Law Cheat Sheet

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laws governing how to start,<br />

all<br />

buy as well as sell or close any<br />

manage,<br />

type.<br />

business<br />

law establishes rules for all<br />

Business<br />

from a licensed attorney.<br />

advice<br />

branch of law includes federal and<br />

This<br />

regulations.<br />

is also considered as commercial law<br />

It<br />

and business.<br />

commerce<br />

is considered a branch of civil law<br />

This<br />

private law.<br />

and<br />

regulates hiring practices, corporate<br />

It<br />

of consumer goods.<br />

manufacture<br />

countries have adopted civil<br />

Numerous<br />

about business law.<br />

statements<br />

also refers to laws that apply to<br />

This<br />

convention or<br />

agreement,<br />

or national legislation<br />

international<br />

in commercial matters.<br />

individuals<br />

law falls into two areas: the<br />

Business<br />

by company laws,<br />

regulation<br />

agency and bankruptcy.<br />

partnership,<br />

with the duties, legal rights,<br />

dealing<br />

liabilities involved in any<br />

parties<br />

commerce.<br />

deals with legal aspects like laws of<br />

It<br />

insurance laws such as<br />

indemnity,<br />

insurance, fire, life and<br />

accident<br />

partnership laws, partnership<br />

marine,<br />

much more.<br />

and<br />

numerous divisions.<br />

has<br />

law is a commerce law<br />

Business<br />

explains the duties, liabilities,<br />

It<br />

as well as legal obligations of<br />

rights<br />

involved in sales contracts,<br />

parties<br />

and other kind of<br />

purchase<br />

or business.<br />

activity<br />

also includes laws on intellectual<br />

It<br />

such as copyrights,<br />

property,<br />

patents and others. It<br />

trademarks,<br />

consumer protection law.<br />

includes<br />

law applies to any person who<br />

The<br />

business of his own.<br />

a<br />

law deals with finance law,<br />

Business<br />



It encompasses all laws dictating how<br />

It is also called commercial law, which<br />

to run and form a business. It includes<br />

is the body of riles, whether by<br />

that governs the dealings between<br />

agreement or contract entered into<br />

that is related to any commercial<br />

businesses that they should follow. A<br />

businessperson should be familiar with<br />

commercial transactions regulation<br />

business laws and to know when to get<br />

by contract laws as well as related<br />

fields and the commercial entities<br />

state laws as well as administrative<br />

Business law is a branch of law<br />

has a plan on starting or is opening<br />

and it is a body of law that governs<br />

business transactions that are related<br />

banking law and other essential<br />

to sales, merchandising, trade and<br />

civil laws.<br />

dealing with both issues of public law<br />

agent and principal, carriage by land<br />

contracts as well as sales and<br />

or sea, laws of guarantee and<br />

codes containing comprehensive<br />

Business law is a broad term and it<br />

business entities like corporations and<br />

partnerships.<br />

dealing with all aspects of entering<br />

into purchasing or selling agreements.

with a certain criminal statute,<br />

adhere<br />

or he commits a criminal act<br />

she<br />

she or he breaks the law.<br />

because<br />

law is different from the civil<br />

Criminal<br />

of imprisonment and rights.<br />

forfeiture<br />

law main theories include<br />

Criminal<br />

the perpetrator, deter crime,<br />

reform<br />

retribution for such act as well as<br />

give<br />

further crimes.<br />

prevent<br />

law is a body of statutes or<br />

Criminal<br />

well as welfare.<br />

as<br />

law establishes certain<br />

Criminal<br />

of such acts.<br />

commission<br />

term criminal law refers to<br />

The<br />

criminal laws.<br />

substantive<br />

misdemeanor is a misconduct,<br />

A<br />

it is considered a part of<br />

infractions,<br />

criminal law.<br />

the<br />

charges on transactions,<br />

involving<br />

estates, licenses, income and<br />

property,<br />

for benefit of state.<br />

persons<br />

law covers payment of taxes<br />

Taxation<br />

either indirectly or<br />

government,<br />

Indirect taxes are being<br />

directly.<br />

that meant to be consumed.<br />

products<br />

taxes are those being paid to<br />

Direct<br />

income and personal<br />

property,<br />

property.<br />

ranges from local government level,<br />

It<br />

other municipalities and cities,<br />

like<br />

townships and countries to<br />

districts,<br />

federal and regional levels.<br />

state,<br />

transit districts and<br />

companies,<br />

schools.<br />

When it comes to federal tax<br />

Note:<br />

this law is being administered by<br />

law,<br />

political.<br />

and<br />

law is a legal study area that<br />

Taxation<br />

with common-law,<br />

deals<br />

tax treaty, statutory as<br />

constitutional,<br />

law the is applicable to taxation.<br />

the<br />

law schools, taxation law is an area<br />

In<br />

of services and goods,<br />

exchange<br />

and money. It includes<br />

properties<br />

actions limitations,<br />

obligations,<br />

freedom, contract privity,<br />

contract<br />

and commercial paper.<br />

contract<br />

law is concerned with<br />

Contract<br />



LAW<br />


refers to body of laws that applies<br />

It<br />

Taxation law covers the policies, laws<br />

The law area includes tax code that<br />

to criminal acts. If a person fails to<br />

and rules that oversee tax process<br />

has been used often for objectives<br />

aside from raising revenue, like<br />

meeting social agendas, economic<br />

other by government. It includes<br />

duties on imports from other<br />

countries all other necessary levies<br />

law because criminal law involves<br />

imposed by government upon<br />

well as regulatory rules constituting<br />

to minimum of four levels of<br />

of specialist study and sub-discipline.<br />

assessed against services and<br />

rules defining conduct that is<br />

LAW<br />


is a body of law governing written<br />

It<br />

prohibited by a government because<br />

it harms and threatens public safety<br />

and oral agreements associated with<br />

the government and being imposed<br />

against things, such as real or land<br />

topics like nature of contractual<br />

punishment that will be imposed for<br />

contract termination as well as covers<br />

agency relationships, employment<br />

wherein the law prescribes<br />

punishment of not more than 1 year<br />

This law includes agencies, utility<br />

of imprisonment. For lesser offenses<br />

supporting social institution of<br />

exchange.<br />

like parking infractions and traffic<br />

Criminal law deals with law of crimes<br />

Internal Revenue Service, a bureau of<br />

and their punishments.<br />

United States Treasury.

contracts.<br />

the United States, civil law has two<br />

In<br />

civil law refers to a legal<br />

meanings:<br />

prevalent in Europe based on<br />

system<br />

The other meaning is that civil<br />

codes.<br />

refers to body of laws that govern<br />

law<br />

to government and public.<br />

related<br />

France, civil law is being set forth in<br />

In<br />

Civil Code of 1804.<br />

French<br />

law is a rules body defining and<br />

The<br />

used in the case of disputes.<br />

be<br />

is from ancient Rome laws that<br />

It<br />

matters.<br />

United States, civil law is like judge-<br />

In<br />

outcomes.<br />

cases<br />

law is part of the country set of<br />

Civil<br />

and marriage.<br />

ownership<br />

law is a law system based on<br />

Civil<br />

canon law and common law.<br />

from<br />

America, civil law is body of<br />

In<br />

References<br />

https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-<br />

criminal-law-definition-purpose-typescases.html<br />

https://legaldictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Criminal+<strong>Law</strong><br />

https://www.merriamwebster.com/dictionary/criminal%20law<br />

https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-isbusiness-law-definition-overview.html<br />

https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Business_<strong>Law</strong><br />

http://www.quizlaw.com/what-is-business-law/<br />

http://www.gclawnc.com/blog/what-isbusiness-law-what-are-the-features-of-<br />

business-law<br />

https://www.hg.org/tax.html<br />

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_law<br />

https://legal-<br />

dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/civil+law<br />

https://legaldictionary.net/civil-law/<br />

https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/e<br />

nglish/civil-law<br />

http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/c<br />

ontract-law.html<br />

https://study.com/academy/lesson/contractlaw-terms-definitions-contract-types.html<br />


LAW<br />

CIVIL<br />

law is a body of rules delineating<br />

Civil<br />

Civil law is a body of laws governing<br />

private remedies and rights. It<br />

ordinary private matter, which are<br />

governs disputes between persons in<br />

separate from laws that are presiding<br />

areas like property, family and<br />

over political, military, or criminal<br />

made and common law relaying on<br />

court decisions in determining the<br />

written codes. In this sense, civil law is<br />

being contrasted with common-law<br />

laws that concerned with citizens<br />

system that used in England and<br />

private affairs, such as property<br />

United States relying on prior case<br />

law in resolving dispute than written<br />

Roman system that is distinguished<br />

disputes between persons as opposed<br />

to people governing offenses that are<br />

codified law developed from Roman<br />

law and enforceable in American<br />

nations and Europe.<br />

protecting the citizens’ private rights<br />

that offer legal remedies, which can<br />

being used in doctrines in developing<br />

a code that finds out “how the legal<br />

issues could be decided”.

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