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THE TEAM ... 3<br />

DAY ONE ... 4<br />

DAY TWO ... 7<br />

DAY THREE ... 8<br />

DAY FOUR ... 11<br />

DAY FIVE ... 12<br />

SKETCHUP MODEL ... 14<br />

MODEL COSTS ... 16<br />

DAY SIX ... 19<br />

DAY SEVEN ... 20<br />

GALLERY ... 22-27<br />

FINAL THOUGHTS ... 28<br />


THE TEAM<br />

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Our first task was to choose a group. This was a great opportunity to work with people in our class<br />

who we felt we could work well with, but also people who we had not worked with before. The first<br />

thing we did was create a Facebook chat group, so we were able to contact each other.<br />





DAY ONE<br />

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In our first meeting we wanted to come up with a simple plan that would not only<br />

create a beautiful model, but a process that would challenge us. Our initial idea<br />

was to use cardboard and foam board; however, it was very clear this was an easy<br />

option and we should think of another method. Kirsty, who had already used the<br />

laser printing facilities at university, advised this would be a good idea, she was<br />

happy with how her previous model had turned out and recommended this is the<br />

road we took.<br />

We all agreed this would be a great idea as it would take most of us outside our<br />

comfort zone, we knew it would be a challenge, but we looked forward to<br />

starting. The same day, we went to the laser printing desk, booked a date and<br />

began prepping the files we needed.<br />

Kirsty was happy to take the lead and put together multiple files which would<br />

build up contour lines, to show different levels and gradients in our site. The<br />

whole team really appreciate the efforts of Kirsty at this point, she worked<br />

extremely hard researching different sources of data she could use for the<br />

contour’s. Kirsty used Google Maps, Digimaps and other data sources available on<br />

the internet.<br />

This process was certainly trial and error, learning that our idea to use Photoshop<br />

wouldn’t be sufficient, as the lines are built up of pixels. We learned our files<br />

would need to be made on AutoCAD or Illustrator, thanks to a bit of patience and<br />

perseverance Kirsty was able to create enough files to take into our laser printing<br />

session.<br />

Our decision to use the laser printers was certainly starting to test us at this<br />

point, but we were all confident we would be able to make it work, creating a<br />

beautiful model in the process.<br />




DAY TWO<br />

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Now that our files were ready, the day had come for our first session in the laser<br />

printing lab. On 14th February, Kirsty and Harry attended the session to ensure<br />

everything was going to plan. Being valentine’s day, I’m sure it was very<br />

romantic, but on the serious side, the whole team would like to thank them for<br />

giving us their time to oversee the session.<br />

Because our experience with this method was limited it was unavertable snags<br />

would happen; however, both Harry and Kirsty soldiered on and we had printed<br />

our base and a few layers for our contours. The problems were, some of our<br />

layers seeped outside of the cutting zone, we were not aware this would be an<br />

issue; however, it did mean Harry and Kirsty had to trim a lot of information,<br />

which did take some time. But they were able to achieve a lot more than we<br />

initially thought and they should be proud of their achievements on this occasion.<br />

Having completed nearly all our model, we found a locker in the university to<br />

store what we had done, because of the size, we were not able to take it home.<br />

Having completed what, we thought to be the hardest part at such an early stage,<br />

we were now ready to start thinking about buildings and vegetation.<br />

Whilst the laser cutting process was happening; Abi, who took charge of<br />

‘greenery’ went into the woods and gathered some raw material to construct tiny<br />

trees. She also found some wire and moulded them into trees also. She found<br />

some acrylic sheets which she had used previously for water, as she thought this<br />

would be a great effect for the canal.<br />

It was very clear we had the right person for the job, Abi created some wonderful<br />

trees, which looked shop bought. This is a great example of where we ensured<br />

the right people were doing the right jobs in our team. We would like to thank Abi<br />

for her hard work and can’t wait to see what they look like on our model!<br />



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Things were looking good, when we were all at university, we decided to go take<br />

a look at the layers we were able to print. It became clear very quickly after<br />

looking at another team’s model, the scale was slightly out. Our concern was ours<br />

was incorrect and not theirs, so we gathered together as a team and began<br />

working out what had happened.<br />

After looking at a scaled Digimap, compared to what we had printed, we all<br />

decided what we had printed was not to scale. As a team we tried very hard to<br />

ensure Kirsty and Harry did not feel responsible, things like this were always<br />

going to happen and it was important they knew no one was to blame for what<br />

happened.<br />

Unexpectedly, we all decided to stay after university to try and fix the issue. We<br />

worked very well as a team to try and diagnose what had happened and edit the<br />

files to ensure they were correct. Having spoken with the laser printing team, we<br />

worked out it was a scale issue and how we could fix it. The fact everyone was<br />

prepared to stay showed great teamwork and great care for what we were doing.<br />

Using the information Kirsty had previously created, Roberto lead us in amending<br />

the documents in AutoCAD, ensuring they were correct for our next printing<br />

session. Having experience in engineering, Rob is more familiar with AutoCAD<br />

then most of us, so his help at this point was much appreciated.<br />

It is important for Kirsty to remember the information she had previously<br />

collected was essential and without it, our job would have been much harder.<br />

Naturally we knew she felt responsible for the issues we had, but as a team we<br />

are so proud of the work she did for us, and we hope she remembers without her<br />

groundwork the job would have taken much longer! We booked another session<br />

with the laser printing office and looked forward to our second attempt.<br />




DAY FOUR<br />

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It was now time to visit the laser printing workshop with edited files, we hoped<br />

would be correct. We realised very quickly that we had made the same mistake<br />

again, but after having a conversation with each other we decided to quickly edit<br />

them again to ensure we could get some layers printed. After yet another evening<br />

at university, we were getting closer to having completed layers. Again, this<br />

showed amazing teamwork, as we were working hard for one another to ensure<br />

the model’s progress was on track.<br />

After the first layer had been completed, it was the moment of truth. Luckily,<br />

we were confident this time we had the correct scale and moving forward were<br />

poised to print the rest of the layers. After the whole team spending a gruelling<br />

number of hours in the laser printing room, we now had the layers we needed.<br />

We were not able to print all the layers in this session, but we did go back the<br />

next day to get the rest completed.<br />

We knew from the start it was not going to be easy using a method we had not<br />

used before, but we are all very happy with the quality of the model and we are<br />

now very excited to putting together buildings and adding the greenery.<br />

We reflected on our experience so far, and in a weird way the up’s and downs<br />

were a positive part of our journey. It tested us as a team and challenged our<br />

patience, rarely do things go exactly how you think they will go, so this was all<br />

constructive experience for us, both dealing with problems and using the laser<br />

printing facilities.<br />

Due to bad weather and because I feel we deserved it, we decided to take a few<br />

days away from the model to clear our heads before finishing it. In the<br />

meantime, Abi sourced some foam board and a craft knife from Hobbycraft and<br />

Roberto brought in a mini projector for an idea we had to present our model!<br />


DAY FIVE<br />

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After a break from our model, it was now time to begin putting the buildings<br />

together. We decided to create buildings that were inside our A1 area, as it<br />

remains the focus on that space. We used foam board and got the building heights<br />

from google maps then built up layers of board in the shape of the building taken<br />

from Digimaps.<br />

At this stage our model was really starting to come to shape and we were<br />

starting to see some rewards from our hard work. At this stage it is important to<br />

realise we created a cut out for the space which in the future we would need to<br />

insert our own personal model. Because of how we decided to create our model,<br />

it did create a bit of a headache when it came to build up the layers; however, like<br />

previous occasions we grouped together and worked as a team to ensure the<br />

jigsaw pieces were in the correct place.<br />

As a team we needed to start thinking about how we wanted to present our<br />

model, not only is it important to show buildings and green space, we wanted to<br />

take it further and show sounds, cars and people. Building on an idea we had<br />

early on in the process we concluded it would be a great idea to project<br />

downwards onto our model an animation, which would bring our model to live.<br />

Our idea would include moving cars, place shadows, birds and people. This would<br />

not be as easy as we thought, but because we had this idea early on, it gave us<br />

time to go away and have a think about how we would achieve it.<br />

We also all agreed it would be a great idea to create a document, showing what<br />

we had done, problems we had, pictures and how we each believed the process<br />

went. This was the start of our <strong>diary</strong>, an idea we were all please with as it shows<br />

that we did work well as a team.<br />





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As we felt sufficient progress had been made on our physical, we discussed the<br />

idea of having a virtual model to support what we had created. As we all had the<br />

same site location we thought we would help each other out in the long run and<br />

utilise skills within our team to create this. Roberto, who already had a high level<br />

of knowledge of Sketchup took responsibility for this.<br />

Because of unexpected hitches we had along the way we were not able to utilise<br />

the model in the way we wanted to do, our original plan was to create a virtual<br />

reality walk through. Whilst this did not happen on this occasion, I still<br />

acknowledge it was a great idea and moving forward I’m sure we can do this in<br />

another module.<br />

The quality of the Sketchup model is fantastic and the whole team were<br />

extremely thankful for Roberto and the hard work he had put in. Whilst at this<br />

stage, it’s about sketches to help generate ideas members of the team have<br />

found it useful to play around with the Sketchup model prior to that, to see if<br />

things work. Abi, for example, wanted to dig out the area under the roundabout<br />

but because it’s a large scale change it would have been very difficult to draw;<br />

therefore, having the Sketchup model was extremely useful to her at this stage.<br />

To create the model, which is on a 1:1 scale Roberto gathered information from<br />

Digimaps, Google maps and his own knowledge of the site having walked around<br />

it. A great amount of detail was used to create a bespoke Belmont factory, which<br />

is a fantastic addition. Roberto has even added in a site boundary, meaning when<br />

it comes to our own model, we can simply turn off the layers we done require.<br />

The model is a great addition to a greater bundle our team plan to put together,<br />

again, this demonstrates great team spirit but more importantly using the skills<br />

we have in the team to our advantage. On behalf of the whole team, thank you<br />

Roberto, for your hard work.<br />



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Being responsible for different aspects of the model meant we did need to spend<br />

money to ensure we were creating the model we could. We did however try to<br />

save as much money as possible, by using our wood allowance in the laser<br />

printing room for example. Abi also did a create job at creating trees out of<br />

materials she already had mixed with vegetation she found in the woods; a very<br />

creative and effective solution as these can be expensive!<br />

We all decided from the start that costs should be split, even if it was for train<br />

journeys if the sole reason was to focus on the model. We did not want people to<br />

feel out of pocket as this can disturb team spirit and we did not want this to<br />

happen. Please see below the costs we had for the model and who was<br />

responsible for purchasing the item. This information will also be used to help us<br />

divide the total spend between us.<br />

FOAM BOARD £6.40 ABI<br />

GLUE GUN & GLUE £7.25 ABI<br />





For those who did have to pay out for materials and travel costs, a huge thank you<br />

from the whole team. We will ensure all funds are replenished, if anyone has paid<br />

for anything which is not listed above; please let me know and it will be included.<br />




DAY SIX<br />

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As the base of our model had now been completed, this was a huge milestone for<br />

our team. After all the ups and downs we had trying to get to this stage, it was<br />

a real sense of relief and excitement to now get back into our comfort zone and<br />

add some much-needed decoration. We knew from the start we wanted to have<br />

lots of greenery on our model, as we feel it would be not only look amazing, but<br />

also help our model come to life.<br />

Abi, from the start was going to take the lead at this stage, we knew this was a<br />

great role for Abi as she enjoys being crafty and we knew we could trust her to<br />

come up with some great ideas. Unfortunately, she did have to purchase a few<br />

much-needed items that we knew would eventually be worth it. Of course, these<br />

costs are shared with the whole team. Again, after our university day we stayed<br />

behind to put everything together, because we were confident at this stage many<br />

things happened as we wanted and not too much challenged us. We did however;<br />

underestimate the number of trees that we needed, Abi was extremely creative<br />

when making these and we all would like to thank her for doing so.<br />

The end result after we had completed the greenery was very much as we<br />

expected, probably a lot better! The green grass really helps bring out the white<br />

buildings and helps the model have more of an experience, rather than all<br />

being one colour. To get all locations for where the trees are, we had google<br />

maps open and used the information to plot where to place trees and green<br />

areas. This demonstrated at this stage great team work, whilst Abi took the lead,<br />

we all got involved in helping her when we had to.<br />

After it had been completed, we now had a few loose ends to tie up and then we<br />

can say our model has been completed. At this stage the model is on track to be<br />

completed by our deadline which is credit to everyone’s hard work.<br />



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An exciting idea we had very early on was using projection to really bring our<br />

model to life. We wanted to use projection to add moving cars, people, planes,<br />

weather changes and possibly display information about buildings on the model.<br />

I feel along the way we have always been out of our comfort zone, so why stop<br />

now! It really was going to be a huge challenge, but we were certain we could<br />

make it work.<br />

Our first challenge was did we actually have a projector? Surprisingly we had a<br />

few options, our first was Sam has a contact who works in a school, who have<br />

portable projectors, we also thought it may be possible to borrow one from the<br />

university but thankfully Roberto has a mini projector at home, which was<br />

incredibly light meaning we could try and hang it from the ceiling.<br />

In our first session we wanted to make sure the template Sam would be working<br />

on over the weekend would fit the model, we worked out that if we were able<br />

to hang the projector about two meters above it would fit perfectly. Because we<br />

were confident we had done this correctly Sam was happy to go away and put<br />

together the animation.<br />

The method Sam decided to go for was frame-by-frame animation using a<br />

timeline feature in Photoshop. It was something Sam was aware of in Photoshop,<br />

but he knew it was going to be a challenge. We feel that even the idea we had<br />

was great, but the fact our idea could become a reality was starting to get really<br />

exciting. Every aspect of our model so far has been perfection, and we hope this<br />

is the cherry on the top of what is a huge achievement for every one of us.<br />

We are all so excited to now work on the model on Tuesday 13th in the morning,<br />

before showing our lecturer for our formative assessment. We hope everything<br />

goes to plan and the model is enjoyed by our whole class.<br />










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Harry - Whilst working in the group i think we’ve had some positive experiences for example learning off each other’s strengths and developing on our<br />

weaknesses. One of the crucial things that I’ve learnt about a group work is how important communication is and that if that aspect of the group isn’t<br />

strong it’s going to be a very tough experience. However, in this group I feel we’ve communicated a good amount and we’ve being rewarded eventually<br />

with a really impressive model. One of the hardest challenges we have had to overcome is scale and contours on AutoCAD and converting a Digimap to the<br />

correct scale on the programme. Coupling that with the fact that not everyone in the group including myself isn’t comfortable on the laser cutters led to us<br />

having to redo the final model 2 times, which was a testing experience. However, I believe it has made us stronger as a group, but I probably won’t use the<br />

laser cutter for my own proposal as I am still not comfortable to do an entire model on that particular software yet. Overall, I have enjoyed working in the<br />

group and I am thoroughly satisfied with the work we have created.<br />

Abi - I have loved being a part of this team – learning to understand people’s perspective and their way of doing things and finding a balance. It’s been<br />

great to understand others way of thinking and being able to compromise in decision making. We’ve had issues with AutoCAD and the laser cutting but as<br />

this is something that is new to us all, it was trial and error, but we have come together to find a solution to create and improve the model. The best thing<br />

about working in this team is everyone has creative ideas and is more than willing to put time and effort in to have something proud to put our names on!<br />

Roberto - The team work shared in this module it was very interesting, everyone in the team had a different task which has been successfully<br />

completed. All the members were very helpful each other and excellent team workers. This experience has been positive for everyone thanks to the<br />

information and skills shared each other.<br />

Kirsty – I have really enjoyed being part of this team, I’m happy with everyone’s contributions and I feel overall, we have worked really well together.<br />

Whilst I have tried to help where I can, my main role was at the start with the laser printing, making sure the files were created. Whilst I did face a few<br />

problems, I’m happy that we were able to come together as a team and resolve these issues.<br />

Sam – What a fantastic team we had, everyone had a role, and everyone did their jobs without any issues. I feel we have created a stunning model with<br />

some really innovative ideas to help bring the model to life. Being the final module for year one I feel it was really important to go out with a bang and<br />

show each other how far we have come since September 2017. I feel what we have created really shows the progress we have all made. Whilst we did face<br />

a few issues along the way, we were able to all group together an ensure these problems didn’t stay problems for long! Everyone has pulled their weight,<br />

contributing and staying behind after university days, a huge thank you to everyone.<br />





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