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Welcome to New Orleans, Louisiana<br />

18t h Annual ACCCRUS Convention<br />

P.O. Box 21147<br />

Houston, Texas 77226<br />

Phone: (346) 800-7440<br />

Website: www.acccrus.org<br />

E-Mail: acccrus@gmail.com<br />



(All Executive Members Arrive on Tuesday, July 25, 2017)<br />

Theme: Building Intercultural Competency for<br />

African Priests and Religious in the United States<br />

TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2017<br />

6:00pm – 7:00pm………………………………………………………….. National Executive Dinner<br />

7:00pm – 9:00pm………………………………..……………………….. National Executive Meeting<br />

WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 2017<br />

1:00pm – 6:00pm…………………………………………………………………... General Registration<br />

6:00pm – 7:15pm……………………………………………………………………………………….. Dinner<br />

7:30pm – 8:00pm………………………………………………………………………… Gathering Ritual<br />

8:00pm – 8:15pm…………………….. Address of Welcome by Host Chapter Coordinator<br />

8:30pm – 9:30pm …………………………………………………………… Holy Hour and Adoration<br />

THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2017<br />

(Night Prayer in Private)<br />

7:30am – 8:30am……………………………………………………………………………………. Breakfast<br />

8:30am – 9:00am……………………………...…………………………………………… Morning Prayer<br />

9:00am – 9:15am………….. Address of Welcome by National President, Fr. Henry Atem<br />

9:15am – 9:30am….Address by SCDC Program Coordinator, Sr. Joanna Okereke, HHCJ<br />

9:30am – 9:45am…………………….. Address by Bishop Joseph Tyson, Chairman, PCMRT<br />

9:45am – 10:00am………………………………….. Address by Archbishop Gregory Aymond<br />

(Archbishop of New Orleans)<br />

10:00am – 11:00am…………….….. Keynote Address “Pastoral Orientation and Ministry<br />

in the Church in America” by Fr. Allan Deck, S.J<br />

11:00am – 11:20am…………………………………………………… Q & A from Keynote Address<br />

11:20am – 11:30am……………………………………………………………………………………… Break<br />



THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2017<br />

11:30am – 1:30pm.….. Small Group discussion on Building intercultural competency for<br />

African clergy and religious working and residing in the US<br />

1:30pm – 2:30pm………………………………………………………………………………… Lunch Break<br />

2:30pm – 3:30pm……………………………….………………………………………………………Free Time<br />

3:30pm – 5:00pm ………………………………………. Clergy/Women Religious Group Meetings<br />

5:30pm – 6:45pm………………………………. ..……………………………………Evening Prayer/Mass<br />

7:00pm – 8:00pm…………………………………………………………………………………………… Dinner<br />

8:30pm – 9:30pm………………………………………………………………. . Holy Hour and Adoration<br />

(Night Prayer in Private)<br />

FRIDAY, JULY 28, 2017<br />

7:30am – 8:30am……………………………….………………………………………………………. Breakfast<br />

8:30am – 9:00am.……………………………… ………………………………………………Morning Prayer<br />

9:000am – 11:00am ………………………… ACCCRUS Chapter reports and Business Meeting<br />

11:30am – 5:00pm……………………………... …...……………………………Tour of New Orleans, LA<br />

5:30pm – 7:00pm…..………………………………………………………….………………………………. Mass<br />

7:00pm – 8:30pm…………………………………………………………..………………………………. Dinner<br />

9:00pm – 1:00am…………………………………………………….………………………………. Gala Night<br />

SATURDAY, JULY 29, 2017<br />

8:30am…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Mass<br />

9:00am……………………………………………………………………………….. Breakfast and Departure<br />


National President<br />

Fr. Henry Atem<br />

Vice President<br />

Fr. Alphonsus I. Enelichi, MSP, Ph.D<br />

Secretary General<br />

Sr. Mary Reginald Anibueze, DDL, Ph.D<br />

Deputy Secretary<br />

Sr. Maudlyn Aladi<br />

Provost<br />

Fr. Las Nwoga. Ch., Maj, USAF<br />

6<br />

National Treasurer<br />

Sr. Maria Sheri Rukwishuro, SJI

Financial Secretary<br />

Rev. Fr. Dr. Canice Okwudiri<br />

Deputy Finance Secretary<br />

Sr. M. Nnachebe Chiotu<br />

Publicity Secretary<br />

Fr. Michael Ume<br />

Deputy Publicity Secretary<br />

Fr. James Aboyi, VC<br />

Program Coordinator<br />

Sr. Joanna Okereke, HHCJ, Ph.D<br />


Pope Francis<br />


Bishop Joseph N. Perry<br />


,<br />

Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond<br />


Archdiocese of New Orleans<br />

Office of the Archbishop<br />

7887 Waimsley Avenue<br />

New Orleans, LA 70125-3496<br />

Office: (504) 861-9521<br />

July 25, 2017<br />

Dear Participants of The African Conference of Catholic Clergy & Religious in the<br />

United States:<br />

Sisters and Brothers in Christ,<br />

It is my privilege and pleasure to welcome you to New Orleans and to our archdiocese. We are<br />

grateful that you chose New Orleans for your national meeting. I hope that your time here will<br />

provide sacred moments of prayer and enlightenment as well as an opportunity to enjoy the<br />

unique culture of the city of New Orleans.<br />

I applaud you for forming the ACCCRUS. It is an important organization for the African clergy<br />

and religious to gather in solidarity in order to celebrate faith and culture.<br />

The theme for your meeting this year is "Building Intercultural Competency for African Priests<br />

and Religious in the United States". This is a very impressive theme, which I am sure will lead<br />

you to be more effective in your ministry to God's people. I am also impressed that you work<br />

together in a very collaborative way as clergy and religious. This is so important for the vision of<br />

the church as well as its unity.<br />

Please know that you will remain in my prayers during this time of your convention. I look<br />

forward to being with you for Mass. Please know that you are most welcome in our city and in<br />

our historic archdiocese. We are glad that you have chosen New Orleans for your convention.<br />

Again, welcome to ACCCRUS and to New Orleans.<br />

May God's abundant blessings be with all of you,<br />

Sincerely in Christ,<br />

Most Reverend Gregory M. Aymond<br />

Archbishop of New Orleans<br />

GMA/mk<br />


Archbishop-emeritus Alfred Hughes<br />

Bishop Fernand "Ferd" J. Cheri<br />

Bishop Dominic Carmon (retired)<br />



My dear friends in Christ,<br />

For the eighteenth year, we, African priests and religious, living and working<br />

across these United States, convene here in New Orleans, Louisiana to<br />

celebrate our catholic faith; we assemble to reconnect with each other in<br />

prayer and fellowship; and to discuss various issues pertinent to our wellbeing,<br />

our work and our ministries. This is no small responsibility or<br />

commitment on our part. Therefore, I take this opportunity to thank you all<br />

so much for being here.<br />

I must acknowledge, with deep gratitude and humility, your decision to entrust to me and my<br />

entire executive team the great privilege of serving you for another three years. Since the elections<br />

were conducted at the close of the convention in Washington D.C. last year, I deemed it necessary<br />

to use this occasion to thank you for bestowing upon us such great honor and confidence.<br />

On behalf of our conference, I am sincerely grateful to Archbishop Gregory Aymond, the Archbishop<br />

of New Orleans for the gracious reception he offered to us. From the moment our brothers<br />

here in New Orleans informed him about our upcoming convention until today, he and his office<br />

have been nothing but extremely cordial and accessible to us. Archbishop, we thank you for your<br />

generous donation to assist us with our convention but more importantly for the paternal spirit<br />

you have displayed throughout the planning stages until today. We pray that God continues to<br />

bless you and your apostolic ministry!<br />

In addition, I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to the other bishops here<br />

present. Whether they are returning guests or first time observers, our conference warmly<br />

welcomes you. In a special way, we recognize Bishop Fernand Cheri, the auxiliary bishop of this<br />

local church, who agreed to celebrate the closing Mass for us. Thank you very much.<br />

The theme for our conference this year, Building intercultural competency for African Priests and<br />

Religious in the United States, is aimed at assisting us develop an orientation program for priests<br />

and religious who migrate to the United States from Africa. As the Catholic Church in America<br />

continues to examine and evaluate different pastoral models to deal with the current evolving<br />

trends of diversity and multiculturalism, this African conference too must play its role and bring<br />

its indispensable contribution to this noble and timely task. We must begin, I will note, not only<br />

by enriching our understanding of the present state of American ecclesial life, but also<br />


y considering the varied paths through which we, as clergy and religious, can become more and<br />

more an integrated part of it. It is for this reason that building an intercultural competency for<br />

African priests and religious residing and working in the United States, is not simply a vital<br />

undertaking but also an indispensable tool to facilitate this process of integration. On this note, I<br />

am deeply grateful to Fr. Allan Deck, S.J., who graciously accepted our invitation to be the<br />

keynote speaker. Fr. Deck was called to serve as the first Executive Director of the Secretariat of<br />

Cultural Diversity in the Church by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in<br />

Washington, D.C.; a position he held from 2008–2012. We could not have invited a more<br />

qualified and knowledgeable speaker as it was under his supervision that the USCCB published<br />

the document titled, “Intercultural Competencies” the manual we shall use as the main working<br />

text for the small group discussions. It is my most sincere hope that by the end of our<br />

deliberations this week, we shall be able to craft a document that can be used to establish some<br />

basic orientation guidelines to assist our brothers and sisters who come here for ministry. As<br />

such, I earnestly plead with each of you to make a concerted effort to be engaged in this process<br />

especially during our breakout sessions where your input and feedback will be vital and<br />

essential.<br />

We have made significant strides to ensure the long range viability of this organization. After my<br />

first year as president, I had received permission from the general assembly to begin a<br />

permanent secretariat and to hire a part time secretary. The secretary will work at the service of<br />

the National Executive to alleviate the burden of organizing conventions. He/she will also<br />

maintain a log of events and information so that we are able to create and build a permanent<br />

database for our conference. This will facilitate the dissemination of information and bolster our<br />

ability to raise the funds necessary for our operations. I am happy to report to you that this<br />

secretariat has been opened and Ms. Lendy Zink was hired last October as our secretary.<br />

Through the secretariat, we have been able to secure our own mailing address and business<br />

phone number and this information will be displayed on all our official materials going forward.<br />

Though our main office continues to be the National Black Catholic Office in Baltimore, we<br />

intend to transition methodically to our new office in Houston.<br />

Also, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) invited Catholic leaders across<br />

the United States to a convocation in Orlando, Florida from July 1–4, 2017. The purpose of the<br />

convocation was to discuss various ways by which we can revitalize the spirit of Catholicism in<br />

America and reinvigorate the life of this local church with the robust missionary appeal recently<br />

advocated by Pope Francis. I was privileged to be invited to the convocation to represent this<br />

conference. Therefore, during our general assembly meeting, I will share some thoughts and reflections<br />

and a possible line of action we can undertake to realize some of the goals of the convocation.<br />

The convocation was immediately followed by the National Black Catholic Congress which<br />

convenes every five years. It was a blessing to attend this event too and to be in the company of<br />

many other African priests and religious. Though the congress, historically, is for African<br />

Americans, your presence and participation signals a new level of cooperation and integration<br />

which black Catholics across the United States desperately need today. I am most grateful to all<br />

those who attended the congress and I ask the Holy Spirit to guide your steps as you seek to<br />

build communion among God’s children here on earth.<br />


Dear Fathers and Sisters, in conjunction with our new secretariat, the National Executive is committed<br />

to ensure that conventions are planned more effectively and that we reach a wider base<br />

more frequently with information. We also aim to make sure that the themes continue to be relevant<br />

and practical; and that the schedule allocates enough time for relaxation and fellowship. I am<br />

very pleased to inform you that by the close of this convention, we shall be announcing the theme,<br />

dates and location for our next convention. For all the success we have been able to secure together,<br />

I extend my profound gratefulness to the members of our National Executive Council, whose<br />

efforts and labors are the bedrock upon which we have been able to build. They are Fr. Alphonsus<br />

Enelichi, Sr. Reginald Anibueze, Sr. Maudyln Aladi, Fr. Las Nwoga, Fr. Canice Nwizu, Sr.<br />

Nnachebe Chiotu Sr. Maria Rukwishuro Fr. Mike Ume and Fr. James Aboyi. I thank you for your<br />

selfless service. May God reward you!<br />

Our conference continues to be immensely indebted to Sr. Joanna Okereke who remains our fervent<br />

advocate at the U.S. Bishops’ Conference. It was through her advocacy that the Office of the<br />

Pastoral Care for Migrants, Refugees and Travelers (PCMRT) covered the cost for the workbooks<br />

we shall be using for this convention. Sister, we thank you very much!<br />

The brothers and sisters of New Orleans who have labored unceasingly for the last year to ensure<br />

the success of this convention deserve our sincere and heartfelt appreciation. After many meetings<br />

and through many sacrifices, they welcome us to the Big Easy. They represent the strength and<br />

tenacity of this great city that though in recent years has seen its own fair share of natural adversities,<br />

has always come back stronger and better. We are deeply grateful to each of you. In a special<br />

way, I thank Fr. Chris Amadi, the general coordinator; Fr. Francis Offia, the publicity secretary;<br />

the chairs of the different committees; Sr. Cecilia Dimaku in charge of Food and Entertainment; Fr.<br />

Peter Agbogiran who headed the Transportation committee; Fr. Deogratia Ekasa and Brother Daniel<br />

Okafor who are coordinating the liturgy committee. We also recognize, with humility, the assistance<br />

offered by different individuals, church groups and local organizations to support our<br />

brothers and sisters here in New Orleans. Your efforts and sacrifices are like raindrops from heaven,<br />

watering God’s vineyard. I pray that His abundant blessings be yours in return.<br />

To Lendy Zink, our secretary; we are deeply grateful for your many hours of dedicated service,<br />

assisting with the planning process and coordinating the convention details. Though you are a recent<br />

addition to our conference, your dedication and enthusiasm are testament of the joy with<br />

which you embrace God’s work. May His face shine upon you always!<br />

To the many unsung heroes who contribute enormously to the success of our conventions, we cannot<br />

ignore or undermine you. They range from those who prepare our food, the hotel management<br />

and staff, those who print our programs, those who place ads in our brochure and many<br />

more. We should never fail to pause and ask God’s benediction upon them and their families too.<br />

My dear friends, once more, I am deeply grateful that you are able to join us for this 18 th convention.<br />

May God bless mother Africa; May God bless America; May God bless the Holy Church of<br />

Rome; May God bless us all! Thank you for listening and welcome to New Orleans.<br />


Sr. Joanna Okereke, HHCJ<br />

Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church/PCMRT/USCCB<br />

Building Intercultural Competency for African Priests and Religious in the United States<br />

On behalf of the Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church, I express our heartfelt gratitude to<br />

Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond for accepting to host this year’s ACCCRUS convention in New Orleans<br />

Archdiocese. I cordially greet Most Rev. Fernand Cheri, III Auxiliary Bishop of New Orleans, and<br />

episcopal Liaisons for Africa. Thank you for your presence and support. I welcome and thank our<br />

speaker Fr. Allan Deck, SJ. Professor of Theological Studies at Loyola Marymount University. Father, I<br />

know how busy your schedule is, yet you carved out time to be with us.<br />

My friends, anybody who has been involved in hosting conventions understands the sacrifices and<br />

efforts required for its success. Sometimes, it can be overwhelming and even frustrating. For this<br />

reason, I thank our president Fr. Henry Atem, the ACCCRUS executive members and the members of<br />

New Orleans Chapter and Ms. Lendy Zink for their effort in ensuring that this convention becomes a<br />

reality. I would like to welcome all of you my sisters and brothers to this year’s convention.<br />

Today, we have converged here in New Orleans from different parts of this country for our Annual<br />

ACCCRUS Convention. Many of us still remember the effect of Hurricane Katrina. Katrina was one of the<br />

worst disasters in American history that killed more than 1,800 people, displaced tens of thousands,<br />

and destroyed huge places and the beauty of New Orleans. However, some have healed and some are<br />

still healing. The gradual healing of New Orleans reaffirms the beauty and power of our diversity<br />

expressed in unity, the energy drawn from our shared common value, and the joy that we are not<br />

walking alone. Together, we can come out of devastation and face the rising sun once more, holding<br />

hands of our deep faith and fellowship in God. The experience of New Orleans is the narrative of our<br />

journey. We are not subdued by our individual and collective challenges. Let us thank God for getting so<br />

many people through Katrina and the aftermath.<br />

My sisters and brothers, the recent study by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA)<br />

at Georgetown University shows that 33 percent of parishes in the U.S. today celebrate Mass in a<br />

language other than English, compared with 22 percent in 2010. The great majority of these parishes<br />

are ‘shared’ by two or more distinct cultural/ethnic communities. The shared parish model strives to<br />

achieve a high level of ecclesial integration or inclusion among its diverse members in a spirit of unity in<br />

diversity.<br />


To this effect, the Bishops’ Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church produced two new resources -<br />

Building Intercultural Competence for Ministers and Best Practices for Shared Parishes: So That They May<br />

All Be One - a practical guide to assist pastors of culturally diverse parishes and their teams in the challenging<br />

task of building unity in diversity as they respond to the challenges of growing cultural diversity in the spirit<br />

of the New Evangelization.<br />

I thank Fr. Henry Atem for this wonderful opportunity, of focusing our convention on Building Intercultural<br />

Competency for African Priests and Religious in the United States, aimed at offering us an opportunity to<br />

establish a basic orientation guide for African priests and religious in the United States.<br />

In the last few years, there is widespread recognition of the need to train leaders on intercultural competencies<br />

among diocesan and Parish personnel. Also, there is a need to continue encouraging a more diverse ethnic<br />

participation, and to provide a rationale for the inclusion and integration of diverse cultural groups into the life<br />

and mission of the Church here in America.<br />

The goal of the Building Intercultural Competence for Ministers training is to increase the capacity to<br />

welcome, and encourage all emerging cultural groups to participate and assume leadership roles in the Church.<br />

The workshop provides an opportunity for ministers to attain a foundational level of competence in<br />

intercultural relations and communications.<br />

As I always say, there are thousands of priests and sisters from Africa in this country. Let every one of us<br />

consider it as moral and religious obligation to motivate and invite those who have passive attitude and<br />

impression towards this organization to come and see for themselves. I appeal to each of you to become agents<br />

and ambassadors of goodwill about ACCCRUS and the values it upholds, represents and promotes for the<br />

good of all African Catholics, clergy, religious and lay. ACCCRUS has done well and we cannot stop. Rather,<br />

let us look ahead on what the future holds for us. Each of us are the decisive force for the success of<br />

ACCCRUS.<br />

I thank the founding fathers and sisters that made ACCCRUS a reality. It is always good to come back to the<br />

roots and remember our history and contributions. I thank each of you for everything you are doing to help<br />

minister to the people of God in your various ministries. Let us make our influence felt more effectively by<br />

our active membership and involvement in ACCCRUS. Let us have that joyful and proud sense of belonging<br />

which will inspire greater and more dynamic participation in the life and activities of our noble organization –<br />

ACCCRUS.<br />

Again, I wish you all a happy and fulfilling experience at this convention.<br />

Thank you and May God bless each of us with His grace and mercy.<br />


Jesuit Father Allan Figueroa Deck is a Distinguished Scholar in Pastoral<br />

Theology and Latino Studies and holds a dual appointment as Lecturer in the<br />

Departments of Theological Studies and Chicano/Latino/a Studies at Loyola<br />

Marymount University. He earned doctoral degrees in Theology from the<br />

Pontifical Gregorian University and in Latin American Studies from Saint Louis<br />

University. Father Deck is the author or editor of nine books and more than 60<br />

chapters in books and journal articles on Pastoral Theology, Latino/a Studies,<br />

Catholic Social Teaching, Spirituality and Intercultural Competence. Father<br />

Deck’s latest book is Francis, Bishop of Rome: The Gospel for the Third Millennium (Paulist 2016).<br />

In addition to teaching, research and writing, Fr. Deck has served as parish administrator, director of<br />

Hispanic ministry, founder and first executive director of the Loyola Institute for Spirituality in<br />

Orange, California, and co-founder and first president of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic<br />

Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS). He served as first executive director of the Secretariat of<br />

Cultural Diversity in the Church of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. A<br />

nationally-recognized speaker Father Deck has received the John XXIII Award of the Catholic Library<br />

Association for contributions to church renewal in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, the<br />

Sadlier Award for contributions to religious education and the Virgilio Elizondo Award of ACHTUS<br />

for contributions to the development of a theology of and for Latino/as in the United States.<br />


S.T.D., Pontifical Gregorian University<br />

Ph.D., Saint Louis University<br />

S.T.L., Pontifical Gregorian University<br />

M.Div., Jesuit School of Theology, Berkeley<br />

B.A., Saint Louis University<br />



With Love We Remember<br />

Your faithful service as Treasurer of the<br />

African Women Religious Conference USA.<br />

Your Life Was a Blessing<br />

Your Memory a Treasure<br />

You are Loved Beyond Words<br />

And Missed Beyond Measure<br />

Sr. Rose Ereba, HHCJ<br />

Sr. Mary Reginald Anibueze, DDL<br />

President, African Women Religious Conference USA<br />

For, and on behalf of, the members of AWRC USA<br />


The Cameroon Catholic Community of Atlanta<br />

St. Paul of the Cross<br />

551 Harwell Road NW,<br />

Atlanta, GA 30318<br />

We invite you to our monthly mass: Third Sunday of month at 2:30pm<br />

Congratulations to Fr. Valery Akoh on<br />

the first anniversary of his ordination to<br />

the priesthood on June 25, 2017.<br />

Congratulations to Fr. Henry Atem on his 9 th<br />

anniversary of ordination (May 31, 2017) and<br />

leadership as National President of the African<br />

Conference of Catholic Clergy and Religious in<br />

the United States (ACCCRUS)<br />



On your 1st Anniversary<br />

We thank God for you!<br />

From St. Genevieve’s Daily Mass Group<br />

Congratulations Fr. Henry Atem on your<br />

18th Annual Convention and on your<br />

re-election as ACCCRUS National President<br />

H S Remedies Pharmacy<br />

3600 General Meyer Ave #C New Orleans, LA 70114<br />

(504) 324-6270<br />

Deacon Cliff & Cynthia “Duchess” Shelton<br />

Your Friends in the Big Easy!<br />



Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, Lake Charles, Louisiana<br />

Congratulate our Pastor,<br />

Rev. Father Richard Uche Adiukwu<br />

We rejoice with you on your 21 st priestly Anniversary on August 3 rd<br />

May the good Lord bless your ministry with us<br />

and grant you many more fruitful years in his vineyard<br />

Ad Multos Annos!<br />

We rejoice with all the clergy and religious from Africa<br />

on their 18 th Annual Convention of the African Conference<br />

in New Orleans, LA.<br />



28<br />

Missionary Society of St. Paul<br />



Fr. Francis Uzochukwu Offia<br />

On the 1 st Anniversary of your<br />

Ordination to the Priesthood<br />

Thank you for all you do for us at<br />

St. Genevieve Church<br />

With love from St. Genevieve Office Staff<br />

Kathi, Nancy, Tita and Peggy<br />






Lord make me an instrument of your peace<br />

Where there is hatred let me sow love<br />

Where there is injury, pardon<br />

Where there is doubt, faith<br />

Where there is despair, hope<br />

Where there is darkness, light<br />

And where there is sadness, joy<br />

O divine master grant that I may<br />

not so much seek to be consoled as to console<br />

to be understood as to understand<br />

To be loved as to love<br />

For it is in giving that we receive<br />

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned<br />

And it's in dying that we are born to eternal life<br />

Amen<br />

Ad Gentes Missionries<br />

4314 Aurora Drive<br />

Omaha, ME 68135 USA<br />

Saints Perpetua & Felicitas Convent<br />

Jankasa-Shiroro<br />

P.O. Box 2893<br />

Minna, Niger State<br />

Nigeria<br />

Mother Lucia Benedict Azoba<br />

To my five Religious Daughters who made their profession<br />

in April and our four Brothers who were elevated to the<br />

Sacred Orders of Priesthood & Deaconate.<br />

Ad Gentes Missionaries<br />


Congratulatory Message<br />

The family of Sister Mary Nneka Iweanya rejoices<br />

and celebrates with her the Silver Jubilee of her<br />

first religious profession in the Congregation of<br />

the Daughters of Divine Love. We love you and<br />

pray that God continue to guide and be with you<br />

in all your religious endeavors. May God, grant<br />

you many more years in your religious life.<br />

Sister Mary, CONGRATULATIONS and happy<br />

anniversary.<br />

Signed<br />

Mrs. Comfort Iweanya, Mother<br />

For the family<br />

Congratulations<br />

Fr. Henry Atem<br />

For all the work you do<br />

with ACCCRUS<br />

The Atem Family<br />


African Conference of Catholic Clergy and Religious in the United States<br />

Houston Chapter<br />

December 2, 2016<br />

His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo<br />

Archbishop of Galveston-Houston<br />

1700 San Jacinto Street<br />

Houston, TX 77002<br />

Your Eminence,<br />

Rev. Sebastine Soja Okoye<br />

President<br />

Rev. Jude E. Ezuma<br />

Vice President<br />

Sr. Chika Rose Henry Eboh, DMMM<br />

Secretary<br />

Sr. Obinna N. Okpala, DMMM<br />

Financial Secretary<br />

Fr. Paschal Chester, SDV<br />

Public Relations Officer<br />

On behalf of the Houston Chapter of the African Conference of Catholic Clergy and Religious<br />

in the United States (ACCCRUS), I am very delighted to extend our heartfelt congratulations<br />

to you on the occasion of your election as the President of the United States Conference of<br />

Catholic Bishops. In electing you as their President, your brother bishops once again are<br />

affirming what we in this Local Church already know namely, your zeal for the Gospel and<br />

your shepherd heart, which is always manifested in the way you lead us closer to the Lord.<br />

We pledge our prayerful support to you as always, asking God to bestow you with his<br />

blessings as you exercise this important ministry in service of all. You inspire us to continue<br />

to energetically respond to the invitations of the Lord to serve our brothers and sisters.<br />

Asking for your paternal blessings, I am<br />

Sincerely yours in Christ,<br />

Rev. Sebastine Soja Okoye<br />

President, ACCCRUS, Houston Chapter<br />

36<br />

7801 Bay Branch Drive, The Woodlands, Texas 77382 . 281-917-2303. Email: accrushouston@yahoo.com

Congratulations!<br />

Fr. Henry Atem, ACCCRUS Executive Team,<br />

Fr. Edmund Nnadozie, and Sr. Joanna Okereke on your<br />

18th Annual Convention of the African Conference of<br />

Catholic Clergy and Religious in the United States<br />

(ACCCRUS), and thank you for your support!<br />

Dennis & Lendy Zink<br />


Wish to congratulate Sr. Marie, SJI and<br />

Sr. Beritha, SJI and all members of the African<br />

Conference of Catholic Clergy and Religious in<br />

the United States (ACCCRUS) on their<br />

eighteenth Annual Convention.<br />

May the good Lord continue to guide and<br />

bless your ministry.<br />


Congratulations ACCCRUS<br />

on your 18th Annual Convention<br />

Missionary Society of St. Paul<br />

(MSP)<br />

Rev. Dr. Edmund Nnadozie, MSP<br />

Chaplain Services<br />



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