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What was your favourite part of the shoot? We walked down a cliff side to get to this nudest beach, and there was a man a little way away that had build a half circle scarcely placed stick perimeter round his cave home; I thought we could be good friends, maybe I’ll end up like that one day. If you could model for any brand, product or company, which would it be and why? Anything ecologically and sustainably sourced, I also have a situation in where 95% of my clothes are black so it would definitely have to be one that sells a style I can wear and promote that way. Are you excited for 2018? What do you have planned? I’m thinking about studying again which I haven’t differentiated my feels about, fear, excitement, dread, prosperity, I don’t know which but certainly lots of feels about that one. I’m building a den in my room, and I think 6 months living at home should be enough time to convince my mum to get a kitten, or secretly raise one in my bedroom. What’s your go to favourite movie? This is only easy because of a past tradition or habit I suppose. When I was unwell and had to stay home from school my mum would always put on The Labyrinth with David Bowie, I think I know every word and it still brings me joy. If you could spend winter anywhere in the world, where would you go? Somewhere different every year would be ideal but I have been inclined to experience Christmas from somewhere that’s polar opposite to here, maybe New Zealand. If you could listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be? This is the cruelest question to me, it goes against every fibre in my body to answer it so I will instead ask you a question. If you had to choose (or you die obviously) sex or music for the rest of your life... which would you choose? What’s your favourite part of your body and why? The power of the butt, it gets things done and makes people smile, it’s a no brainer. On a scale of one to ten, how good looking are you? Perception is key here, but I’ll just simplify myself, I’ve already rambled a lot: a strong 7. After I’ve chosen a smashing outside, bathed for an hour, brushed my hair out and put makeup on, only then a 7. Photographer: RSPYNC www.eliteonlinemag.com 135

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