Market Leader Intermediate 3rd edition SB

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7 When I visited China for the first time, I was like a fish out of water.<br />

Everything was so different, and I couldn't read any of the signs.<br />

8 My first meeting with our overseas clients was a real eye·opener. I<br />

hadn't seen that style of negotiation before.<br />

CDlTRACK 48<br />

A So where did you go on holiday, then?<br />

B Italy.<br />

A Did you have a good time?<br />

B Yes. It was 0 K.<br />

A And which part of Italy did you go to?<br />

B Sicily.<br />

A I've been to Sicily - Taormina. I really enjoyed it. What did you think<br />

ofit?<br />

B Nothing special.<br />

A Oh, right. So ... How's it going at work?<br />

B We're busy.<br />

A That's really good, isn't it?<br />

B I don't know about that.<br />

CD2TRACK 1<br />

1 I'm sorry. I didn't quite catch your name.<br />

2 I'm really sorry - I'd love to, but I'm afraid I'm going to the theatre on<br />

Vlednesday night.<br />

3 Not for me, thanks. I'm not keen on seafood.<br />

4 ['m sorry, but [ really do have to be going. [t was really nice talking to you.<br />

S Welcome to our headquarters. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm James<br />

Cbyton.<br />

6 Katrina, can I introduce you to Greg? Greg's over from the States.<br />

Greg, this is Katrina Siedler, my boss.<br />

7 Please, let me get this.<br />

8 Here's to our future success.<br />

9 I'm very sorry to hear about what happened.<br />

10 I'm sorry I'm late, the tranlc from the airport was terrible.<br />

CD2TRACK 2<br />

A Is this your first visit to the region?<br />

B No, I come here quite a lot, but usually to Hong Kong.<br />

A Oh really! 'What do you do?<br />

B I'm an Account Director for a marketing company.<br />

A How long have you been there?<br />

B Nearly five years now.<br />

A Have you been to Tok."}'o before?<br />

B No, this is my first trip.<br />

A Business or pleasure?<br />

B Business, I'm afraid.<br />

A How long have you been here?<br />

B Six days.<br />

A And how long arc you staying?<br />

B Until tomorrow evening.<br />

A Where arc you staying?<br />

B At the Metropolitan Hotel.<br />

A What's the fo od like?<br />

B It's very good, but eating at the Metropolitan can be quite expensive.<br />

A So, what do you think ofTok."}'o?<br />

B I reall), like it. There's so Illuch to see and do.<br />

(02TRACK 3 (R = ROSANA, E = ENRIQUE)<br />

R So, Enrique, what can you tell me about Germany?<br />

E Well, I don't think there'll be any language problem for yOll, Most<br />

German businesspeople arc pretty fluent in English, and they'll usc<br />

English with YOll, as you don't know any German. 111ey'rc pretty<br />

formal in business, so don't be surprised at how they address each<br />

other. They tend to usc family names, not first names, when they talk<br />

to each other.<br />

R I sec. What about when you first meet German managers? How do<br />

you greet them?<br />

E Well, generally they shake hands.<br />

R OK. How about topics of conversation, say, if '·m asked out for<br />

dinner or whatever? What arc good topics of conversation in France?<br />

E Oh, that's easy. French people love talking about food - they're very<br />

proud of their cuisine, so yOll can't go wrong if you introduce that<br />

topic into the conversation. The French arc like the Spanish and<br />

Portuguese, the)" 11 go all for hours talking about local dishes.<br />

R 111at's good to hear. I love talking about food, too. But I like food a<br />

bit too much, so I'm always worrying about my weight. What about<br />

safe topics of conversation in Russia? You've spent quite a lot oftime<br />

there, haven't you?<br />

E Yeah, Russians like food, too, so it's a good topic, But you could try<br />

asking Russians you meet abollt the state of the economy. That'll get<br />

them gOing, Most Russians love talking about the economy and the<br />

problems they're haVing. It's a really good subject. And Russian men<br />

like to talk about ice hockey - it's a very popular sport there. By the<br />

way, plenty of Russians speak English well, so you won't have any<br />

problems understanding them. But you may have difliculty reading<br />

the name of streets, because they're all in Cyrillic script. It can be<br />

very confusing for visitors.<br />

R Oh, th:mks. What about Geml:my? What do Gennans like talking about?<br />

E [f you're with men, just bring up the subject offootbalL They're as keen<br />

on football as we are in PortugaL Germans expect to win any match<br />

they pIa)" and they often do, except when they play the Braz.ilians or<br />

the Italians! Yeah, football's a great topic of conversation with men. I'm<br />

not sure what subjects German women like talking about.<br />

R OK, thanks very much. What about gifts? Supposing I'm invited out<br />

to dinner, what do I bring with me to give my host?<br />

E Well, in France, most visitors bring flowers for their hostess -<br />

everyone loves to receive them, And in Russia, too, flowers arc very<br />

acceptable, They'd also be a great gift in Germany.<br />

R Yeah, flowers arc the answer in most countries, I'd say, But what<br />

else would be a good gift? Chocolates? Something typical from my<br />

country, would they like that ?<br />


CD2TRACK 4<br />

Well, what usually happens is that an employer will advertise a<br />

vacancy or new post - sometimes both inside and outside the<br />

company. Then, after they have received all the applications, they will<br />

screen them - go through and shortlist the candidates for interview<br />

- chOOSing those who appear to meet the criteria for the job. Next,<br />

they will assemble an interview panel, which is perhaps as many as<br />

fo ur or five people in some cases, and then call the candidates to<br />

interview, Some employers choose to check references at this stage<br />

to avoid delays later, while others wait until after the interview when<br />

the)' have chosen one of the candidates. Provided the panel is happy,<br />

the employer will make a job offer, and the successful candidate<br />

starts work. Often he or she will attend induction sessions or be<br />

given a mentor who helps to train new staff.<br />

CD2TRACK 5<br />

a enthusiastic b adaptable c methodical d reliable<br />

e ambitious f objecti,'e g creative h analytical<br />

i authoritative i practical<br />


I How do you help people to find the right job?<br />

(0 As a specialist recruiter, our role is to assist job seekers in finding the<br />

perfect role for them. Er, we do that predominantly via Ollr network<br />

of oflices globally. Er, candidates will have the opportunity to come<br />

in, meet with a Hays consultant, and the Ha)'s consultant will work<br />

with them to gain an understanding of what type of role they're<br />

looking fOf, what type of organisation they would like to work for,<br />

and really anything else that they feel is appropriate for them finding<br />

the right role for them. In addition, we'll also work with them on<br />

how they present themselves - your CV, for example. We will work<br />

through a Cv, perhaps give tips and hints as to how best to present<br />

that, so that the candidate has the best possible opportunity ofbe-ing<br />

represented in the right way to the client.<br />

We also lise our Hays.colll website, which is a jobseekers' website.<br />

Candidates can apply online for roles that we advertise - Ulll, they<br />

will also have the opportunity to get advice from that website, as well<br />

as to how they should structure their application. 111erc's quite often<br />

more information about prospective employer[s] on there so that<br />

YOli can really sec, straight from the website, what type of role is best<br />

for you.<br />


I Is there any particular preparation you recommend before a job interview?<br />

CO Preparation is absolutely key for an)' job interview. Your Hays<br />

consultant can assist you prior to that in getting that interview and<br />

scanned for Paul Jennings<br />


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