Part-1 - Jagatguru Rampal Ji

Part-1 - Jagatguru Rampal Ji

Part-1 - Jagatguru Rampal Ji


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64 Creation of Nature<br />

One who has thousand hands, feet, thousand eyes and ears etc.,<br />

that Viraat (huge) form Kaal God, keeping all those who are under<br />

him in his full control i.e. blocking the 20 brahmands by encircling<br />

them, is himself sitting above them (separately) in the 21st brahmand.<br />

Rigved Mandal 10 Sukta 90 Mantra 2<br />

Purush evedM sarvM yad′bhootM yachch bhaavyam′⏐<br />

Utaamrtatvasyeshaano yadannenaatirohti ⏐⏐2⏐⏐<br />

Purush – ev – idam′ - sarvam′ - yat′ - bhootam′ - yat′ - ch - bhaavyam′<br />

- ut – amrtatvasya – ishaanH – yat′ - annen – atirohti ⏐<br />

Translation: (Ev) similarly, he who is somewhat (Purush) God, he is<br />

Akshar Purush i.e. ParBrahm (ch) and (idam') he (yat') who (bhootam')<br />

has taken birth (yat') who (bhaavyam') will be born in the future (sarvam')<br />

all (yat') by effort i.e. hardwork (annen) through food grain (atirohti)<br />

develops. This Akshar Purush also (ut) doubtful (amrtatvasya) of salvation<br />

(ishaanH) is master; which means that, even Akshar Purush is somewhat<br />

God, but is not a giver of complete liberation.<br />

Translation: Similarly he, who is somewhat God, is Akshar Purush<br />

i.e. ParBrahm. And he who has taken birth or who will be born in the<br />

future, all develop through foodgrain by effort i.e. hardwork. This Akshar<br />

Purush also is a doubtful master of salvation; which means that, even Akshar<br />

Purush is somewhat God, but is not a giver of complete liberation.<br />

Meaning: - In this Mantra, there is description of ParBrahm<br />

(Akshar Purush) who is equipped with some of the qualities of God.<br />

But by worshipping him also, one cannot achieve complete<br />

salvation (mukti). Therefore, he is called as doubtful giver of<br />

salvation. He is said to have some qualities of God because, like<br />

Kaal, he does not eat after roasting on tapatshila. But in this<br />

ParBrahm’s lok also, living beings have to work hard and are paid<br />

according to their actions (karmas). And the bodies of the living<br />

beings develop with food grain only. Although, the time period of<br />

birth and death is more than that of Kaal’s (Kshar Purush’s) lok, but<br />

reproduction, destruction and the sufferings in the lives of 84 lakh<br />

species of life are inevitable.<br />

Rigved Mandal 10 Sukta 90 Mantra 3<br />

Etavansya mahimaato jyaayaanshch PurushH ⏐<br />

Paadoasya vishwa bhootani tripaadasyaamrtM divi ⏐⏐3⏐⏐

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