John Calvin-Life,Legacy and Theology

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PROF. M. M. NINAN<br />

https://www.enotes.com/topics/john-calvin<br />

Excerpt from Ecclesiastical Ordinances Edited by Hans J. Hillerbr<strong>and</strong> Published in 1968<br />

1. <strong>Calvin</strong>'s teachings were adopted by the Puritans, a strict Protestant group in Engl<strong>and</strong>. They<br />

advocated purification of the Church of Engl<strong>and</strong> (Anglican Church), the official religion of Engl<strong>and</strong>.<br />

Although the Church of Engl<strong>and</strong> was considered a Protestant faith, it still practiced many of the<br />

teachings <strong>and</strong> elaborate rituals of the Roman Catholic Church. A few dissenters among the Puritans<br />

contended that the church was too corrupt to be saved <strong>and</strong> they wanted total separation. Separation<br />

was considered a crime against the state. Nevertheless, a congregation in Scrooby, Engl<strong>and</strong>,<br />

declared themselves to be Nonconformists, or separatists. When the Scrooby leaders were<br />

persecuted in 1607, the congregation went to Leyden in the Netherl<strong>and</strong>s (Holl<strong>and</strong>), where they were<br />

free to practice their religion. Eventually they decided to leave the Netherl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> settle in English<br />

territory in North America. Calling themselves Pilgrims, they set out aboard a ship called the<br />

Mayflower in September 1620. Although they were headed for Virginia, a storm forced them into a<br />

harbor on the coast of present-day Massachusetts in December 1620. The Pilgrims the established<br />

the Plymouth Colony, which was based on the teachings of <strong>John</strong> <strong>Calvin</strong>. In 1630 they were joined by<br />

other Puritans, who founded the nearby Massachusetts Bay Colony <strong>and</strong> practiced an even stricter<br />

form of <strong>Calvin</strong>ism.<br />

https://www.challies.com/book-reviews/john-calvin-christian-biographies-for-young-readers/<br />

http://www.norm<strong>and</strong>yvision.org/article06070401.php<br />

http://www.greatsite.com/timeline-english-bible-history/john-calvin.html<br />

https://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/christopherhowse/5907503/Was-<strong>John</strong>-<strong>Calvin</strong>-really-a-monster.html<br />

https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/spiritual-life/lessons-learned-john-calvin-biography.html<br />

https://www.thereformationroom.com/single-post/2017/01/14/How-Luther-Went-Viral<br />

https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/<br />

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Roots Of <strong>Calvin</strong>ism: Dehumanization, Slavery, And Racism In America!<br />

The Negative Impact of <strong>Calvin</strong>ism <strong>and</strong> Augustine on Slavery in America<br />

https://www.geopolitica.ru/en/article/calvinism-spiritual-foundation-america<br />

<strong>Calvin</strong>ism: The Spiritual Foundation of America by Christopher Pisarenko has gone as far as to say<br />

that the spiritual ethos of America is based on the <strong>Calvin</strong>istic predestination <strong>and</strong> particular election<br />

<strong>and</strong> limited atonement to justify slavery <strong>and</strong> injustice to others. This is an extract from it:<br />

"For if it is true that the innate depravity of man is universal <strong>and</strong> no one deserves salvation, then it<br />

necessarily follows that the genocide of non-Europeans, the oppression of marginalized groups, the<br />

impoverishment of the working class <strong>and</strong> the annihilation of human life in ever bloodier conflicts are all<br />

nothing more than “natural” off shoots of man’s incorrigible depravity. It does not matter, then, how<br />


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