CAG Survey Report 2017-2018

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A M E R I C A N S C H O O L O F G U A T E M A L A<br />


2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 8



As a school wide community, we are proud of the student and parent responses<br />

received during our <strong>2017</strong>-<strong>2018</strong> constituent surveys that were conducted in mid-<br />

February for parents and at the end of March for students. The survey<br />

information helps the school understand what key community members say<br />

about the learning environment.<br />

One of the primary goals of this report is to demonstrate the school’s commitment<br />

to listen and respond to the feedback we collected. Your voices will become an<br />

integral part of our strategic conversations steering the direction of the<br />

school’s work over the next three years. We commit to working with campus<br />

leaders and with faculty to establish priorities for growth and improvement so<br />

that we honor our relationships with our stakeholders and assure the<br />

community we remain committed to a legacy of excellence for which the<br />

School is known.

In March, we communicated the areas of the survey that<br />

align with the school´s strategic plan and the commitments<br />

we have established for ongoing institutional progress.<br />

Academic Excellence (program, teaching and<br />

leadership support for learning competencies)<br />

Student Life (extracurricular programs and<br />

athletics)<br />

Social Emotional Learning and Well-being<br />

Auxiliary Programs (Security, Transportation,<br />

Cafeteria, Medical Office and Communications)<br />

These areas will support our new programmatic<br />

initiatives throughout the school that will advance<br />

Science education<br />

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art,<br />

Math)<br />

Student life programs.<br />

This includes renewed school day schedules, student<br />

advisory, college counseling, learning enrichment and<br />

health education, facility upgrades as well as new<br />

partnerships to support our auxiliary services<br />

throughout the school.<br />

Your feedback helps us be appropriately responsive to<br />

school improvement plans and also supports<br />

prioritization in meeting the needs of our students and<br />

their families.



1023 Parents<br />

responded to the survey<br />

66% of parents have been members of the<br />

<strong>CAG</strong> community between 4-10+ years.<br />

275 parent individuals answered<br />

the demographic information but<br />

skipped the main questions.<br />

36%<br />

39%<br />

ES<br />

Below is the breakdown according to sections<br />

29%<br />

EC MS<br />

Some parents clicked on multiple<br />

sections since they have multiple<br />

children throughout the school.<br />

38%<br />

HS<br />

There were<br />

over 2000<br />

comments<br />

collected<br />

throughout<br />

both surveys<br />

offering more<br />

in depth<br />

explanation<br />

of response.<br />

- <strong>Survey</strong> Structure -<br />

Both parents and students rated their expectation levels on a scale of (0-10) where 0 is not<br />

aligned and 10 is highly aligned.<br />

Questions allowed for parents to specifically rate their child’s section.<br />

Students were filtered according to the section they selected (Middle School or High<br />

School).<br />

Open-ended questions allowed for participants to elaborate on their responses.



MS Students<br />

HS Students<br />

49% 51%<br />

650 Students<br />

responded to the survey<br />

(82% are students that have<br />

been attending <strong>CAG</strong><br />

between 4-10+ years)<br />

55 students completed demographic<br />

information but skipped main questions<br />

- Analysis and <strong>Report</strong>ing -<br />

<strong>Survey</strong> data was clustered in order to better understand parent and student expectation<br />

(9-10 = promoters are the strongest supporters with minimal concerns),<br />

(7-8 = passives have a minor level of concern that keeps them for being a promoter),<br />

(0-6 = detractors have major differences between what they expect and what the School delivers),<br />

N/A = not applicable<br />

Comments were clustered based on common themes and frequency<br />

in order to track trends across both groups.

am alumni and have<br />

I<br />

seeing the school<br />

loved<br />

evolving to better<br />

ever<br />

and the<br />

themselves<br />

they provide.<br />

education<br />

parent<br />

–<strong>CAG</strong><br />


EN EL <strong>CAG</strong> ES<br />


–<strong>CAG</strong> alumno<br />

Secure and<br />

safe campus<br />

Taking care of its<br />

students<br />

what <strong>CAG</strong> is<br />

doing well<br />

Algo que está haciendo bueno son los proyectos de<br />

PBL porque motivan a los estudiantes a trabajar en<br />

grupos y eso nos va a servir en la vida real. También<br />

hacen un buen trabajo al darnos un montón de<br />

proyectos y seminarios socráticos porque así<br />

aprendemos a escuchar la opinión de los demas y a<br />

dar nuestra propia opinión. SGA también está<br />

haciendo un buen trabajo en poner actividades que a<br />

todos nos interesan.<br />

–<strong>CAG</strong> alumno<br />

Las inversiones<br />

que hacen en la<br />

infraestuctura.<br />

–<strong>CAG</strong> alumno<br />

English program<br />

Yo creo que <strong>CAG</strong> si nos preparó bien<br />

para los siguientes años escolares en el<br />

camino y eventualmente la universidad.<br />

Los maestros casi siempre están dispuestos<br />

a ayudar a quienes los buscan por ayuda y las<br />

clases si están bien.<br />

–<strong>CAG</strong> alumno

I believe that <strong>CAG</strong> is the perfect<br />

school for most of the kids who attend here.<br />

There is a great campus, where there are<br />

not only great and comfortable classes but<br />

green areas where you can relax after long<br />

hours of study.<br />

I believe in the education part, everything is excellent<br />

except the Math teaching section. –<strong>CAG</strong> student<br />

Los métodos<br />

de enseñanzas<br />

SON MUY<br />

Y A Q U E A Y U D A N A S E R D E M E N T E A B I E R T A<br />

Y A P E N S A R L A S C O S A S D E U N A M A N E R A<br />

M Á S E F E C T I V A . – C A G A L U M N O<br />

BUENOS<br />

Fomentando<br />

el respeto<br />

Y L A A M A B I L I D A D C O N T O D A S<br />

L A S P E R S O N A S . – C A G A L U M N O<br />

El <strong>CAG</strong> tiene programas<br />

académicos y actividades<br />

extracurriculares muy<br />

buenas. Considero que el<br />

<strong>CAG</strong> intenta de unir a los<br />

estudiantes y mantener un<br />

ambiente más positivo<br />

entre estudiantes<br />

y maestros.<br />

–<strong>CAG</strong> alumno<br />

One of our kids is thriving in academics<br />

and noticed that teachers play a big role in<br />

his enthusiasm with academics<br />

– <strong>CAG</strong> Parent<br />

Making positive<br />

improvements<br />

Developing independent<br />

students who are critical thinkers<br />

Effective teachers<br />

Yo he recibido mucho apoyo con el<br />

bienestar emocional sobretodo con mi hijo<br />

chiquito, estoy muy agradecida y eso ha hecho<br />

que mi hijo esté muy contento y relajado en el colegio.<br />

– padre de familia

El colegio<br />

podría mejorar en dando más<br />

oportunidades a los estudiantes,<br />

académica y deportivamente.<br />

–<strong>CAG</strong> alumno<br />

what <strong>CAG</strong> needs<br />

to improve<br />

Hay ciertos aspectos en donde el <strong>CAG</strong> pudiera mejorar por<br />

ejemplo en elección de clases. TambiÉn pudiera mejorar con<br />

la cafeterÍa y un buen paso que ya tomaron es poder salir a<br />

las 2 todos los dias el prÓximo año —<strong>CAG</strong> alumno<br />

Some (a small percentage) of teachers are excellent<br />

and are well qualified. They show a love and<br />

passion for teaching. We’ve been very appreciative<br />

of those teachers... There is still a large discrepancy<br />

in teaching styles between teachers... Their<br />

grading, teaching style, teacher education, their<br />

educational paradigms and their expectations<br />

seem dramatically different. –<strong>CAG</strong> Parent<br />

Increase opportunities through electives,<br />

AP or other challenging classes to explore<br />

interests and prepare for university<br />

Teacher effectiveness<br />

Math, science<br />

and fine arts

Muchas de las clases no se explotan al máximo, los trabajos no son<br />

dirigidos a la materia y no ponen el aprendimiento del estudiante como<br />

prioridad, si no solo ponerles trabajos y tenerlos trabajando. Hay muy<br />

poca curiosidad de parte de los maestros si enserio entendimos o no, solo<br />

es poner un trabajo, entregarlo, y seguir con el siguiente trabajo. Los<br />

maestros se concentran en hacer los trabajos lo más cargados posibles en<br />

vez de ver si los trabajos enserio nos van a hacer aprender o no.<br />

–<strong>CAG</strong> alumno<br />

Ahora que tengo un hijo estudiando en una universidad en el<br />

extranjero me doy cuenta de lo débil del programa de<br />

Matemática del <strong>CAG</strong>, al igual que las materias de Química y<br />

Física. Mi hijo esta en una buena universidad, pero en<br />

franca desventaja en comparación con estudiantes de<br />

otros países. A pesar de ser un alumno con promedio alto<br />

en el <strong>CAG</strong> le está costando el rigor universitario.<br />

También me gustaria que se ofrecieran mas AP's.<br />

– <strong>CAG</strong> parent<br />

A mi hija no la integran aun a ningún grupo y<br />

eso le esta afectando en su rendimiento<br />

emocional y académico. Las niñas la quieren,<br />

pero por alguna razón no la invitan y no la<br />

toman en cuenta. Debería de haber pláticas<br />

generales al respecto, hablando de nuevos<br />

alumnos y cómo se les debe de integrar.<br />

–<strong>CAG</strong> Parent<br />

Quality of academics and<br />

program alignment<br />

Extracurricular quality<br />

and options<br />

Supporting a<br />

community of respect




academic program<br />

Overall, to what extent does the<br />

educational program in your child's<br />

section at the American School of<br />

Guatemala meet your expectation for<br />

excellence?<br />

Parents survey responses reflects a strong alignment<br />

with the excellence they expect from the program and<br />

what is delivered in Early Childhood and Elementary.<br />

The yellow area represents more significant issues<br />

that evolve as students move into Middle School and<br />

High School specifically with confidence in professional<br />

leadership and quality of the professional educators.<br />

The comments also reflect a marked differences<br />

between highly qualified teachers and some that are<br />

not as effective.<br />

13%<br />

15%<br />

40%<br />

P-12<br />

Responses<br />

47%<br />

35%<br />

P-12<br />

Responses<br />

49%<br />

Professional Educators<br />

Professional Leadership<br />

Overall, to what extent do the teachers of<br />

your child meet your expectation for<br />

qualified professional educators?<br />

Overall, to what extent does the principal<br />

of your child's section meet your<br />

expectation for a qualified professional<br />

leader?<br />

<strong>Survey</strong> data was then grouped (0-6= detractors represented in red), (7-8 = passives represented in yellow),<br />

(9-10 = promoters represented in green), N/A = not applicable in order to better understand the trends per<br />

thematic cluster of questions.




In order to begin to address parent and student feedback, the School will focus on these areas of<br />

commitment for <strong>2018</strong>-19 to improve program and teaching quality:<br />

Aligned schedule across Middle School and High School,<br />

A framework for a P-12 STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math) program,<br />

A Learning Enrichment Program to support all <strong>CAG</strong> learners,<br />

Adding a student survey tool for teachers to support instructional development,<br />

Developing a teacher recognition program to encourage the modeling of excellence,<br />

Developing the school wide science standards which have implications for math, art and<br />

technology, and<br />

Identifying key faculty members to undergo certification for Makerspaces in support of the STEAM<br />

program.<br />

ACADEMIC Program<br />

Professional Educators<br />

Overall, to what extent does the<br />

educational program at the American<br />

School of Guatemala meet your<br />

expectation for excellence?<br />

Overall, to what extent do the teachers in<br />

your section meet your expectation for<br />

qualified professional educators?<br />

Professional Leadership<br />

Overall, to what extent does the principal<br />

of your section meet your expectation for<br />

a qualified professional leader?



programs<br />

extracurricular<br />

Overall, to what extent does the<br />

educational program in your child's<br />

section at the American School of<br />

Guatemala meet your expectation for<br />

excellence?<br />

Something I think that could<br />

be improved are<br />

extracurricular activities<br />

and promoting more school<br />

spirit. –<strong>CAG</strong> student<br />


Overall, to what extent does the<br />

sports program at the American<br />

School of Guatemala meet your<br />

expectations for your child? (10<br />

being highly aligned with your<br />

expectations and 0 not aligned<br />

with expectations.<br />

<strong>Survey</strong> data was then grouped (0-6= detractors represented in red), (7-8 = passives represented in yellow),<br />

(9-10 = promoters represented in green), N/A = not applicable in order to better understand the trends per<br />

thematic cluster of questions.



extracurricular programs<br />

Overall, to what extent do the<br />

extracurricular activities in your section<br />

meet your expectations?<br />

Mis hijas aprovechan la<br />

semana entera de clubs. Sin<br />

embargo, veo que no le dan<br />

mucha prioridad a la calidad<br />

ni tiempo de los clubs.<br />

–<strong>CAG</strong> Parent<br />


Overall, to what extent does the sports<br />

program at the American School of<br />

Guatemala meet your expectations for<br />





Social Emotional Learning<br />

and Well-being<br />

Overall, to what extent does your child's<br />

section at the American School of<br />

Guatemala demonstrate care about the<br />

emotional and social well-being of your<br />

child?<br />

Feedback we have received throughout the school year<br />

reports that teacher relationships impact how parents<br />

and students feel about their school. This is no surprise.<br />

We are proud that <strong>CAG</strong> teachers are the heart of the<br />

<strong>CAG</strong> experience, so making sure we continue to<br />

develop intentional opportunities that help shape the<br />

student experience where teachers have time to build<br />

connections, serve as advisors and mentors is<br />

important. We have also heard from parents and<br />

students that developing a contextual PreK-12<br />

character education program will help to better define<br />

VIDAS in ways that is meaningful and enduring for our<br />

students and alumni.<br />

As response to this feedback, for <strong>2018</strong>-19, <strong>CAG</strong> will<br />

Establish an advisory program<br />

Extend the concept of Responsive Classroom in EC & ES<br />

Reserve time in MS & HS student schedules for students<br />

to work with faculty mentors<br />

Re-introduce health education in MS<br />

Overall, to what extent do the teachers of<br />

your child meet your expectation for<br />

qualified professional educators?<br />

<strong>CAG</strong> will commit to offering students greater<br />

opportunity to embody mission through school culture.<br />

As research confirms, schools have more meaningful<br />

impact that provide contextual student life programs<br />

such as advisory, health education, service-learning,<br />

coupled with an academic program that is both collegeprep<br />

and diverse so students can explore interests.<br />

<strong>Survey</strong> data was then grouped (0-6= detractors represented in red), (7-8 = passives represented in yellow),<br />

(9-10 = promoters represented in green), N/A = not applicable in order to better understand the trends per<br />

thematic cluster of questions.




Social Emotional Learning and Well-being<br />

Overall, to what extent does your section<br />

demonstrate care about your emotional<br />

and social well-being?<br />

In general, my peers at <strong>CAG</strong> are<br />

supportive and respectful. I do not<br />

experience bullying on a regular basis.<br />

In general, my peers at <strong>CAG</strong> support each<br />

other and help a friend who is being<br />

bullied.<br />

In general, my peers and I feel safe at <strong>CAG</strong><br />

and know the teachers and administrators<br />

care about us and help us with our<br />





Overall, to what extent does<br />

the General Director meet your<br />

expectation for a qualified<br />

professional leader?<br />

Es importante el entusiasmo y relacionamiento con<br />

alumnos y al parecer lo está haciendo.<br />

Por el corto tiempo que lleva la directora nueva en<br />

este colegio no es posible contestar esta pregunta<br />

con certeza, pero pareciera que será una excelente<br />

líder para el colegio.<br />

Creo que ha hecho un muy buen<br />

papel. Da la impresion de ser<br />

una persona muy accesible y<br />

centrada.<br />

I believe that she has brought a<br />

new, refreshed spirit to the<br />

school. We still have got to allow<br />

time to see how her policies<br />

develop.<br />

Vemos más empatía y conexión con<br />

los alumnos y los padres.<br />

<strong>Survey</strong> data was then grouped (0-6= detractors represented in red), (7-8 = passives represented in yellow),<br />

(9-10 = promoters represented in green), N/A = not applicable in order to better understand the trends per<br />

thematic cluster of questions.




Overall, to what extent does<br />

the General Director meet your<br />

expectation for a qualified<br />

professional leader?<br />

I think the new general director has done a great job making herself<br />

approachable to all who wish to try a new project or who wish to express a<br />

concern.<br />

I think Ms Marshall is doing an excellent job. I<br />

have met with her on several occasions and her<br />

drive and commitment to the school have been<br />

clear from the start. She is a true leader, and is<br />

working day in and day out to better the school<br />

- something I, and future generations at the<br />

school, are thankful for.<br />

Being part of SGA I feel like the general director has taken the time to<br />

meet with me and ask me what is wrong through several meetings<br />

she has asked me to attend.<br />

Yes the general director has worked hard and I am very happy with the<br />

schedule changes for next year, I still believes that the school needs<br />

more support for many academic courses and activities other than<br />




<strong>CAG</strong><br />



PLANS FOR <strong>2018</strong>-19<br />

Campus facilities are an extension of curriculum, and we will be directly investing in their<br />

improvements. There was an overwhelming amount of parents & students that were concerned<br />

about the <strong>CAG</strong> cafeteria and the quality of product and service. In addition to improvements to<br />

the physical space, the school has gone through a review and bidding process in search of a<br />

better provider. As a result,<br />

<strong>CAG</strong> cafeteria (both inside and out) will be<br />

remodeled this summer so students experience a<br />

café style atmosphere. This improvement will<br />

include an updated food service program to meet<br />

the expectations of a new generation of student<br />

who likes both healthy and on the go options.<br />

The school’s learning spaces have also been under<br />

review in order to facilitate advancements in the<br />

academic program and reflect 21st century learning.<br />

We also need to respond to what colleges and<br />

universities expect of their incoming students. Below<br />

are some of the summer projects for each section:<br />

Kindergarten classrooms will be updated like the new spaces in Pre-K.<br />

Elementary 3rd grade classrooms will receive a facelift to reflect brighter<br />

and more open spaces. The engineering lab will be updated to<br />

accommodate a growing STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art &<br />

Math) program.<br />

Middle School science labs will be created for 6th and 8th grade to<br />

match the caliber of the existing 7th grade lab.<br />

High School science wing and labs will be remodeled, and an innovation<br />

station will be added to the section.<br />

<strong>CAG</strong> outdoor spaces will become more welcoming with tables and<br />

seating that bring young people and their families together to enjoy all<br />

the benefits the <strong>CAG</strong> campus offers.

American School of Guatemala<br />

https://www.cag.edu.gt/<br />

11 calle 15-79 Zona 15 Vista Hermosa III Guatemala, Guatemala<br />

(502) 2500-9595

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