John Calvin-Life,Legacy and Theology

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PROF. M. M. NINAN<br />

(Aristotle, "Mund.", IV, 21). It occurs also in St. Paul's Epistles (2 Corinthians 9:4; 11:17; Hebrews 1:3-3:14), but not in the<br />

sense of person. Previous to the Council of Nicæa (325) hypostasis was synonymous with ousia, <strong>and</strong> even St. Augustine<br />

(De Trin., V, 8) avers that he sees no difference between them. The distinction in fact was brought about gradually in the<br />

course of the controversies to which the Christological heresies gave rise, <strong>and</strong> was definitively established by the Council<br />

of Chalcedon (451), which declared that in Christ the two natures, each retaining its own properties, are united in one<br />

subsistence <strong>and</strong> one person (eis en prosopon kai mian hpostasin) (Denzinger, ed. Bannwart, 148). They are not joined in a<br />

moral or accidental union (Nestorius), nor commingled (Eutyches), <strong>and</strong> nevertheless they are substantially united. For<br />

further explanation <strong>and</strong> bibliography see: INCARNATION; JESUS Christ; MONOPHYSITISM; NATURE; PERSON.<br />

http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07610b.htm] but an actual Son.<br />

He is an elohim, sharing Yahweh’s divinity in full; <strong>and</strong> the theory of a communicatio idiomatum is a<br />

confusing sophistical quibble. This does not imply two Yahwehs, but only a double use of the term<br />

elohim, as is clear from the Hebrew use of the term. Christ, being one with Yahweh his Father, equal<br />

in power, came down from heaven <strong>and</strong> assumed flesh as a man. In short, all the Scriptures speak of<br />

Christ as a man.<br />

The doctrine of the Holy Spirit as a third separate being l<strong>and</strong>s us in practical tritheism ( Tritheism is the<br />

belief that there are three distinct, each powerful gods, who form a triad. ) no better than atheism,<br />

even though the unity of Yahweh is insisted on. Careful interpretation of the usual proof –texts shows<br />

that they teach not a union of three beings in one but a harmony between them. The Holy Spirit as a<br />

third person of the Godhead [( The term ‘Godhead’ is the Greek word, ‘2320 yeothvtheotes theh-ot’-ace,<strong>and</strong> is only<br />

used once in the scriptures, which is in Col. 2:9. The context of its usage has nothing to do with a Trinity. The word could<br />

be translated Godness as it is in the Word Study Greek – English New Testament by Paul R. McReynolds. A similar Greek<br />

word is theiotes, which is used in Romans 1:20. Theiotes means divinity, divine nature. )] is unknown in Scripture. It<br />

is not a separate being, but an activity of Yahweh himself. The doctrine of the Trinity can be neither<br />

established by logic nor proved from Scripture <strong>and</strong> is in fact inconceivable. There are many reasons<br />

against it. The Scriptures <strong>and</strong> the Fathers teach on Yahweh the Father <strong>and</strong> Yahshua Christ his son;<br />

but scholastic philosophy has introduced terms which are not understood <strong>and</strong> do not accord with<br />

Scripture. Yahshua taught that he himself was the Son of Yahweh. Numerous heresies have sprung<br />

from this philosophy <strong>and</strong> fruitless questions have risen out of it. Worst of all, the doctrine of the Trinity<br />

incurs the ridicule of the Mohammedans <strong>and</strong> the Jews. It arose out of Greek[metaphysical] philosophy<br />

rather than from the belief that Yahshua Christ is the Son of Yahweh; <strong>and</strong> he will be with the Church<br />

only if it keeps his teaching.<br />

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