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February 2018<br />

enquiries@unitedvetsgroup.com.au | 1300 897 797 | unitedvetsgroup.com.au<br />

THE <strong>UVG</strong> TIMES<br />

Welcome to 2018<br />

What’s inside this edition:<br />

• A word from Sam Bowden<br />

• <strong>UVG</strong> Partnerships & Deals<br />

• 2018 Veterinary Business Bootcamp<br />

• Revisits – to charge or not to charge<br />

• Accelerated Mastermind Program<br />

• Stress Management<br />

• Your Support Network<br />

We would like to warmly thank all our members for<br />

a successful year in 2017 and we hope you are as<br />

excited as us about the year ahead. As we embark on<br />

a new year, it’s the perfect time to set our goals for<br />

the year ahead and to remember how far we have all<br />

come as a Veterinary community.<br />

Here at the United Vets Group, our key objective<br />

for 2018 is to continue to deliver more value and<br />

improved service for all our current members, whilst<br />

building on our significant growth from the past year.<br />

The best is yet to come!

A Message<br />

from Sam<br />

For some of you it might feel like I have<br />

dropped off the face of the earth. And<br />

at times it has felt like that way for me<br />

too............. And I feel like I owe you an<br />

explanation to make sure everyone is clear.<br />

Just over 18 months ago, <strong>UVG</strong> went into<br />

partnership with National Veterinary Care<br />

(NVC) to make sure the business continued to<br />

go from strength to strength and it has done<br />

just that. We have never had more active<br />

members, enjoying a huge 183% increase in<br />

rebate payments last financial year, with more<br />

valuable industry partnerships and deals than<br />

ever before.<br />

We also have more clinics than ever<br />

participating in one of our leadership and<br />

training programs, be it either the Accelerated<br />

Mastermind Program or the Complete Vet<br />

System. In addition to this, many initiatives<br />

have been developed and implemented to<br />

ensure members have increased support<br />

and opportunities to communicate with <strong>UVG</strong><br />

support staff and each other.<br />

For the first time in nearly ten years, I had an<br />

extended break over the Christmas period<br />

to enjoy some quality time with my<br />

family and friends and now I’m back on<br />

deck and busily preparing for this year’s<br />

Veterinary Business Bootcamp. It’s looking<br />

to be the best event yet – you would be<br />

crazy to miss it! This year my focus is going<br />

to shift from the day to day operations to<br />

contributing to the strategic direction of the<br />

<strong>UVG</strong> business and to the development and<br />

delivery of the Accelerated Mastermind<br />

Program to help even more clinics have<br />

amazing teams, profits and lifestyles. I’ve<br />

recently handed over the day to day<br />

operations of the <strong>UVG</strong> business to<br />

Paula Sadler. Paula has been working in the<br />

veterinary industry for several years<br />

after a lengthy career working with many<br />

memberships focussed organisations.<br />

Paula will lead the operational team to make<br />

sure the United Vets Group continues to be<br />

the veterinary community that together,<br />

achieves more.<br />

I’m excited to see as many of you as<br />

possible at this year’s Bootcamp and if<br />

you think you would like to participate in a<br />

leadership or training program that is going<br />

to take your clinic to a whole new level, drop<br />

me a line at sam@unitedvetsgroup.com.au.<br />

I sincerely hope you had a wonderful and<br />

relaxing Christmas and New Year and during<br />

January you were able to re-set for the year<br />

ahead.<br />

Yours Sam

Did you know that we<br />

have deals with over 30<br />

valued industry partners?<br />

One of the key objectives of The United Vets Group is to have an<br />

industry partnership and deal on everything you need to run your<br />

practice. To take absolute full advantage of your membership make<br />

sure every time you sell, dispense, inject, or use a consumable, you<br />

aim to have a rebate or discount on that item. Also look to have<br />

the best deal on all your business running costs. This is an efficient<br />

way to run your business and it will increase your profitability.<br />

Over the past year we have announced numerous new partnerships<br />

including SVS Pathology Network (QML Pathology, Vet Path,<br />

Vetnostics, ASAP Labatories), NexGen Compounding Pharmacy, BITs<br />

Technology Group, GVP and Pet Yeti. We have a number of new<br />

partnership announcements planned for the coming months around<br />

the categories of uniforms, banking, bookkeeping, clinic fit outs and<br />

equipment.<br />

We delivered a huge 183% increase<br />

in <strong>UVG</strong> Member Rebates for FY2017<br />

For FY2017, we delivered a huge 183% increase in member rebates. This means we are delivering more value<br />

for our members through the new and improved industry partnerships and deals. We also introduced itemised<br />

rebate statements so you can transparently see the value of your rebate from each supplier and manufacturer.<br />

If you have any ideas for new <strong>UVG</strong> partnerships and deals for our members, please email your ideas to<br />

info@unitedvetsgroup.com.au.<br />


Your support network<br />

Over the past couple of months, we have been working on several initiatives to try and improve the ease<br />

at which <strong>UVG</strong> members can access information and resources.<br />

Your New <strong>UVG</strong> Members Only Website Login<br />

We are excited to announce a new MEMBERS PORTAL is now available and ready for you to access.<br />

Included in the new Members Portal is the<br />

• Ability to update your contact and payment details.<br />

• Your quarterly rebate information.<br />

• The complete <strong>UVG</strong> Partnership and Deal Directory.<br />

• 57 of Sam Bowden’s Profit Generators ready to access and easily download.<br />

• All upcoming <strong>UVG</strong> Event dates and details, including the fast-approaching 2018 Veterinary<br />

Business Bootcamp in March.<br />

• Further Resources: We have selected the most requested resources, if there is something you<br />

have previously had access to and would like a copy, please contact us.<br />

To access the new <strong>UVG</strong> members login for the first time, go to: uvgmembers.memnet.com.au.<br />

You will need to click register and then use the registration information recently emailed to you.<br />

If you can’t locate this email, please contact Katrina on 1300 897 797.<br />

Member Support Line<br />

For general support, please contact our Membership Support Co-ordinator, Katrina Schablon,<br />

on 1300 897 797.<br />

Vet Coaching and Support<br />

Did you know that we also have a Vet expert on the <strong>UVG</strong> team? Clive Lamond is one of our<br />

Complete Vet System coaches and works with the <strong>UVG</strong> team full time. Previously a <strong>UVG</strong><br />

member, Clive has been in the industry for over 30 years and sold his Western Australia clinic in<br />

2016. He has a wealth of knowledge and is here to support our members. If you are looking for<br />

someone to bounce an idea past or are looking for a question answered, you can email Clive at<br />

clive@unitedvetsgroup.com.au.<br />

<strong>UVG</strong> Facebook Community<br />

Join the <strong>UVG</strong> community on our closed Facebook Page at United Vets Group (<strong>UVG</strong>).<br />

Simply search for this page name via the search option at the top left-hand corner of your<br />

facebook profile. By joining this group, you can stay up to date with everything on offer through<br />

<strong>UVG</strong> and most importantly connect with your peers and colleagues. Through this page, the <strong>UVG</strong><br />

team promotes our events, webinars, programs, new initiatives and partnership information. You<br />

can use this group to; promote items you would like to buy or sell (final transactions will need<br />

to be facilitated between the two parties), advertise locum positions available in your clinic and<br />

reach out to each other, or the <strong>UVG</strong> team, for advice.

Veterinary Business Bootcamp<br />

This year, your delegate fee includes our Friday night welcome event<br />

with canapes and casual drinks, our dinner event on the Saturday night,<br />

plus your morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea across each of the 3 days.<br />

Special thanks to our 2018 Veterinary Business Bootcamp Sponsors:

Are you looking for new practical<br />

training opportunities for your team?<br />

<strong>UVG</strong> MEMBERS<br />

are eligibile for<br />

20% OFF<br />

any of the 2018<br />

workshop<br />

programs<br />

veterinary<br />


The 2018 Veterinary Training Centre workshop program seeks to advance the<br />

practical skills of vets and vet nurses, to ensure they remain suitably skilled as<br />

the field of veterinary science evolves, technology advances and new techniques<br />

are introduced.<br />

During 2017, the NVC Veterinary Training Centre held over 54 practical training workshops, educating over<br />

1,000 participants across the veterinary industry. Building on this success, the program has been expanded<br />

to include a range of new workshops covering<br />

• Orthopaedic Surgery<br />

• Soft Tissue Surgery<br />

• Advanced Ultrasound<br />

• Clinical Skills<br />

• Anesthesia<br />

• Emergency & Critical Care<br />

These workshops will complement the topics that are already offered including<br />

• Dentistry<br />

• Pathology<br />

• Radiology<br />

• Ultrasound<br />

• Nutrition<br />

Our workshops offer the perfect opportunity to upskill your team with<br />

practical knowledge and advanced skills<br />

which can be immediately applied in the consultation room or surgery.<br />

For more information on the workshop schedule and inclusions, educators and pricing,<br />

visit: nvcltd.com.au/veterinary-training-centre<br />

Alternatively you can call Kelly Hart on 1300 682 838 or email training@nvcltd.com.au.

To Charge or Not to Charge<br />

for Revisits?<br />

The issue of discounting the consultation fee for a revisit<br />

(If you are a member of our <strong>UVG</strong> Facebook Page, then<br />

you would have read the interesting discussion that Clive<br />

initiated about charging for revisits at your clinic.)<br />

A financial cancer has been debilitating the veterinary<br />

industry for many years, that Veterinary professionals feel<br />

the need to charge a client less for a revisit. The interesting<br />

aspect of this mentality is that it seems to only prevail in<br />

this industry. For some unknown reason, there is a belief<br />

that if we see a client again for a similar issue, that we are<br />

expected to charge less than the normal consultation fee.<br />

Let us analyse the motor vehicle industry as an<br />

example.<br />

You book your car in for a routine service and the mechanic<br />

fixes the problem for $150/hr plus parts. When you pick<br />

up your car, they inform you that the brake linings need<br />

replacing and you need to come back in next week for the<br />

replacement. The brake fix costs $150/hr plus parts. While<br />

fixing the brakes however, they notice there has been<br />

some damage to the transmission, requiring another visit<br />

at $150/hr plus parts. As you can see, regardless of the<br />

reason, there is the same pricing structure for every visit.<br />

It is an even more interesting situation when you have<br />

a meeting with your accountant or solicitor. They<br />

understand your circumstances inside and out, however<br />

every time you contact them, whether it is a phone call,<br />

letter, email or query, you are invoiced at the same rate as<br />

the initial meeting. And then there is the locksmith, who<br />

changes your front-door lock after it breaks. The bill comes<br />

to $120 for the call out and $100/hr plus parts. Next week,<br />

the same thing happens with your back-door lock and the<br />

charges do not change.<br />

There isn’t a professional service that includes a<br />

discount for repeat business. The veterinary industry<br />

stands alone with this idea that revisits should be<br />

cheaper. This outlook originates from an absence of<br />

self-worth. From believing that your time and your<br />

knowledge, doesn’t have any value. Your subconscious<br />

says “I didn’t get it right the first time, I don’t deserve to<br />

charge them again” or “they have already spent enough<br />

for a solution.”<br />

Regardless of how many times the client has come in for<br />

a consultation, your work has the same value. Therefore,<br />

you should charge all the revisits at the same hourly rate<br />

as the primary consult. You can always introduce a 3-tiered<br />

Revisit Rate Strategy, like this:<br />

• 0-8-minute revisit: The basics to be rechecked.<br />

Price it in at 1/2 to 3/4 of your primary consult.<br />

• 8-15-minute revisit: Re-explaining findings so that<br />

they can understand and stick to the course of<br />

treatment. Price this one out at the same rate as<br />

your primary consult. It says ‘Revisit’ on the<br />

invoice, but the price is the same as standard.<br />

• 15 minutes plus revisit: The complete re–evaluation<br />

and prolonged explanation. This should be priced<br />

HIGHER than the primary consult rate, because it<br />

is more work, time and effort.<br />

Remember, your mechanic doesn’t discount the brake<br />

linings because he has already done the service.<br />

The quickest way to establish self-belief in the industry is<br />

to enforce the same pricing structure per visit, regardless<br />

of how often it occurs. Until we price as if we are of value,<br />

we will never believe we are of value. Aim to discuss this at<br />

your next team meeting and decide that you will adopt the<br />

Revisit Rate Strategy. Good Luck!

Accelerated<br />

Mastermind<br />

Program<br />

for Veterinary Practice Owners<br />

This program is for those practices who want amazing<br />

Teams • Profits • Lifestyle<br />

What made you take the leap of faith and<br />

join the AMG?<br />

We were in a situation with the business where we had<br />

been coasting for some time. The business had plateaued,<br />

and we could see it was beginning to decline. As well as<br />

this we had had a number of new clinics open in our area,<br />

including a Greencross linked to the local Petbarn where<br />

all the puppies and kittens were going, and we had no real<br />

idea how to turn things around.<br />

When the opportunity for doing the AMG came up we<br />

thought “we’ve got to do something – and this is worth<br />

a try”.<br />

Any concerns or fears you held about<br />

joining the program?<br />

Well the cost of the program did make us stop and think, it<br />

was a sizable chunk of money for us at the time. We asked<br />

lots of questions, and Sam was very positive about the<br />

program being able to make a significant difference in our<br />

business.<br />

We didn’t think we had much to lose so we just went for it.<br />

When you joined where was the<br />

performance of your clinic at?<br />

Profitable???<br />

We were breaking even but not paying ourselves a proper<br />

salary, quite a lot less than locum wages, so no, not really.<br />

Stress levels on a scale of 1 to 10?<br />

Well, we are not people who stress much about the business<br />

(you might suggest that is part of the problem) so I<br />

would say 5.<br />

Any other challenges you could share?<br />

Most of the stress we were feeling came from issues<br />

we were having with a long- term staff member to<br />

do with her performance and engagement with the<br />

business. It was beginning to stress us that we were<br />

watching our business decline and that it was unable to<br />

pay us a proper salary and that it was not going to be<br />

worth anything in the future.<br />

After 8 months how would you describe<br />

your AMG experience?<br />

I would describe it as totally, incredibly positive. It works<br />

so well because of the combination of input at the<br />

weekends (which have been amazingly valuable and<br />

lots of fun), the regular “pulse checking” at the monthly<br />

accountability sessions which force us to keep watching<br />

our intention and direction (and measure our KPI’s and<br />

adjust) and really importantly the connection with other<br />

practices that are going through the same process, and the<br />

support and encouragement that this brings.<br />

Has it met your expectations?<br />

I honestly didn’t know what to expect going in, but<br />

whatever I might have thought it was going to do, it has<br />

way, way, exceeded our expectations. I rave about it to my<br />

friends and family because it has been such an incredible<br />

journey.<br />

Were your fears or concerns at the<br />

beginning justified?<br />

It’s the best money we have spent in the business ever.

Sam, along with renowned business coach<br />

Shane Barker are currently running two<br />

successful Accelerated Mastermind Programs<br />

with over 20 independent veterinary clinics.<br />

In the second year of the Accelerated Mastermind<br />

Program, Todd May and Catriona Grant from<br />

Animal Tracks Veterinary Clinic have kindly<br />

shared the results they have enjoyed<br />

from the program in the interview below.<br />

What have been your results achieved?<br />

Profitable?<br />

We’ve posted strong profits for the last 4 months, have lots<br />

of money in the bank and are paying ourselves reasonable<br />

salaries (more than locum rates), with the expectation that<br />

we will be increasing this soon.<br />

Stress Levels<br />

Well, we’ve sorted our main employee issues, and the team<br />

is in a great place, but we are dealing with the problems of<br />

growth and change, which are nice issues to have, but not<br />

without some stress – so 5 still.<br />

Any other results (even results in your personal life)?<br />

My family is sick of me spouting things I’ve heard at AMG<br />

weekends!<br />

Favourite parts of the AMG Program?<br />

It’s been really fun, and it’s made a huge difference to<br />

our business. I love the weekends getting to know other<br />

practice owners and managers and sharing ideas and hearing<br />

their stories which are inspiring.<br />

What are the two biggest learnings you have<br />

implemented?<br />

It’s hard to pick just two. We have made huge leaps<br />

forward with what feel like quite trivial changes, I think<br />

Shane summed up what I was feeling at the last weekend<br />

– “the secret to successful business is consistent focus on<br />

the simple shit”.<br />

If I were to pick the two things that have made the most<br />

difference to our practice it would be –<br />

1. Deciding that things were not going to stay the same<br />

and making a plan for change<br />

2. Missed charges; making sure we charge for<br />

everything we do.<br />

What would you say to someone considering<br />

taking the leap and joining the Program?<br />

If you’re ready for change in your life and business, then just<br />

do it! There was a moment at the end of the first weekend<br />

when Todd and I looked at each other and both said, “we<br />

are not going to do this anymore” by which we meant we<br />

we’re not going to put up with things in the business that<br />

needed changing, and we were no longer prepared to keep<br />

working for less than we could earn working for someone<br />

else. We had no idea how we were going to do it, but we<br />

were determined it was going to happen.<br />

As far as strategies that have yielded the most change,<br />

it is very hard to pick just one or two. The change comes<br />

from consistent focus on the small things - like making<br />

sure we charge for all the things we do, and charging<br />

appropriately for those things. Perhaps most importantly,<br />

the energy we have has translated to focus and energise our<br />

team. Not only is the business doing much better financially,<br />

but I feel like we are delivering much better care for our<br />

patients, and clients, and we are having a great time doing<br />

it together!<br />

If you feel like you are in a similar position to Todd and<br />

Catriona from Animal Tracks, drop Sam Bowden a line at<br />

sam@unitedvetsgroup.com.au and he will set up a time<br />

to talk your through the benefits of the program.<br />

The next AMG Program will begin in July 2018.<br />


PetYeti online appointments improves<br />

practice efficiency, attracts new patients<br />

and delights your existing ones<br />

Enable 24/7 real-time<br />

appointment booking<br />

Take advantage of the 55% of online<br />

bookings made after hours. Patients<br />

can book an appointment with you any<br />

time of day or night, from any device.<br />

Maximise your availability<br />

Attract new patients online<br />

through the PetYeti community.<br />

Reduce call load<br />

for receptionists<br />

time on the phone and more time<br />

enhancing the patient experience.<br />

Reduce no-shows<br />

Using our smart and convenient reminder<br />

messages after booking online, your<br />

appointment no-show rates will drop.<br />

Take bookings on your practice<br />

website with our booking widget<br />

Be seen by more people on our website<br />

practice directory and online booking portal<br />

PetYeti are excited to announce a brand new<br />

partnership with United Vets Group (<strong>UVG</strong>)<br />

<strong>UVG</strong> Members will enjoy special pricing<br />

of $49 per column per month (plus a one<br />

the ability to book online, any time.<br />


Managing Stress<br />

A significant industry trend is that Vets report high-levels of stress. This is a genuine problem for our industry. If<br />

this trend continues then burnout, disengagement or departure from the profession are risked. Below you will find<br />

11 Strategies for Managing Stress. While the subtleties may vary in stress management sources and tips on how to<br />

manage stress, there are many constants. The following covers some of the universal ground and a few wild cards.<br />

10 Strategies for Managing Stress<br />

1<br />

If<br />

2<br />

If<br />

3<br />

Take<br />

4<br />

Breathing<br />

5<br />

Exercise<br />

you can’t avoid a stressful situation,<br />

try to alter it.<br />

Often, this involves changing the way you communicate and<br />

operate in your daily life. Express your feelings instead of<br />

bottling them up. Be willing to compromise but be more<br />

assertive. Manage your time better.<br />

you can’t change the stressor, change yourself.<br />

Reframe problems. Try to view stressful situations from a<br />

more positive perspective. Look at the big picture. Take<br />

perspective of the stressful situation. Focus on the positive;<br />

this simple strategy can help you keep things in perspective<br />

a break from a stressor.<br />

It may seem difficult to get away from a big work project, a<br />

crying baby, or a growing credit card bill, but when you give<br />

yourself permission to step away from it you can gain a new<br />

perspective and feel less overwhelmed. It’s important to not<br />

avoid your stress (those bills have-to be paid sometime), but<br />

even 20 minutes of self-care is helpful.<br />

is the foundation to de-stress and heal.<br />

Our normal shallow breathing starves the body and brain of<br />

oxygen, which affects the immune and cardiopulmonary systems.<br />

Develop the practice of taking several deep diaphragmatic<br />

breaths in a tense moment; it clears the mind, body,<br />

and soul.<br />

regularly, sleep, and eat a healthy diet.<br />

Physical activity plays a key role in reducing and preventing<br />

the effects of stress. Make time for at least 30 minutes of<br />

exercise, three times per week. Aerobic exercise does<br />

wonders for releasing pent-up stress and tension. Wellnourished<br />

bodies are better prepared to cope with stress.<br />

Start your day right with breakfast, and keep your energy<br />

up and your mind clear with balanced, nutritious meals<br />

throughout the day. Reduce caffeine and sugar. Get enough<br />

sleep. Adequate sleep fuels your mind, as well as your body.<br />

Feeling tired will increase your stress because it may cause<br />

you to think irrationally.<br />

6<br />

Be<br />

7<br />

Affirmations<br />

8<br />

Friendships<br />

9<br />

Quieting<br />

10<br />

aware of your unhealthy coping methods to<br />

dealing with stress.<br />

Turning to food, alcohol or drugs often just turns one set of<br />

problems into another that can balloon out of control. It’s<br />

better to avoid those unhealthy coping mechanisms from<br />

the start, and find effective ways to keep your stress under<br />

control. (Psych Central)<br />

can affect our health.<br />

Research indicates every thought and emotion creates a<br />

chemical release into our bodies, which affect our mental,<br />

physical and spiritual health and well-being. Negative<br />

self-talk can be damaging; giving positive messages wards<br />

this damage off. (The Stress Institute)<br />

are strong indicators of mental,<br />

physical and spiritual health.<br />

Friendship is not a luxury, but is essential to work-life balance<br />

and your health. Studies show that isolation decreases<br />

immune functioning and increases mortality risk. (The Stress<br />

Institute)<br />

the mind, body and soul offers great<br />

health benefits.<br />

Find a quiet place, get comfortable, focus on a one- to fiveword<br />

phrase you fancy and repeat it over and over. Take deep<br />

diaphragmatic breaths, in and out, in and out. You may want<br />

to set a timer in the beginning for 10-minutes, so you won’t<br />

worry about time. The practice sends healing hormones into<br />

your body for relaxation and health. (The Stress Institute)<br />

Heighten your awareness of the moment by<br />

focusing intently on an object.<br />

Notice a pencil’s shape, color, weight and feel. Or slowly<br />

savor a raisin or a piece of chocolate. Mindfulness leads to<br />

relaxation. Realize that managing stress is not a one-sizefits-all<br />

proposition. Everyone is different, and reacts to stress<br />

differently. (Multiple Sources)<br />

A little stress is good, too much stress is bad,<br />

and understanding it can be everything.<br />

Some easy self-help resources<br />

8 Steps to a better work-life balance, produced by Open Colleges | www.opencolleges.edu.au/careers/work-life-balance<br />

Smiling Mind - Mindfulness Meditation Programs<br />

Smiling Minds aims to build happier, healthier and more compassionate people. Their mindfulness meditation programs are<br />

designed to assist people in dealing with pressure, stress and challenges of daily life. | www.smilingmind.com.au<br />

Beyond Blue – Better mental health in the workplace | www.headsup.org.au/training-and-resources<br />

Headspace – Learn to meditate in just a few minutes a day | Exercises to help you destress and unwind | headspace.com

A veterinary community,<br />

together, achieving more.<br />

enquiries@unitedvetsgroup.com.au 1300 897 797 unitedvetsgroup.com.au

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