GHCL Digest APRIL 2018

GHCL Digest APRIL 2018

GHCL Digest APRIL 2018


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April <strong>2018</strong><br />

<strong>GHCL</strong> DIGEST<br />

<strong>GHCL</strong> Launches Rekoop

Contents<br />

Index<br />

Pages<br />

MD's Message 3<br />

<strong>GHCL</strong> Launches “Rekoop” 4-5<br />

<strong>GHCL</strong> Khadsaliya Lignite<br />

Mine 6<br />

I –Flo Products 7-9<br />

Fes vals Of India – April 10-12<br />

Be Safe- Drive Smart 13-14<br />

Celebra ons @<strong>GHCL</strong> 15-16<br />

Events @ <strong>GHCL</strong> 17-18<br />

Salt Harvest Season <strong>2018</strong> 19<br />

<strong>GHCL</strong> Recognises 20<br />

A Brief History Of Time<br />

By Stephen Hawking 21-22<br />

Crea ve Corner 23<br />

Editorial team<br />

Corporate communica on<br />

Inputs By:<br />

Mr. M Sathishkumar– Chennai<br />

Ms. Priyum Upadhyay– Bhilad<br />

Mr. Rajkumar M– Madurai<br />

Ms. Siddhi Mehta– Sutrapada<br />

Ms. Mita Vyas-Bhavnagar<br />

Ms. Ami Pandit– Ahmedabad<br />

Follow Us On<br />

For feedback please write to corpcommunica on@ghcl.co.in<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 2

Md’s Message<br />

Dear Colleagues,<br />

As the financial year <strong>2018</strong>-19 draws to a close and we move<br />

towards a new fiscal I am proud to share that <strong>GHCL</strong> has<br />

witnessed an overall 12% increase in revenue in the last nine<br />

months. The soda ash produc on has increased by 20% from<br />

5.77 Lakh MT to 6.94 Lakh MT. There has been a 4% increase in<br />

yarn produc on from 17767 MT to 18397 MT. The home<br />

tex les business has been facing some slack but that is<br />

somewhat related to the headwind being faced by the tex le<br />

industry as a whole. Nonetheless, post the launch of the<br />

“Rekoop” brand, I am extremely hopeful and have great<br />

expecta ons from the team. I am sure that we will see a<br />

posi ve growth in revenue by next year.<br />

Overall, we have performed well and the credit goes to all of you. I thank each one of you for your contribu on.<br />

The success of our company is built on your efforts and in this past year, we have enjoyed many successes, awards<br />

and accolades. As we move forward, we should focus towards crea ng a sustainable environment for our stake<br />

holders and ourselves.<br />

In today's dynamic world, sustainability is a necessity and not an op on anymore. Companies have to diligently<br />

manage their financial, social and environmental risks, obliga ons and opportuni es. This is a very important<br />

factor that has already started effec ng the compe ve landscape of every business irrespec ve of sector. An<br />

increasing need for finding sustainable growth op ons is gradually changing the way organisa ons think about<br />

processes, products and technology. Today more and more companies realise that sustainability is integral to<br />

development and have started to innovate in various ways to retain their compe ve edge.<br />

The one essen al area of focus for us is ins tu onalising safety as a core part of our culture. Unfortunately, we<br />

lost a valuable life during one of our opera ons in the current fiscal, which is totally unacceptable. 'Safe<br />

Produc on' is the only way to go, and I want each one you to support me in making this commitment a reality. As<br />

we are move into a new financial year, we should aim and deliver a 'Zero Harm' in all we do.<br />

Other facets of sustainability involve improving business opera ons and processes to become more efficient,<br />

agile, with a goal of drama cally reducing instances of non-compliance (for e.g. environment & social), costs and<br />

waste. At mes sustainability may appear daun ng, expensive and limi ng and may also reduce opportuni es for<br />

economic profit, but that is where innova on steps in. Innova on is the ability to see beyond these limita ons<br />

and arrive at unconven onal solu ons. Mee ng sustainable development goals will require ac on on a number<br />

of fronts, including harnessing and maximizing the poten al of innova ve solu ons.<br />

Innova on does not necessarily mean overhauling the en re organisa on, even small ideas can have a big<br />

impact. Each one of us is perfectly posi oned to innovate in our own areas, every department can think of<br />

improving their processes. Think out of the box and come up with ideas which change the course of things, and<br />

you could create a legacy at <strong>GHCL</strong>.<br />

A sustainable business strategy has many benefits – sustainability is economical – even switching off a bulb when<br />

not in use saves costs; it is a rac ve – an eco-friendly business a racts a lot of a en on from investors,<br />

customers & press; and fair – as it gives us an opportunity to give back to mother earth.<br />

Together let us make sustainability a way of life at <strong>GHCL</strong> and not wait for opportuni es to do one great thing but<br />

keep doing things in a great way. Wishing all of you a prosperous FY 19.<br />

Regards,<br />

RS Jalan<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 3

Feature story Story - <strong>GHCL</strong> Launches “Rekoop”<br />

HCL has partnered with Applied DNA Sciences (ADNAS), New York, a company that develops and<br />

Gemploys unique technologies for the purpose of preven ng counterfei ng and Reliance Industries Ltd.<br />

(RIL), the world's largest manufacturer of polyester fibre and yarn to launch CertainT® verified<br />

molecular tagged, recycled PET (“rPET”) bedding products under the brand “Rekoop”. The target market for<br />

this brand at the moment is the USA market. The brand was showcased at the New York Home Fashions week<br />

from March 19 to 22, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

The CertainT pla orm forensically offers traceability to the recycled PET used in the manufacture of these<br />

bedding products. RIL is the fibre manufacturing partner for this line, which uses their eco-friendly Recron<br />

Green Gold fibre.<br />

On the occasion, <strong>GHCL</strong> launched a film describing the en re philosophy the brand stands for and the process of<br />

crea ng Rekoop beddings. You may subscribe to the <strong>GHCL</strong> Face book, Twi er and Linkedin pages to watch the<br />

en re film<br />

Veronika Richterová the renowned PETar<br />

st from the Czech Republic has been<br />

working with <strong>GHCL</strong> to make bespoke<br />

ar facts made of PET bo les which were<br />

showcased at the Grace Home Fashion /<br />

<strong>GHCL</strong> showroom at the Tex le Building<br />

during the New York Home Fashions week.<br />

(Veronika Richterová the renowned PET-ar st)<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 4

A quick peek into the<br />

Rekoop booth at the<br />

New York Home<br />

Fashions week.<br />

“ Ignorance is the curse of god”<br />

“ Knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven<br />

By William Shakespeare<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 5

<strong>GHCL</strong> Khadsaliya Lignite Mine Was Awarded The First Prize At<br />

The Inter Mines Competition For "The Overall Performance"<br />

And The Best Manager" 2017-18<br />

Khadsaliya Lignite Mines hosted the Final Day Func on<br />

of 20th Gujarat Lignite Mines Safety & Swachhata<br />

Week 2017-18 on 18th March <strong>2018</strong>, under the aegis of<br />

The Director General of Mines Safety (DGMS),<br />

Government of India.<br />

A total of nine mines from three companies - <strong>GHCL</strong> Ltd., GMDC Ltd and GIPCL Ltd. of Gujarat enthusias cally<br />

par cipated in the weeklong celebra on from 11.03.<strong>2018</strong> to 18.03.<strong>2018</strong>. Mr. P K Sarkar, The Honorable<br />

Director General of Mines Safety, DGMS, Dhanbad, Govt. of India, graced the func on as Chief Guest. Mr.<br />

Narayan Rajak, The Honorable Dy. Director General of Mines Safety, North West Zone, Udaipur, Government of<br />

India, graced the func on as Guest of Honour. Since last twenty years Gujarat is celebra ng The Safety Week<br />

under the aegis of The DGMS and this year it has introduced the theme of “Swachhata” in the agenda along with<br />

safety to develop hygiene ethics in mining industry.<br />

Khadsaliya Lignite Mine won two pres gious awards in presence of eminent dignitaries of the DGMS and under<br />

the efficient and dynamic leadership of Mr. N N Radia, The Chief Opera ng Officer (Soda Ash), M/s. <strong>GHCL</strong><br />

Limited, Sutrapada who presided over the func on at Bhavnagar. The first prize for Inter Mines Compe on<br />

“The Overall Performance” 2017-18 under the combat proven leadership of Mr. Dhananjay Kumar, The General<br />

Manager (Mines), Agent/ Manager (Mines) who was awarded for Inter Mines Compe on “The Best<br />

Manager” 2017-18 during the Final Day Func on.<br />

Khadsaliya Lignite Mine won individual cer ficates along with four prizes and deployed contractor, M/s.<br />

Sidheswari Infrastructure won three prizes in various compe ons in different categories at the event.<br />

Khadsaliya Lignite Mine, an open cast cap ve lignite mine has successfully achieved 3662 accident free man<br />

days<br />

Prominent dignitaries from The DGMS present were Mr. Md. Rafique Syed, The Director of Mines Safety,<br />

Ahmedabad Region, Mr. Ram Avtar Meena, The Director of Mines Safety, Surat Region, Mr. D S Salvi, The Dy.<br />

Director of Mines Safety, Ahmedabad Region, other renowned dis nguished guests present were Mr. A L<br />

Thakor, The Chief General Manager, M/s. GMDC Ltd and Mr. N K Purohit, The Chief General Manager (Mines)<br />

M/s. GIPCL Ltd. All the Execu ves, their families and contactors from par cipa ng nine mines were present on<br />

the auspicious occasion.<br />

“Respect is earned.”<br />

“Honesty is appreciated.”<br />

“Trust is gained.”<br />

“Loyalty is returned.”<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 6

I - Flo Products<br />

Triple Refined Salt<br />

Introduc on:<br />

With today's lifestyle, it is important to stay healthy and<br />

energe c. i-FLO refined salt is enriched with Iodine to keep<br />

consumer in good health and prevents iodine deficiency. As a<br />

part of premium segment and high quality standards, i-FLO<br />

launched its Triple Refined Salt in standy pouch. This product<br />

is processed and passed a serious of quality tests in a world<br />

class manufacturing facility under stringent hygienic<br />

condi ons.<br />

Process:<br />

Triple refined salt is manufactured from raw edible salt by mechanical opera on to remove impuri es from<br />

it. Elutria on is the main process of refining in edible salt and it is done by washing of crushed salt crystals<br />

with saturated brine by counter current method. Three elutria on processes is done to ensure the purity of<br />

salt and it excluding the pre-washing of salt. Normal refined salt is manufactured by one elutria on process<br />

and one pre-washing process. Par cles size distribu on is maintained very well to ensure the free flow<br />

nature be er than normal refined salt. The par cles distribu on below 150 microns is maintained at max<br />

4% which is ensuring the free flow nature. The product brightness is the best and it is the purest form of salt.<br />

Packaging:<br />

The product is packed in standy pouch by an automa c “Pick Fill and Sealing Machine” (PFS). The<br />

machine opera on is pneuma c with hydraulic movement. The sequen al opera ons are programmed and<br />

controlled by PLC. The processed finished product is untouched by human and a er packed in standy<br />

pouches; it is hygienically handled and packed in secondary carton boxes. <strong>GHCL</strong> – CPD is the first in India to<br />

pack s salt variant in fully automated pick fill and seal machine. The machine is installed at a controlled<br />

atmosphere with access control.<br />

i-FLO triple refined salt manufacturing facility is accredited with “Halal cer fica on” and “ISO 22000;2005”<br />

for Food Safety and Quality Management Systems.<br />

“<br />

Live as if you were to die tomorrow.<br />

Learn as if you were to live forever<br />

- Mahatma Gandhi<br />

“<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 7

Machines Opera ons:<br />

Pick, Fill and Sealing machine (PFS):<br />

Packing material loading side:<br />

Product filling side:<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 8

Pouch sealing:<br />

Packed product collec on:<br />

Fun Time<br />

An angry wife to her husband on phone: “where the hell are you?”<br />

Husband: “darling you remember that Jewellery shop<br />

where you saw the diamond necklace and totally fell in<br />

love with it & I didn’t have money that time &<br />

I said baby it’ll be yours one day”<br />

Wife, with a smile & blushing:<br />

that my love”<br />

“yeah, I remember<br />

Husband: “I’m in the barber shop just next<br />

to that shop“<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 9

India's Famous Festivals In April <strong>2018</strong><br />

Tulip Fes val, Srinagar<br />

Our very own Srinagar challenges the elegance<br />

of the popular tulip field in Amsterdam.<br />

Kashmir just cannot let the world relax when it<br />

comes to pris ne beauty. Its annual tulip<br />

fes val is well worth the reason to travel to<br />

Srinagar. Given that tulips bloom for only a<br />

period of 2 weeks makes it a visit to the land of<br />

paradise a necessity. Spread over 5 hectares<br />

and an overlooking Dal Lake, the fes val will<br />

overwhelm you with some florid loveliness.<br />

Crimson, golden, striped, purple, streaked, red,<br />

orange are just a few of the glorifying range the<br />

fes val showcases. The fragrance of the<br />

occasion will definitely spell-bound you.<br />

Baisakhi Mela, Punjab- 14 April <strong>2018</strong><br />

Baisakhi is a harvest fes val celebrated in Punjab. Being a<br />

harvest fes val, Baisakhi itself rejoices life in its core form.<br />

The culture of Punjab becomes its purest form during the<br />

fes val with folklore music and Bhangra. People celebrate<br />

this fes val with folk dance and music along with variety of<br />

food. Tough it is celebrated in all over the country; you can<br />

witness the best of this celebra on at the Golden Temple of<br />

Amritsar. You can feel the thumping energy of people<br />

engraved in blissful enthusiasm. The mul tude of cuisines in<br />

its saga of feast makes the fes val an idyllic favourite<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 10

Bihu- 14 Apr <strong>2018</strong>- Assam<br />

Equivalent to Baisakhi is Bihu, which is celebrated in Assam<br />

around April 14, 15 and 16, in the north eastern region of<br />

India. As celebrated in Mid-April, it is called Bohag Bihu. It<br />

signifies the commencement of Assamese New Year and<br />

the approaching of spring season. It is celebrated for 7 days<br />

through folk music, bihu dance, and merriment and<br />

feas ng.<br />

Mopin , Arunachal Pradesh<br />

The people of Along-Basar-Bame celebrate<br />

Mopin as a harvest fes val and as a measure to<br />

keep the evil spirits away. It involves a folklore<br />

dance “popir dance” performed by some very<br />

skilful local tribes' women. The locally made rice<br />

wine (apong) during the fes val is a pleasure<br />

that comes once in a while.<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 11

Kadammani a Padayani, Kerala- 14 Mar – 21 Mar <strong>2018</strong><br />

Kadammani a Padavani is an event annually<br />

carried forward by the locals of Kerala. Padayani<br />

originated from the depth of Travancore and<br />

involves a rhythmic synchronisa on between<br />

melodious folklore music and heavy drumming.<br />

The use of various masks engraving Kalan (God of<br />

death), Yakshi (fairy), Pakshi (birds) and Bhairavi<br />

(Kali) reminisces the core Hindu mythology.<br />

Thrissur Pooram, Kerala- 26 Apr <strong>2018</strong><br />

Kerala is always associated with elephants. Thrissur<br />

Pooram is the place you should visit this April if you<br />

want to come closer to the enriching performance of<br />

man, elephant and music! As many as 30 elephants are<br />

decorated with every possible kind of tradi onal<br />

supplies. It becomes a visual treat to see how these<br />

lavishly bedecked elephants assemble in the tunes of<br />

250 musical ar sts. Ornamental displays and drum<br />

concerts add to the appeal of the event. The ecsta c<br />

firework display as the sun takes a dip into the waters<br />

closes the evening with empha c sa sfac on.<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 12

Sustainability - Be SAFE- Drive Smart!<br />

This month from the sustainability desk, we have come up with an ar cle to enlighten our readers on safety<br />

while travelling on road. We want to encourage employees to take measures that ensure minimal risk while<br />

travelling with comfort. Safety is important at all mes and not just confined to factory boundaries. Risks and<br />

hazards are present all around us. This ar cle shall focus mainly on the measures that can be taken to minimize<br />

risk related to safety while traveling on road.<br />

As per sta s cs from Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, the number of road crash deaths have increased<br />

by 31% from 2007 to 2017, and that of fatal road crashes have increased by 25.6% in the same period.<br />

Irresponsibility of drivers is the top contributor to road crash deaths, accoun ng for 80.3% deaths out of the<br />

total road crash fatali es in 2016.<br />

Top three causes of road accident fatali es accorded to responsibility of drivers are – speeding, over-taking<br />

and intake of alcohol. Thus, it is utmost important to be vigilant and careful while travelling/driving.<br />

Below men oned are few important road safety ps to be followed at all mes.<br />

· Before you drive/ride a vehicle ensure that:<br />

· The vehicle is properly licensed,<br />

· It has a valid insurance policy,<br />

· You/driver has the valid and appropriate licence to drive the vehicle.<br />

· Speed should be adjusted according to the road condi ons.<br />

· Driver should ensure safe speed and observe the speed limit.<br />

· Always wear your seat belt and ensure that your co-passengers do the same.<br />

· Do NOT drink and drive.<br />

· Try to avoid driving a er dark if possible.<br />

· The driver should have a good rest before star ng journey especially the long ones.<br />

· Take safety breaks every 2 hours or 200kms<br />

· Do not use/ or let driver use a mobile phone while driving.<br />

· Overtake with due care.<br />

· Do not tailgate- “The Two second rule”<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 13

These ps are not exhaus ve but are the most important but easily ignored ones. Few safety precau ons can<br />

save you from any unfortunate road accident. Prac cing safe driving skills, and making sure that you are<br />

always paying a en on to your own driving and that of others around you, you are doing much to save<br />

yourself from ending up in road accidents.<br />

“Defensive Driving” is one such way that u lizes safe driving strategies to enables drivers to address<br />

iden fied hazards in a predictable manner. Since nearly 80% of the fatal road accidents are caused due to<br />

responsibility of drivers, defensive driving skills can help in dras cally reducing the no. of road accidents. Its<br />

aim is to reduce the risk of collision by an cipa ng dangerous situa ons, despite adverse condi ons or the<br />

mistakes of others. This can be achieved through adherence to a variety of general guidelines, such as<br />

following the assured clear distance ahead and two second rules, as well as the prac ce of specific driving<br />

techniques. Few general and specific guidelines are shared below;<br />

Be sensible when you are behind the wheel and you will be safe when you arrive at your des na on. With just a<br />

few careful steps while traveling on road, we can ensure ours as well as our co-travellers' safety and collec ve<br />

efforts can reduce the number of road accidents.<br />

For further details and queries you may reach to corporate HSE@ghcl.co.in.<br />

Funny thought of the day<br />

Some people should use glue stick instead<br />

Chapstick<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 14

Celebrations @ <strong>GHCL</strong><br />

Safety Week observed at Yarn Division, Madurai & Manapparai<br />

The 47th Na onal Safety week was celebrated at Yarn Division<br />

from 03rd March <strong>2018</strong> to 10th March <strong>2018</strong>. On 3-3-<strong>2018</strong> safety<br />

week celebra on was inaugurated and safety flag hoisted by<br />

Mr.Rajamuthu, Joint Director of Industrial safety and Health<br />

department, Madurai. All the employees and execu ves<br />

par cipated and took a safety oath.<br />

During safety week celebra on, Safety Quiz compe on was<br />

conducted at Madurai & Manapparai units on 09th & 14th March<br />

respec vely. Mr. M Rajkumar, Dy. Manager (HR) was the quiz<br />

master of the event. The winners were honoured by cash prizes.<br />

Dhule celebra on held at Lignite Division<br />

“Dule ” as is known in local language was celebrated on 02nd<br />

March <strong>2018</strong> by Lignite Division at Bhavnagar office. All the<br />

employees along with their families par cipated with great<br />

enthusiasm. Everybody exchanged warm pleasantries on the<br />

occasion and enjoyed the fes val by sprinkling herbal colours,<br />

followed by lunch.<br />

Women's day celebrated at Ahmedabad<br />

Women's day was celebrated at Ahmedabad loca on by<br />

Recrea on Team. It started by gree ng the women employees<br />

with flowers & Chocolates. We all played a game called Brand<br />

naming where we formed 4 teams and each team consisted of<br />

4 male and 1 female employee. AMI Pandit's team won the<br />

game.<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 15

Holi Celebra on at Ahmedabad<br />

Holi Celebra on at Ahmedabad loca on was organised by Recrea on Team<br />

on 1st March <strong>2018</strong>. We bought organic colour for this day, all the members<br />

were invited. The func on was followed by snacks. We visited the homes of<br />

HOD's of all the departments.<br />

'<strong>GHCL</strong> Utsav' at HT division<br />

'<strong>GHCL</strong> UTSAV' was organised at HT division on 10th<br />

March <strong>2018</strong>. The family get together, which was an<br />

ini a ve of the Celebra on Commi ee, witnessed<br />

a gathering of more than 400 par cipants.<br />

The occasion was graced by the presence of Mr.<br />

R.S.Jalan and Mr. Sachin Kulkarni. It was a grand<br />

event with many fun filled ac vi es which began by<br />

ligh ng the ceremonious lamp.<br />

A professional event manager was hired to conduct<br />

the en re evening which was made thrilling with<br />

several games and other entertainment ac vi es<br />

like dance and songs and par cipa on from all was<br />

encouraged.<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 16

Events @ <strong>GHCL</strong><br />

Training Program on “Collabora on” held at Soda Ash Plant, Sutrapada<br />

As a part of employees' Training & development program, Soda Ash<br />

Division conducted a training program on “Collabora on” on 12th &<br />

13th March <strong>2018</strong>. The session was delivered efficiently & effec vely<br />

by Mr. Gurpreet Singh (Seasoned learning and HR prac oner)<br />

The program highlights - personality traits, leadership quality, team<br />

work, listening & learning, me management, self-analysis and<br />

group work etc.<br />

People were engaged through different business games & stories to<br />

look for solu on of real me problem. Total 42 employees<br />

par cipated (22 on each day) & benefi ed from this program. The<br />

Session received quite an outstanding response and change in<br />

behavior and personality is expected along with team work.<br />

Knowledge Sharing Session on “Mediclaim” held at soda ash plant, Sutrapada<br />

At the soda ash plant, Sutrapada HR/IR department<br />

started an ini a ve to conduct knowledge sharing<br />

session for the workmen cadre. Mr. Yogesh Pardeshi<br />

(Management Trainee – IR) took a knowledge sharing<br />

session on 16th March, <strong>2018</strong> from 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm.<br />

Mr. Pardeshi gave glimpse about Mediclaim policy &<br />

procedures which includes claim procedures,<br />

documents required for claim, difference between<br />

cash less claim and reimbursement claim, list of<br />

chargeable expenses and non-chargeable expenses. It<br />

was highly interac ve session.<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 17

Seminar by AMAI (Alkali Manufacturer Associa on of India)<br />

Annual Seminar of Alkali Manufacturers Associa on of<br />

India was held on 14th & 15th Mar <strong>2018</strong> at Bharuch,<br />

Gujarat. The theme of this year's seminar was focused on<br />

“Safety, Health & Environment and Waste Management in<br />

Alkali Industry”.<br />

Total of 65 Companies and over 140 par cipants from<br />

within India and overseas countries had been invited in<br />

this event. Two day interac ons were focused to promote<br />

& adopt best prac ces for safe & clean plant opera ons.<br />

Various speakers shared their experiences<br />

and glimpses of the ac vi es being carried out in their plants/ industry in regards to safety, health &<br />

environment & waste management.<br />

On behalf of <strong>GHCL</strong>, Mr. N. I. Parekh (GM – QEHS) & Mr. Sushil Kumar Singh (Assist. Manager – QMS) presented<br />

a paper on waste management ini a ves with the theme of “Waste to Wealth”. During presenta on, <strong>GHCL</strong><br />

highlighted its various ini a ves which had been taken to manage the waste and convert it in to useful<br />

byproducts. On the last day, the seminar concluded with the visit to UPL, Bharuch plant with the aim to<br />

provide an opportunity to learn be er safe & clean prac ces followed in AMAI member industries.<br />

riddle time<br />

1. I am black when clean and white when dirty.<br />

What am I?<br />

2. I have a head & no body, but I do have a tail.<br />

What am I?<br />

Answers: 1. chalkboard<br />

2. A coin<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 18

HSE Stewards Meet - Soda Ash Division<br />

In order to enhance the Health, Safety and Environment<br />

performance, a team of HSE stewards represen ng all<br />

department has been formed. Every Steward will be<br />

responsible for his area to improve the safety, health and<br />

environment culture. The journey was started in Sept<br />

2017.A total of 28 stewards have been iden fied.<br />

In con nuing towards the Sustainability Journey, a meet<br />

of HSE stewards was organized on 26th Feb <strong>2018</strong> at<br />

Hotel Divine, Veraval.<br />

This was a ended by all stewards, senior management team and EHS team.<br />

Mr N I Parekh –GM ini ated the meet by welcoming all and briefing about the ac vi es so far. The meet was<br />

addressed by Mr. N. N. Radia, COO and senior management team. During the address by top leadership,<br />

organiza on's vision towards development of sustainability culture within the organiza on was presented. The<br />

roles, responsibili es and expecta ons from stewards were delivered.<br />

As a token of felicita on, formal cer ficates to individual stewards were presented by Mr. Lovish Ahuja, Group<br />

Head – Sustainability to boost the moral and par cipa on of stewards by empowering them.HSE stewards also<br />

shared their journey and experience of last 5 months and provided insights for further improvements.<br />

Salt Harvest Season - <strong>2018</strong><br />

th<br />

On 16 March <strong>2018</strong>, Golden Scrapping Func on was<br />

celebrated at our Vedaranyam Plant. The func on was<br />

chaired by Mr. Gopa Kumar Menon (VP-CPD), Mr. T<br />

Malairasan (Advisor-<strong>GHCL</strong>), Mr. V Manoharan (AGM<br />

–Veda Salt Works).<br />

March is considered very auspicious as this month<br />

marks the first Salt Harvest. On this occasion, special<br />

puja ceremony is organized where homage is paid to<br />

Lord asking him to bless and bring prosperity to the<br />

land for bringing good harvest. Last year Veda Salt<br />

Works made the highest raw salt produc on and<br />

sales.<br />

All the staffs and execu ves were present during the func on at the Veda Salt Works. Special Garland was<br />

made using Salt Crystals for the Vinayagar Statue.<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 19

<strong>GHCL</strong> Recognises<br />

On the Spot Awards given to the following members of the Madurai Yarn division<br />

Mr. RADHA KRISHNAN- Sr. Technician, for his idea to fix the 6 mm screw on the suc on duct which helped<br />

resolve the issue and eliminate chocking.<br />

Mr. RADHA KRISHNAN- Sr. Technician, for his idea to fix the 6 mm screw on the suc on duct which helped<br />

resolve the issue and eliminate chocking.<br />

Mr. ASHOK KUMAR- Asst. Technician, for his excellent idea to change sensor from 90MM to 65MM and<br />

also increase empty sensor gap. Its impact, to reduce the workers’ strain and unwanted sider a empts<br />

reduced.<br />

<strong>GHCL</strong> TEA (Think- Experiment & Adopt)<br />

has been launched for Soda Ash Division, total 11 Ideas were submi ed by the execu ve. The Idea<br />

discussed and presented to COO and other seniors of Soda Ash Division. (Talk to Neha in HR for <strong>GHCL</strong> Tea<br />

logo )<br />

COO & Seniors appreciated sincere efforts by the execu ve and encouraged them with message that<br />

Innova on should be way of our life, we should also strive for excellence by con nuous improvement. All<br />

those who par cipate were given cash prizes by COO.<br />

Various Projects presented were -<br />

1. Conversion of Poten al Energy to electric energy - Bhaveshgar R Aparnathi, Assistant Manager – RMH<br />

2. 2x11 MW TG SETS: Retrofit & Modifica on to 2X12.5 MW TG SETS - D B Vaishnav, General Manager -<br />

U lity opera ons.<br />

3. Reduc on In Mother Liquor Dilu on - Deepak Garg , AGM - Process & Arjun Hirpara, Graduate<br />

Engineer Trainee – Chemical<br />

4. Brique e Online Drier - Mayur A Purohit, Junior Engineer – Process ; K V Zankat ,AGM – Process<br />

5. Salvage Yard Inventoriza on - Nikhil Moundekar, Engineer – QMS ;Sushil Kumar Singh, Assistant<br />

Manager – QMS<br />

6. Do not accept non-confirming material: Limestone- Murlimohan, Sr. Manager – Mines<br />

7. Cleaner Produc on: Towards Sustainability, Priyakanchini Pravin Gupta -Dy. Manager – Environment<br />

8. Carboniza on Chiller - Sanjay Kumar Chaudhary, Manager – Projects<br />

9. Vision For Health - Dr. Tejas K Zankat, Manager – Medical<br />

10. Saving of So Water from Belt Filter Vacuum Pan- Gopal Chavda ,Sr. Manager – Maintenance; Saumik<br />

Dixit, Assistant Manager – Maintenance; Dilip Barad, Engineer – Maintenance; Vishal Yadav Engineer –<br />

Maintenance<br />

11. Calciner Feed Seal Modifica on- R D Badgujar, Dy. General Manager – Maintenance; Saumik Dixit,<br />

Assistant Manager – Maintenance; Hiteshkumar K Patel, Engineer – Maintenance; Vishal Yadav, Engineer<br />

– Maintenance; Nikhil Dileepbhai Trivedi, Engineer - Maintenance<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 20

Book Review<br />

A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes- by Stephen W. Hawking<br />

he book became a bestseller and sold more than<br />

T10 million copies in 20 years. It was also on the<br />

London Sunday Times bestseller list for more than<br />

five years and was translated into 35 languages by 2001.<br />

A Brief History of Time begins with a striking image and a<br />

wonderful true story: An elderly lady a ended a public<br />

lecture given by an astrophysicist on how the Earth goes<br />

around the Sun and how the Sun circles about with<br />

countless other stars in our galaxy the Milky Way. During<br />

the ques on and answer session, the woman stood up<br />

and told the dis nguished scien st that his lecture was<br />

nonsense, that the Earth is a flat disk supported on the<br />

back of an enormous tortoise.<br />

. The scien st tried to outwit the lady by asking, "Well, my dear, what supports the tortoise?" To which she<br />

replied, "You're a very clever young man, but not clever enough. Its turtles all the way down!”<br />

Hawking uses the image of an infinite tower of tortoises to introduce contras ng views of the Universe.<br />

Indeed, the first chapter con nues with an account of people's varying pictures of the cosmos over the last<br />

few millennia. In the following chapters, Stephen Hawkins talks about - Space and Time, The Expanding<br />

Universe, The Uncertainty Principle. He talks about me in Eins en's rela vity theory and uses the Doppler<br />

Effect to explain how the universe is ge ng bigger. He also explains how light waves have crests and troughs.<br />

The highest point of a wave is the crest, and the lowest part of the wave is a trough. Some mes more than one<br />

of these waves can interfere with each other - the crests and the troughs line up. This is called light<br />

interference. When light waves interfere with each other, this can make many colours. An example of this is<br />

the colours in soap bubbles.<br />

Chapter 5 is mostly about elementary Par cles and Forces of Nature. All par cles have something called spin.<br />

The spin of a par cle shows us what a par cle looks like from different direc ons. Besides the force of gravity<br />

and the electromagne c forces, there are weak and strong nuclear forces. Weak nuclear forces are the forces<br />

that cause radioac vity, or when ma er emits energy.<br />

The next chapter talks about Black holes. Black holes are stars that have collapsed into one very small point.<br />

This small point is called a singularity. Black holes suck things into their centre because they have very strong<br />

gravity. Some of the things it can suck in are light and stars. Only very large stars, called super-giants, are big<br />

enough to become a black hole. The star must be one and a half mes the mass of the sun or larger to turn into<br />

a black hole. This number is called the Chandrasekhar limit. If the mass of a star is less than the Chandrasekhar<br />

limit, it will not turn into a black hole; instead, it will turn into a different, smaller type of star. The boundary of<br />

the black hole is called the event horizon. If something is in the event horizon, it will never get out of the black<br />

hole.<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 21

Black holes can be shaped differently. Some black holes are perfectly<br />

spherical - like a ball. Other black holes bulge in the middle. Black holes will<br />

be spherical if they do not rotate. Black holes will bulge in the middle if they<br />

rotate. Black holes are difficult to find because they do not let out any light.<br />

They can be found when black holes suck in other stars. When black holes<br />

suck in other stars, the black hole lets out X-rays, which can be seen by<br />

telescopes.<br />

Chapter 8: The Origin and Fate of the Universe- The Big Bang and the<br />

evolu on of the universe. How the universe started and how it might end is<br />

talked about in this chapter. Most scien sts believe that the universe<br />

started in an expansion called the Big Bang. The model for this is called the<br />

"hot big bang model". When the universe starts ge ng bigger, the things<br />

inside of it also begin to get cooler. When the universe was first beginning,<br />

it was infinitely hot. The temperature of the universe cooled and the things<br />

inside the universe began to clump together.<br />

Chapter 9: The Arrow of Time- In this chapter Hawking talks about why "real me" as humans observe and<br />

experience it (in contrast to the "imaginary me" in the laws of science) seems to have a certain direc on,<br />

notably from the past towards the future. Firstly, there is the thermodynamic arrow of me. The second arrow<br />

is the psychological arrow of me. Thirdly there is the cosmological arrow of me. Humans experience these<br />

three arrows of me going in the same direc on, Hawking postulates that humans have been living in the<br />

expanding phase of the universe. He thinks that intelligent life couldn't exist in the contrac ng phase of the<br />

universe. Only the expanding phase of the universe is suitable for intelligent beings like humans to exist,<br />

because it contains a strong thermodynamic arrow. Hawking calls this the "weak anthropic principle".<br />

Humans have always wanted to make sense of the universe and their place in it. At first, events were<br />

considered random and controlled by human-like emo onal spirits. But in astronomy and in some other<br />

situa ons, regulari es were observed. With the advancement of the human civiliza on in the modern age,<br />

more regulari es and laws were discovered. Hawking would like to see that eventually everybody would one<br />

day talk about theories in order to understand the true origin and nature of the universe, accomplishing the<br />

ul mate triumph of human reasoning.<br />

“ Intelligence is the ability<br />

to adapt changes.”<br />

- Stephen Hawking<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 22

Creative Corner<br />

Escape from Death – By Piyush Halani<br />

Assistant Manager-Finance – Soda Ash Division<br />

“Ved was cycling through an underpass when suddenly the road<br />

above collapsed onto him. He experienced a huge hit and went<br />

numb; with darkness encircling him. It all happened within the<br />

frac on of a second.<br />

For certain amount of me, he went blank and did not know what<br />

to do. Trying to free himself, he vigorously pushed and kicked his<br />

surroundings but to no avail. The impact was so high that he could<br />

not shout for help as well.<br />

A faint light coming through an opening drew his a en on towards the red s cky fluid stuck to his body. 'I<br />

must get out real quick; otherwise I will die of blood loss' he thought to himself.<br />

Some people gathered around the place and their sounds could be heard. Ge<br />

they did not have much me in their hands.<br />

ng him out was a tricky task as<br />

He saw the opening, from which the light reached him, was widening slowly; but was unable to reach it.<br />

Then, a pair of hands appeared, trying to support him to come out. Ved made one last effort and threw<br />

himself towards the helper, with his head reaching there first.<br />

The rescue was half way through when he got stuck again. The pupils of his eyes could not adapt to the bright<br />

lights outside, so he decided to keep them closed.<br />

With some amount of pressure, he quickly exited the hole; finally set free. Everyone around erupted with<br />

happiness and joy. They were clapping and congratula ng one another while his helper carried him. Fresh<br />

oxygen hit his lungs and he took a deep relaxing breath.<br />

Opening his eyes slowly, he tried to thank the people for helping, but could not u er a word. He realised that<br />

he was inside a room and not on the road where the accident took place. The people around had worn similar<br />

clothes. And then it hit him. He started crying as that was the only thing he could do. More happy shouts and<br />

screams could be heard.<br />

“He was not the same Ved anymore. He was a smaller Ved, Reborn!”<br />

April <strong>2018</strong> 23

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