of</strong> awakening. The fact is that you are all<br />

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extensions <strong>of</strong> creation.<br />

You all come from the same<br />

place. You will all return to<br />

the same place. It is simply<br />

an aspect <strong>of</strong> physical reality<br />

that makes you believe you<br />

are separate. But you are all<br />

one.<br />

Individuality seems like a<br />

preferable condition, but it is<br />

not. You have simply become<br />

accustomed to it. When in<br />

the nonphysical realm, you<br />

will ?ow together as one <strong>of</strong><br />

many. You will prefer to be<br />

together. You will not see<br />

individuality as preferable.<br />

Harmony is a blending <strong>of</strong><br />

vibration. To live and<br />

experience harmony is to<br />

live life as who you really are. Without fear there would be only love. You do not need to fear others as<br />

they cannot create in your reality. You do not need to fear the poor for they cannot take from you. But if<br />

you can share what you have, out <strong>of</strong> love and abundance, then you can experience a release <strong>of</strong> fear and<br />

love will grow. Out <strong>of</strong> love comes greater abundance.<br />

You have no enemies when you live in love. Everyone is your enemy when you live in fear.<br />

Now imagine your country governed by conscious people operating from the stance <strong>of</strong> love. They do not<br />

fear loss for they know <strong>of</strong> the abundance that is the basis <strong>of</strong> this reality. They do not argue for they know<br />

there is no such thing as wrong, just a difference <strong>of</strong> perspective. They work to see the unique perspective<br />

<strong>of</strong> others and from that view, they understand what the other is wanting. They do not judge, for their<br />

position is neutral. The accept what is and place their attention on what is wanted. They do not see<br />

problems to solve, they simply orchestrate the mechanism <strong>of</strong> government from a position <strong>of</strong> acceptance<br />

and appreciation.<br />

We Ar e J oshua<br />

Joshua is a group <strong>of</strong> nonphysical teachers channeled by Gary<br />

Temple Bodley. Their practical teachings provide a greater<br />

understanding <strong>of</strong> the mechanism <strong>of</strong> physical reality, the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Attraction</strong>, and how to leverage universal forces to enhance our<br />

lives. Joshua?s ?rst book ?A Perception <strong>of</strong> Reality? explains the<br />

nature <strong>of</strong> reality using plain English in an easy-to-understand<br />

format. Please visit www.TheTeachingsOfJoshua.com<br />

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New Show on <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

At t ract ion Radio Net w ork<br />

JoshuaChannel<br />

One on One students bring their<br />

questions to this weekly show where<br />

Joshua (channeled live by Gary<br />

Bodley) <strong>of</strong>fers guidance on how to<br />

practice this new expansive<br />

approach to the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong>.<br />

Listen every Sunday at<br />

http:/ / LOAradioNetwork.com/ joshua-live

Beyond Karma:<br />

Touching Grace<br />

By Peter Woodbury, MSW<br />

Edgar Cayce Institute<br />

When Edgar Cayce had a lot to say about a particular<br />

subject, he would <strong>of</strong>tentimes respond with ?many a<br />

book can be written on the subject?. He said that<br />

regularly about the topic <strong>of</strong> karma. ?Karma is the law<br />

<strong>of</strong> cause and effect and much much more.? I would<br />

like explore the issue <strong>of</strong> karma and look at what<br />

perhaps might go beyond karma and into soul<br />

choice or soul volunteerism.<br />

Let us begin with three cases <strong>of</strong> blindness. A couple<br />

had twin sons and one was born blind and the other<br />

was not. The couple inquired with Mr. Cayce for a<br />

reading. While in trance, Mr. Cayce referred to a past<br />

life the two boys had together, also as brothers.<br />

They had both been charged with the job <strong>of</strong> blinding<br />

individuals as punishment for their crime. One<br />

brother apparently grew to enjoy inflicting the<br />

painful punishment while the other did it merely as<br />

a job. The brother who enjoyed the suffering <strong>of</strong><br />

others was born blind and was told that this was an<br />

opportunity to grow in compassion. The reading<br />

referred to the Grace <strong>of</strong> God, in that this man had<br />

enjoyed the suffering <strong>of</strong> hundreds and was only<br />

born blind, not as punishment, but as a means for<br />

soul growth.<br />

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This is a very straight forward example <strong>of</strong> the law <strong>of</strong><br />

karma as retribution, or ?reaping what you have<br />

sown?. An eye for an eye, so to speak.<br />

In a second example, a couple had a daughter born<br />

blind and they asked Mr. Cayce for a reading. Again<br />

under trance, he gave a different answer to the<br />

cause <strong>of</strong> the blindness. He said that negligence by<br />

the doctor had caused the blindness. He said that<br />

the blindness had been an accident and not a karmic

issue, but that the karma would follow the doctor<br />

and would need to be met. It is very interesting that<br />

Cayce referred to this case as an ?accident?. When<br />

asked further about the matter, Cayce explained<br />

that accidents happen throughout creation. It<br />

reminds me <strong>of</strong> Charles Darwin?s notion <strong>of</strong> how<br />

mutations or genetic accidents steer evolution. Mr.<br />

Cayce went on to tell the parents to not let the child<br />

feel sorry for herself, but also see this as an<br />

opportunity for soul growth.<br />

This example flies in the face <strong>of</strong> the New Age<br />

affirmation that ?there are no accidents?. Many <strong>of</strong> us<br />

admire the work <strong>of</strong> Edgar Cayce as it is quite deep<br />

and not easily translatable into a<br />

bumper sticker format. What Cayce<br />

is showing here is that while there<br />

are accidents, there is always the<br />

opportunity to make meaning out<br />

<strong>of</strong> what happens to us and that<br />

most <strong>of</strong> what happens to us is<br />

happening from us more than any<br />

other cause. ?We are constantly<br />

meeting self? as Cayce so aptly<br />

expressed.<br />

In this third example, I would like to look at the case<br />

<strong>of</strong> Jesus and the blind man (John 9-3) and what<br />

lessons there are to glean. Upon encountering a<br />

blind man, the disciples ask Jesus about the cause <strong>of</strong><br />

the man?s blindness, not unlike the parents I wrote<br />

<strong>of</strong> earlier asking Mr. Cayce for the cause <strong>of</strong> their<br />

child?s blindness. The disciples though, ask if the<br />

man?s blindness is caused by the man?s sin or by his<br />

parent?s sin? It is interesting to note that this is a<br />

question about karma. Jesus must have been<br />

teaching them about karma for them to have asked<br />

this question. But in this example, Jesus moves<br />

beyond karma in his answer. He tells the disciples<br />

?Neither the man nor his parent?s sinned. He is blind<br />

to glorify God? and he proceeds to heal the man <strong>of</strong><br />

his blindness.<br />

Jesus?answer is quite unusual. What might He be<br />

teaching here? The first clue is in Jesus saying that<br />

the man is here to glorify God. How does the man<br />

glorify God? Let?s look at some basic Cayce<br />

concepts. He has a beautiful reading where he<br />

teaches us that ?we grow to Heaven leaning on the<br />

KARMA<br />

Is the Universal <strong>Law</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> Cause & Effect.<br />

You Reap What you Sow<br />

arms <strong>of</strong> those we have helped?. So in the physical<br />

world, when we help someone, they benefit. If we<br />

lend them money or help them with chores, they<br />

benefit from our assistance. But on the spiritual<br />

level, we benefit from helping another. Those who<br />

allow us to help them, are actually helping us. When<br />

I lecture around the country, I usually pause here<br />

and ask the audience how many find it easier to<br />

help others than to be helped? Most say that they<br />

find it easier to help others than be helped. I then<br />

chidingly say ?You?re being selfish! You?re hogging<br />

up all the soul growth!? While I am using humor to<br />

make a point, I hope that the point is well taken. I,<br />

too, used to find it much easier to<br />

help than be helped. This reading<br />

helped me understand that I need<br />

to accept help and let others grow<br />

spiritually as well. We all know too<br />

well what happens to a child or<br />

spouse who has another always<br />

serving and helping them. They<br />

become very dependent and<br />

immature.<br />

In addition, Cayce also tells us that we ?entertain<br />

angels unawares? quite <strong>of</strong>ten. I believe angels don?t<br />

show up asking ?Who wants to be a millionaire??<br />

Have you seen the reality shows <strong>of</strong> how those<br />

instant millionaires end up? It is not pretty, and it<br />

actually seems more like a curse than any blessing.<br />

So angels more <strong>of</strong>ten appear as those needing<br />

assistance, giving us the opportunity to help them<br />

and hence grow spiritually. I believe this is what<br />

Jesus was referring to in this blind man. The<br />

disciples were missing the point entirely and not<br />

seeing that this man was a sort <strong>of</strong> angel <strong>of</strong>fering<br />

many the opportunity to grow.<br />

Many people know this truth with their supposed<br />

?handicapped? child or sibling who is actually a high<br />

spiritual being in a handicapped body showing<br />

others how to be joyous no matter what, while also<br />

needing help their entire lives, affording many the<br />

opportunity for spiritual growth.<br />

I would like to explore one final example <strong>of</strong> what I<br />

believe is also beyond karma. A woman came to see<br />

me several years ago. She had suffered a very<br />

severe and painful trauma. She was on a work trip<br />

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and on a free evening, decided to go out to a nearby arcade that she had enjoyed on other visits. While there<br />

she had a conversation with a man that thought he knew her from work. She went to the rest room and when<br />

she returned, he had a beer for her. She thought nothing <strong>of</strong> it but later found out the beer was drugged and<br />

the man raped her all that night. She awoke the next day in a hallway somewhere, barely clothed, and had to<br />

make her way back to her hotel and to the airport to return home.<br />

As is <strong>of</strong>tentimes the case in situations like this, the victim feels terribly guilty and responsible. She was<br />

ashamed and felt she had been so stupid in accepting the beer. She also had not been able to tell her<br />

husband. I was very glad that she had decided to seek therapy. Now, with a simple view <strong>of</strong> karma, you might<br />

think that perhaps she had been a rapist in a past life and that she was meeting this is some way.<br />

As I got to know this woman, I began to slowly develop a different idea. She was an especially loving and<br />

kind person. She and her husband had adopted four Down?s Syndrome siblings from a South American<br />

family. She and her husband knew they had Down?s Syndrome and they knew these children would be<br />

dependent their entire lives. I reflected on this. Who does that? Who adopts one ?handicapped? child, let<br />

alone four? She also told me about her very special relationship she has always had with Jesus. She had<br />

been given a cross on a necklace as a special birthday gift by her mother and she cherished that cross. Then<br />

some years later she was given a saint medallion that she also put on the necklace. Then one day she was<br />

invited to a religious retreat with a friend. When she was washing her face, she took <strong>of</strong>f the chain and the<br />

saint medallion went down the drain! Then she said she heard the voice <strong>of</strong> Jesus<br />

in her head saying, ?Now I have your full attention!?<br />

As I continued working with this woman and reflected upon her stories, how it<br />

felt to be with her, what a good and spiritual person she was and then on how<br />

she had suffered such a painful and traumatic experience, it tossed about<br />

unsettlingly in my head. I know that bad things happen to good people. But I<br />

was seeking a deeper understanding. How could this be possible? How can this<br />

make sense? As I prayed for her healing and for understanding, it came to me<br />

finally like a lightning bolt. That night that man was going to rape someone. And<br />

on some deep unseen soul level, she said, ?I?ll take it?. She volunteered to be<br />

that man?s victim and protect another woman from that fate. Somehow she<br />

knew she could survive it. Somehow she showed that man love.<br />

As I have told this story around the country, tears stream down people?s faces, as they are mine as I write this<br />

and perhaps yours as you read it. The tears come from many because we acknowledge this as truth. Many<br />

have come as the older sibling who takes the abuse from the parents and protect the younger siblings. How<br />

many sick parents are there that no child would ever chose to be born into such certain pain and suffering?<br />

And yet a child, a soul, comes into these parents. Perhaps some are karmically tied, but many are highly<br />

evolved souls that come because no one else would. They truly come in God?s<br />

name, to glorify God, as Jesus said.<br />

There is so much bad news when you read the newspaper. But ?truly I tell<br />

you? there are many unseen and unacknowledged spiritual lights among us<br />

leading the way. And perhaps one <strong>of</strong> them is you.<br />

Peter Woodbury, MSW, teaches around the country on behalf <strong>of</strong> the Edgar Cayce<br />

organization, The Association for Research & Enlightenment. He teaches their<br />

Past Life Regression course in Virginia Beach this October. For more information,<br />

visit peterwoodbury.com<br />

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M ay- June, <strong>2018</strong><br />

A strology Forecast<br />

By International A strologer<br />

M anish K umar A rora<br />

manishastrologer@rediffmail.com<br />

Aries ( 21 March ? 19 April) -You are likely to see benefits to your earning power and value system. It<br />

should be a productive period if you avoid the pitfalls <strong>of</strong> overspending. This is a time for learning about<br />

your personal limits as well as your inner strength. Your creativity is stimulated, but so is your<br />

excitability and your need for freedom. You have especially strong feelings about your career,<br />

reputation, income, and possessions. Increased responsibilities in general and in your career figure, and<br />

these are actually important for your development. Your ability to communicate and get your message<br />

across is enhanced. You are likely to be more outspoken than usual, perhaps even rebellious. Favorable<br />

Dates : <strong>May</strong> 3, 8, 12, 14, 21, 23 June 5, 8, 14, 17, 23 26 Favorable Colors : Red & Blue<br />

Taurus ( 20 April ? 20 <strong>May</strong>} - You are likely to feel more confident and enthusiastic about your ability to<br />

earn a living, and you may choose to develop your talents in order to boost your earning power. This<br />

period in your life is a time for building a solid foundation. Some <strong>of</strong> you find yourself receiving<br />

recognition and career ?rewards? at this time. Your attention to your immediate environment, and<br />

branching out and beyond it, comes into play. Circumstances ?conspire? in such a way that you need to<br />

become more active in your immediate environment. You would understand that moderation right now<br />

is necessary for your spiritual growth and your physical body as well. Favorable Dates : <strong>May</strong> 4, 9, 13, 18,<br />

22, 27 June 7, 9, 16, 18, 25, 27 Favorable Colors : Yellow & Grey<br />

Gemini ( 21 <strong>May</strong> ? 20 June ) ?You may find that you are more able to earn a living from what you love<br />

doing this period. You are more conservative and goal-oriented in general, and certainly less inclined to<br />

throw caution to the wind. Your public image is quite important to you and and feeling secure, safe, and<br />

protected is a driving force. Being in a position <strong>of</strong> responsibility or authority is something you place a<br />

high value on. A dose <strong>of</strong> realism may seem forced upon you from time to time during this period, but<br />

your efforts to measure up to expectations can ultimately increase your confidence in your ability to be<br />

responsible for yourself. Favorable Dates : <strong>May</strong> 2, 4, 11, 13, 20, 22 June 3, 5, 12, 14, 21, 23 Favorable<br />

Colors : Red & Blue<br />

Cancer ( 21 June ? 22 July )-This is truly a period <strong>of</strong> self-discovery. You will be one step closer to<br />

knowing where you are headed, and you will have re-built faith in yourself. Ideally, you adopt a more<br />

mature attitude towards adventure and facing the unknown. You let go <strong>of</strong> self-defeating attitudes that<br />

have been holding you back, you recognize exactly where you have been overdoing your expectations,<br />

and you find new ways to nurture faith, hope, and vision. You would need to view your relations with<br />

partner from a new angle. Your partner would be able to understand you deeply on a more romantic<br />

note. However, at times intimacy might take a back seat. Favorable Dates : <strong>May</strong> 4, 6, 13, 15, 22, 24 June<br />

3, 6, 12, 15, 21, 24 Favorable Colors : Red & Blue<br />

Leo ( 23 July ? 22 August -You become more concerned with your hopes and dreams for your future. This<br />

period in your life is a time for building a solid foundation. Your drive increases, and you want to get<br />

closer to having your dream life. Your income is likely to increase, and there may be an opportunity to<br />

improve your future financial situation. Your life speeds up, and decision-making can be very hasty now.<br />

You definitely feel the need for action, but if you don?t know where you are headed, you might take the<br />

wrong turn. Unexpected changes in plans or events can test your patience, and you could feel a bit out <strong>of</strong><br />

control at times. Favorable Dates : <strong>May</strong> 4, 12, 13, 21, 22, 30 June 4, 5, 13, 14, 21, 22 Favorable Colors :<br />

White & Yellow<br />

Virgo ( 23 August ? 22 September ) - You will be learning to expand your horizons, either through<br />

contact with people from an entirely different background, travel, or higher learning. Your personal<br />

philosophy will be changing, and this period gives you a push towards period gives adopting beliefs that<br />

truly work for you in the real world. This is a good time to accomplish something and tackle goals, though<br />

it may be at the expense <strong>of</strong> everything else in your life. You are noticed and recognized for your natural<br />

talents and you could be busy re-investing money into your career. Some <strong>of</strong> you will be making money<br />

from esoteric endeavors or through work behind the scenes. Favorable Dates : <strong>May</strong> 3, 5, 12, 14, 21, 23<br />

June 9, 10, 18, 19, 28, 30 Favorable Colors : Green & Yellow<br />

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Libra ( 23 September ? 22 October) -You may seem more intellectual, and original, and try to push your<br />

own boundaries. You?ll have more passion for your dreams, and could come up with news ones. You?re<br />

more focused on the future, and may have a harder time living in the present. You could take up a new<br />

cause and throw yourself into it passionately. You may join a new group or make new friends, and spend<br />

more time with the ones you have. You instinctively feel that taking care <strong>of</strong> your practical affairs will help<br />

you to eventually enjoy more freedom <strong>of</strong> movement. You feel good when you?re working for a good cause.<br />

.Favorable Dates: <strong>May</strong> 9, 10, 18, 19, 27, 28 June 5, 8, 14, 17, 23 30 Favorable Colors : Blue & White<br />

Scorpio ( 23 October ? 21 November ) - Your intuition may be heightened, and your dreams more<br />

prominent. You could meet someone you have a karmic link to. Emotionally, you?re more sensitive and in<br />

tune with what you?re feeling, but you try to keep it to yourself, not allowing others to see how you?re<br />

feeling. You?ll need to clean out what you don?t need anymore, let go <strong>of</strong> old baggage, and get some<br />

closure. If you?re single, you could date more, meet more people, or find someone who really drives you<br />

wild. Generally, you?re driven to do whatever your ego wants, and have a harder time thinking about other<br />

people or your duties. Favorable Dates : <strong>May</strong> 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 29 June 1, 5, 10, 14, 19, 23 Favorable<br />

Colors : Blue & White<br />

Sagittarius ( 22 November - 21 December ) - You are likely to have new or increased responsibilities in<br />

this period, and it might take some time to get adjusted to them. The need to re-structure and re-organize<br />

your life will become glaringly apparent. Although you may not see immediate results for your efforts,<br />

important groundwork can be laid for the future. You may focus on your values, the things that are worth<br />

something to you, and assess whether or not they still are. This can be a good placement to get something<br />

appraised. You?re more emotionally attached to your beliefs, and anyone who fights you on them will be<br />

met with passion. Favorable Dates : <strong>May</strong> 3, 9, 12, 18, 21, 30 June 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25 Favorable Colors :<br />

Blue & Yellow<br />

Capricorn ( 22 December ? 19 January) -You?re drawn to darker subjects and take things more seriously.<br />

You can do thorough research for a project, sort out your joint finances, or create a business partnership.<br />

And watch for an increase in your sex drive too! You take a hard look at the role you play in others?lives,<br />

and consider exactly what it is that satisfies you and contributes to your happiness, beyond marriage,<br />

romance, career, religion, and so forth. You begin to find ways to bring articulation to your innermost<br />

wishes and hopes for your personal path. This is a good phase for love relationships, and you can feel the<br />

love you have for people more easily. Favorable Dates : <strong>May</strong> 3, 11, 12, 20, 29, 30 June 4, 6, 13, 15, 22, 24<br />

Favorable Colors : White & Yellow<br />

Aquarius ( 20 January ? 18 February ) -This is the perfect time to channel your passion into productive<br />

pursuits and to move a work or health project forward. Perfectionism can be a driving force and powerful<br />

motivator. You are magnetic now, and you?re likely to stand out for the work you do. Increased<br />

responsibilities in general and in your career figure, and are actually important for your development.<br />

This is a good time to go for a raise, apply for a loan, or take part in various dealings with financial<br />

institutions. You may need to curb an inclination to overspend?feeling good could bring you to the stores<br />

as you temporarily forget about the future! Favorable Dates : <strong>May</strong> 2 5, 11, 14, 20, 23 June 8, 9, 17, 18, 26,<br />

27 Favorable Colors : Blue & White<br />

Pisces ( 19 February ? 20 March ) - This is a time for demonstrating your commitment, making plans or<br />

firming up existing ones, and showing confidence in both yourself and the people around you. Others,<br />

especially love interests or partners, are receptive to your advances, and you can be particularly<br />

persuasive now. You can be especially motivated to get going on a creative project, hobby, or even a<br />

relationship. This is certainly a good time to bring a more lively spirit to a relationship. Connections, or<br />

re-connections, can be made now and can be quite rewarding, and in some cases, pr<strong>of</strong>itable. You are<br />

likely to derive much satisfaction from your achievements that come from your hard work. Favorable<br />

Dates : <strong>May</strong> 4, 10, 13, 19, 22, 27 June 3, 9, 12, 18, 21, 27 Favorable Colors : Yellow & Grey<br />

Page 45 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

Sugar Can Er ase Medi t at i on?s Benef i t s<br />

By Featur ed Columnist Ellen Wood<br />

No doubt you already know that too much sugar is<br />

bad for you. It can harm your heart, your pancreas,<br />

your kidneys, your joints and cause depression. And<br />

that?s just the beginning <strong>of</strong> the list.<br />

But did you know that too much sugar can also<br />

prevent your meditation from raising your<br />

consciousness? Here?s how: One <strong>of</strong> the things that<br />

can happen in meditation is activation <strong>of</strong> the pineal<br />

gland. That?s the little pine cone-shaped,<br />

light-sensing organ which is also called The Third<br />

Eye. It?s located near the center <strong>of</strong> the brain, tucked<br />

between the two hemispheres. Raising your<br />

frequency through meditation activates the Third<br />

Eye and can move you into higher consciousness.<br />

For centuries esoteric traditions have considered the<br />

pineal gland to be the connecting link between the<br />

physical and spiritual worlds. Activating the pineal<br />

gland through meditation has been the way to<br />

access those inner realms.<br />

The problem is that calcification de-activates the<br />

consciousness-boosting effects <strong>of</strong> the pineal gland.<br />

And here?s where the connection to sugar comes in:<br />

too much sugar contributes in a major way to<br />

calcification <strong>of</strong> the pineal gland. One <strong>of</strong> the best<br />

ways to reduce the crystallized calcium deposits is<br />

to cut way down on sugar.<br />

Besides inhibiting the consciousness-raising effect<br />

<strong>of</strong> meditation, sugar can cause depression by<br />

interfering with brain cell communication. I have to<br />

be very careful with sugar ? not only because too<br />

much causes depression in me but also because<br />

Alzheimer?s Disease is now being called Diabetes<br />

Type 3 by some scientists studying the brain.<br />

Although I was able to reverse the symptoms <strong>of</strong><br />

early Alzheimer?s, I still have to be careful with<br />

sugar to keep that APO-e4 gene I inherited in the<br />

?<strong>of</strong>f? position.<br />

Now, I?m not saying that sugar is bad. Your brain and<br />

body need and use sugar as energy to function. The<br />

difficulty is that we consume preposterous amounts<br />

and that?s very harmful to our health.<br />

As I?m writing this, I?m also talking to myself. I have<br />

a terrible sweet tooth and love having ice cream<br />

after dinner. I?ve had to curb that, though, so my<br />

substitute has been plain yogurt mixed with fresh or<br />

thawed-out frozen berries, and using stevia instead<br />

<strong>of</strong> sugar to sweeten food and drink. Stevia has zero<br />

calories, does not spike your blood sugar levels and<br />

does not trigger stress hormones, among other<br />

benefits. For those <strong>of</strong> you with the same sugar<br />

addiction, there?s exciting news! There?s now an ice<br />

cream made with stevia and it?s available in most<br />

cities and towns.<br />

Ellen Wood <strong>of</strong> Taos, NM is an<br />

inspirational speaker and<br />

award-winning author <strong>of</strong><br />

?Think and Grow Young.? Her<br />

new book is ?Joy! Joy! Joy! 7<br />

Mind Body Spirit Self-Help<br />

Practices to Relieve Stress<br />

and Anxiety, Reverse Memory<br />

Loss and Live Happy.?<br />

Contact her at<br />

ellen@book<strong>of</strong>joyjoyjoy.com.<br />

Page 47 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

Adver tising<br />

& T h e L aw <strong>of</strong> A ttr acti on<br />

As CEO <strong>of</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>, I have noticed that people will place their<br />

order and then sit back waiting for the Universe to deliver many leads to them.<br />

Unfortunately, that is where it stops for them because their inaction stops the flow<br />

from reaching them. They don't realize that they must gear up and work with the<br />

Advertising! This is, <strong>of</strong> course, how the Universe works. The one thing I tell them<br />

is to get moving... keep the energy flowing. - Jewels Johnson, Editor-in-Chief<br />

You are a fabulous Coach, Speaker, Promoter or you have a Life Changing book that<br />

you want to get in the hands <strong>of</strong> your precise market. What do you do?<br />

1. You have determine who your market is. You want to get front <strong>of</strong> the people who will purchase<br />

your service or product AND you want to collect future leads.<br />

2. Now take Action by working with the Advertising Company to send out every ad, article or<br />

interview to your own email list which will impress your existing list.<br />

3. Get multiple placements (weekly, monthly or bi-monthly) because familiarity shows stability and<br />

breeds more sales.<br />

3. Drive Traffic to your site by giving freebies... 30 min. coaching session, free e-book or monthly<br />

newsletter in order to collect email addresses. These are your future buyers <strong>of</strong> your products and<br />

these opt-in email addresses are GOLD!<br />

4. Take advantage <strong>of</strong> media creditability and endorsements by your placing the ads on your<br />

website.<br />

Page 48 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

By Jew el s Joh n son<br />

Here's the hardcore truth: Advertising adds credibility to your message ? Don?t ask me why this<br />

is exactly, but every time I run advertising, people comment that business must be going well.<br />

The perception that you can afford advertising is <strong>of</strong>ten enough to sell and resell prospects and<br />

customers alike and makes it easier to get attention for your entire message.<br />

Advertising amplifies everything else you?re doing ? When you are using advertising to create<br />

awareness for your content you automatically create more awareness for everything you are<br />

doing. Journalists find companies that advertise, referral sources remember companies that<br />

advertise, people find, follow and friend from ads. Your employees can point to well-placed ads<br />

as a source <strong>of</strong> pride in place they work.<br />

The motto is... WORK WITH THE UNIVERSE & THE ADVERTISING COMPANY. Don't sit back and<br />

assume that people will purchase it without your continuing actions. Be sure to ask for<br />

suggestions. Remember, the Advertising company wants you to succeed, because if you do, so<br />

will the Advertising Company!<br />

It's just the beginning to build the business that you have been dreaming about!<br />

<strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> and <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> Radio Network<br />

would to LOVE to help you with your Advertising needs!<br />

Contact Gina@LOAmedia.com<br />

Page 49 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

<strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> Attr action Radio Networ k<br />

Free!<br />

M oney A ttraction Hypnosis M P3<br />

Plus M ORE<br />

Dow nload your M P3 at<br />

Http://LoaRadioNetw ork .com/Free-M oney<br />

LOAr adioNetwor k.com<br />

Page 51 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

Using the<br />

<strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> Attr action<br />

to get<br />

Body Confidence<br />

fr om the<br />

Inside Out!<br />

By Coach Stephanie Wood, PCC<br />

Many <strong>of</strong> us use LOA's powerful energy for what we<br />

desire in our lives. The implication is to attract<br />

things available in our environment, but not<br />

currently in our lives.The beauty <strong>of</strong> body<br />

confidence, the feeling <strong>of</strong> being comfortable with<br />

our appearance at any time under any<br />

circumstances, is we were born with that desirable<br />

quality.<br />

Our challenge is to get it back and that's where the<br />

<strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> improves our lives.<br />

At birth, our only fear was <strong>of</strong> falling, as we grew<br />

into adulthood, our personalities added other<br />

insecurities. As we matured, body confidence was<br />

socialized out <strong>of</strong> us by our parents, peers, and the<br />

media. For women, body image took center stage<br />

during our adolescence and continued affecting our<br />

overall confidence into adulthood. In adulthood,<br />

every transition brought more body image issues.<br />

There are three traditional LOA Steps to Creating<br />

Confidence:<br />

1. Focus on the feeling in present time<br />

2. Reframe negative emotions into positivity<br />

around this issue.<br />

3. Allow Confidence to flow into you.<br />

Those steps suggest Confidence lies outside <strong>of</strong><br />

yourself, and it's necessary to attract it to you.<br />

Practitioners <strong>of</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> will report mixed<br />

results with those steps, as well as other techniques<br />

traditionally used to draw non-material things into<br />

their lives. Those unreliable results depend on the<br />

misconception that confidence is an external<br />

quality, one that is available somewhere "out there"<br />

and will be open to anyone who knows how to<br />

attract it.<br />

And they are the same unenlightened people who<br />

attempt to acquire confidence with other external<br />

items: a fancy car, an attractive partner, a large<br />

house, lots <strong>of</strong> jewelry, and endless rounds <strong>of</strong> plastic<br />

surgery.<br />

Those for whom, "More is never enough."<br />

<strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> + Body Knowledge System= Body<br />

Confidence Made Simple.<br />

Body Knowledge System practitioners understand<br />

the concept <strong>of</strong> "enough" and how it applies to every<br />

aspect <strong>of</strong> their lives. Ironically, those who also<br />

practice the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> begin within their<br />

bodies to establish the trust between them for the<br />

<strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> to be useful in all aspects <strong>of</strong> their<br />

lives.<br />

The concept <strong>of</strong> "enough" when applied to<br />

confidence is particularly important when used to<br />

women in modern society. Assertiveness is <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

mistaken for arrogance and criticized harshly by<br />

Page 52 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

those (men, mostly) we need to impress. And<br />

research indicates that women can react even more<br />

harshly to other women who possess the<br />

confidence they lack.<br />

Overconfidence is a negative assessment<br />

whenever a project fails regardless <strong>of</strong> the gender <strong>of</strong><br />

the person in charge. Overconfidence is forgivable<br />

in men, not so much when the failure belongs to<br />

women. The beauty <strong>of</strong> body knowledge is the<br />

degree <strong>of</strong> confidence expressed by either gender is<br />

always appropriate to the project.<br />

Bring Back Your Birthright: How to Attract Body<br />

Confidence<br />

As soon as you befriend your body through your<br />

unique body knowledge system, your body will<br />

share all the information you need to apply the law<br />

<strong>of</strong> attraction to bringing back your birthright: Body<br />

Confidence.<br />

The only significant difference between the<br />

traditional application <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> is<br />

the replacement <strong>of</strong> Step Two with a body<br />

knowledge concept<br />

that you can use<br />

whenever you apply<br />

the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong><br />

to any goal or acquisition you desire.<br />

Here are more Body Knowledge System Steps to<br />

Apply to LOA for Creating Confidence.<br />

· Focus on the positive feeling: Where do you<br />

"feel"? Not in your head---no, you feel in your<br />

body.<br />

When you're experiencing confidence, you feel<br />

good, sometimes great. You straighten your spine<br />

to stand taller, your shoulders square, perhaps you<br />

widen your stance to command more space. Just<br />

like in the wild, you enlarge your impact on your<br />

environment to express your dominance. Think<br />

Wonder Woman stance!<br />

Beyond the external expression <strong>of</strong> confidence,<br />

like other feelings, you experience them in your<br />

body. When in love, your "heart" soars, sings, and<br />

burns with passion. When afraid, your stomach<br />

tightens, your bowels loosen, and your brain may<br />

freeze. All that energy, positive or negative, begins<br />

in your body.<br />

So does the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong>, as its power<br />

depends on the quality <strong>of</strong> the energy you express.<br />

· MOVE!<br />

To eliminate the intrusion <strong>of</strong> negative feelings,<br />

thoughts, move your body. If you're still "in your<br />

head" when practicing LOA, those downers are hard<br />

to get rid <strong>of</strong> for any length <strong>of</strong> time. And when they<br />

return, they can cancel out all the good energy your<br />

desire to reawaken the confidence available at your<br />

birth. Begin with your fingers, hands, arms,<br />

shoulders, and head, then turn to your toes, feet,<br />

legs and torso. If that distraction isn't enough to<br />

return your focus, stand up and dance your dance.<br />

(See Body Knowledge System for more information)<br />

Allow body confidence to reawaken the<br />

confidence you were born with: your birthright.<br />

Those who practice their body knowledge system<br />

rarely have issues with confidence in any situation.<br />

They have crossed that bridge in their maturing<br />

process and are prepared to self-actualize<br />

themselves using the <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong>. Because<br />

they know they can rely on their body's wisdom,<br />

support, and knowledge to always make the<br />

appropriate choices for both <strong>of</strong> them, they<br />

approach all <strong>of</strong> life's challenges with the<br />

confidence available to them at birth.<br />

Body Confidence Made Simple!<br />

w w w.bodyaw e.com/body-confidence-check-in<br />

Feel your Body Confidence with every step and see<br />

how fast your life changes! Remember, Body<br />

knowledge is accomplished through renewed communication<br />

with your body. When that relationship<br />

is re-established, body confidence follows. Add the<br />

<strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> and make all those dreams come<br />

true!?<br />

Contact her at<br />

CoachStephanieWood@gmail.com<br />

Listen to Coach Stephanie and Shelagh Jones on<br />

their delightful show: Body-Confidence LOA Style.<br />

To Listen, go to<br />

http:/ / loaradionetwork.com/ body-confidence<br />

Page 53 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

Hawk Messengers<br />

Lisa from Powell, OH, asked:<br />

Hi Julie,<br />

A pair <strong>of</strong> large hawks have been hanging out in our<br />

heavily wooded yard for the past several weeks<br />

and they seem to be watching us as much as we<br />

watch them.<br />

When we go to different areas <strong>of</strong> our home, the<br />

hawks fly to trees directly outside <strong>of</strong> the rooms<br />

we?re in and position themselves so they can be<br />

seen and can see us.<br />

During the 23 years we?ve lived here, we?ve seen<br />

an occasional hawk in our yard but never a pair<br />

and never for this length <strong>of</strong> time.<br />

These hawks have proven to be a much needed<br />

distraction for my seriously ill husband and me<br />

and our family.<br />

What do you think their presence means? Thanks.<br />

Hi Lisa,<br />

Before I connected to you and through you to the<br />

hawks, I was inspired to research the symbolism <strong>of</strong><br />

these birds <strong>of</strong> prey. What I learned was fascinating.<br />

Hawks:<br />

- Are messengers from angels, the spirit world, and<br />

the Divine;<br />

- Signal a time in your life when you need to focus<br />

on what?s ahead and prepare for a leadership role;<br />

- Symbolize you are ready to fly higher than ever<br />

before and have an increased power <strong>of</strong> focus;<br />

- Indicate you will take the lead when the time is<br />

right;<br />

- Symbolize a strong connection to spirit; increased<br />

spiritual awareness;<br />

- Are reminders to open our eyes and see what is<br />

there to guide us.<br />

I imagine all <strong>of</strong> these symbolic meanings may<br />

resonate with you considering your husband is ill.<br />

When connecting with the hawks, I ?got? they were<br />

there to provide entertainment and be a distraction<br />

as well as a soothing presence for you and your<br />

family.<br />

They told me they like it when you come outside<br />

and talk to them and they requested you put out<br />

some popped popcorn in a metal pie tin for them.<br />

They showed me they?d like the pie tin placed in the<br />

woods.<br />

When I Googled hawks and popcorn I learned, they<br />

do indeed eat popped popcorn!<br />

Hope this information shines some light on your<br />

new pet hawks.<br />

My Baby Is In Pain<br />

Michelle from Birmingham, AL, asked:<br />

Hi Julie,<br />

Can you please do a medical scan on my baby son<br />

Ronin? He seems to have a lot <strong>of</strong> abdominal pain<br />

and acid reflux. Nothing seems to be giving him<br />

any relief and the doctor just tells me he?ll outgrow<br />

it.<br />

Our surprise baby arrived via C-Section 5 months<br />

ago, and I?ve nursed him from the start. I thought<br />

nursing was supposed to be the best way to feed an<br />

infant and I?m very careful about what I eat that<br />

could possibly affect him through my breast milk.<br />

We don?t know what else to try.<br />

Please help. We?re all sleep deprived and feeling<br />

helpless. It breaks my heart to see him suffering.<br />

Hi Michelle,<br />

Congratulations on your new baby Ronin. I?m sorry<br />

to hear he?s in pain.<br />

In order to get some answers for you, I first<br />

energetically connected to you and from you to<br />

Ronin. While scanning him I could see (in my mind?s<br />

Page 54 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong>

eye) that he?s full <strong>of</strong> Candida yeast. I believe this<br />

situation has been caused from a combination <strong>of</strong> his<br />

being born via a C-Section and antibiotics given to<br />

you and possibly to him too.<br />

In the past several years, the medical community has<br />

discovered when a baby is born vaginally, it ingests<br />

some <strong>of</strong> the mother?s bacteria which in turn seeds its<br />

gut biome. The American Academy <strong>of</strong> Pediatrics<br />

stated, ?Infants born through cesarean section had<br />

lower numbers <strong>of</strong> Bifidobacterium and Bacteroides,<br />

whereas they were more <strong>of</strong>ten colonized with C.<br />

difficile, compared with vaginally born infants.?<br />

C-Section babies obviously avoid the birth canal<br />

when being born and therefore miss out on what has<br />

shown to be an important process in developing a<br />

robust gut biome and immune system. Further, when<br />

antibiotics are given to the birth mother post-op, they<br />

eradicate beneficial bacteria in the stomach and<br />

intestines and allow yeast to flourish. This not only<br />

affects the mother?s gut biome, it affects the baby?s<br />

gut biome through breast milk. An overabundance <strong>of</strong><br />

yeast causes a variety <strong>of</strong> symptoms including gastric<br />

distress and acid reflux.<br />

In an attempt to get Ronin some relief, I removed the<br />

yeast from his GI tract, and watched an energetic<br />

balm (resembling thick white facial cream) be applied<br />

to his inflamed tissues. In particular, his little<br />

stomach was very irritated. This isn?t a surprise<br />

considering the yeast release toxins that irritate the<br />

lining <strong>of</strong> the esophagus, stomach and intestines, and<br />

turn them into a fermentation factory with lots <strong>of</strong><br />

painful bloating and gas bubbles.<br />

Now, here are a few things you can do to help your<br />

baby heal:<br />

- While you?re nursing, do your best to eat organic<br />

whole food. The pesticides used in our food supply<br />

kill bugs including gut bacteria. Here?s a chart<br />

depicting what foods to eat.<br />

- Also, while you?re nursing, do your best to avoid<br />

processed food and especially sugar. Yeast loves<br />

sugar and eating it causes gas, bloating and pain in<br />

the human GI tract.<br />

- Get your pediatrician to write a prescription for<br />

Nystatin (oral suspension). Nystatin is an anti-fungal<br />

found in the ground that kills yeast on contact. It<br />

doesn?t have any side effects and is most commonly<br />

prescribed to treat Thrush. Nystatin will do wonders<br />

to get the yeast under control and most importantly,<br />

relieve Ronin?s gastric pain.<br />

Hope this information helps and hope Ronin is<br />

feeling better soon!<br />

Help For Hashimoto?s<br />

Meena from London, England, UK, asked:<br />

Hi Julie,<br />

I would like to ask about a health issue that I have. I<br />

have Hashimoto?s thyroid problem. Could you<br />

please scan me and let me know what's happening?<br />

Also I looked at the bookings for a private session<br />

with you and wanted to ask about the time zone<br />

difference.<br />

Thank you very much.<br />

Meena<br />

Hi Meena,<br />

Page 55 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong><br />

Thanks for submitting your question.<br />

The American Thyroid Association describes<br />

Hashimoto?s Thyroiditis as ?An autoimmune<br />

disorder in which antibodies directed against the<br />

thyroid gland lead to chronic inflammation. Initially,<br />

inflammation <strong>of</strong> the thyroid causes a leak resulting<br />

in excess thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism). Over<br />

time, the inflammation prevents the thyroid from<br />

producing enough hormones (hypothyroidism).<br />

Symptoms include fatigue and unexplained weight<br />

gain.?<br />

Hashimoto?s has been getting a lot <strong>of</strong> publicity<br />

lately as supermodel Gigi Hadid has openly spoken<br />

about her experiences in dealing with this<br />

condition. Interestingly enough, it?s estimated that<br />

20% <strong>of</strong> us have Hashimoto?s.<br />

In order to get a clearer picture <strong>of</strong> what?s happening<br />

with you, I energetically connected with you and<br />

saw in my (mind?s eye), that your thyroid is very<br />

enlarged and inflamed and also that your energy<br />

level is very low. This tells me you?re most likely<br />

feeling fatigued a lot <strong>of</strong> the time.<br />

Next, I watched an energetic healing occur. Energy<br />

was applied to your thyroid and looked like a<br />

brilliant spinning vortex <strong>of</strong> light rotating in a<br />

clockwise direction. It eradicated the inflammation<br />

in your thyroid and returned it to a normal size <strong>of</strong><br />

healthy pink tissue. Then, I watched your energy

field light up to full power. This should help improve your fatigue symptoms.<br />

In addition, I noticed you had a substantial amount <strong>of</strong> mold spores in your body. Mold exposure can trigger<br />

an autoimmune response that affects the thyroid and causes Hashimoto?s. Do you have a mold issue in your<br />

home or workplace? If so, I recommend getting it fixed because it?s making you sick.<br />

Now, here are a few additional things that can help:<br />

1) Read the book ?Hashimoto's Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life<br />

Back" by Isabella Wentz, Pharm D. Dr. Wentz has cured herself from Hashimoto?s and provides a program<br />

that can help you too. Go to thyroidpharmacist.com for more information.<br />

2) Be diligent about eating a healthy diet. Go to bulletpro<strong>of</strong>.com/ diet and download the free food chart. Eat<br />

what?s on it. Research has shown what?s known as gut permeability or leaky gut can have a huge impact on<br />

the body?s autoimmune triggers.<br />

3) Consider getting your gut biome tested to see what bacteria, fungi and parasites are residing there. A<br />

company called Viome <strong>of</strong>fers this service for an affordable fee and will provide an easy-to-read report <strong>of</strong><br />

their findings and recommendations for what foods can restore a healthy gut biome and immune system.<br />

4) Research and consider taking Activated Charcoal, a detoxifying substance that absorbs mold and heavy<br />

metals as well as Reduced Glutathione, a detoxifying antioxidant that also repairs DNA.<br />

5) Find a functional medicine physician who will find the root cause <strong>of</strong> your illness and help you heal your<br />

body. Go to functionalmedicine.org and enter your zip code. A list <strong>of</strong> doctors in your area will appear.<br />

Regarding scheduling a private session, just email me at julie@askjulieryan.com with a few possible<br />

dates/ times. I'm in the Central Time Zone which is 6 hours behind the UK so early evening in London is<br />

usually best. I work with people throughout the world and it's easy to connect through phone (I'll provide an<br />

in-country number to you), FaceTime, or Skype.<br />

Hope this information helps. I truly believe you can and will heal your thyroid.<br />

Page 56 - <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2018</strong><br />

Julie Ryan, Psychic and Medical Intuitive, can be<br />

heard on <strong>Law</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Attraction</strong> Radio Network with<br />

her popular show, The Ask<br />

Julie Ryan Show. Julie<br />

welcomes callers every<br />

Thursday at 8PM ET, 7PM<br />

CT, 5 PM PT by calling:<br />

Call in: (712) 770-4160<br />

Access Code: 533677# .<br />

You may submit questions<br />

that may be answered<br />

on-air.<br />

To hear all previous<br />

episodes, please visit her<br />

show page at<br />

http://loaradionetwork.com/julie-ryan.<br />

For more information about Julie Ryan and<br />

about purchasing her book, Angelic Attendants,<br />

please visit www.askjulieryan.com.

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