Viva Lewes Issue #138 March 2018

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The only truly independent, family owned and run<br />

Funeral Directors & Memorial Masons in <strong>Lewes</strong> & Uckfield<br />

Will my loved one really be in your care?<br />

Yes they will. We have our own purpose built on-site mortuaries<br />

which means that your loved one will be cared for by us, and you will<br />

have the peace of mind knowing where they are.<br />

(Most other Funeral Directors use off-site mortuary facilities,<br />

often situated a long way from their premises).<br />

170 High Street<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong><br />

BN7 1YE<br />

01273 488121 (24hrs)<br />

lewes@rgreenfs.co.uk<br />

125 High Street<br />

Uckfield<br />

TN22 1RN<br />

01825 760601 (24hrs)<br />


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