John Calvin-Life,Legacy and Theology

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PROF. M. M. NINAN<br />

http://eljasib.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IJ_calvinism_arminianism.jpg<br />

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<strong>John</strong> <strong>Calvin</strong><br />

Total Depravity<br />

Human beings are so affected by the negative<br />

consequences of the fall of Adam (Original Sin)<br />

that they are incapable of doing anything that is<br />

righteous, <strong>and</strong> are always <strong>and</strong> unchangeably<br />

sinful. Human freedom is totally enslaved by<br />

sin so man can choose only evil. Man is<br />

spiritually dead.<br />

Unconditional Election<br />

Since human beings cannot choose good for<br />

themselves, God by his eternal decree has<br />

chosen or elected some (totally arbitrarily by<br />

God) to be counted as righteous (unto eternal<br />

heaven) without any condition <strong>and</strong> some to be<br />

unrighteous (unto eternal hell fire). This is<br />

unconditional <strong>and</strong> the choice is totally arbitrary<br />

at the whim of God done even before creation.<br />

Limited Atonement<br />

The effect of the atonement of Jesus on the<br />

cross is thus limited only for the chosen.<br />

Jesus died only for those whom God has<br />

chosen before the foundation of the world.<br />

Irresistible Grace.<br />

The grace that God extends to the chosen ones<br />

cannot be refused by them. They have no<br />

freedom to refuse. The freedom is only to<br />

accept.<br />

Dragged Kicking & Screaming to Heaven?<br />

Perseverance of the Saints<br />

Since God has decreed the elect, <strong>and</strong> since<br />

they have no choice to reject it, they are<br />

unconditionaly <strong>and</strong> eternally secure in that<br />

salvation<br />

<strong>John</strong> Wesley<br />

Deprivation<br />

Human beings are sinful <strong>and</strong> without God,<br />

incapable (deprived) on their own of being<br />

righteous; however, they are not<br />

irredeemably sinful <strong>and</strong> can be transformed<br />

by God's grace. God's prevenient grace<br />

restores humanity the freedom of will.<br />

Conditional Election<br />

God has chosen that all humanity to<br />

righteous by His grace, yet has called each<br />

person to respon that call by exercising the<br />

freedom of choice <strong>and</strong> will which he has<br />

given to all as a condition of availing the<br />

salvation <strong>and</strong> heavenly bliss. Rejection<br />

would imply pain <strong>and</strong> suffering.<br />

Unlimited Atonement<br />

The effect of the atonement of Jesus on the<br />

cross is open to all mankind, "whomsoever<br />

will" <strong>and</strong> depends only the humans <strong>and</strong> on<br />

the condition that he freely accept that offer<br />

<strong>and</strong> avail of it.<br />

Resistible Grace<br />

God's grace is freely offered to all without<br />

any specific merit. Every human being has<br />

the freedom to accept or refuse, this offer of<br />

Grace unto salvation.<br />

Assurance <strong>and</strong> Security<br />

There is security in God's grace <strong>and</strong> his<br />

assurance of salvation. But humans have<br />

the freedom of will to reject the grace any<br />

time.<br />


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