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Greetings<br />

Lesson 1<br />


1) Tarjetas de vocabulario: Recorta las tarjetas de vocabulario. Escribe la palabra<br />

correspondiente en español en la parte de atrás de cada tarjeta y haz un dibujo que te<br />

ayude a recordar la palabra o frase en la parte posterior. **Tip** Mantén las tarjetas en una<br />

carpeta para que puedas practicar frecuentemente.<br />

1) Vocabulary Cards: Cut vocabulary cards. Write the matching word in your native<br />

language on the back and draw a picture to help you remember the word or phrase on the<br />

back. **Tip**Use pencil and keep these cards in a bag or folder for you to practice<br />

frequently.<br />

Hello Hi Goodbye<br />

Bye Name Afternoon<br />

Evening Night Morning

Midnight Years Noon<br />

2) Instrucciones: Recorta las frases de saludos en el inferior de la página. Pega las frases<br />

en las fotos en el orden correcto para presentarte y saludar.<br />

2) Directions: Cut greeting phrases on bottom of the page. Glue phrases in correct order to<br />

introduce yourself and greet someone to complete the photograph.<br />

Nice to meet you, John.<br />

My name is Sally.<br />

Hello! My<br />

name is John.<br />

What is your<br />

I am doing well,<br />

thank you.<br />

How are you?<br />

How are you<br />


3) Instrucciones: Recorta las frases de despedida al final de la página. Pega las frases para<br />

completar la despedida.<br />

3) Directions: Cut farewell phrases on bottom of page. Glue them to complete the farewell.<br />

__________________, Mr. John! It was nice to meet you.<br />

__________________, Sally! It was nice to meet you too.<br />

Goodbye<br />


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