Family Edition (March/April 2018)

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SKGfun<br />

magazine<br />

helping girls navigate the teen years, with big smiles and copious laughter<br />

<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


SKG fun<br />

M A R C H - A P R I L 2 0 1 8<br />


- writers -<br />




- photography -<br />


- design -<br />


Volume No. 7, Issue No. 2<br />

W W W . S K G F U N . C O M


SKG FUN<br />


Respecting Parents not easy, very right 04<br />

Movies To Watch With Your <strong>Family</strong> 06<br />

Middle Child Stereotypes 09<br />

Listening Makes Us Stronger 12<br />

15<br />

Keeping Your Cool<br />

T<br />

09<br />

Middle Child Stereotypes<br />

Why Your Sister Should Be Your Best<br />

Friend<br />

Front cover: Leah Buffalino<br />

23<br />

T-shirts Ad 24<br />

Credits 25<br />

Keeping Your Cool 15<br />

Dad and Daughter 21<br />

Standing Up For Your <strong>Family</strong> 22<br />

23<br />

Why Your Sister Should Be Your Best Friend<br />

Visit<br />


to view this current issue on your<br />


SKG FUN<br />


Amanda Brown<br />

E D I T O R - I N - C H I E F<br />

I'm independent. Almost to a fault. At least . . . that's what I tell myself.<br />

I often get in trouble for coming home from school and holing myself away in my room. My<br />

family loves me, and they want to talk to me! Why does Amanda hide from us ? Does she not<br />

love us? That's far from the truth, of course. I really do love my family, I just need time to reset<br />

from my day. And to be honest, I can't deal with being by myself too long. I'll need other people<br />

eventually. Just wait for me to come around.<br />

Everybody needs somebody. On Valentine's Day, I realized this truth: none of us are truly single.<br />

No one does life by themselves. Even the most alone person in the world has God with them,<br />

holding their hand through the darkness.<br />

Many of us have been blessed with families that make our "single" journey not so single. So this<br />

issue is a charge to us all to go against our culture that tells us to rebel against our parents; hate<br />

our siblings; and really just count down the days until we get out of the house.<br />

I hope each of you reading this magazine have been blessed with such a wonderful family as I<br />

have. I know that not everyone is as lucky as me, and if you're one of those people, I want you to<br />

know that I'm here for you. We're not overlooking you. Everyone is wanted by somebody.<br />

So whether you're a middle child, a bossy oldest (DUDE, SAME), the spoiled baby or only child,<br />

or out on your own: this issue is for you.<br />

From your family at SKGfun<br />

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YES.<br />







- JULIA RYAN<br />

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MARCH/APRIL <strong>2018</strong><br />


parents<br />

respecting<br />

n o t e a s y , v e r y r i g h t<br />

by sarah cnossen<br />

“ E a c h o f y o u i s t o r e s p e c t h i s<br />

m o t h e r a n d f a t h e r . . . ”<br />

L e v i t i c u s 1 9 : 3 a<br />

To begin, I believe it is worth<br />

saying that I am a wife and<br />

homemaker now, and no<br />

longer living under the<br />

authority of my parents. And,<br />

at the ripe age of five and<br />

twenty (quite possibly the<br />

eldest of our fabulous writers<br />

here at SKGfun), I can look<br />

back on my years in my<br />

parents' household with<br />

thankfulness for their<br />

encouragement, discipline,<br />

support, and love.<br />

Both my mother and father<br />

taught my three siblings and<br />

me respect from the start – be<br />

it opening doors for others in<br />

daughter), making eye contact<br />

when conversing, or putting<br />

away our books when company<br />

was visiting (no matter that<br />

you were at an amazing part of<br />

the story). But most<br />

importantly, we had to learn<br />

to respect them.<br />

I t i s n e v e r<br />

e a s y .<br />

They seem to NEVER allow us to<br />

do what we want to do. Or go<br />

where we desire. Maybe they<br />

are overbearing and<br />

overprotective. Perhaps they<br />

are controlling.<br />

kindness (whether son or S K G F U N | 4

h e y a r e h u m a n j u s t l i k e y o u a n d I a n d t h e y a r e m o s t<br />

t<br />

e f i n i t e l y n o t p e r f e c t . B u t g u e s s w h a t ? N e i t h e r a r e<br />

d<br />

obey your parents as you would the Lord, because this is right.<br />

“Children,<br />

your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a<br />

Honor<br />

so that it may go well with you and that you may have long life<br />

promise:<br />

the land.” (Ephesians 6:1-3)<br />

in<br />


MARCH/APRIL 2017<br />


O n e t h i n g i s c e r t a i n :<br />

w e !<br />

I know you've heard it a gazillion times, but<br />

it is truth when they tell you they were once<br />

teens themselves and they've been in your<br />

shoes. I find it amazing that God grants<br />

parents a kind of foresight in directing their<br />

children in the way they should go – having<br />

gathered their own experiences growing up.<br />

Often, where we see grand adventure in our<br />

direct future, our parents see a mistake or<br />

even danger, and will caution us from<br />

venturing further. It is up to us as the<br />

children whether we RESPECT and obey<br />

their warnings or not. And it could very well<br />

mean avoiding hard lessons and gaining<br />

wisdom.<br />

{Unfortunately, there are people who do not<br />

have the moral foundation of our Lord and<br />

His Word to fall back on. In those cases,<br />

obeying and respecting immoral parents can<br />

be extremely difficult and there may be times<br />

where the son or daughter must avoid<br />

obedience. However, it is still possible to<br />

respect those parents (and perhaps be a Light<br />

to them). But that is a discussion for another<br />

day.)<br />

In the long run, respecting your mum and<br />

dad shows that you cherish their opinions and<br />

advice. You care for them and wish to make<br />

them proud. (Though believe me<br />

L i s t e n , m y s o n , t o y o u r f a t h e r ' s<br />

“<br />

n s t r u c t i o n , a n d d o n ' t r e j e c t<br />

i<br />

o u r m o t h e r ' s t e a c h i n g , f o r t h e y<br />

y<br />

i l l b e a g a r l a n d o f g r a c e o n<br />

w<br />

o u r h e a d a n d a g o l d c h a i n a r o u n d<br />

y<br />

o u r n e c k . ” ( P r o v e r b s 1 : 8 - 9 )<br />

y<br />

when I say this: they are<br />

already proud of you! And<br />

there is no need to try to<br />

“earn” it.) Who knows?<br />

Maybe one day, the<br />

overbearing parent to whom<br />

you have shown respect will<br />

become one of your greatest<br />

confidants. It is so sweet to<br />

see the parent/child<br />

relationship grow from that<br />

starting point to one of<br />

unbreakable friendship.<br />

I greatly respect my own<br />

parents and am beyond<br />

grateful for their<br />

unconditional love and faith<br />

and patience in me. We may<br />

not agree on absolutely<br />

everything, but that is the<br />

beauty of being our own<br />

selves. We each contribute<br />

our personal experiences and<br />

acquired knowledge, and in<br />

turn learn from each other.<br />

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watch<br />

to<br />

your family<br />

with<br />


movies<br />

b y r e b e c c a c a r a w a y<br />

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MOVIES TO WATCH MARCH/APRIL <strong>2018</strong><br />


It’s hard to find a movie that your whole family<br />

can watch together and enjoy.<br />

You may want to watch something more mature but you have to<br />

make sure it’s appropriate for the rest of your siblings.<br />

It’s hard for a family to pick a<br />

t h e<br />

movie that they think everyone<br />

p r i n c e s s<br />

can enjoy and watch together.<br />

b r i d e ( 1 9 8 7 )<br />

This movie is a classic so there’s a good chance<br />

you’ve already seen it. But it’s an amazing movie, so<br />

why not watch it again? And if you haven’t seen<br />

1.<br />

it<br />

then I highly recommend you do. It has sword fights,<br />

mystery, love, pirates, and a princess. This is a great<br />

movie to get out the candy and popcorn and have a<br />

quiet night at home with your family.<br />

Here is a list of five movies that<br />

everyone in your family will be<br />

able to sit down and enjoy<br />

together. This list is in no<br />

particular order.<br />

F a c i n g<br />

M i n e , y o u r s ,<br />

t h e<br />

a n d o u r s<br />

g i a n t s<br />

This is an adorable movie about Frank Beardsley, a<br />

single father of eight kids who decides to move his<br />

family back to his home town. There, he bumps into his<br />

high school sweetheart Helen North who has ten kids<br />

3.<br />

of<br />

her own. The two decide to get married and then they<br />

move into an old light house with their now eighteen<br />

children. I know it sounds a little silly, but trust me: this<br />

movie is so cute and worth the watch.<br />

This is a heartwarming and inspiring<br />

movie about a high school football<br />

coach who finds out he might be<br />

2.<br />

fired<br />

at the end of the season. Because of<br />

this, he comes up with a new coaching<br />

method that uses faith to conquer fear.<br />

( 2 0 0 6 )<br />

( 2 0 0 5 )<br />

S K G F U N | 7

MOVIES TO WATCH JANUARY/FEBRUARY <strong>2018</strong><br />


This is my favorite movie of all time. This<br />

movie is packed with underrated and<br />

amazing actors/actresses. It’s about two girls<br />

who meet at a summer camp and<br />

4.<br />

quickly<br />

realize they have the same parents. This<br />

movie brings out important messages like,<br />

sisterhood, family, and love that outlast<br />

time.<br />

These are all movies<br />

that my whole family<br />

enjoys and we try to get<br />

together and watch<br />

them as much as<br />

possible. I hope you<br />

watch one of these for<br />

your next family movie<br />

night.<br />

s u r f e r<br />

( 2 0 1 1 )<br />

This movie is about the<br />

incredible true story of<br />

Bethany Hamilton,<br />

5.<br />

a<br />

professional surfer who’s arm<br />

gets bit off by a shark. This<br />

movie talks about faith<br />

conquering all and encourages<br />

you never to give up on your<br />

dreams even if the odds are<br />

stacked against you. Bethany<br />

Hamilton has always been a<br />

huge inspiration to me.<br />

s o u l<br />

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stereotypes<br />


middle<br />

CHILD<br />

b y j u l i a f i n d l e y<br />

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MIDDLE CHILD STEREOTYPES MARCH/APRIL <strong>2018</strong><br />


Before we begin, I would like to say<br />

that most people say I am not an<br />

actually middle child. I’m number<br />

five out of six kids, but I have an older<br />

sister and a younger sister. That<br />

makes me the middle. Ask anyone in<br />

my family and they will agree.<br />

You know how the middle child is supposed to be this<br />

person who brings the family together in hard times.<br />

Yeah . . . so not true. But that's because really any<br />

sibling can do this. The older sibling can bring<br />

together the middle and youngest or the youngest<br />

can bring their older siblings together. Now, I<br />

understand the middle child is the middle so like the oreo<br />

cream holds the cookies together. But honestly anyone<br />

can do our jobs. We need a vacation anyway.<br />

1. GLUE<br />

b y a n n i e l o u i s e t w i t c h e l l<br />

Yeah, no. This isn't true in my family at ALL. In fact,<br />

I am known for starting fights, not ending them. Being<br />

the middle child, you feel stuck and sometimes you<br />

can get angry or you just want to push some buttons.<br />

So you do just that. In fact the oldest sibling should<br />

be the fight solver. They are the ones told to use their<br />

“maturity."<br />

the<br />

2.<br />

fight<br />

solver<br />

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MIDDLE CHILD STEREOTYPES MARCH/APRIL <strong>2018</strong><br />


show<br />

This is so not true. I would say that we do have to be a<br />

little bit louder to get our parents' attention but so<br />

does the oldest child. Usually the baby is the one that<br />

gets all of the love and care. So we have to show what<br />

we can do. Although this once lead to me disobeying<br />

my mother and ripping my favorite play dress (ide<br />

note: who invented the play dress? It was so annoying<br />

not being able to play on the playground without<br />

shorts on underneath.).<br />

offs<br />

3.<br />

If you ever feel that you aren't loved,<br />

that's not true. Your family cares.<br />

Sometimes it might seem that no one is<br />

there for you but it's not true at all. You<br />

always have someone to be there for you. Don't<br />

ever feel that you aren't loved just because<br />

you can’t find a baby picture by yourself,<br />

or any baby photos for that matter. But<br />

you have parents and friends and siblings.<br />

You are never invisible.<br />

we<br />

are<br />

4.<br />

invisible<br />

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m a k e s u s<br />

l i s t e n i n g<br />

s t r o n g e r<br />

b y a n n i e l o u i s e t w i t c h e l l<br />

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After I turned eighteen, Aunt C, a close friend<br />

of my family, asked if I would go over to their<br />

place and spend nights taking care of Grandpa.<br />

H e j u s t n e e d e d s o m e o n e t o<br />

k e e p a n e y e o n h i m , t e n d t h e<br />

f i r e , m a k e s u r e h e t o o k t h e<br />

d r e a d e d p i l l s , a n d k e e p h i m<br />

c o m p a n y w h i l e s h e w a s a w a y . I<br />

a g r e e d , b e c a u s e t h e y o n l y l i v e a<br />

c o u p l e m i l e s a w a y , a n d p a c k e d<br />

m y b a c k p a c k .<br />

E v e r y n i g h t I n e e d e d t o t a k e<br />

o f f h i s c o m p r e s s i o n s o c k s a n d<br />

m a s s a g e h i s f e e t w i t h l o t i o n ,<br />

a n d e v e r y m o r n i n g I n e e d e d t o<br />

p u t o n m o r e l o t i o n a n d p u t t h e<br />

s o c k s b a c k o n . S i t t i n g o n a<br />

f o o t s t o o l i n f r o n t o f t h e b i g<br />

b l u e r e c l i n e r , I w a s a n a t t e n t i v e<br />

a u d i e n c e f o r h i s s t o r i e s .<br />

T h e e n t i r e w e e k I w a s t h e r e ,<br />

I h e a r d t h e s a m e h a l f d o z e n<br />

s t o r i e s , o v e r a n d o v e r a g a i n .<br />

My first impulse when he began<br />

repeating stories was to ignore him<br />

and go back to my writing in the<br />

bedroom upstairs, but I paused for<br />

just a moment and asked myself<br />

why. Why didn’t I want to stay and<br />

listen? It was true that he told the<br />

same stories without<br />

remembering that he’d told them<br />

to me that morning, but I<br />

decided that didn’t matter. I<br />

listened to the stories as if<br />

reading a familiar storybook for<br />

the hundredth time, and<br />

something odd happened.<br />

I saw his old, heavy hands that<br />

shook when he picked up the cup<br />

for some water, but I saw the<br />

hands that had raised hundreds<br />

of cattle while his brothers were<br />

overseas during World War II. I<br />

saw the tired eyes, watery and<br />

failing, but I saw the tears he<br />

might have hidden when he<br />

learned one of his brothers was<br />

a POW. I heard the faltering<br />

words of a man who couldn’t<br />

quite remember, but I peeked<br />

back in time through the window<br />

his words provided. I could see<br />

his whole life played out in a line<br />

of stories and I could feel in my<br />

heart all the hollow places where<br />

the stories he couldn’t remember<br />

went.<br />

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One night when he’d gone to bed<br />

and I was upstairs trying to get my<br />

anxious mind to calm down and<br />

rest, I realized that I’d done this<br />

before. Not the medical care, the<br />

pills and everything, but the stories.<br />

Our next-door neighbor in our little<br />

village was an elderly woman who<br />

lived alone.<br />

My brothers shoveled her driveway<br />

and tended the lawn, but I got to<br />

help her in the flower garden. I’d<br />

play in our yard during summer<br />

afternoons and if she came out to<br />

garden, I’d run and ask Mom if I<br />

could go help her. Impi told me<br />

stories about her husband Joe,<br />

whom I vaguely remembered,<br />

driving their children to school in<br />

his police car. She told me about the<br />

oak tree she’d planted on the property<br />

when they moved in that still housed an<br />

impish gray squirrel. She showed me<br />

how to weed around flagstones<br />

without moving them, and we’d<br />

both stop and pet the cat-abouttown<br />

when he made his daily visit.<br />

L i s t e n i n g , I ’ v e l e a r n e d ,<br />

i s i m p o r t a n t . A n d n o t<br />

j u s t f o r t h e s a k e o f t h e<br />

They need us to hear, it’s true.<br />

Telling stories is a way of<br />

remembering, and being old is<br />

often very lonely. But we also need<br />

to listen. We need to take the time<br />

to be still, to sit quietly, and to<br />

breathe in someone else’s thoughts<br />

and stories and memories. Listening<br />

to my grandparents, to my beloved<br />

Grammie Louise before she passed<br />

away, and to the elders I inevitably<br />

surround myself with, I’ve learned<br />

things about myself that I might not<br />

have learned otherwise: I’ve learned<br />

where I came from. I’ve learned<br />

what bricks went into forming my<br />

parents and into forming me. I’ve<br />

learned about my roots, and they’re<br />

not some distant thing that<br />

genealogists are interested in.<br />

They’re real and they’re inside me.<br />

The way I talk, the way I think, the<br />

things I believe. Learning about my<br />

past is one of the ways I connect<br />

with my present, and even with my<br />

future. Learning their stories has<br />

helped shape, encourage, and<br />

brighten mine.<br />

Next time you’re at family reunion<br />

and Aunt Sue sits down next to you<br />

and starts talking, instead of leaving<br />

or ignoring or feeling frustrated,<br />

just listen. You’ll make her feel<br />

better and less lonely, and you<br />

might learn something you didn’t<br />

know about your family or even<br />

yourself.<br />

o t h e r p e r s o n .<br />

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KEEPING YOUR COOL MARCH/APRIL <strong>2018</strong><br />


keeping<br />

yo ur<br />

COOL<br />

b y o l i v i a n i c k e r s o n<br />

S K G F U N | 1 5

S I<br />

B L<br />

I N<br />

G S<br />

KEEPING YOUR COOL MARCH/APRIL <strong>2018</strong><br />


If you have any, you'll<br />

know beyond a shadow of<br />

a doubt that we all have<br />

times where we don't get<br />

along. Keeping a cool and<br />

patient attitude with your<br />

sibs can be very, very, very<br />

hard!<br />

As one of nine kids, I've<br />

experienced a lot of<br />

conflict with my siblings.<br />

Over the years I've learned<br />

things to remember in<br />

those situations of feeling<br />

angry, frustrated, hurt, or<br />

just plain unforgiving<br />

towards my siblings. That's<br />

what I want to share<br />

with you! Girls, as<br />

Christians, it's hard to be a<br />

continual example and<br />

light for Christ, especially<br />

in our daily lives and with<br />

our family! But it IS<br />

possible to maintain a cool,<br />

patient attitude with your<br />

siblings! Let's get started,<br />

shall we?<br />

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o h b r o t h e r<br />

KEEPING YOUR COOL MARCH/APRIL <strong>2018</strong><br />


(1) They're not perfect.<br />

We can have a tendency to<br />

put such a huge weight on<br />

our siblings, because we<br />

expect them to be perfect!<br />

Oh, yes, we may not<br />

mention it or think of it in<br />

that particular way, but<br />

let’s put it like this; have<br />

you ever gotten angry or<br />

hurt because your siblings<br />

didn’t do what you<br />

wanted, or because they<br />

didn’t respond in a way<br />

you wanted them<br />

to? There are other<br />

examples I could use, but<br />

this shows two things.<br />

One, we’re selfish human<br />

beings, and two, we’re<br />

expecting our siblings to<br />

know to do things the way<br />

WE want them to, thus<br />

expecting them to be<br />

perfect in those areas.<br />

When we realize and<br />

know that we all have the<br />

same sin problem that<br />

only God can help us with,<br />

we can easily forgive<br />

others and resolve<br />

conflicts with those who<br />

aren’t any more perfect<br />

than we are.<br />

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KEEPING YOUR COOL MARCH/APRIL <strong>2018</strong><br />


(2) Remember how Jesus<br />

would act.<br />

It’s difficult, especially<br />

when you’re in the middle<br />

of the situation, but if you<br />

feed yourself with the<br />

truth (reading, memorizing,<br />

and continually infusing<br />

yourself in God’s Word), it<br />

will be easier for you to<br />

remember Jesus and how<br />

He would act in the<br />

particular situation. Think,<br />

“Would Jesus be<br />

impatient? Would Jesus<br />

take offense easily?<br />

Would Jesus be selfish?<br />

Would Jesus think of<br />

Himself?”<br />

As a sibling, and especially<br />

as a Christian, it’s our<br />

responsibility and duty to<br />

be a good role model and<br />

example of Christ,<br />

especially with those you<br />

most spend time with!<br />

As Christians, we are<br />

children of the King, Jesus<br />

Christ. That means we’re<br />

His representatives.<br />

Sure, we fail so often it’s a<br />

wonder we can be a good<br />

example at all, but you do<br />

your duty, and let GOD<br />

take care of the rest. I<br />

would encourage you to<br />

memorize, or at least have<br />

a good handle on the<br />

verses of 1 Corinthians 13,<br />

especially the first eight<br />

verses or so. When you’re<br />

in a conflict with your<br />

sibling(s), think about the<br />

passage, and remember<br />

what love is supposed to<br />

look like. Jesus Christ<br />

showed this perfectly<br />

when He willingly laid<br />

down His life for sinners<br />

like me and like you so<br />

that we could be born<br />

again and follow in His<br />

example. In Matthew<br />

16:24, “Jesus told his<br />

disciples, ‘If anyone would<br />

come after me, let him<br />

deny himself and take up<br />

his cross and follow me.’”<br />

“Taking up your cross” is<br />

showing love to others<br />

even when they may not<br />

deserve it, to not be<br />

thinking of yourself, but<br />

having a selfless and<br />

considerate spirit. It’s not<br />

easy, but just start in small<br />

ways. God will help you<br />

with the rest.<br />

(3) Don’t let Satan get<br />

ahold of you!<br />

As Ephesians 4:26-27 puts<br />

so perfectly, “Be angry and<br />

do not sin; do not let the<br />

sun go down on your<br />

anger, and give no<br />

opportunity to the devil.”<br />

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KEEPING YOUR COOL MARCH/APRIL <strong>2018</strong><br />


If you know the story of<br />

Adam and Eve in the book<br />

of Genesis in the Bible,<br />

you’ll know that because<br />

they disobeyed God, the<br />

curse of sin fell upon the<br />

entire human race, and, as<br />

a result, we all have a<br />

sinful nature right from<br />

the very beginning.<br />

It’s no wonder our natural<br />

response is to lash out<br />

when we get<br />

uncomfortable or feel<br />

reproved or provoked. But<br />

when we’re saved, we no<br />

longer are slaves to sin and<br />

Satan. Our new Master is<br />

Jesus Christ! However, we<br />

still have that sinful nature<br />

that is a part of us, that<br />

continues to creep on us<br />

and tempt us. And often<br />

we fall back into the sinful<br />

nature. But now that Jesus<br />

has rescued<br />

us, He will forgive us our<br />

mistakes, and He will help<br />

us to make the right<br />

decisions and choices, in<br />

how we act or what we say<br />

or think.<br />

So when you’re tempted to<br />

respond in anger to your<br />

siblings, to return evil for<br />

evil, or even lash out for<br />

no reason at all, don’t let<br />

Satan get a hold of you<br />

again!<br />

You are a NEW creation.<br />

Think about what you do<br />

before you do it. Pray for a<br />

humble and calm spirit.<br />

And make the right<br />

decision.<br />

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KEEPING YOUR COOL MARCH/APRIL <strong>2018</strong><br />


(4) Maintain a humble<br />

spirit.<br />

Okay, so let’s start with an<br />

example. I sometimes<br />

have difficulty being<br />

rebuked, even gently, by<br />

my younger siblings. I can<br />

have trouble being<br />

rebuked by my older<br />

siblings as well, but as you<br />

all probably have<br />

experienced, or<br />

understand, being rebuked<br />

by someone younger than<br />

you, (especially a sibling)<br />

can be very hard to take<br />

humbly! No one likes<br />

being shown their faults.<br />

But something we all have<br />

to be reminded of on a<br />

daily basis is Proverbs 12:1,<br />

which puts so plainly,<br />

Whoever loves<br />

discipline loves<br />

knowledge, but he who<br />

hates reproof is stupid.<br />

Reproof is good for us. It<br />

shows us our faults,<br />

whether by gentle means<br />

or more brash ways, and<br />

shows us things for us to<br />

correct. It keeps us<br />

humble, and is a means<br />

God uses sanctifying us.<br />

(5) Most of all . . . pray!<br />

None of this, of course, can<br />

be done without God! So<br />

pray, pray, pray! God will<br />

give you strength and<br />

wisdom in every situation.<br />

He is your heavenly<br />

Father, One Who loves<br />

you more than you can<br />

ever imagine. Why<br />

wouldn’t you want to bring<br />

everything to Him? And<br />

when we are WEAKEST,<br />

God is STRONGEST. So<br />

don’t give up! We all fail -<br />

A LOT. Something that I<br />

hope will be as<br />

encouraging to you as it is<br />

to me is “to always pray<br />

and never lose heart.”<br />

(Luke 18:1)<br />

So sisters, friends,<br />

fellow girls, don’t<br />

give up in your fight<br />

against sin, and keep<br />

living your utmost for<br />

the Lord in every<br />

way!<br />

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KEEPING YOUR COOL MARCH/APRIL <strong>2018</strong><br />


&<br />

DAD<br />

b y a n a m o r a n<br />


Since I have two brothers and no sisters, my relatives used to always say that<br />

I was “Daddy’s Little Girl.” I even got a necklace as a gift from my aunt that<br />

proclaimed the phrase. Being the tomboy I was when I was younger, I never<br />

wore the necklace, but it was true. My father and I had a strong bond. My dad<br />

would always set aside time to spend with his children no matter how much<br />

work he had to get done.<br />

When we were younger, we usually would play Nancy Drew Games together<br />

(check out Amanda’s cool review video she did for them!). Sometimes he<br />

would spend time with us in other ways, like teaching us how to fight an<br />

attacker or roller blade. Now, to spend time with my dad, we’ll go on a “date.”<br />

It gives you some uninterrupted time to communicate, plus he might even<br />

get you dessert! Another thing you can do together is a sport that you enjoy.<br />

Make sure it is something that he won’t get hurt in though. I have been<br />

known to harm my father in an intense soccer match . . . twice. I might be a<br />

little too competitive. Try a sport like tennis or golf. Also, simply talking to<br />

your dad is a terrific way to bond, and he could tell a few embarrassing<br />

stories. Instead of spending all your free time scrolling endlessly through<br />

social media, take out some time for your father.<br />

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STANDING UP MARCH/APRIL <strong>2018</strong><br />


S<br />

T<br />

A<br />

N<br />

D<br />

I<br />

N<br />

U<br />

Growing up, I was (and still<br />

am) privileged to belong to<br />

a family that has a fairly<br />

prominent standing among<br />

people of our community:<br />

I am fortunate to be a<br />

descendant of some neat<br />

people that God allowed to<br />

do impressive things.<br />

Unfortunately – ever since<br />

I was a child – this has<br />

created certain amounts of<br />

pressure on me with<br />

perceived expectations and<br />

feeling like I need to live<br />

up to other people’s ideas<br />

of what someone of my<br />

family should be.<br />

Certain members of my<br />

family have come under<br />

attack at different times for<br />

things that they have said<br />

or done. While I may not<br />

have agreed with<br />

everything that occurred at<br />

those times, they are still<br />

family and as a family<br />

everything that happens<br />

affects everyone else.<br />

Why should you stand up<br />

for your family? You have<br />

probably heard this many<br />

times, but God chose to<br />

place you in the family you<br />

are in. As a child, sister,<br />

mother, etc.: it is part of<br />

your responsibility to bring<br />

honor to the family you<br />

have been given and to<br />

defend their honor when it<br />

is attacked.<br />

How can you stand up for<br />

your family? First, through<br />

your actions. When the<br />

Lord says to “honor your<br />

parents,” He means in<br />

every way. Everything you<br />

do reflects on your family;<br />

and if you are standing up<br />

for them, all you do will<br />

reflect well.<br />

Second, through your<br />

words. If your friends hear<br />

you speaking badly of<br />

something your parents<br />

have asked you to do, their<br />

respect for your parents<br />

lessens as well. Be careful<br />

to speak respectfully of<br />

your family – even if you<br />

do not agree with<br />

everything they do –<br />

because you influence<br />

people’s opinions of your<br />

family.<br />

Finally, (hopefully this<br />

never happens) if someone<br />

is speaking ill or<br />

disrespectfully of your<br />

family – even if everything<br />

he/she is saying is true – it<br />

is your duty to speak up.<br />

You defend your family<br />

because they are the<br />

people God has put in your<br />

life (for better or worse),<br />

and you are commanded<br />

to love them as God loves<br />

you.<br />

G<br />

Pfor family<br />

b y k a t e j o n e s<br />

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YOUR<br />

BEST<br />

SISTER MARCH/APRIL <strong>2018</strong><br />


your sister<br />

why<br />

be should<br />

FRIEND<br />

By Rachel Brown<br />

the day<br />

Since<br />

was born,<br />

I<br />

sister has<br />

my<br />

been<br />

always<br />

I remember playing dressup<br />

with her every single<br />

day and taking out every<br />

single doll we owned to<br />

play "town." We've always<br />

been super close and have<br />

never really fought. I've<br />

found that she's one of the<br />

only people I can truly rely<br />

on. She's always ready to<br />

stay up late watching<br />

movies with me or to listen<br />

to me ramble on about my<br />

newest crush. She might<br />

be the only person that<br />

truly understands me.<br />

Why? She's my sister!!<br />

there.<br />

If you have a sister,<br />

whether younger or older,<br />

you should feel blessed.<br />

I know sometimes you<br />

might go through rough<br />

patches with each other,<br />

but you're family. She'll<br />

always be with you<br />

because, to use a famous<br />

saying, blood is thicker than<br />

water.<br />

“Sister – a person who’s<br />

been where you’ve been;<br />

someone you can call<br />

when things aren’t going<br />

right; is more than just<br />

family; a sister is a forever<br />

friend.”<br />

You may not always agree<br />

with each other. You may<br />

have different likes and<br />

dislikes. But is there any<br />

other person you can truly<br />

be yourself around? Is<br />

there anyone else you feel<br />

like you can share your<br />

deepest thoughts with? Is<br />

there anyone you know for<br />

sure you will still be friends<br />

with 30 years from now?<br />

b y k a t e j o n e s<br />

For me, I have friends I<br />

love and can be myself<br />

around. I hope I will be<br />

friends with them for the<br />

rest of my life. But<br />

Amanda is my best friend<br />

because we're sisters.<br />

“A sister is someone who loves<br />

you from the heart. No matter<br />

how much you argue you<br />

cannot be drawn apart. She is<br />

a joy that cannot be taken<br />

away. Once she enters your<br />

life, she is there to stay.”<br />

S K G F U N | 2 3

the creators of skgfun on their latest venture: creating t-shirts that are<br />

support<br />

and affordable<br />

adorable<br />


go buy it<br />

on the internet<br />


the scenes looks<br />

Behind<br />

on e-magazines<br />

Updates<br />

advice on being a<br />

Hilarious<br />

girl teen<br />

thought-provoking<br />

Fun,<br />

"devotionals"<br />

to previous e-<br />

Access<br />

magazines<br />

review videos<br />

Beautiful<br />

giveaways<br />

Exciting<br />

wallpaper<br />

Cute<br />

more! And<br />

CREDITS SKGFUN.COM MARCH/APRIL <strong>2018</strong><br />

hang out with us<br />

Disclaimer<br />

skgfun.com<br />

a.k.a., slightly less boring stuff<br />

SKGfun is not responsible for any inaccurate<br />

information in its magazine pages. We strive to<br />

share accurate information, but it’s always possible<br />

to miss something. We can’t check every article that<br />

our writers turn in for historical/factual veracity.<br />

Additionally, we are not responsible for plagiarism<br />

on the part of our writers. We accept their work<br />

assuming that it is their own. Please contact us if<br />

you have any problems.<br />

Current reading material in our world today has<br />

been tainted and darkened. In our pages, we strive<br />

to share clean and positive articles that leave readers<br />

feeling blessed.<br />

We will not stand down for our faith; however, we<br />

will not push our beliefs on others. You are free to<br />

accept or reject things we say and we will not<br />

discriminate against you for any reason.<br />

Additionally, just because our pages are filled with<br />

positive articles does not mean we will not stand up<br />

for what we believe in. However, we believe that at<br />

this time it is best to look at the glass as half full.<br />

All photos were checked to ensure they do not<br />

infringe copyright laws. And laws infringed were<br />

done so unknowingly. Please contact us if you have<br />

a problem. Unsplash and Wikipedia were used<br />

minimally in this particular issue. We are proud to<br />

say that a majority of the photography in this issue<br />

was taken by us.<br />

S K G F U N | 2 5

skgfun.com<br />

Next issue's theme<br />

What is the greatest commandment, class? That's right! To love the<br />

faith<br />

Lord our God. We're getting into the think of this year and it's time for<br />

us to hit the refresh button. Let's recenter our universes again in May<br />

<strong>2018</strong>. Bring your Bibles, a listening ear, and a willing heart!

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