How Love Found Me

A Poetic Awakening to Love and Self-Discovery

A Poetic Awakening to Love and Self-Discovery


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<strong>Love</strong><br />

<strong>How</strong><br />

<strong>Found</strong> <strong>Me</strong><br />

A POETIC<br />


LOVE AND<br />


V O L . 1<br />

M S . S H O N T I C A W A L L A C E

contents<br />

03<br />

04<br />

13<br />

17<br />

i n t r o d u c t i o n<br />

u n d e r s t a n d i n g<br />

p r o c e s s<br />

s e a r c h i n g<br />

p r o c e s s<br />

d i s c o v e r i n g<br />

p r o c e s s<br />

l<br />

o<br />

v<br />

e<br />

f<br />

o<br />

m<br />

u e<br />

n<br />


H O W L O V E F O U N D M E<br />

You Shall Live<br />

P A G E 0 3<br />

and<br />

Not Die<br />



B Y M S . S H O N T I C A W A L L A C E<br />

At this moment in your life I want you to<br />

take time to live.<br />

Live beyond your past life circumstances.<br />

Live pass the person your circumstances<br />

caused you to be.<br />

Live pass the bad habits you picked up<br />

along your journey.<br />

Live pass the mistakes you have made.<br />

Live pass the negative thoughts that<br />

sometimes consume your mind.<br />

Live pass you feeling like you're not<br />

measuring up to the person you think you<br />

should be.<br />

Live pass the wall you’ve used to guard<br />

your heart.<br />

Live pass the blockage that prevents your<br />

tears from flowing.<br />

Live pass the fear that holds your tongue<br />

hostage from speaking your true feelings.<br />

Live pass the force that stops your heart<br />

from loving freely.<br />

Live pass the voices that tell you not to<br />

trust.<br />

Live pass the person that prevents you<br />

from escaping the bondage of everything<br />

that stops you from enjoying a life that<br />

will truly set you free.<br />

Live in the you that I chose to see, in<br />

order to look beyond all that life tells you,<br />

you have to be.<br />

Because pass all that, I see a gentle giant.<br />

A blooming flower.<br />

A loving teddy bear.<br />

A true example of God’s angel.<br />

A generous and warm hearted creation of<br />

a Prince and a Princess.<br />

Because you are the son and daughter of<br />

a true living King!<br />

Know that I <strong>Love</strong> You...the person you<br />

think others don't see!

I will learn to<br />

love all of me<br />

I w i l l l e a r n t o l o v e a l l o f m e .<br />

S o I c a n u n l o c k t h e d o o r t o m y<br />

u n i q u e a n d p u r p o s e f u l g i f t s .<br />

I w i l l l e a r n t o l o v e a l l o f m e .<br />

A n d t r u s t i n G o d w h i l e H e<br />

d o e s t h e s i f t i n g .<br />

I w i l l l e a r n t o l o v e o t h e r s .<br />

S o t h e y c a n h a v e t h e<br />

o p p o r t u n i t y t o d o t h e s a m e .<br />

A n d I w i l l l e a r n t o s p r e a d l o v e<br />

i n o r d e r t o h e l p m a k e t h e<br />

w o r l d a b e t t e r p l a c e .<br />

Lesson Learned<br />

0 4

H O W L O V E F O U N D M E<br />

In This Corner<br />

P A G E 0 5<br />

Good evening ladies and gentlemen<br />

and welcome to today's boxing<br />

match of the season<br />

A fight for total restoration and not a<br />

battle for redemption<br />

In this corner we have one that<br />

fights with put downs, control and<br />

influence over many<br />

And the contender in this corner is<br />

simply fighting to the finish<br />

The contender was trained by the<br />

best but somehow got lost along the<br />

way<br />

Her opponent weighed in on her<br />

weaknesses and used it to win the<br />

title in his class as a heavyweight<br />

Today is a different day because the<br />

contender has been training with a<br />

new team<br />

Her opponent may need to start<br />

rethinking his master plan on how to<br />

deal with defeat<br />

Ding! Round 1 and she came out<br />

swinging, dodging and dipping<br />

He came back with a jab "Ha you'll<br />

never amount to anything cause you<br />

don't have it in you"<br />

She went back to her corner only to<br />

hear "Keep going don't give up this<br />

fight"<br />

You will be announced an<br />

undefeated champion by the end of<br />

tonight<br />

Ding! Ding! Round 2 and this time she<br />

landed a jab maybe even two<br />

She hit him where it hurt by choosing<br />

to lift her head high despite what she<br />

was going through<br />

This only made him mad it made him<br />

come back with a vengeance<br />

He landed one powerful uppercut "Look<br />

at you, you're ugly what man would<br />

want to be with you"<br />

She couldn't wait to get back to her<br />

team to hear what they had to say<br />

Because she felt she was seriously<br />

losing this round and fighting her<br />

opponent back was a huge and stupid<br />

mistake<br />

Her team cleaned up her scars and wipe<br />

the sweat off her face<br />

To only make her get back out there and<br />

square this demon right in his face<br />

Ding! Ding! Ding! It was time for Round<br />

3 to begin<br />

And her opponent came blaring from his<br />

corner screaming I'm about to finish you<br />

in<br />

When suddenly something came over<br />

the contender as she lifted up her hands<br />

It was a glare of sunlight beaming down<br />

from her new corner man<br />

He spoke "I have been with you through<br />

each and every round<br />

I never let go of your hand and I've<br />

never let you down<br />

It was my grace that covered you<br />

through the bad, the ugly and the best<br />

And without it all you wouldn't be the<br />

Heavyweight Champion of the World<br />

and wouldn't have passed my ultimate<br />

test<br />

So my love the next rounds are solely on<br />

you<br />

Just continue fighting a good fight by<br />

remembering all the training I've<br />

bestowed upon you

Opportunities don't<br />

just happen by chance<br />

O p p o r t u n i t i e s d o n ' t j u s t<br />

h a p p e n b y c h a n c e .<br />

O p p o r t u n i t i e s c o m e s f r o m<br />

B E L I E V I N G i n y o u r v i s i o n s ,<br />

g o a l s , a n d d r e a m s , h a v i n g<br />

C O U R A G E t o c o m e o u t o f y o u r<br />

c o m f o r t z o n e t o t a k e t h e f i r s t<br />

s t e p , S A C R I F I C I N G y o u r l i f e<br />

a l o n g t h e w a y , a n d h a v i n g<br />

P A T I E N C E t o s e e i t t o t h e<br />

e n d !<br />

Not By Chance<br />

0 6

H O W L O V E F O U N D M E<br />

I Walk in<br />

P A G E 0 7<br />

Boldness<br />

Boldness was given to me at birth<br />

when I was brave enough to let out<br />

the cries of joy from being released<br />

from my mother's womb<br />

Boldness was in me the day I<br />

decided to let go of the coffee<br />

table and take my first steps across<br />

the floor<br />

Boldness was in me when I stepped<br />

foot into my first day of<br />

Kindergarten joining the world of<br />

endless possibilities<br />

Boldness was in me when I placed<br />

my foot on the accelerator of my<br />

first vehicle all alone not knowing if<br />

I would make it back home to see<br />

another day<br />

Boldness was in me when the doctor<br />

gave me specific instructions to<br />

push both my babies into the world<br />

not realizing the true responsibility<br />

of motherhood<br />

Boldness was in me when I<br />

proclaimed better for my life and<br />

ditched the mistakes and failures<br />

from my past<br />

Boldness was in me the day I<br />

decided I would no longer be victim<br />

to a slap, push, negative insult only<br />

to say I belong to someone<br />

Boldness was in me the moment I<br />

cried out to God giving Him total<br />

reign over my life for His perfect<br />

purpose and plan for me<br />

Boldness was in me as I overcame<br />

the struggles and shortcomings that<br />

had me bound from discovering my<br />

full potential for greatness<br />

Boldness was in me as I learned to<br />

open my heart to those that deserve<br />

to receive my unconditional love<br />

Boldness was in me when I decided<br />

to use my pain for my purpose in<br />

order to change the lives of others<br />

with my journey<br />

Boldness will live inside of me as I<br />

remain courageous and continue<br />

walking through the doors God will<br />

open for me

You were made in<br />

My image and not the<br />

image of man<br />

You will never amount to anything!<br />

Nobody will ever want you!<br />

Do you think you can get better than me?<br />

I'm only here because of the kids!<br />

Ha! Ha! Ha! If only you knew that everything was simply a test<br />

That my life was already planned out before I took my first breathe<br />

Your words of insult and the stripes from the physical pain<br />

All played a part of God's everlasting and eternal gain<br />

Now I didn't understand it and I always asked myself why<br />

Until one day I fell on my knees and began to sob and cry<br />

It wasn't silent tears shed from the pain that I was in<br />

But a calm river flowing because I finally gave God permission to<br />

step right on in<br />

From that day on my dialogue began to completely change<br />

Words of encouragement and uplifting began to guide my pathway<br />

You were made in My image and not the image of man<br />

Those are the words I heard as God reached for my hand<br />

Walk out this journey by faith and not by sight<br />

As I guide you into your purpose and the master plan I have for your<br />

life<br />

I didn't know that He was carrying me every step of the way<br />

Because I'm a daughter of a man that covers me in His mercy and<br />

His grace<br />

You Didn't Know<br />

0 8

H O W L O V E F O U N D M E<br />

My First <strong>Love</strong><br />

P A G E 0 9<br />

I will love myself because<br />

I am an outstanding sculpture of DNA.<br />

I will love myself because<br />

there's no one else like me because God didn't make two<br />

people the same.<br />

I will love myself because<br />

it's not up to others to decide to love me first.<br />

I will love myself because<br />

I've been blessed with the skin I'm in, it's an honor not a<br />

curse.<br />

I will love myself because<br />

life is easier when you work with what you have.<br />

I love myself because<br />

pure love is what God demanded because pure love is all He<br />

has.<br />

I will love myself in order to reach my full potential and<br />

discover my purpose in every way.<br />

I will love myself because my weaknesses are camouflaged<br />

as a journey, ready for God to lead the way.

You are God's<br />

rendition of a Princess<br />

Inmate More Than Enough you are now being released from the<br />

hands of the enemy<br />

Released into a world of endless and amazing possibilities<br />

You are no longer bound by the shackles and hand cuffs that are<br />

keeping you from greatness<br />

No longer bowing your head when you walk and not because<br />

you're praying to a God of deliverance<br />

But dodging the eye contact of those that just might see you're a<br />

daughter of a King<br />

God's rendition of a princess<br />

You are no longer bound by phone calls that you thought were<br />

checking up on your well-being<br />

But it was a GPS locator to track your every move to help ease<br />

doubt and satisfy his insecurities<br />

You are no longer bound by the scars, bruises, broken bones and<br />

repeated beatings upon your head<br />

The price was already paid by God's ultimate sacrifice to give up<br />

His only begotten Son so that we may live instead<br />

You are no longer bound by the dreadful voice that's saying you<br />

will never compare or be more than enough<br />

But being comforted by the sweet whispers that you abound in<br />

all things and lack in nothing<br />

You are no longer bound by the thought of not seeing the light at<br />

the end of the dark tunnel<br />

Choosing to endure, hang on in, stay or continue running<br />

You are no longer bound by where does my story start and how<br />

do I begin<br />

Because my God your God has already paved a street of gold<br />

Ready to help guide you into your purpose and plan all the way<br />

to the end<br />

No Longer Bound<br />

1 0

H O W L O V E F O U N D M E<br />

One More Day<br />

P A G E 1 1<br />

(understanding process)<br />

Every day is a step in walking out your<br />

journey.<br />

Some may be slow and make you feel like<br />

you should<br />

begin to worry<br />

Courage, strength and determination<br />

will continue to see you through<br />

Remember that God is a God of<br />

miracles, signs and wonders<br />

And He wrote a plan constructed and<br />

design just to fit you.

Keep pushing and<br />

don't give up<br />

There's no rush to the finish,<br />

it doesn't matter if you come in first.<br />

Just get started with your process by<br />

putting in the work.<br />

The race is not given to the swift nor to the<br />

strong.<br />

Because it's already been won by the man<br />

who sits high on the throne.<br />

Don't worry yourself with how many people<br />

are up ahead<br />

Just continue life's journey and keep your<br />

eyes on God's perfect plan.<br />

You're finally in the home stretch and it<br />

seems this race has got you beat<br />

Keep pushing and don't give up because<br />

you're running a race to live in all eternity.<br />

You Will Win<br />

1 2

H O W L O V E F O U N D M E<br />

When I'm in need<br />

P A G E 1 3<br />

When you look at who I am from day to day<br />

It may never cross your mind that sometimes I'm<br />

walking in pain<br />

Not the same pain from when I was being hurt and<br />

harmed<br />

But the type of pain one would experience when<br />

you're in need of a shoulder to cry on<br />

What's that you're saying it's not showing on my face<br />

No not right now I have laundry to put away<br />

Maybe I can schedule a meltdown around 2 or even 3<br />

When the time gets near I hear "Ma my stomach is<br />

bothering me"<br />

I can drop a couple of tears while creating a design<br />

and hitting the press<br />

But soon my customers will begin calling saying I<br />

want purple glitter and rhinestone the rest<br />

I could call on my friends to express just how I feel<br />

But one has a cut off time and the other is a jack of<br />

all trades so of course you know the deal<br />

I hold on to my tears because I don't want God to<br />

think I'm ungrateful or I can't handle the challenge<br />

He said the road wouldn't be easy and in Him I trust<br />

so I've learned to manage<br />

So now when I'm in need I just fall on my knees<br />

And cry out God help me out because I know you are<br />

the source provider of all of my needs

One of these ole days,<br />

this will not be the<br />

bedtime story thats's<br />

told<br />

I'm complicated like a jigsaw puzzle<br />

One that's hard to figure out<br />

Sometimes my mouth is extra fly and others<br />

ignorance makes me lash out<br />

I have taken on the identities of others to<br />

camouflage my weaknesses and flaws<br />

I endure the constant put downs and bashings<br />

about how I'm never going to be anything at all<br />

My neck hurts from the downward position my<br />

eyes are stuck in<br />

Because you constantly tell me how I would<br />

never amount to nothing<br />

To just quit trying and throw in the towel seems<br />

like a better plan<br />

Anything would be more rewarding than the life<br />

I'm living in<br />

I tug on my blanket, clutch my pillow and close<br />

my eyes once more<br />

Because I know that one of these ole days this<br />

will not be the bedtime story that's told<br />

My Bedtime Story<br />

1 4

H O W L O V E F O U N D M E<br />

Would You Still<br />

<strong>Love</strong> <strong>Me</strong><br />

P A G E 1 5<br />

Would you still love me? If I<br />

doubted the words you say are<br />

real like you love me, you'll<br />

never hurt me and you will<br />

protect my heart from being hurt<br />

again<br />

Would you still love me? If I'm<br />

not familiar with a couples<br />

massage, five course meals,<br />

lakeside fishing, oceanfront<br />

rooms you know the finer things<br />

in life that I'm not accustomed<br />

to<br />

Would you still love me? If I told<br />

you I had to give up everything<br />

I own to start my life over by<br />

even turning a garage into my<br />

home<br />

Would you still love me if I<br />

decided to admit my biggest<br />

fear is allowing myself to be<br />

vulnerable? Letting you know all<br />

of my weaknesses, my downfalls<br />

even the things I hold near and<br />

dear<br />

Would you still love me if I<br />

want you to fall in love with<br />

who I am and not the idea of<br />

sleeping with me? Causing you<br />

to see me past a physical<br />

connection because I'm more<br />

than a cute face, thin waist<br />

and a body to please<br />

Would you still love me if I ask<br />

you to bear your all? To share<br />

everything, you are. To be<br />

raw and uncut so that I can<br />

meet the real you and not an<br />

imitation you, someone<br />

completely made up<br />

Would you still love me? I only<br />

pray that you would. Because<br />

I desire to finally have the<br />

man of my dreams. My knight<br />

and shining armor, the man<br />

God has designed due to His<br />

liking and pleasing.

Your destiny is patiently<br />

waiting on you<br />

God is trying to exposure a treasure hidden<br />

deep inside of you<br />

Hello! What are you waiting for? Stop<br />

closing up the gate and please let Him<br />

through<br />

You say you've been hurt before and don't<br />

want to experience the excruciating pain<br />

Well He's the kind of man who sticks closer<br />

than a brother or a sister<br />

He's one you can call a true and faithful<br />

friend<br />

What do you have to lose, what harm can it<br />

cause go ahead give it everything you've<br />

got<br />

Your destiny is patiently waiting on you but<br />

you can't get there without giving it a<br />

fighting shot<br />

Then the Walls<br />

Came Down<br />

1 6

H O W L O V E F O U N D M E<br />

To You I Give<br />

P A G E 1 7<br />

To you I give my entire heart<br />

The one you touched right from the very start<br />

To you I give the best of me<br />

My good, my bad and everything in between<br />

To you I give the brightest smile as I wake from<br />

day to day<br />

Because your daily words of inspiration are a<br />

guiding light that help illuminate my pathway<br />

To you I give my most inner darkest secrets<br />

Knowing you won't judge and hold them against<br />

me<br />

To you I give words to complete a simple prayer<br />

One that will cover and intercede on your behalf<br />

even when I can't physically be near<br />

To you I give the burdens and trials of my life<br />

Knowing you will listen, comfort and guide me to<br />

help understand the why<br />

To you I give something I've never given to<br />

another man<br />

Because you are able to touch a part of me that<br />

can only be reached by God's anointed hands.

H O W L O V E F O U N D M E<br />

If I wasn't a Christian woman I would say my life<br />

is something I hated.<br />

But In God I trust so for Him I have waited.<br />

To tell my amazing story, it’s something that has<br />

to be heard. It's the one that you hear about<br />

that seems so absurd.<br />

I promise it's the raw truth from end to end. It's<br />

a true story of trials and triumph when I was<br />

buried in sin.<br />

Now, I'm not sure how I found myself on this<br />

dark and winding road.<br />

"Get married first, then have children." that's<br />

what I was told.<br />

But I met this guy and it was love from the start.<br />

He came in like a knight, swooped me up and<br />

stole my heart.<br />

Walking Down<br />

This Road<br />

1 8

H O W L O V E F O U N D M E<br />

My kind sweet knight, he didn't choose to stay. He<br />

started being emotionally abusive and I knew that was<br />

not the way.<br />

P A G E 1 9<br />

So here I was balancing relationship, life, family and<br />

friends from day to day.<br />

And just when I thought I was succeeding guy number<br />

two started the physical pain.<br />

Believe me when I tell you I was in grave danger there<br />

was cause for alarm.<br />

I was being abused, I was depressed and he was<br />

causing me bodily harm.<br />

I was talked about, belittled, and even misunderstood.<br />

I was beat over the head, had several broken bones,<br />

and my faith was no good.<br />

The world back then, saw in me what you see today.<br />

But when I looked in the mirror, beauty was not a word<br />

that I could say.<br />

All I saw was a reflection of a monster who wanted to<br />

roll over and die. And kill myself to escape the torture<br />

of the mental, verbal, and physical lies.<br />

My life was spiraling downward, it was so out of<br />

control. I went from being on top of the world, to a<br />

woman with no goals.

My kids were quickly losing their mother, their<br />

comforter and their ultimate power source. My<br />

life was being stolen and it was being taken by<br />

force.<br />

I fell on my knees and cried out Lord I need<br />

your help. Do a new work in me so this horrible<br />

storm will end and I can begin to find myself.<br />

You see I didn't have a long drawn out talk<br />

with Him; it wasn't even a paragraph. I just<br />

made a simple declaration that I surrender<br />

everything I have in order to follow His path.<br />

He stepped right in and gave me a plan of<br />

action you could say. He began to help me<br />

discover just who I am and why my journey was<br />

laid out in such a way.<br />

"Do as You please" is what I cried out from the<br />

depth of my soul. Anything was better than the<br />

mess I was enduring and I knew I couldn't take<br />

it anymore.<br />

Thank God He can handle any issue; I'm living<br />

proof He can move mountains on your behalf.<br />

God healed most of my bumps and bruises, my<br />

broken middle finger is the only visible scar I<br />

have.<br />

2 0

H O W L O V E F O U N D M E<br />

Because God kept me when weeping endured for two<br />

nights. He picked me up, dusted me off and turned all<br />

my wrongs into rights.<br />

P A G E 2 1<br />

Now I'm at the part where joy comes in the morning<br />

light. Realizing that destruction will always come with a<br />

warning, a red flag or a sign that something isn't right.<br />

The time has finally arrived for me to share my<br />

complete truth, my entire storyline. Not because I say<br />

so, but because God's vision awaits its appointed time.<br />

I've finally let go and given God all of the glory. For my<br />

hurt, my pain and definitely my spiritual journey.<br />

Now I fully understand that my life is not my own. It's<br />

for those who have lost the love, courage and strength<br />

to open up and tell their true story because they feel so<br />

all alone.<br />

I didn't beat this thing called Domestic Violence all by<br />

myself.<br />

I leaned firmly on the Word of God and trusted the<br />

Holy Spirit's voice when I needed help.<br />

My story is nowhere near completed, there is more than<br />

your eyes can see. The voice that was once silenced<br />

now ministers loud through the works of ministry

Know that meeting you was fate.<br />

Becoming your friend was my choice.<br />

Allowing my heart to love<br />

you was a right.<br />

And falling in love with you<br />

will be an honor<br />

Good Day,<br />

Nice to meet YOU<br />

2 2

H O W L O V E F O U N D M E<br />

I Am…<br />

P A G E 2 3<br />

Wait!! Now telling you who I am not will probably<br />

help you understand who I really am.<br />

So follow along with me as I unfold this master<br />

plan<br />

You see I am not the color of my skin<br />

I am not the outfit my body is covered in<br />

I am not the shoes on my feet or the pretty<br />

earrings that you see<br />

I am not my hips, my thighs or my petite boo you<br />

know what I mean<br />

I am not my flawless eyebrows, glossed lips and<br />

eyelashes pink pack #42<br />

I am not those things that people call me because<br />

they don’t know what I’ve been through<br />

I am not exactly what everyone thought I would<br />

turn out to be<br />

Because who I really am they were too afraid or<br />

blind to see<br />

I Am the bruises, scars and even the broken<br />

bones<br />

I Am the one who was left crying and feeling all<br />

alone<br />

I Am the disappointments, put downs and even<br />

the regrets

I Am who I Am.<br />

I Am the one who’s life was supposed to end<br />

up an ugly mess<br />

I Am the broken heart left hurt and confused<br />

I Am the lost identity that any man could use<br />

I Am the one that others fought hard to<br />

breakdown<br />

Called me out my name, told me I would be<br />

nothing and even stopped coming around<br />

I Am who I am, not because that’s who they<br />

said I would be<br />

I Am who I Am because that’s how God molded<br />

me<br />

My pain shaped my purpose and the<br />

understanding of my life<br />

The why I was put here so I could get this<br />

thing called life right<br />

My faithful divine purpose came straight from<br />

the man above<br />

And today I have a full understanding that……<br />

I AM LOVE<br />

I am....<br />

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