
GHCL Digest MAY 2018

GHCL Digest MAY 2018


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May 2018<br />

<strong>GHCL</strong> DIGEST<br />

<strong>GHCL</strong> wins<br />

Golden Peacock National<br />

Quality Award -2018

Contents<br />

Index<br />

Pages<br />

MD's Message 3<br />

Feature Story-<strong>GHCL</strong> wins<br />

the Golden Peacock Na onal<br />

Quality Award - 2018<br />

4<br />

I –Flo Products 5-7<br />

Fes vals Of India – May 8-9<br />

Reducing GHG Footprint 10<br />

Business Updates 11<br />

Celebra ons @<strong>GHCL</strong> 12-13<br />

Events @ <strong>GHCL</strong> 14-16<br />

How to Get from Where You<br />

Are to Where You Want to Be<br />

Earth Day Contest- Winning<br />

enteries<br />

17-18<br />

19<br />

Crea ve Corner 20<br />

Editorial team<br />

Corporate communica on<br />

Inputs By:<br />

Mr. M Sathishkumar– Chennai<br />

Ms. Priyum Upadhyay– Bhilad<br />

Mr. Rajkumar M– Madurai<br />

Ms. Siddhi Mehta– Sutrapada<br />

Ms. Mita Vyas-Bhavnagar<br />

Ms. Ami Pandit– Ahmedabad<br />

Follow Us On<br />

For feedback please write to corpcommunica on@ghcl.co.in<br />

May 2018 2

Dear Colleagues,<br />

MD’s Message<br />

I take great pride in announcing that FY 19 has started with the<br />

wonderful news of the Soda Ash division achieving an all- me<br />

highest produc on of 9,36,972 MT in the year 2017 – 2018. This<br />

is a remarkable achievement which was not possible without<br />

the integrated team effort of the division. I once again<br />

congratulate the en re team for achieving the milestone.<br />

I would also like to men on that we bagged the Golden<br />

Peacock Na onal Quality Award and Greater Together Award<br />

from Philips Ligh ng in the year 2018.This is another feather in<br />

our cap and with this we have moved one step ahead and<br />

created a new benchmark for ourselves.<br />

At <strong>GHCL</strong>, we value our employees as our greatest assets. They have always proved themselves by<br />

contribu ng their best towards achievement of organisa onal goals. This Year the HR-IR Team of Sutrapada<br />

Plant, Soda Ash Division organised a felicita on program to acknowledge the services of the employees -<br />

technicians, operators and staff members for comple ng 25 years of their service with <strong>GHCL</strong>.<br />

I urge all of you to keep con nuously working towards achieving new milestones and adding value to the<br />

organisa on by exploring innova ve ideas by which we can add value to the society and environment. We<br />

should find new ways to adopt sustainable methods of opera ons where we can give back more to the<br />

environment. We have to adopt a mind-set where all of us as individuals are ready to give back to nature in<br />

our own way.<br />

As rightly said by Robert Swan, Author “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will<br />

save it.”<br />

With the launch of REKOOP, we have already started taking steps towards implemen ng new sustainable<br />

ways to help improve the ecological balance. We are also trying to do our bit towards saving the<br />

environment by celebra ng the Earth Hour and The Earth Day within the organisa on.<br />

I want to convey to you that the Consumer Product Division has successfully started its opera ons in the East<br />

and the North zones of India. The en re CPD team is pu ng great effort to upli the brand value of i-FLO by<br />

concentra ng on the visibility of the brand on a pan India basis. We have successfully started staff sales of i-<br />

FLO products in Noida and Mumbai loca ons and will soon to start the same in Vapi also. I encourage all of<br />

you to order our products from i-FLO and refer the same to your friends and family.<br />

We should work effec vely towards one of our greatest value of Integrated Team Work. We should avoid<br />

working in silos of divisions, departments etc. All of us should unite as one team and work in an integrated<br />

manner as team <strong>GHCL</strong> to contribute in achieving best results for our organisa on.<br />

I wish you all the very best for the new financial year 2018-2019.<br />

Regards,<br />

RS Jalan<br />

May 2018 3

Feature Story - <strong>GHCL</strong> Limited wins the<br />

Golden Peacock National Quality Award – 2018<br />

The award being collected by Mr. Bharat Awasthi<br />

The Golden Peacock Award<br />

Trophy and a Cer ficate was<br />

presented to <strong>GHCL</strong>, at a specially<br />

organised 'Golden Peacock<br />

Awards Presenta on Ceremony',<br />

held on Wednesday, 18th April<br />

2018, at 10:30 hrs, at Hotel St.<br />

Regis Dubai, (UAE), in the<br />

presence of a dis nguished<br />

gathering of business leaders and<br />

par cipants during IOD, India's<br />

" 2 8 t h Wo r l d C o n g re s s o n<br />

L e a d e r s h i p f o r B U S I N E S S<br />


His Highness Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Hon'ble Cabinet Member & Minister of Tolerance, Govt.<br />

of UAE was the Chief Guest.<br />

Golden Peacock Na onal Quality Award Scheme was ins tuted by the Ins tute Of Directors in February<br />

1991 to encourage Total Quality improvements in both manufacturing as well as service organiza ons<br />

in India. These Awards are presented to organiza ons in different sectors adjudged to have made the<br />

most significant achievement in the field of Total Quality.<br />

Commen ng on this award Mr RS Jalan, Managing Director, <strong>GHCL</strong> said, “For the last three decades our constant<br />

efforts have been towards improving quality systems to offer be er products & services to the customers. This<br />

philosophy has taken us from sa sfying customers to customer delight, thus maximizing value to all<br />

stakeholders. <strong>GHCL</strong> assimilated holis c approach of total quality management prac ces at every level and is<br />

achieving highest level of quality in products & services to move towards business sustainability. At <strong>GHCL</strong>, we<br />

believe that sustainability involves improving business opera ons and processes to become more efficient,<br />

agile, with a goal of drama cally reducing instances of non-compliance (for e.g. environment & social), costs<br />

and wastage. Respect for community and stakeholders is one of the core values at <strong>GHCL</strong> and one essen al area<br />

of focus for us is ins tu onalizing safety as a core part of our culture. It is a great honor for us to be recognized<br />

for our ini a ves”.<br />

“Customers don’t measure you on how hard you<br />

tried. They measure you on what you deliver”<br />

- Steve Jobs<br />

May 2018 4

i-FLO Product Highlight<br />

Blended Spices<br />

Manufacturing of Blended Spices:<br />

Recipe prepara on:<br />

Blended Spices - Introduc on<br />

Spices have a special role to play in Indian Cooking. Spices give<br />

unique taste and aroma to the food. The taste of food depends<br />

on the combina on of the spices and herbs that are used for<br />

cooking a par cular dish. Based on the recipe, these spices are<br />

blended with each other to give a dis nct taste to any dish. This<br />

combina on of spices mixed or blended together is termed as<br />

“Blended Spices”.<br />

Recipe crea on is a very important and cri cal part of blended spices manufacturing. Recipe can vary based<br />

on the cuisine and the region. The important ingredients types in the blended spices are:<br />

Base Spices: Chillies, Turmeric, Coriander and Cumin are the base spices and all the blended spices will<br />

contain these four spices irrespec ve of cuisine and region to give the basic taste for the final dish.<br />

Exo c Spices: Clove, Pepper, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Fennel, Mace and Nutmeg are called as exo c<br />

spices and are added to give the specific flavor and aroma. Addi on of these spices will depend on the<br />

cuisine and the region.<br />

Fillers: Starches in the form of Corn, Rice powders and Bengal gram are known as fillers. Addi on of<br />

fillers is to make the volume of the product. Nowadays addi on of fillers in Indian masala is reduced due to the<br />

cost impact in the final product.<br />

There is no standard sample or formula for recipe crea on as the taste of masala completely depends on the<br />

region and state that has got its own influence based on the ea ng habit. Each manufacturer will have their<br />

own recipe that are created by blending preferred spices by the target customer.<br />

India has two types of recipes, South Indian Cuisine and North Indian Cuisine. South Indian recipe also<br />

fragmented into different types, examples Andhra cuisines, Tamilnadu cuisines, Karnataka cuisines and Kerala<br />

cuisines.<br />

The Process:<br />

The method of processing blended spices have the following steps,<br />

- Pre-cleaning and pre-cu ng<br />

- Roas ng and blending<br />

- Grinding and blending<br />

Pre-cleaning and pre-cu ng of Spices are common for all types of blended spices produc on. Whereas the<br />

roas ng process is mostly used only in South Indian blended spice. The people of south prefers the roasted<br />

May 2018 5

aroma of most of the base spices, hence 90% of blended spices prepared with roas ng process. Whereas<br />

people of the north, east and west region prefers the raw aroma of spices and hence the roas ng process is<br />

available only in 10% of the blended spices produc on.<br />

Roas ng temperature depends on the variety of spices and the preferred standard of taste and aroma based on<br />

the region. Based on these facts, the specialists at the manufacturer end decides the final mixes for the<br />

blended spices.<br />

Grinding the spices to the required fineness level and the final blending is common for all the blended spices<br />

before packaging. Grinding will be done by either hammer mill, pin mill or cool grinding mills depending on the<br />

manufacturers choice.<br />

Blended Spices – Product types:<br />

Blended spices are classified into two different types, vegetarian and the non-vegetarian.<br />

Vegetarian blended spices: Non-vegetarian blended spices:<br />

1.Sambar powder<br />

2.Rasam powder<br />

3.Vegetable masala<br />

4.Channa masala<br />

5.Garam masala<br />

6.Idly chilli powder<br />

1.Chicken masala<br />

2.Mu on masala<br />

3.Fish masala<br />

4.Biriyani masala<br />

5.Chicken Tikka masala<br />

6.Fish curry masala<br />

The above varie es of blended spices are very common in both the vegetarian and non-vegetarian categories<br />

and can be easily found on the shelf in any departmental / super stores. The packs developed for these different<br />

varie es of blended spices also carry small write-up on the cooking method that helps the buyers to achieve the<br />

desired taste that they are looking for by using these spices. These cooking instruc ons are given based on the<br />

in-house trials and tas ng results given by the expert panels.<br />

Blended Spices – Tas ng panel:<br />

The manufacturers have a separate team of tas ng panel members who possess great knowledge of Spices and<br />

their varie es. Based on their knowledge these panel members approve the blend ra o of each variety of<br />

blended spices and they give decision on the taste and flavor subjec vely based on the preference. There is no<br />

standard methodology to approve the ra os objec vely as the tas ng buds will vary person to person. CFTRI<br />

Mysore is in progress to find a mathema cal way to arrive the best solu on for the taste of food products.<br />

However, these results also are arrived based on the ra ng provided the tasters during the tas ng trials.<br />

Market Leaders and Poten al:<br />

Total poten al of the spices market is 40,000 Crores and around 20% of the market is shared by Blended Spices.<br />

Blended spices market is highly segmented regionally. Each region has a market leader depending on the<br />

cuisine and cooking recipe. Based on the na onal availability, major market leaders are:<br />

1. MDH<br />

2. Everest<br />

3. Catch Salt and Spices<br />

4. Ramdev<br />

5. MTR<br />

6. Eastern Condiments<br />

7. Other regional players like Aachi, Sakthi (South India Market)<br />

May 2018 6

i-FLO now is all set to enter the blended spice market by next month. This new product category will help<br />

enhance the visibility of the brand more in the market along with its major compe tors in the same category<br />

and will help the target customer to have more preferences in terms of brand availability.<br />

May 2018 7

Festivals in May<br />

Interna onal Flower Fes val<br />

Right from the 400 types of orchids to over thirty species of<br />

rhododendrons and an exo c variety of blooms, visitors are<br />

sure to get charmed by what the Sikkim landscape has to offer<br />

at this me of the year. Besides a look at the blooms, ferns,<br />

alpine plants and climbers, the capital Gangtok also hosts<br />

lectures and seminars on its indigenous foliage.<br />

Thrissur Pooram<br />

This is a 36-hour non-stop celebra on during which about ten<br />

dei es from the neighbouring temples congregate at Thrissur<br />

to bless their devotees. The majes c procession of over 50<br />

caparisoned elephants — a perfect photo-op for shu erbugs –<br />

is an unforge able spectacle. Come evening and the sky is<br />

aglow, not just with the spectacular ligh ng of the temples, but<br />

also a fireworks show.<br />

Ooty Summer Fes val<br />

Want to see a mind-boggling variety of dahlias and roses<br />

together with a range of flowers from across the world? The<br />

121-year-old flower show, part of the Ooty fes val, has it all. It<br />

also packs in a wonderful amalgam of fairs and carnivals.<br />

Guests are sure to be charmed not just by the vibrant cultural<br />

shows but also the vegetable and spice shows.<br />

May 2018 8

Mount Abu Summer Fes val<br />

Offering a feast of folk and classical music, the festival<br />

opens with a ballad recounting tales of valour and<br />

sacrifice of yore. The focus then shifts to the picturesque<br />

Nakki Lake for some exciting boat races where people<br />

dressed in their traditional best gather to cheer for their<br />

favourite teams. Skating, band shows and a horse race<br />

along with traditional sports like tug-of-war are also on<br />

offer. But the raison d'etre of the festival are the music<br />

shows, particularly the qawwali evening in which wellknown<br />

artistes enthral listeners.<br />

Buddha Purnima<br />

Followers from across the world converge at this ancient<br />

Buddhist centre to celebrate the birth anniversary of<br />

Gautama Buddha. Celebrations at Sarnath are special<br />

since the Buddha is believed to have delivered his first<br />

sermon after attaining enlightenment here. Prayers,<br />

sermons and meditation are some of the important<br />

activities of the day.<br />

Fun Time<br />

A lady calls Santa for repairing door bell. Santa doesn’t<br />

turns up for 4 days.<br />

Lady calls again, Santa replies: I’m coming daily since<br />

4 days, I press the bell but no one comes out<br />

May 2018 9

Reducing GHG Footprint- A step<br />

towards Sustainable Future!<br />

This month from the sustainability desk, we have come up with an ar cle to enlighten our readers about the<br />

impact of greenhouse gases on climate change and how reducing the GHG emissions (also known as carbon<br />

footprint) can contribute in mi ga ng impacts of climate change.<br />

Greenhouse gases have the poten al to trap sun's heat in the atmosphere and hence results in the<br />

increasing average global temperature. Primary greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere are Carbon<br />

dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide, ozone & water vapour. Greenhouse gases from human ac vi es are the<br />

most significant driver of observed climate change since the mid-20th century. Since the beginning of the<br />

Industrial Revolu on (around 1750) human ac vi es have contributed in 40% increase in the atmospheric<br />

concentra on of carbon dioxide (CO2), from 280 ppm in 1750 to 406 ppm in early 2017. Worldwide, net<br />

emissions of greenhouse gases from human ac vi es have increased by 35 percent from 1990 to 2010.<br />

Emissions of carbon dioxide, which account for about three-fourths of total GHG emissions, has increased by<br />

42 percent over this period. With climate change in ac on, polar ice shields are mel ng and consequently<br />

sea levels are rising. Some regions are experiencing extreme weather events like frequent rainfall or extreme<br />

heat waves and droughts. The impacts are expected to intensify in coming decades if the business as usual<br />

con nues.<br />

The challenge of climate change calls for an extraordinary vision, leadership, compassion and wisdom. The<br />

cumula ve accumula on of greenhouse gases (GHGs) historically since industrial revolu on has resulted in<br />

the current problem of global warming. This is further compounded by the tepid and inadequate response<br />

of the developed countries even a er the adop on of the United Na ons Framework Conven on on Climate<br />

Change (UNFCCC) and delinea on of obliga ons and responsibili es in the year 1992. As a result, an<br />

'emission' ambi on gap has been created calling for enhanced global ac ons to address it.<br />

With the aim to limit the increase in global average temperatures to “below 2°C above pre-industrial levels”<br />

countries across the globe adopted an historic interna onal climate agreement in Paris in December 2015<br />

(Popularly known as Paris Agreement). It also aims to “pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to<br />

1.5°C above pre-industrial levels”, recognizing that this would significantly reduce the risks and impacts of<br />

climate change. In order to actually limit warming to that level, the aim is to achieve a balance between<br />

anthropogenic emissions by sources (power plants, fossil fuel related combus on, etc.) and removals by<br />

sinks (trees/oceans absorp on capacity) of greenhouse gases. Countries including India outlined the<br />

climate ac ons they intended to take under the new interna onal agreement, known as their Intended<br />

Na onally Determined Contribu ons (INDCs).<br />

India declared a voluntary goal of reducing the emissions intensity of its GDP by 20–25%, over 2005 levels,<br />

by 2020. The goal is planned to be achieved by on-going mi ga on and adapta on strategies and ac ons<br />

like promo ng clean and efficient energy system, Enhancing energy efficiency, promo ng waste to wealth,<br />

sustainable transporta on, planned afforesta on, pollu on abatements etc.<br />

As a voluntary step, <strong>GHCL</strong> is in the process of developing ac on plan to reduce its carbon footprint. As a first<br />

and foremost step, we intend to undertake GHG inventoriza on for all divisions, and also iden fy all the<br />

areas/ac vi es which has poten al for GHG emission reduc ons. Exploring the renewable energy sources<br />

like wind, solar, promo ng planta ons, enhancing the energy efficiency within plant opera ons are few<br />

major areas of interven ons. We aim at making all our businesses greener by reducing the carbon footprint<br />

per unit of the product produced. We believe that our pro-ac veness in understanding the urgency of the<br />

ma er and taking strategic steps will somewhere contribute in achieving the India's declared INDCs.<br />

For further details and queries you may reach to corporateHSE@ghcl.co.in.<br />

May 2018 10

Business Updates<br />

Highest Produc on For The Year 2017-18<br />

Our Soda Ash Plant at Sutrapada created history by achieving<br />

all me highest produc on of 9,36,972 MT in the year 2017 –<br />

2018.<br />

To celebrate this achievement, Mr. N N Radia – Chief Opera ng<br />

st<br />

Officer, along with all the employees had assembled on 1 April<br />

2018 at Central Control room and Power Plant Control room in<br />

the early morning at 6 am. Everybody congratulated each other<br />

and shared their feelings on this grand success. Mr. Radia<br />

described this moment of grand success a result of integrated<br />

team work and dedica on of all the employees. He also<br />

extended his thanks to all our stakeholders associated with<br />

<strong>GHCL</strong> who showed great strength in achieving this milestone.<br />

Sweets were distributed among all to celebrate this occasion.<br />

Our MD, Mr. R S Jalan, on this proud moment congratulated the en re team at the plant for working with great<br />

efforts to achieve this milestone. Our MD also men oned this moment to convey his plans and visions on how<br />

to implement sustainability for effec ve working result.<br />

Annual Plant Shutdown<br />

<strong>GHCL</strong>. Sutrapada has taken up Annual Plant Shutdown<br />

th<br />

from 16 April 2018 onwards. During the Plant shutdown,<br />

various maintenance and repair ac vi es including<br />

expansion hook up jobs were taken up. Process tanks<br />

cleaning, boilers and high speed machineries jobs, raw<br />

material and finished product conveying system jobs,<br />

pollu on control equipment, effluent channel cleaning,<br />

sea water intake and piping checking, electrical,<br />

instrument and mechanical related jobs have been taken<br />

up. People have worked day and night constantly to meet<br />

the target comple on schedule. Third party inspec on<br />

/supervision for cri cal equipment checking was also a<br />

part of this shutdown.<br />

May 2018 11

Celebrations @ <strong>GHCL</strong><br />

World Water day<br />

March 22 is celebrated as 'World Water Day' every year focusing<br />

on the importance of fresh water and advoca ng sustainable<br />

management of water resources. The theme for this year was<br />

'Nature for water' which was focused on caring of natural<br />

resources. The importance and need for water conserva on was<br />

shared to everyone. The celebra on ended with a commitment<br />

to save water.<br />

EARTH HOUR -2018<br />

Earth hour is a worldwide movement organized by the World<br />

Wide Fund (WWF) for nature on 24th March to encourage and<br />

impact individuals, communi es, households and businesses<br />

to turn off their non-essen als lights for one hour.<br />

Soda ash division celebrated earth Hour to raise the awareness of climate change and energy conserva on.<br />

Environment department had arranged this event. E mail circula on brought everyone up to speed regarding<br />

important event. Resident of Sanjay Nagar township par cipated in the Earth hour with no electric power for 2<br />

hours in the late evening. During this me, ligh ng of candles was performed by everyone present followed by<br />

quiz arranged on the environment for all present. On the spot awards were given. Mr N N Radia-COO shared his<br />

view on this event and asked all to contribute more toward energy conserva on. A candle march procession<br />

was also arranged in the township to create awareness.<br />

May 2018 12

Celebrations @ <strong>GHCL</strong><br />

Start of new financial year held at Yarn division<br />

st<br />

On 1 April 2018, special puja was organized at the Yarn Division,<br />

Madurai to acknowledge the beginning of the new financial year.<br />

The puja is organized mainly to seek blessing of the Lord for<br />

bringing prosperity and achievement of the organiza onal goals<br />

effec vely as the division has entered the first transac on in the<br />

SAP in the financial year 2018-19.<br />

The event marked the presence of Mr.M.Sivabalasubramanian,<br />

Sr.VP (Opera on), all GM's and staff members from the division.<br />

Tamil New year special Puja held at Yarn division<br />

th<br />

On the occasion of Tamil New Year celebrated on 14 April, a<br />

special puja was organized at Sri Gnana Sakthi Karpaga Vinayagar<br />

Temple within the plant premises. All the members from senior<br />

management and staffs par cipated for the puja that was<br />

followed by the distribu on of Prasad.<br />

Difficult doesn’t mean impossible...<br />

It simply means that you have to work hard!!<br />

May 2018 13

Recognition / Events @ <strong>GHCL</strong><br />

Greater Together Award<br />

<strong>GHCL</strong> bagged the “Greater Together Award at the Philips Ligh ng<br />

Supplier Event organised at New Delhi on 11th April 2018.<br />

Mr. Pankaj Kumar and Mr. Sunil Bhatnagar were present to receive<br />

the award on behalf of <strong>GHCL</strong>. That was handed over by Anna Spinelli<br />

(Sr. Vice President) Head of procurement, Philips. The event also<br />

marked the presence of senior management from Philips Ligh ng.<br />

<strong>GHCL</strong> has been supplier for Philips Ligh ng since their incep on and<br />

was recognised for its great efforts for being very responsive and<br />

managing valuable rela onship for all these mes.<br />

Experience Of Hannover, Germany –MESSE 2017<br />

HANNOVER MESSE, being one of the biggest industrial trade shows in the world, covers a wide range of<br />

themes such as R&D, industrial automa on and IT, industrial supply, produc on engineering and services, as<br />

well as energy and environmental technology. The opportunity to develop new sales leads in other sectors,<br />

unique access to new products and technologies and a huge interna onal presence a ract exhibitors and<br />

visitors from all over the world.<br />

The 2017 trade fair line-up includes:<br />

By H.A Goswami<br />

Energy: Leading Trade Fair for Integrated Energy Systems and Mobility<br />

Digital Factory: Leading Trade Fair for Integrated Processes and IT Solu ons<br />

Mo on, drive & automa on: Leading Trade Fair for Power Transmission<br />

and Control<br />

Industrial automa on: Leading Trade Fair for Factory and Process<br />

Automa on, System Solu ons and Industrial IT<br />

Research & Technology: Leading Trade Fair for R&D and Technology Transfer.<br />

Facts & Figures<br />

5,000 Exhibitors, 150 Speakers, 220,000 Visitors, 1,400 Events ,466,100 square meters of covered indoor<br />

space, 58,000 square meters open air space.<br />

My Experience:<br />

It was my dream to visit Hannover Messe since beginning of my carrier but finally, in 2017, I could achieve it.<br />

This was my very first trip to Europe so I was carrying bundle of excitement & some hidden fears too.<br />

May 2018 14

Recognition / Events @ <strong>GHCL</strong><br />

During this Trade Fair, accommoda on in Hannover was expensive so I stayed in a small town called<br />

Hildesheim. It took 45 minutes by train to reach Trade fair ground.<br />

My experience with Hotel named Family Inn was also unique. This hotel does not have any manpower. Totally,<br />

system oriented. You will get your room key by pu ng Access code which was provided to me when I had paid<br />

& booked the hotel. Your hotel key is your access card to avail all the facility of the hotel.<br />

When I reached Hannover Trade show ground on my first day, I realise the size of Trade show...It is really very<br />

huge. There were 27 domes & each dome had lots of stalls displaying different products according to its theme.<br />

You have to take Bus to reach one dome to another dome. First day, we had gone there without any planning so<br />

find difficul es to choose how to start & from where. I realized that you cannot complete Trade fair in four day<br />

me so I had to plan in the morning what dome to visit as per your area of interest. Every stall was giving you a<br />

posi ve vibe & I was feeling that this is a totally different world. I realized that Technology & Innova ve<br />

products displayed here were beyond our thought & that too keeping great care of energy & environment.<br />

Most of the machine/product, you can see working & opera onal.<br />

Health Camp & Health Talk organized at Soda Ash Plant, Sutrapada<br />

Super Speciality Medical camp especially for Cardiology and Pulmonology was organised at Anurag Nagar<br />

th<br />

Dispensary, <strong>GHCL</strong> Sutrapada on 15 April 2018 for the staffs along with their family.<br />

The ini a ve and responsibility for se<br />

team.<br />

ng up the camp were undertaken by Dr. T K Zankat & Medical /HR IR<br />

The special medical team for the camp was headed by Dr. Ankur Thummar - Consultant Cardiologist & Dr.<br />

Bhavin Patel - Consultant Physician. The ming for the medical camp was 9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m.<br />

The staffs and their families very enthusias cally a ended the camp and get themselves checked. Total 110<br />

people were checked during the camp ming.<br />

Apart from this the interac ve session on good health was also organised where Mrs. Dishaben Dhabalia, a<br />

well known die cian shared many beneficial insights on the topic.<br />

The en re medical team were very dedicated and diligently a ended all the registered pa ents. The pa ents<br />

with the related complaint of heart and lung problems were given appropriate advice and were also referred<br />

for further treatment.<br />

April May 2018 1815

Recognition / Events @ <strong>GHCL</strong><br />

Customer Meet at Soda Ash Division<br />

On 6th March 2018, the Marke ng team at the Soda Ash Division organised “Customer Meet” at Ahmedabad.<br />

This market is one of the key clusters of “Gujarat” as cons tutes approximately 35% of total “Gujarat” Soda Ash<br />

demand. Customers in this market are mainly from Chemical ( Dyes & Intermediates ), Detergent & Silicate<br />

Industries. Approximately 150 customers a ended the meet that was chaired by our Managing Director Mr. R S<br />

Jalan. The event was organised by Mr. Sunil Singh (Zonal Manager),Mr. Sunny Srivastava (Business Manager)<br />

and Mr. Atul Saraiya (Area Commercial) of this region. This meet was also a ended by senior technical persons<br />

from plant (Mr.Jayesh Shah - V.P Opera ons & Mr. C B Singh-DGM QC) for addressing technical/Plant related<br />

queries of customers.<br />

The customers expressed their sa sfac on with our exis ng service levels and raised certain specific ques ons<br />

about safeguarding interest of their respec ve sectors by maintaining smooth & uninterrupted supply chain. All<br />

their queries were very well addressed by our Managing director directly.<br />

Riddle Time<br />

1. What has two ends but no beginning?<br />

2. I have a ring, but no hands. I used to be plugged into the<br />

wall but now I follow you every where. What am I?<br />

Answers: 1. A rope<br />

2. A Telephone<br />

May 2018 16

Book Review<br />

How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be – The 25 Principles of Success, by Jack Canfield<br />

ack Canfield is an American author and management expert. He<br />

Jis a founding member of the Transforma onal Leadership<br />

Council. He wrote this book in 2005, and is also the co-author of<br />

the best-selling book series Chicken Soup for the Soul, that have<br />

sold over 100 million copies and been translated into more than 47<br />

languages. This book is built up around the idea that everybody can<br />

become successful if they decide what they want, believe they<br />

deserve it and prac ce the 25 principles men oned in the book.<br />

Jack Canfield provides a roadmap to get to the goal and clarifies this<br />

with lots of examples and inspiring quotes from others to reflect on.<br />

The author conducted a lot of conversa ons with successful people<br />

and added his own lessons learned.<br />

Success is a work in progress that takes me, but with the necessary effort, perseverance and the right ac ons,<br />

you can go from where you are to where you want to be.<br />

Take responsibility<br />

The first principle in Jack Canfield's book is that there is only one person responsible for your quality of life. This<br />

is you, so you need to take 100% responsibility for your life. People tend to blame others if things don't work out<br />

as planned instead of analysing the outcome as a sum of events and what response was received to it. You<br />

cannot change the circumstances, the seasons or the wind, but you can change yourself.<br />

Believe you can achieve and learn how to set goals<br />

In this book the author helps to make the purpose more tangible with prac cal exercises and teaches you that<br />

the danger is not to aim too high and miss it, but to aim too low and achieve it. O en people see stop signs<br />

when they experience fears, concerns or roadblocks. Therefore it's important to set measurable and concrete<br />

goals, break them down into small manageable tasks and apply the rule of 5: every day do 5 things that will<br />

move you towards your goal of comple on. One ac on at a me. Successful people believe and expect that<br />

their goal will come true and believe that they can make it come true. They see obstacles as growth<br />

opportuni es, to change their behaviour and become be er. If you keep on doing what you've always done,<br />

you'll keep on ge ng what you've always got.<br />

Release the breaks and take ac on<br />

It takes courage to step outside your comfort zone, overcome the roadblocks and take a risk to move on to get<br />

where you want to be. Successful people imagine themselves as having already completed the goal. This power<br />

of visualiza on is a strong tool to make the brain achieve more as it creates new levels of mo va on. Don't be<br />

afraid to fail, but take ac on even when feeling fearful – and learn from mistakes. When you have a clear vision,<br />

think, dress, talk and act like the person who has already achieved their goal.<br />

Imagina on is everything. It is the preview of life's coming a rac ons.<br />

Learn from others<br />

For everything you want to do, there are books, courses or stories of others that have tried it before. Take the<br />

opportunity to ask people about it so you can learn from their experience. If you want something, keep on<br />

asking, be persistent and assume you can and will get it. Some people are afraid of being rejected. But don't<br />

take rejec on personally, because it's not personal. If you get nega ve feedback, welcome it and use it to your<br />

advantage to learn what you need to improve on.<br />

Do you want to be safe and good or take a chance to be great?<br />

May 2018 17

Conclusion<br />

In the book the author covers how to create a vision, set goals, break them down into small steps, an cipate<br />

obstacles and plan how to deal with them, visualize and affirm success and believe in yourself and your dreams.<br />

He's aware that these 25 success principles could feel overwhelming, but take ac on on the most important<br />

ones every day and go further with the other ones step by step. This will take me; it took the author me to<br />

figure them out too. As a reader it's now your me to implement the principles that worked for him and the<br />

many examples quoted in this book. He concludes by saying that you and you alone are responsible for taking<br />

ac ons. Make the commitment to start now and get on with using them to create the life of your dreams.<br />

Everyone who got to where they are had to begin from where they were.<br />

“<br />

Donʼtworryaboutthefailures,<br />

worryaboutthechancesyou<br />

misswhenyoudonteventry<br />

“<br />

-JackCanfield<br />

May 2018 18

Earth Day Contest- Winning enteries<br />

1st<br />

The earth will not con nue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship.<br />

We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by<br />

future genera ons.<br />

A na on that destroys its soils destroys itself.<br />

Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.<br />

Mr. H N Padhi<br />

2nd<br />

Every day is Earth day: Make It Green<br />

Every day is earth day,<br />

Or at least it should be.<br />

We should take steps every day<br />

to save our planet, don't you agree?<br />

Try walking when it's prac cal,<br />

And skip driving a car.<br />

It will help cut down emissions<br />

And raise air quality by far.<br />

Earth is our dear Mother, don't pollute it,<br />

She gives us food and shelter, just salute it...<br />

With Global Warming, it's in danger,<br />

Let's save it by becoming a strong ranger...<br />

Lives are crying because it's not clean,<br />

Earth is dying because it's not green...<br />

With dying trees and animals, it's in sorrow,<br />

Make green today and green tomorrow...<br />

Trees are precious, preserve them,<br />

Water is a treasure, reserve it...<br />

Grow more trees, make Mother Earth green,<br />

Reduce pollu on and make her a Queen...<br />

Ms. Manisha Nath<br />

3rd<br />


TOMORROW “<br />

Mr. Sagar Soni<br />

May 2018 19

Creative Corner<br />

Everyone should Celebrate his Birthday with Planta on of a Plant with Family so our child<br />

also aware and get Important of Planta on in our Planet. Even all Organiza on should do<br />

Planta on on Every Employee’s Birthday.<br />

- Vipul Upasani<br />


“ Take care of Earth<br />

Take care of Earth<br />

We all have to work to gether<br />

Take care of Earth<br />

Reduce Reuse Recycle<br />

Redcuce Reuse Recycle<br />

We all have to work to gether<br />

Reduce Reuse Recycle<br />

“Plant a tree”<br />

“conserve water”<br />

KV Zankat,BRQ Plant, <strong>GHCL</strong><br />

-A.Nagarajpandian<br />






-A.Nagarajpandian<br />

-A.Nagarajpandian<br />

May 2018 20

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