John Calvin-Life,Legacy and Theology

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PROF. M. M. NINAN<br />

privacy in some obscure place, <strong>and</strong> saw that he gained nothing by entreaty, he<br />

descended to cursing, <strong>and</strong> said that God would surely curse my peace if I held back<br />

from giving help at a time of such great need. Terrified by his words, <strong>and</strong> conscious of<br />

my own timidity <strong>and</strong> cowardice, I gave up my journey <strong>and</strong> attempted to apply whatever<br />

gift I had in defense of my faith”<br />

By September 1536, all necessary business addressed, <strong>Calvin</strong> took up residence in<br />

Geneva as a ‘Reader in Holy Scripture’. He received no pay until the following February.<br />

Nevertheless, <strong>Calvin</strong> quickly rose to prominence simply through his scholarship.<br />

Soon after there was dispute between the Roman Catholic <strong>and</strong> the evolving Protestant<br />

groups in Lausanne. The debate was convened by the city to help the citizens<br />

determine in which direction the city would move. Peter Viret, a Protestan presented the<br />

subjet of debate <strong>and</strong> the debate went on for three whole days which brought in several<br />

scholars of the city from both side. <strong>Calvin</strong> was on the audience <strong>and</strong> did not got himself<br />

involved. On the fourth day one Roman Catholic priest presented the doctrine of the<br />

bodily presence of Christ in the elements of the Mass, <strong>and</strong> how these common material<br />

elements of bread <strong>and</strong> wine are turned into the flesh <strong>and</strong> blood of Jesus himself during<br />

the sacrament. This was one of the main arguments which was opposed by the<br />

reformers. At the end of the presentation, <strong>Calvin</strong> rose on his feet <strong>and</strong> gave a detailed<br />

argument against it, even though he was not prepared for it. These arguments based<br />

on earlly fathers <strong>and</strong> the scripture was so immpressed those who heard him that a<br />

Franciscan friar stood, <strong>and</strong> on the spot denounced his own errors, renounced his<br />

monastic vows, <strong>and</strong> pronounced himself determined to follow Christ <strong>and</strong> his pure<br />

doctrine. Even the Catholic priest who presented <strong>and</strong> initiated the debate was converted.<br />

The city voted for the reform st<strong>and</strong>.<br />

<strong>Calvin</strong> accepted his new role without any preconditions on his tasks or duties. He was eventually<br />

given the title of "reader", which most likely meant that he could give expository lectures on the Bible.<br />

Sometime in 1537 he was selected to be a "pastor" although he never received any pastoral<br />

consecration. For the first time, the lawyer-theologian took up pastoral duties such as baptisms,<br />

weddings, <strong>and</strong> church services.<br />

The reformers often reached the extent of enforcement to rediculous levels as in enforcing a<br />

confession of faith to be signed by all the citizens.<br />

During late 1536, Farel drafted a confession of faith, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Calvin</strong> wrote separate articles on<br />

reorganizing the church in Geneva. On 16 January 1537, Farel <strong>and</strong> <strong>Calvin</strong> presented their Articles<br />

concernant l'organisation de l'église et du culte à Genève (Articles on the Organization of the Church<br />


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