The Light 2018 03 March issue

English organ of the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam. Presenting Islam as taught by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) as a tolerant, peaceful, inclusive, loving, rational religion. To learn more go to www.virtualmosque.co.uk

English organ of the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam. Presenting Islam as taught by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) as a tolerant, peaceful, inclusive, loving, rational religion. To learn more go to www.virtualmosque.co.uk


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ِ ی م الرَّحم<br />

ن<br />

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سب اہللِ‏ الرَّْحم ٰ<br />

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Light</strong><br />

International Organ of the Centre for the Worldwide<br />

Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam<br />

<strong>2018</strong><br />

April<br />

2016<br />

<strong>March</strong><br />

Germany<br />

Guyana<br />

India<br />

Sweden<br />

Suriname<br />

<strong>The</strong> only Islamic organisation upholding the finality of prophethood.<br />

Webcasting on the world’s first real-time Islamic service at<br />

Editors<br />

- Amir Aziz<br />

- Abd ul Muqtadir Gordon<br />

- Gowsia Saleem & - Prof. Shahab<br />

Shabbir<br />

- Kaleem Ahmed<br />

- Robbert Bipat M.D, PhD<br />

South Africa-Ebrahim Mohamed<br />

UK<br />

USA<br />

- Shahid Aziz & - Mustaq Ali<br />

- Zainab Ahmad<br />

www.virtualmosque.co.uk<br />

Our Recent Broadcasts<br />

‣ Protecting Women<br />

‣ Protecting Women Part 2<br />

‣ Protecting Women part 3<br />

‣ Mental Health Issue in the<br />

Muslim Community<br />

‣ Why are we not Sunnis?<br />

‣ Disturbing Nature<br />

Contents<br />

<strong>The</strong> Call of the Messiah 2<br />

Answer_to_allegations 3<br />

by Dr Zahid Aziz<br />

Proof_of_Messengership 9<br />

by Mr Omar Raja<br />

Broadcasts (UK time)<br />

1. Skype Urdu lecture: Sunday 09:00<br />

2. Live on www.virtualmosque.co.uk<br />

‣ Friday Sermon 13:00<br />

‣ First Sunday of month lecture 15:00.<br />

3. Radio Virtual Mosque<br />

Our Websites<br />

1. International HQ<br />

2. Research and History<br />

3. <strong>The</strong> Woking Mosque and Mission<br />

4. <strong>The</strong> Berlin Mosque and Mission<br />

5. Quran search<br />

6. Blog<br />

Interesting external links<br />

‣ Recognise Sharia says UK Government Commission.<br />

‣ <strong>The</strong> Torah Portion that Rattled my Jewish<br />

Identity.<br />

‣ When the West Glorified Islam.<br />

External Links<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Light</strong> is not responsible for the content<br />

of external sites. <strong>The</strong> inclusion of a link to an external<br />

website should not be understood to be<br />

an endorsement of that website, the views it expresses<br />

or the site's owners (or their products/services).<br />

Some links may have research, which disagrees<br />

with our beliefs. It is for us to consider<br />

such material and provide a rebuttal. Ignoring it<br />

will not make it go away.<br />

We welcome all scholarly contributions to<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Light</strong>.<br />

I Shall Love All Mankind.

<strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Light</strong> 2<br />

<strong>The</strong> Call of the<br />

Messiah<br />

by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam<br />

Ahmad<br />

<strong>The</strong> Promised Messiah and Mahdi<br />

(Translator’s note: Although given in quotation<br />

marks, the Quranic references are explanations<br />

rather than literal translation of the verse<br />

quoted.)<br />

Divine revelation in other Religions 1<br />

I will now discuss some of the more important<br />

religions which are showing great missionary<br />

activity, so we can see whether they can<br />

take a human to the stage of perfect certainty<br />

regarding Divine existence. Can their scriptures<br />

contain the noble promise that they can make<br />

their true followers the recipients of a certain<br />

Divine revelation? And whether, if they do so,<br />

this promise is borne out by facts.<br />

First, I take the religion which is named after<br />

Christ. <strong>The</strong> response to the questions asked<br />

above is very easy and simple in its case. <strong>The</strong><br />

Christians are unanimous in the belief that, after<br />

the time of Christ, the fountains of Divine<br />

revelation and inspiration closed to all. <strong>The</strong><br />

blessing of Divine revelation has according to<br />

them been left behind, and it now remains<br />

closed to the day of judgment. <strong>The</strong> door of Divine<br />

grace being shut, by which alone salvation<br />

can be obtained, a new plan of salvation has<br />

been set up. This plan is opposed to the established<br />

principles of the world, and it is contrary<br />

to human reason and Divine Justice and Mercy.<br />

It is said that Jesus Christ bore the sins of the<br />

world and chose to die on the cross. And that, by<br />

his death, others may be delivered, and that Almighty<br />

God killed His innocent son to save the<br />

sinners. We are unable to understand how the<br />

pitiable death of one man can purify the hearts<br />

of others from the impure quality of sin and<br />

how by the murder of one innocent man, others<br />

can be absolved of the sins and crimes which<br />

they have committed.<br />

This course is directly opposed to justice<br />

and mercy. To punish the innocent in place of<br />

the offender is against justice. Causing the son<br />

to be murdered cruelly with no fault on his part<br />

is contrary to Divine Mercy, and the whole affair<br />

is a meaningless transaction.<br />

I have already stated that the real cause of<br />

the prevalence of sin is the absence of true Divine<br />

knowledge. If the cause is not removed, the<br />

effect cannot be annulled, for the cause must<br />

bring about its effect. It is a strange philosophy<br />

that sin is supposed to be made non-existent<br />

while its cause, the lack of Divine knowledge remains,<br />

as strong as ever. Experience shows that<br />

without full knowledge of a thing we cannot<br />

know its true value, nor can we love or fear it.<br />

But love and fear are the only incentives to action<br />

and a person does not do or abstain from<br />

doing a deed, without love or fear motivating<br />

him. <strong>The</strong>refore, it is clear that unless the love or<br />

fear of the Divine Being is generated in the<br />

heart, which depends upon a true and perfect<br />

knowledge of God, it is impossible that one<br />

should be released from the bondage of sin. But<br />

so far as the Christians are concerned, I am<br />

bound to state for the sake of truth that their<br />

knowledge of God is imperfect and ambiguous.<br />

<strong>The</strong> doors of Divine revelation are forever<br />

closed, and miracles ended with Jesus and his<br />

apostles.<br />

What is left then in our hands to judge the<br />

truth of the Christian religion except for the authority<br />

of reason? But the deifying of a man has<br />

already flouted reason. If the old stories of miracles<br />

as narrated in the Gospels are adduced in<br />

support of Christianity, various objections may<br />

be put forth against this evidence by one who<br />

does not admit the truth of the Christian religion.<br />

In the first place, it is impossible to ascertain<br />

how much truth and what reality is contained<br />

in these narratives. <strong>The</strong>re seems to be no<br />

doubt that the evangelists were great exaggerators.<br />

For instance, in one of the Gospels it is<br />

written that if all the things which Jesus did had<br />

been written in books, the world could not have<br />

contained those books. This is a most extravagant<br />

statement. How could the world prove insufficient<br />

for the record of deeds which were<br />

contained in it in an unrecorded state, deeds<br />

1 Excerpt from “Lecture in Sialkot.<br />

I Shall Love All Mankind.

<strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Light</strong> 3<br />

done by one man within the limited period of 3<br />

years in a very small province?<br />

Secondly, the miracles stated to have been<br />

performed by Jesus were in no way superior to<br />

the miracles of Moses. Even the miracles of Elijah<br />

display a greater power than those of Jesus.<br />

If the performance of certain miracles can make<br />

a man God, many of the prophets shall be entitled<br />

to Divinity.(Return to contents)<br />

<strong>The</strong> answer to the allegation<br />

that wife-beating is approved<br />

in Bukhari<br />

by Dr Zahid Aziz<br />

Critics of Islam have widely circulated a<br />

hadith report from Bukhari to allege that when<br />

a woman, who had been badly beaten by her<br />

husband, complained to the Prophet<br />

Muhammad, he sided with her husband and<br />

told her to have sexual relations with him, and<br />

said that she could not get divorce from him<br />

despite his beating her. Given below is this hadith<br />

report, from Muhsin Khan’s English translation<br />

of Bukhari from which they quote it:<br />

Narrated Ikrimah:-<br />

Rifa‛a divorced his wife whereupon Abdur<br />

Rahman bin Az-Zubair Al-Qurazi married her.<br />

Aishah said that the lady (came), wearing a<br />

green veil and complained to her (of her husband)<br />

and showed her a green spot on her skin<br />

(caused by beating). It was the habit of ladies to<br />

support each other, so when Allah’s Messenger<br />

came, Aishah said, “I have not seen any woman<br />

suffering as much as the believing women.<br />

Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes!”<br />

When Abdur Rahman heard that his wife had<br />

gone to the Prophet, he came with his two sons<br />

from another wife. She said: “By Allah! I have<br />

done no wrong to him but he is impotent and is<br />

as useless to me as this,” holding and showing<br />

the fringe of her garment. Abdur Rahman said,<br />

“By Allah, O Allah’s Messenger! She has told a<br />

lie! I am very strong and can satisfy her but she<br />

is disobedient and wants to go back to Rifa‛a.”<br />

Allah’s Messenger said, to her, “If that is your intention,<br />

then know that it is unlawful for you to<br />

remarry Rifa‛a unless Abdur Rahman has had<br />

I Shall Love All Mankind.<br />

sexual intercourse with you.” <strong>The</strong>n the Prophet<br />

saw two boys with Abdur Rahman and asked<br />

(him), “Are these your sons?” On that Abdur<br />

Rahman said, “Yes.” <strong>The</strong> Prophet said (to the<br />

wife), “You claim what you claim (i.e. that he is<br />

impotent)? But by Allah, these boys resemble<br />

him as a crow resembles a crow.” (Bukhari,<br />

Book of Dress, hadith 5825)<br />

Direct versions of this report contain<br />

no mention of beating at all<br />

<strong>The</strong> first point to note is that this report is<br />

related here by Ikrimah, but it also occurs directly<br />

related by Aishah in four places in Bukhari<br />

and three places in Sahih Muslim. I quote<br />

below those four occurrences in Bukhari, again<br />

from Muhsin Khan’s translation on the Internet:<br />

1. Narrated Aishah:-<br />

<strong>The</strong> wife of Rifa‛a Al-Qurazi came to Allah’s<br />

Messenger and said, “O Allah’s Messenger!<br />

Rifa‛a divorced me irrevocably. After him I<br />

married Abdur Rahman bin Az-Zubair Al-<br />

Qurazi who proved to be impotent.” Allah’s<br />

Messenger said to her, “Perhaps you want to<br />

return to Rifa‛a? Nay (you cannot return to<br />

Rifa‛a) until you and Abdur Rahman consummate<br />

your marriage.” (Bukhari, Book of<br />

Divorce, hadith 5260)<br />

In the printed edition of Muhsin Khan’s<br />

translation however, the last sentence, beginning<br />

“until you”, appears as follows: “until you<br />

enjoy sexual relations (consummate your marriage)<br />

with Abdur Rahman and he with you”.<br />

This shows that the words translated as “consummate<br />

your marriage”, placed here in brackets<br />

by the translator, actually mean the enjoyment<br />

of each spouse with the other. This literal<br />

meaning makes it clear that by “consummation<br />

of marriage” is meant sexual relations enjoyed<br />

by each spouse with the other.<br />

2. Narrated Aishah:-<br />

<strong>The</strong> wife of Rifa‛a Al-Qurazi came to the<br />

Prophet and said, “I was wife of Rifa‛a, but<br />

he divorced me and it was a final, irrevocable<br />

divorce. <strong>The</strong>n I married Abdur Rahman<br />

bin Az-Zubair but he is impotent.” <strong>The</strong><br />

Prophet asked her “Do you want to remarry

<strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Light</strong> 4<br />

Rifa‛a? You cannot unless you had a complete<br />

sexual relation with your present husband.”<br />

Abu Bakr was sitting with Allah’s<br />

Messenger and Khalid bin Sa‛id bin Al-‛As<br />

was at the door waiting to be admitted. He<br />

said: “O Abu Bakr! Do you hear what this<br />

(woman) is revealing frankly before the<br />

Prophet?” (Bukhari, Book of Witnesses,<br />

hadith 2639)<br />

Here also, the Arabic words which have<br />

been translated as “unless you had a complete<br />

sexual relation with your present husband”<br />

have the following literal meaning: “until you<br />

enjoy sexual relations with him (Abdur Rahman)<br />

and he with you”.<br />

3. Narrated Aishah:-<br />

Rifa‛a Al-Qurazi divorced his wife irrevocably<br />

(i.e. that divorce was the final). Later on,<br />

Abdur Rahman bin Az-Zubair married her<br />

after him. She came to the Prophet and said,<br />

“O Allah’s Messenger! I was the wife of<br />

Rifa‛a and he divorced me thrice, and then I<br />

was married to Abdur Rahman bin Az-<br />

Zubair, who, by Allah has nothing with him<br />

except something like this fringe, O Allah’s<br />

Messenger,” showing a fringe she had taken<br />

from her covering sheet. Abu Bakr was sitting<br />

with the Prophet while Khalid Ibn Sa‛id<br />

bin Al-‛As was sitting at the gate of the room<br />

waiting for admission. Khalid started calling<br />

Abu Bakr, “O Abu Bakr! Why don’t you reprove<br />

this lady from what she is openly saying<br />

before Allah’s Apostle?” Allah’s Messenger<br />

did nothing except smiling, and then<br />

said (to the lady), “Perhaps you want to go<br />

back to Rifa‛a? No, (it is not possible), unless<br />

and until you enjoy the sexual relation with<br />

him (Abdur Rahman), and he enjoys the sexual<br />

relation with you.” (Bukhari, Book of<br />

Good Manners, hadith 6084)<br />

4. <strong>The</strong> fourth occurrence below is, like hadith<br />

5825, again in the Book of Dress as follows:<br />

Narrated Aishah:-<br />

<strong>The</strong> wife of Rifa‛a Al-Qurazi came to Allah’s<br />

Messenger while I was sitting, and Abu Bakr<br />

was also there. She said, “O Allah’s Apostle! I<br />

was the wife of Rifa‛a and he divorced me irrevocably.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n I married Abdur Rahman bin Az-<br />

Zubair who, by Allah, O Allah’s Messenger, has<br />

only something like a fringe of a garment, showing<br />

the fringe of her veil. Khalid bin Sa`id, who<br />

was standing at the door, for he had not been<br />

admitted, heard her statement and said, “O Abu<br />

Bakr! Why do you not stop this lady from saying<br />

such things openly before Allah’s Messenger?”<br />

No, by Allah, Allah’s Messenger did nothing but<br />

smiled. <strong>The</strong>n he said to the lady, “Perhaps you<br />

want to return to Rifa‛a? That is impossible unless<br />

Abdur Rahman consummates his marriage<br />

with you.” (Bukhari, Book of Dress, hadith<br />

5792)<br />

Here again, the words “consummates his<br />

marriage with you” are in the original Arabic:<br />

“he enjoys sexual relations with you and you enjoy<br />

sexual relations with him”.<br />

In Sahih Muslim the three reports occur together<br />

in the Book of Marriage, each being similar<br />

to the above-quoted reports 1–4 from Bukhari.<br />

Thus, the reports which can be traced to<br />

Aishah contain no mention of any mark of beating<br />

on the woman’s body. <strong>The</strong> report cited by<br />

the critics of Islam is from Ikrimah who does<br />

not say that Aishah related this incident to him,<br />

nor does he mention how he came to know of it.<br />

So the report of the wife-beating incident cannot<br />

be traced to Aishah.<br />

What conclusion did Bukhari draw<br />

from the “wife-beating” hadith?<br />

An important point is: What conclusion did<br />

Bukhari draw from this hadith about the wife<br />

being beaten? <strong>The</strong>se critics of Islam think that<br />

the early Muslims were ignorant savages devoid<br />

of all literary and scholarly skills. As a result,<br />

these critics seem to be unaware that compilers<br />

of Hadith such as Bukhari classified reports into<br />

‘books’ whose titles indicate what subject a report<br />

falls under, and they divided each book into<br />

chapters with headings to show what conclusions<br />

may be drawn from the reports included<br />

in them. (It may be added, by the way, that they<br />

also looked into the lives of all the reporters to<br />

judge their credibility.)<br />

I Shall Love All Mankind.

<strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Light</strong> 5<br />

This report in Bukhari falls in his books of<br />

Divorce, Witnesses, Good Manners and Dress. It<br />

is easy to see why it would be included in the<br />

book of Divorce. In the book of Witnesses, it<br />

comes under the chapter heading “<strong>The</strong> witness<br />

of one who listens while hidden” and this is because<br />

Khalid bin Sa‛id bin Al-‛As could overhear<br />

what was being said by the woman while he was<br />

waiting outside to be admitted to see the Holy<br />

Prophet, and Bukhari infers from this that one<br />

who overhears, without being seen, is a witness<br />

to what he hears. In the book of Good Manners,<br />

it occurs under the chapter heading “Smiling<br />

and laughing” and this is in reference to the<br />

Holy Prophet smiling at Khalid’s statement that<br />

the woman should not talk so frankly on such a<br />

personal matter to the Prophet.<br />

This leaves the two occurrences of this report<br />

in the book of Dress, hadith 5792 and hadith<br />

5825, the latter being the hadith mentioning<br />

the marks of beating on the woman’s body. Hadith<br />

5792 is given a heading by Bukhari relating<br />

to the wearing of a sheet with a fringe (i.e., a<br />

border) because the woman was wearing such<br />

a sheet when she described her husband as impotent<br />

by saying: He has nothing more than the<br />

fringe of a garment. Hadith 5825, the one under<br />

objection, is given the heading: “Green Clothes”.<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore, from this hadith, Bukhari only concludes<br />

that a woman may wear green clothes.<br />

Had Bukhari concluded that this hadith<br />

5825 approves of wife-beating, he would have<br />

repeated it in some more relevant book of his<br />

collection, other than the book of Dress, and<br />

given it a heading such as “One who beats his<br />

wife”.<br />

In Sahih Muslim this report occurs in three<br />

forms in the book of Marriage in a chapter the<br />

title of which relates to the remarriage of a<br />

woman to a former husband after “irrevocable”<br />

divorce from him. <strong>The</strong>re is no mention of beating<br />

in them.<br />

Hadith 5825 examined<br />

Even assuming that hadith 5825 can be<br />

relied upon, it is clear that this woman did not<br />

mention to the Prophet Muhammad that her<br />

I Shall Love All Mankind.<br />

husband was beating her. According to the Muhsin<br />

Khan translation what she said to him was<br />

as follows:<br />

“By Allah! I have done no wrong to him but<br />

he is impotent and is as useless to me as this,”<br />

holding and showing the fringe of her garment.<br />

Moreover, if we look at the original Arabic<br />

words for “I have done no wrong to him”, these<br />

words are translated in two Urdu translations of<br />

Bukhari in the following way:<br />

‏…ا ن یک ویبی ےن اہک:‏ اہلل یک مسق،‏ ےھجم ا ن ےس وکیئ ا ور اکشتی ںیہن اہتبل<br />

“By Allah! I have no complaint about him except<br />

that [he is impotent] …” (Translation by<br />

Maulana Muhammad Daud Raz, published<br />

2004, India, v. 7, p. 355)<br />

رافہع یک ویبی ےن اہک:‏ واہلل،‏ ا ن اک ا ور وکیئ انگہ ںیہن ‏)ینعی ےھجم ا ن ےس ا ور<br />

وکیئ اکشتی ںیہن(‏ رگم …<br />

“By Allah! He has committed no other sin<br />

but…” (Translation by Maulana Usman Ghani in<br />

his commentary of Bukhari entitled Nasr-ul-<br />

Bari, Karachi, v. 11, p. 34)<br />

<strong>The</strong> second Urdu translator has added in<br />

parentheses an alternative translation: “(I have<br />

no other complaint about him) but”. <strong>The</strong>se Urdu<br />

translations, “I have no complaint about him except…”<br />

or “he has committed no other sin but…”,<br />

suit the context better than “I have done no<br />

wrong to him” because she then mentions the<br />

only complaint she has about him.<br />

This clearly shows that even in the sole report<br />

where “beating” is mentioned, the report is<br />

not only untraceable to those present at the occasion,<br />

but the woman put no complaint about<br />

her husband to the Holy Prophet except his impotence,<br />

and she made no mention to him that<br />

her husband was beating her.<br />

Irrevocable divorce<br />

What is meant by their “irrevocable divorce”<br />

in the above reports? It is that a divorce<br />

had taken place between the couple, after which<br />

that couple came together again (either during<br />

the period of separation or after it by remarriage),<br />

then there was a second divorce

<strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Light</strong> 6<br />

after which the couple came together again, and<br />

this was followed by divorce a third time, which<br />

is then irrevocable and prevents remarriage<br />

between them.<br />

Before Islam, wives in Arabia had little right<br />

of divorce and their husbands had the absolute<br />

right. Divorce was followed by a period of separation<br />

(or “waiting”), during which the wife<br />

could not marry someone else, and during<br />

which the husband could take her back. Aishah<br />

says in a hadith report that “a man could divorce<br />

his wife whenever he wanted and take her back<br />

as wife during the period of separation, and he<br />

could do so a hundred times or more”. She adds<br />

that in this way a man could keep his wife permanently<br />

in the state of separation by saying to<br />

her: “I will divorce you, and whenever your period<br />

of separation is just about to end I will take<br />

you back”. So the wife would forever be in a state<br />

in which she could neither marry elsewhere nor<br />

have conjugal rights from this husband due to<br />

being in the period of separation. <strong>The</strong> hadith<br />

continues:<br />

‘So a woman went to Aishah to inform her<br />

about that (custom), and Aishah was silent until<br />

the Prophet came. So she told him, and the<br />

Prophet was silent…’<br />

Now, reading this report up to this point, the<br />

critics of Islam might object that the Prophet<br />

Muhammad remained unmoved on hearing this<br />

woman’s plight. But the account continues:<br />

‘…until it was revealed in the Quran: “Divorce<br />

may be (pronounced) twice; then keep<br />

(them) in good fellowship or let (them) go with<br />

kindness” (2:229). So Aishah said: “So the people<br />

could carry on with divorce in the future,<br />

(knowing) who was divorced, and who was not<br />

divorced”. ’ (Tirmidhi, Book of Divorce, hadith<br />

1192)<br />

<strong>The</strong> Quran restricted a husband to divorcing<br />

his wife, and then taking her back, to just two<br />

occasions. If he divorced her a third time, he<br />

could not take her back during the period of<br />

separation nor remarry her after that. So this<br />

cycle of separating her and then taking her<br />

back, just to keep her in suspension, and reducing<br />

marriage to a farce, cannot take place.<br />

I Shall Love All Mankind.<br />

As the Quran repeats that in divorce the<br />

wife must be let go, or parted from, “with kindness”<br />

(2:229, 2:231, 65:2), it means that at this<br />

third, irrevocable divorce the husband must<br />

wish his wife well in a future marriage. Hence<br />

her marriage to someone else must be a genuine<br />

one. If, unfortunately, that future marriage<br />

fails, then the first husband is allowed to remarry<br />

her. To remarry her after she married<br />

someone else would show the first husband’s<br />

true love and concern for her. It must be very<br />

rare for a man to be prepared to remarry his<br />

wife after she had come out of a full marital relationship<br />

with someone else.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ruling of the Holy Prophet in hadith<br />

5825<br />

In the hadith that is being objected to, the<br />

ruling which the Holy Prophet gave was that, as<br />

the woman had been divorced “irrevocably” by<br />

her first husband (Rifa‛a), this couple cannot remarry<br />

unless she were to marry a second husband<br />

and then that were to end in divorce. However,<br />

a woman’s marriage after an irrevocable<br />

divorce to another man must be a genuine marriage.<br />

What the Holy Prophet has indicated here<br />

is that the genuineness of the marriage is<br />

defined by its consummation, but the woman<br />

was claiming that the husband was not capable<br />

of consummating it.<br />

A marriage of convenience, entered into<br />

with the intention of ending it in divorce, is prohibited<br />

in Islam. In such a case, both the former<br />

and the latter husband have been cursed by the<br />

Holy Prophet who said:<br />

“Curse be upon the one who marries a divorced<br />

woman with the intention of making her<br />

lawful for her former husband and upon the one<br />

for whom she is made lawful.” (Abu Dawud,<br />

Book of Marriage, ch. ‘Regarding Tahlil’, hadith<br />

2076)<br />

Note that it is both the men who are cursed<br />

here, and the woman is not mentioned.<br />

<strong>The</strong> critics of Islam have jumped to the conclusion<br />

that by this ruling of the Holy Prophet<br />

this woman is now trapped in a marriage with<br />

an impotent man. But in Islam she is immediately<br />

entitled to a divorce on the grounds of lack

<strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Light</strong> 7<br />

of satisfaction with the marriage. <strong>The</strong> <strong>issue</strong> here<br />

is not divorce but remarriage to the first husband<br />

after divorce. She can get a divorce and marry<br />

any other man, so she is hardly trapped in this<br />

marriage.<br />

<strong>The</strong> critics of Islam are making contradictory<br />

claims. <strong>The</strong>y allege that the Holy Prophet<br />

accepted the second husband’s claim that he is<br />

not impotent, and thereby he ruled against the<br />

wife’s claim that he is impotent, trapping her in<br />

marriage with him. But by applying even the<br />

least amount of intelligence, it can be seen that if<br />

the husband’s claim is accepted, then it proves<br />

that the marriage was consummated and thus if<br />

the woman were to get a divorce (on grounds<br />

such as ill-treatment) she could remarry the<br />

first husband! And the second husband did<br />

claim that he had had full sexual relations with<br />

her because, although according to Muhsin<br />

Khan’s translation he says “I am very strong and<br />

can satisfy her”, what he said, in rather a graphic<br />

language, was that he has full and vigorous intercourse<br />

with her.<br />

It is interesting to note that there is another<br />

version of this incident in the Hadith collection<br />

known as the Muwatta of Imam Ma lik as follows:<br />

prohibition for the two of them to remarry (unless<br />

she had a proper marriage with someone<br />

else which ended genuinely in divorce). <strong>The</strong> restriction<br />

on their remarriage is a restriction for<br />

the first husband also, and not only for the<br />

woman. And, as can be seen, there is no mention<br />

here of the woman having been beaten by the<br />

second husband.<br />

Islam does not allow women to be<br />

trapped unwillingly in marriages<br />

As to trapping a woman in marriage, this is<br />

contrary to the teachings of Islam. Our critics<br />

have failed to see a basic hadith in Bukhari in<br />

the book on Divorce, which is repeated five<br />

times in the same chapter. It tells us that Jamila,<br />

wife of Thabit ibn Qais, went to the Holy<br />

Prophet and said:<br />

“I do not blame Thabit for any defects in his<br />

character or his (observance of) religion, but I<br />

cannot endure to live with him.”<br />

She said she feared that by remaining married<br />

to him she might do something un-Islamic<br />

(i.e., not behave as a wife should). <strong>The</strong> Holy<br />

Prophet asked her, “Will you give back to him<br />

the garden” which he had given her as the nuptial<br />

gift. <strong>The</strong> result was:<br />

Rifa‛a ibn Simwal divorced his wife, Tamima<br />

bint Wahb, in the time of the Messenger of Allah,<br />

may Allah bless him and grant him peace, three<br />

times. <strong>The</strong>n she married Abdur Rahman ibn<br />

az−Zubayr and he turned from her and could<br />

not consummate the marriage and so he parted<br />

from her. Rifa‛a wanted to marry her again and<br />

it was mentioned to the Messenger of Allah,<br />

may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and<br />

he forbade him to marry her. He said, “She is not<br />

lawful for you until she has enjoyed sexual relations.”<br />

(Muwatta of Imam Ma lik, Book 28: Marriage,<br />

section 7; see for example: www.sunnah.com/malik/28)<br />

According to this account, the woman had<br />

already been divorced by the second husband<br />

before the matter was brought to the Holy<br />

Prophet. It was the first husband who came to<br />

the Holy Prophet, and it was to him, and not to<br />

the woman, that the Holy Prophet conveyed the<br />

I Shall Love All Mankind.<br />

She said, “Yes.” So she returned his garden<br />

to him, and the Prophet told him to divorce her.<br />

(Bukhari, Book of Divorce, hadith 5273–5277)<br />

<strong>The</strong>n, in the book of Marriage, there is the<br />

chapter headed: “If a man gives his daughter in<br />

marriage while she is averse to it, then such<br />

marriage is invalid”. Under it there is a report<br />

by a woman by the name of Khansa daughter of<br />

Khidam, who was previously married, saying<br />

that her father gave her in another marriage<br />

and she disliked the marriage:<br />

“So she went to the Messenger of Allah and<br />

he declared the marriage invalid.” (hadith<br />

5138)<br />

This report occurs again in Bukhari in the<br />

book on “Coercion” in a chapter entitled: “Marriage<br />

is not permitted under coercion” (hadith<br />

6945).<br />

This incident was also cited as follows in

<strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Light</strong> 8<br />

Bukhari as having set a precedent:<br />

A woman from the offspring of Ja‛far was<br />

afraid lest her guardian marry her (to somebody)<br />

against her will. So she sent for two elderly<br />

men from the Ansar, Abdur Rahman and<br />

Mujammi, the two sons of Jariya, and they said<br />

to her: “Don’t be afraid, for Khansa daughter of<br />

Khidam was given by her father in marriage<br />

against her will, then the Prophet cancelled that<br />

marriage.” (Book of Tricks or Stratagems, h.<br />

6969)<br />

We find from this hadith that the action of<br />

the Holy Prophet in cancelling that forced marriage<br />

became a precedent to be followed in future<br />

such cases.<br />

A girl even went to the Holy Prophet, intentionally,<br />

to get a judgment that would apply to<br />

all Muslim women. It is reported in the Hadith<br />

collection of Ibn Majah:<br />

A girl came to the Prophet and said: “My father<br />

married me to his brother’s son so that he<br />

might raise his status thereby.” <strong>The</strong> Prophet<br />

gave her the choice, and she said: “I approve of<br />

what my father did, but I wanted women to<br />

know that their fathers have no right to do that.”<br />

(Ibn Majah, Chapters on Marriage, ch. ‘He who<br />

gives his daughter in marriage and she is unwilling’,<br />

hadith 1874).<br />

<strong>The</strong> words translated here as “gave her the<br />

choice” are literally: “He left the matter up to<br />

her”. <strong>The</strong> next report (hadith 1875) is similar:<br />

A virgin girl came to the Prophet and told<br />

him that her father arranged a marriage that<br />

she did not like, and the Prophet gave her a<br />

choice.<br />

<strong>The</strong> words for “gave her the choice” here<br />

mean literally: “gave her discretion”. <strong>The</strong> Holy<br />

Prophet Muhammad thus handed to the girl the<br />

power to accept or reject the marriage proposal<br />

that was agreed between her father and the<br />

prospective husband.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Prophet Muhammad did not regard<br />

himself as even entitled to command a freed<br />

slave woman as to where to marry. It is reported<br />

in Bukhari that a slave woman called Barira was<br />

I Shall Love All Mankind.<br />

freed, but she was, during slavery, married to a<br />

slave called Mughees who was still a slave. In<br />

such cases, Islam gives the freed slave woman<br />

the choice to remain with her still enslaved husband<br />

or to divorce him. She divorced him, but he<br />

loved her. <strong>The</strong> Holy Prophet said to someone:<br />

“Are you not astonished at the love of Mughees<br />

for Barira and the hatred of Barira for<br />

Mughees?” <strong>The</strong> Prophet then said to Barira:<br />

“Why don’t you return to him?”. She said: “O<br />

Messenger of Allah, do you order me to do so?”<br />

He replied: “No, I am only mediating.” She said:<br />

“I am not in need of him” (Bukhari, Book of Divorce,<br />

hadith 5283).<br />

It is clear that the Holy Prophet Muhammad<br />

respected this freed slave woman’s rights of<br />

marriage and he did not order her but merely<br />

mediated, and he gave her a choice to return to<br />

her husband or not.<br />

Summary<br />

In this article, the following points have<br />

been established regarding the hadith which<br />

the critics of Islam have put forward as a matter<br />

of objection (namely, hadith 5825):<br />

1. Wherever this hadith is directly reported<br />

from Aishah, who was the observer when<br />

the woman came to the Prophet, there is no<br />

mention of the wife having been beaten. <strong>The</strong><br />

reporter of hadith 5825, who mentions the<br />

marks of beating, does not report from<br />

Aishah herself and his source of information<br />

is unknown.<br />

2. <strong>The</strong> only conclusion Bukhari draws from<br />

this hadith is that a woman may wear a<br />

green dress. He does not classify this hadith<br />

under treatment of wives.<br />

3. In hadith 5825 itself, the wife does not complain<br />

to the Holy Prophet that her second<br />

husband is beating her. In fact, she says she<br />

has no complaint against him except that he<br />

is impotent.<br />

4. <strong>The</strong> <strong>issue</strong> is not whether she can obtain a<br />

divorce from this second husband. She can<br />

certainly do so in Islam. <strong>The</strong> <strong>issue</strong> is whether<br />

she is allowed to remarry her first husband<br />

after their relationship had previously<br />

ended in divorce three times.

<strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Light</strong> 9<br />

5. Sexual enjoyment in marriage is not onesided<br />

but is described by the Holy Prophet in<br />

these very reports as: “you (the wife) enjoying<br />

sexual relations with him (the husband)<br />

and he with you.”<br />

Islam does not trap women in marriages<br />

against their will. On the contrary, Islam accepts<br />

their will in matters of their marriage and divorce.<br />

Link to HTML version of the article<br />

How did the<br />

Prophet<br />

Muhammad (s)<br />

prove his<br />

Messengership?<br />

by Omar Raja<br />

(Return_to content)<br />

When we look at the life of the Holy Prophet<br />

Muhammad we find that the first thirteen years<br />

of his prophethood were spent in Makkah, at a<br />

time when Muslims were being tortured and<br />

butchered shamelessly, only because they professed<br />

their faith in Islam and the Holy Prophet.<br />

Within those first few years, when persecution<br />

was severe, the Holy Prophet had advised the<br />

weaker of his companions to advance towards<br />

Abyssinia. Jafar ibn Abi Talib, the head of the refugees,<br />

upon entering Abyssinia addressed the<br />

then King in the following words, which painted<br />

a true picture of what was being taught and endured<br />

by the Muslims in Makkah:<br />

“O King! We were an ignorant people, given<br />

to idolatry. We used to eat corpses even of a<br />

dead animal, and do all kinds of disgraceful<br />

things. We did not make good our obligations to<br />

our relations and ill-treated our neighbours.<br />

<strong>The</strong> strong among us would thrive at the expense<br />

of the weak, till, at last, God sent a<br />

prophet for our reformation. His descent, his<br />

righteousness, his integrity and his piety are<br />

well-known to us. He called us to the worship of<br />

God and exhorted us to give up idolatry and<br />

stone worship. He enjoined us to speak the<br />

truth, to make good our trusts, to respect ties of<br />

kinship, and to do good to our neighbours. He<br />

taught us to shun everything foul and to avoid<br />

I Shall Love All Mankind.<br />

bloodshed. He forbade all manner of indecent<br />

things – telling lies, misappropriating orphans’<br />

belongings, and bring a false accusation against<br />

the chastity of women. So we believed in him,<br />

and followed him and acted upon his teachings.<br />

<strong>The</strong>reupon our people began to wrong us, to<br />

subject us to tortures, thinking that we might<br />

thus abjure our faith and revert to idolatry.<br />

When, however, their cruelties exceeded all<br />

bounds, we came out to seek asylum in your<br />

country, where we hope shall come to us no<br />

harm” [Living Thoughts of the Prophet<br />

Muhammad by Maulana Muhammad Ali, pp 5–<br />

6; referring to Ibn Ishaq’s Sirat Rasul Allah; also<br />

see A. Guillaume’s translation of Sirat Rasul<br />

Allah, pp. 151-152].<br />

At one point, the Quraish, a leading tribe in<br />

Makkah, hostile towards the Muslims had tried<br />

to compromise the Holy Prophet’s character<br />

through bribery, by sending deputations with<br />

the offer:<br />

“If your ambition is to possess wealth, we<br />

will amass for you as much of it as you wish; if<br />

you aspire to win honour and power, we are<br />

prepared to swear allegiance to you as our<br />

overlord and king; if you have a fancy for beauty,<br />

you shall have the hand of the finest maiden of<br />

your own choice.” [Muhammad the Prophet by<br />

Maulana Muhammad Ali, p. 60]<br />

But to their surprise, the Holy Prophet replied:<br />

“I want neither riches nor political power. I<br />

have been commissioned by Allah as a warner<br />

to humanity. I deliver His message to you.<br />

Should you accept it, you shall have felicity in<br />

this life as well as in the life to come; should you<br />

reject the word of Allah, surely Allah will decide<br />

between you and me.” [Muhammad the Prophet<br />

by Maulana Muhammad Ali, p. 60]<br />

<strong>The</strong> Prophet spoke these words at very difficult<br />

times when persecution was very severe.<br />

This speaks volumes about the Holy Prophet’s<br />

character. Had he truly craved lust or power, he<br />

would have accepted this offer in his great moment<br />

of trial and a life and death struggle. <strong>The</strong><br />

Prophet was made to stand firm as Allah tells us<br />

in the Quran:<br />

“And if We had not made thee firm, thou<br />

mightest have indeed inclined to them a little.”<br />

(Quran, chapter 17, verse 74).

<strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Light</strong> 10<br />

When the Muslims had found refuge in<br />

Madinah, a city 200 miles to the north of Makkah,<br />

a thirteen days journey, here too were they<br />

not left alone. It was then revealed to the Holy<br />

Prophet:<br />

“Permission to fight is given to those upon<br />

whom was war is made, because they have been<br />

wronged — and God is well able to help them.<br />

Those who have been expelled from their<br />

homes unjustly, only for saying, ‘Allah is our<br />

Lord’. And if God had not allowed one group of<br />

people to repel another, then there would have<br />

been pulled down cloisters and synagogues and<br />

churches and mosques, in which God's name is<br />

remembered.” (Quran, 22:39-40).<br />

It would thus be in the 53rd year of the Holy<br />

Prophet's life in old age that he would first take<br />

up arms to fight in self-defence. Had the Holy<br />

Prophet Muhammad ever had any inclination<br />

for warfare, then he would most certainly have<br />

taken part in the tribal warfare's that were the<br />

order of the day in the society in which he grew<br />

up. But the fact that he did not, shows he was<br />

never a man of war, but a man of peace, and it<br />

was when only such strenuous, life-threatening<br />

circumstances were presented to him and the<br />

welfare of the Muslims was at stake, did he take<br />

up arms, but in the noblest of causes.<br />

It would be for another near seven years<br />

that the Quraish would put up greater numbers<br />

in the battlefield and wage aggressive warfare<br />

against the Muslims. Finally, after almost two<br />

decades of Makkan tyranny, a peace treaty was<br />

concluded at Hudaibiyah, in which it was stated<br />

there would be absolutely no war for ten years.<br />

This peace treaty belies the allegations against<br />

the Holy Prophet and shows that he was compelled<br />

to use force. <strong>The</strong> Holy Prophet was acting<br />

upon the Quranic teaching:<br />

“And if they incline to peace, do thou incline<br />

to it and trust in Allah; He is the Hearing, the<br />

Knowing. And if they intend to deceive thee,<br />

then surely Allah is sufficient for thee.” (Quran<br />

8:61-62).<br />

At that time the Muslims who accompanied<br />

the Holy Prophet Muhammad at the signing of<br />

the truce numbered fifteen hundred. And yet it<br />

was only two years later, that the terms of the<br />

truce were violated when a tribe in alliance with<br />

I Shall Love All Mankind.<br />

the Quraish slaughtered many innocent Muslims.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Quraish refused to dissociate themselves<br />

with this tribe in alliance with them and<br />

refused to renew the terms of the Truce. It was<br />

then the Holy Prophet prepared to march on<br />

Makkah, the city from which he had been exiled<br />

seven years earlier.<br />

But with how many men did the Prophet<br />

Muhammad march to Makkah? Was it with the<br />

fifteen hundred from two years ago? No, this<br />

time, they numbered ten thousand! Within<br />

those two years of peace, something remarkable<br />

happened; thousands upon thousand voluntarily<br />

joined Islam, such that the prophecy of<br />

the Truce being a “great victory” (see Quran<br />

48:1) would be fulfilled, even at a time the<br />

terms seemed quite humiliating to the Muslims.<br />

One must ask what the reason for this<br />

remarkable wave of conversion was? Before the<br />

Truce his enemies, as they do to this day, had<br />

been trying to create this dark, sinister, and<br />

grim picture of him. But when the saw the Holy<br />

Prophet for whom he was, they saw him not to<br />

be the man of terror as they had once imagined.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y saw the great moral and spiritual transformation<br />

that he had brought about in his people.<br />

In effect, their hearts were conquered. How true<br />

we read in the Quran:<br />

“Repel evil with what is best, when lo! he<br />

between whom and you there is enmity will be<br />

like a warm friend.” (Quran 41:34)<br />

<strong>The</strong> Holy Prophet did not conquer by way of<br />

aggressive warfare; he was conquering people’s<br />

hearts and minds.<br />

Not too long before had God had consoled<br />

the Holy Prophet when he was being expelled<br />

from Makkah:<br />

“He Who has made the Quran binding on<br />

thee will surely bring thee back to the Place of<br />

Return.” (Quran 28:85)<br />

“And surely they purposed to unsettle you<br />

from the land that they might expel you from it,<br />

and then they will not remain after you but a little<br />

while.” (Quran 17:76)<br />

True enough, within a short seven to eight<br />

years, he was brought back to the “place of Return”<br />

(Makkah) and in the most dignified manner<br />

despite all odds!

<strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Light</strong> 11<br />

When the Holy Prophet Muhammad re-entered<br />

Makkah after suffering from years of persecution<br />

along with his followers, it would most<br />

certainly have been justified to take firm action<br />

towards his persecutors, but did he? Did the<br />

Holy Prophet return to Makkah with the mindset<br />

of revenge or vengeance? No! He forgave<br />

them! <strong>The</strong> Holy Prophet provided a general amnesty<br />

stating: I say as my brother Joseph said:<br />

“No reproof be against you this day; Allah<br />

may forgive you, and He is the most Merciful of<br />

those who show mercy.” (Quran 12:92)<br />

This was indeed the greatest act of forgiveness<br />

ever witnessed in all of history, an act<br />

that would ultimately unite all of Arabia! Maulana<br />

Muhammad Ali writes in his biography of<br />

the Holy Prophet, Muhammad the Prophet:<br />

“World history fails to produce the like of<br />

the Holy Prophet’s generous forgiveness of such<br />

arch-enemies. No example of such magnanimous<br />

forgiveness is found in the life of any other<br />

Prophet. Christ indeed preached forgiveness to<br />

enemies, but he had no occasion to exercise the<br />

quality of forgiveness for he never acquired the<br />

authority to deal with his persecutors.” (p. 132)<br />

This long on-going struggle was well known<br />

throughout Arabia, and now that they had seen<br />

the remarkable triumph against all the odds,<br />

tribe after tribe began to declare their allegiance<br />

to Islam; such tribes that had been in a<br />

constant feud with one another for countless of<br />

years. And so truly the impossible became possible.<br />

“A more disunited people it would be hard<br />

to find, till, suddenly, the miracle took place. A<br />

man arose who, by his personality and by his<br />

claim to direct Divine guidance, actually<br />

brought about the impossible, namely, the union<br />

of all these warring factions.” (<strong>The</strong> Ins and<br />

Outs of Mesopotamia, p. 99).<br />

It was only two years after the peaceful conquest<br />

of Makkah that not 10,000, but 124,000<br />

Muslims would witness the Prophet’s farewell<br />

pilgrimage, a day to which he was destined to<br />

live, to have these words revealed to him from<br />

God.<br />

“This day have those who reject faith given<br />

up all hope of your religion: Yet fear them not<br />

I Shall Love All Mankind.<br />

But fear Me. This day have I Perfected your religion<br />

for you, completed My favour upon you,<br />

And have chosen for you Islam as your religion.”<br />

(Quran 5:3)<br />

Why was it named Islam? <strong>The</strong> reason is that<br />

Islam incorporates the same basic universal<br />

principles as taught and preached by all the<br />

Prophets, and is not limited to one geographic<br />

location. Each of the Prophets had brought part<br />

of Islam with them. Islam (‘entering into peace’<br />

and ‘surrender’ to the will of God) was now<br />

perfected and completed with the last of the<br />

Prophets.<br />

Unfortunately, today certain sections of<br />

Muslims have regressed from the potential that<br />

could be achieved if they truly did abide by the<br />

teachings of the Quran. Cultural narrow intolerant<br />

and cruel practices have replaced the most<br />

elegant and noble teachings of Islam. Little<br />

wonder is it then, of the state of affairs we see<br />

in the Muslim world today. We find amongst<br />

Muslims today rank prejudice and hatred for<br />

one another simply due to the country, or<br />

organisation, party, etc. with which they have<br />

associated themselves. <strong>The</strong> open hostility and<br />

animosity present in our times amongst ourselves<br />

have sadly made us our own worst enemies.<br />

It is this outright hostility that has caused<br />

sectarianism, and not so much of the names<br />

with which one has come to associate him or<br />

herself. This very lack of tolerance and understanding<br />

and narrow-mindedness has put us on<br />

a halt to any progress in the modern world. It is<br />

also true some false teachings amongst Muslims<br />

lend support to the view of Islam being inherently<br />

violent. (i.e., blasphemy, stoning, and<br />

apostasy laws present in Muslim countries that<br />

stem from the Old Testament of the Bible). <strong>The</strong><br />

lessons to be learnt from the peaceful example<br />

of the Holy Prophet Muhammad have become<br />

void in many of the Muslim governments of today.<br />

As the Quran says about real reform: “Allah<br />

changes not the condition of a people until they<br />

change their own condition” (Quran 13:11).<br />

And that condition is of the inner-self; the<br />

heart! <strong>The</strong>re must be real reform from within<br />

before there can be reform from without.<br />

Addendum:<br />

While the Arabs went on blindly accepting

<strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Light</strong> 12<br />

the traditions of their forefathers, the Quran repeatedly<br />

spoke of them blindly rejecting the<br />

Holy Prophet Muhammad.<br />

“And some of them look at you. But can you<br />

show the way to the blind, though they will not<br />

see?” (Quran 10:43)<br />

But the Holy Prophet Muhammad who had<br />

unshakable faith, being annihilated in the love<br />

and worship of God, and who was a living embodiment<br />

of the teachings of the Quran, brought<br />

about an unparalleled transformation in Arabia.<br />

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad writes in his<br />

book, Barakat-ud-dua, about the efficacy of<br />

prayer:<br />

“That strange event which took place in the<br />

desert land of Arabia, by which millions of<br />

people who were spiritually dead were resuscitated<br />

in a very short time, and people who<br />

had remained corrupted for generations became<br />

imbued with Divine attributes and the<br />

blind regained their power of vision, and the<br />

dumb became eloquent in respect of the<br />

knowledge of God. A revolution took place in<br />

the world in such a sudden manner that the like<br />

of it no eye had seen before and no ear had<br />

heard — what was it after all?<br />

“At bottom was the silent prayers in the<br />

darkness of the night of a lonely man who had<br />

annihilated himself in God that created this<br />

huge tumult in the world and produced those<br />

strange phenomena which seem almost<br />

impossible to have been affected by that<br />

unlettered, helpless man.” [Barakat-ud-Dua, a<br />

quotation from Does God Hear Man’s Prayers:<br />

From the writings of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam<br />

Ahmad, translated by Maulvi Aftab-ud-Din<br />

Ahmad, pp. 13–14]<br />

Western writers too, with all their bias, have<br />

acknowledged the convincing effect the message<br />

and eloquence of the Quran had on transforming<br />

Arabia in less than a quarter-century.<br />

Hartwig Hirschfeld, PhD, wrote in his publication<br />

of 1902, New Researches Into <strong>The</strong> Composition<br />

And Exegesis Of <strong>The</strong> Qoran:<br />

“Never has a people been led more rapidly<br />

to civilization, such as it was, than were the Arabs<br />

through Islam.” (p. 5)<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Quran is unapproachable as regards<br />

convincing power, eloquence, and even<br />

composition” (p. 8)<br />

“We must not be surprised to find the Qoran<br />

regarded as the fountain-head of all the sciences.<br />

Every subject connected with heaven or<br />

earth, human life, commerce and various trades<br />

are occasionally touched upon, and this gave<br />

rise to the production of numerous monographs<br />

forming commentaries on parts of the<br />

holy book. In this way, the Qoran was responsible<br />

for great discussions. And, to it was also<br />

indirectly due the marvellous development of<br />

all branches of science in the Moslim world.” (p.<br />

9).<br />

Thomas Patrick Hughes wrote in his publication<br />

of 1885, A Dictionary of Islam: Being a cyclopaedia<br />

of the doctrines, rites, ceremonies, and<br />

customs, together with the technical and theological<br />

terms, of the Muhammadan religion:<br />

“Here, therefore, its merits as a literary production<br />

should perhaps not be measured by<br />

some preconceived maxims of subjective and<br />

aesthetic taste, but by the effects which it produced<br />

in Muhammad's contemporaries and fellow<br />

countrymen. If it spoke so powerfully<br />

and convincingly to the hearts of his hearers as<br />

to weld hitherto centrifugal and antagonistic<br />

elements into one compact and well-organised<br />

body, animated by ideas far beyond those which<br />

had until now ruled the Arabian mind, then its<br />

eloquence was perfect, simply because it created<br />

a civilised nation out of savage tribes, and<br />

shot a fresh woof into the old warp of history.”<br />

(p. 528; also see Kindle Edition, Locations<br />

27795-27797). (Return_to content)<br />

Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam Lahore (UK)<br />

Founders of the first Islamic Mission in the UK, established 1913 as the Woking Muslim Mission.<br />

Dar-us-Salaam, 15 Stanley Avenue, Wembley, UK, HA0 4JQ<br />

Centre: 020 89<strong>03</strong> 2689 ∙ President: 01793 740670 ∙ Secretary: 07737 240777 ∙ Treasurer: 01932 348283<br />

E-mail: info@aaiil.uk<br />

Websites: www.aaiil.org/uk | www.ahmadiyya.org | www.virtualmosque.co.uk<br />

Donations: https://www.cafonline.org/charityprofile/aaiiluk<br />

I Shall Love All Mankind.

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