Part-1 - Jagatguru Rampal Ji

Part-1 - Jagatguru Rampal Ji

Part-1 - Jagatguru Rampal Ji


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Message to Bhakti Trader<br />

Translation: When one finds the Tattavdarshi saint (tatH) after that<br />

(tat') of the Supreme God (padam') place i.e. Satlok (parimargitvyam')<br />

should properly search (yasmin') in which/where (gataaH) having gone,<br />

devotees (bhooyaH) again (na, nivartanti) do not return to the world (ch)<br />

and (yatH) Parmatma – Param Akshar Brahm, from whom (puraani)<br />

ancient (prvrttiH) creation–nature (prsrta) has originated (tam') ignorant<br />

(Aadhyam') Aadi Yam i.e. I, Kaal Niranjan (Purusham') of Purna Parmatma<br />

(ev) only (prpadhyate) I am in the refuge, and worship Him alone.<br />

Translation: When one finds the Tattavdarshi saint, after that one<br />

should properly search for the place i.e. Satlok of that Supreme God. Having<br />

gone where, devotees do not return to the world, and the Supreme God/<br />

Parmatma–Param Akshar Brahm, from whom the ancient creation–nature<br />

has originated, Ignorant Aadi Yam i.e. I, Kaal Niranjan also am in the refuge<br />

of that Purna Parmatma only, and worship Him alone.<br />

Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 16<br />

Dwau, imau, purushau, loke, ksharH, ch, aksharH, ev, ch,<br />

KsharH, sarvani, bhootani, kootasthH, aksharH, uchyate ||16||<br />

Translation: (Loke) in this world (dwau) two types of (purushau)<br />

Gods (KsharH) perishable (ch) and (AksharH) imperishable (ev) likewise<br />

(imau) in the loks of these two Gods (sarvani) all (bhootani) the bodies of<br />

the living beings (ksharH) perishable (ch) and (kootasthH) the soul<br />

(aksharH) imperishable (uchyate) is said to be.<br />

Translation: In this world, there are two types of Gods, Perishable<br />

and Imperishable. Likewise, in the loks of these two Gods, the bodies of all<br />

the living beings are said to be perishable and the soul, imperishable.<br />

Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 17<br />

UttamH, PurushH, tu, anyaH, Parmatma, iti, udahrtH,<br />

YaH, loktryam', aavishya, bibharti, avyyaH, iishwarH ||17||<br />

Translation: (UttamH) Supreme (PurushH) God (tu) however<br />

(anyaH) is someone else other than the two aforesaid Gods (Kshar Purush<br />

and Akshar Purush) (iti) in reality this (Parmatma) God (udahrtH) is called<br />

(yaH) who (loktryam') into the three loks (aavishya) entering (bibharti)<br />

maintains / sustains everyone and (avyyaH) eternal (iishwarH) is greatest<br />

among the Gods i.e. is the Almighty God.<br />

Translation: The Supreme God is, however, someone else other than<br />


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