https://goo.gl/czXwpX A one-page shortcut for $1,000 in 7 Days

A one-page shortcut for $1,000 in 7 Days


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ONE <strong>PAGE</strong> <strong>MONEY</strong> <strong>MACHINE</strong><br />

All-in-one system for $​1,000​ in ​7​ Days...<br />

To make $1,000 online, follow these steps…

1. Don’t overcomplicate it. Stop trying so hard. Making money is similar to mining gold… in<br />

a mine full of fool’s gold. It can take forever to find that one golden nugget, but when you<br />

do, you’re rich. The golden nugget in this case is the perfect offer + traffic + funnel.<br />

2. In this case, we’ll be using a bestselling offer from the ClickBank marketplace. After<br />

spending thousands of dollars in testing various offers, funnels and traffic sources, we’ve<br />

finally found the perfect “message to market match.” This means this offer is highly<br />

targeted to the audience and the traffic source converts visitors to sales consistently.<br />

3. First, you’ll need to sign up as an affiliate for ClickBank. If you don’t already have a free<br />

affiliate account w/ ClickBank, ​you can sign up here​. It doesn’t cost anything to sign up<br />

as an affiliate, and you can promote almost anything in the entire CB marketplace.<br />

4. Next, you’ll want to open a notepad or text editor and copy & paste this URL:<br />

http://theazcode.com/affiliates.html​ - The AZ Code Affiliate Tools Page - This page<br />

contains pre-written email swipes you’ll be using to create affiliate commissions and continually<br />

grow your ClickBank affiliate sales with this product. (​Check out the AZ Code First, Here​)<br />

5. Next, you’ll need an autoresponder (such as ​Aweber​) to create a new list, a lead capture<br />

page (the easy way) and an email sequence (already ‘done for you’). Create a new list in your<br />

autoresponder account and then drop the emails one-at-a-time from “The AZ Code” into your<br />

new email followup sequence. Replace the URLs in each email with your affiliate link.<br />

6. Now you’ll need to create a ‘lead capture page’ and a ‘thank you’ page for your campaign.<br />

Don’t make it harder than it is. Just model this one (it averages a 42% optin rate and was<br />

created in minutes via Aweber’s Sign Up Forms editor):<br />

https://forms.aweber.com/form/85/629280585.htm<br />

7. And now the ‘thank you’ page. Just model this one exactly:<br />

https://hypnosisninja.clickfunnels.com/the-amazon-code<br />

I built this in ​ClickFunnels​ but you can easily model it for any web page editor you’ve got.<br />

(Tip: ​Kompozer​ is 100% free)<br />

8. Change the affiliate link on the ‘thank you’ page (the ‘private video’ button) to YOUR<br />

clickbank hoplink (affiliate link) URL which goes to The Amazon Code. Save and done!<br />

9. Finally, the traffic source. This one is special and isn’t public. You’ll find the special pricing<br />

for this buyer traffic below. Just purchase the traffic package you want and within 24-48 hours<br />

you’ll start seeing clicks, leads and sales rolling into your accounts. That’s it!<br />

RINSE, AND REPEAT. That’s literally all there is to it. Enjoy the commissions!


Below you’ll find the special pricing on several traffic packages for 85-90% Tier 1 *Buyer*<br />

Traffic. What makes this traffic different is that several of these subscribers have already<br />

purchased mid to high ticket courses in IM/MMO ranging from $19.95-$1,250+ which gives<br />

*much* higher chances for your offer to convert to immediate sales!<br />

If you don’t see sales right away, don’t get discouraged. The followup email sequence is<br />

structured in just the right way to give each subscriber several opportunities to click over to your<br />

affiliate link, so you’ll be seeing commissions rolling in days to weeks after the initial campaign.<br />

Here's what's currently available:<br />

200 clicks = $144 [​BUY NOW​]<br />

500 clicks = $350 [​BUY NOW​]<br />

1000 clicks = $680 [​BUY NOW​]<br />

2500 clicks = $1650 [​BUY NOW​]<br />

5000 clicks = $3200 [​BUY NOW​]<br />

10000 clicks = $6200 [​BUY NOW​]<br />

25000 clicks = $15000 [​BUY NOW​]<br />

This traffic is perfect for clickbank, jvzoo and warriorplus products, launches and webinars.<br />

These buyers also have purchased mid to high ticket products via sales funnels and webinars,<br />

etc. After you submit your order, email ​beyondsuperhuman@gmail.com​ and include your<br />

transaction ID, your # of clicks purchased, and the URL to your lead capture page.<br />

Your order will begin delivery within 24-48 hours and will continue until the number of clicks<br />

you’ve purchased have been delivered. All first time orders get an additional 10% overdelivery<br />

to help you get the best chance possible at making sales right out of the gate!<br />


I know you think it has to be more complicated than that… but you aren’t seeing all the<br />

*thousands* of dollars in testing (and failing) that have gone into creating this campaign, funnel<br />

and system to finally make it convert these clicks to sales like clockwork.<br />

Just DO IT and see for yourself… once you have ​the “golden nugget”​ already mined for you,<br />

just keep hitting it and scaling up to make literally as much money as you want. Enjoy!<br />

-JM<br />

© Copyright MasterJM.com All Rights Reserved.

But Does It Really Work, Or Is<br />

This Just Another Scam?<br />

It’s an honest question.<br />

You never really know who or what you’re dealing with.<br />

To be clear, no. This is not a scam. This is also not a “get rich quick” method, but it is entirely<br />

possible to keep scaling to six and seven figures by doing the 9-steps mentioned above.<br />

This report is called the “One Page Money Machine” because all 9 steps that have resulted in<br />

the image screenshot below are on 1 page. There is no “fluff” and zero filler. Only the meat.<br />

Only action produces results, and everything else is caught up in feelings and distractions.<br />

At its bare bones, it’s an affiliate program for a product that sells a little known (but genius) way<br />

of making money very quickly on AMAZON. It’s truly brilliant if you’re into e-commerce.<br />

And it converts like crazy with cold traffic... and blind emails. I admit, this crushes my soul just a<br />

little bit… you invest 17+ years of your life into being a top gun copywriter w/ over $60M under<br />

his belt from satisfied clients, customers and affiliates… and then these BLIND emails come and<br />

rock your world… multiplying your previous efforts by a factor of ten… within hours.<br />

Honestly, ...just betwixt you and me -- I woulda never opened any of these emails.<br />

As a copywriter, I use an info-driven approach to educating the prospect with a little<br />

entertainment sprinkled in at times to keep things fresh… BUUUT… according to these results<br />

on a newly reactivated ClickBank account mind you… it becomes very apparent that lots of<br />

people DO open these types of emails out of shear, perhaps morbid curiosity…<br />

And they click.<br />

And they buy.<br />

So blind email + amazing offer + the right traffic source = $$$<br />

The below screenshot is for the last 7 days of activity on ClickBank with this ‘amazing offer’…

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