
for kids<br />

Helping kids like YOU see better!

Exclusively designed by

Do you know what myopia is?<br />

Hi I’m Dr. Euclid!<br />

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness,<br />

is an eye condition that causes distant<br />

objects to appear blurry, yet close<br />

objects appear normally.<br />

If you have myopia, you might<br />

squint a lot, rub your eyes<br />

frequently and try to get closer<br />

to see things better.<br />

Sound like you?<br />

If so, don’t worry! Emerald helps kids<br />

just like you see better without wearing<br />

glasses or contact lenses.<br />

Now, let’s meet Sarah, Timmy and Gary...


Meet Sarah!<br />

Sarah has always been a straight - A student.<br />

She always did well on her school work, and loves to participate in class.<br />

But lately, her grades have been dropping. Upset after school one day,<br />

Sarah says to her parents, “I wish I could see the board better! The letters<br />

and numbers just look so fuzzy, and I can’t make them out very well.”<br />

That’s when Sarah’s parents brought her to see me. After an eye exam and<br />

lens fitting, Sarah got her very own Emerald lenses. She puts them on every<br />

night before bed and when she goes to school, the letters on the board<br />

aren’t blurry anymore!<br />

Sarah is now able to take notes and copy down the homework with no<br />

squinting. She aces her homework and tests like she used to, and she loves<br />

her Emerald lenses for being the best student helper!

Meet Timmy!<br />

Timmy is a 6th grader and loves to play tennis.<br />

Earlier this year, he was the only 6th grader to make the school tennis<br />

team. The coach was especially impressed with the way he zipped<br />

around the tennis court and hit the ball back really fast!<br />

But lately, for some reason, no matter how quickly he gets to the ball,<br />

Timmy finds himself missing the ball again, and again. He becomes<br />

frustrated and doesn’t understand why it keeps happening. Luckily,<br />

Timmy’s tennis coach had been watching him miss his shots and<br />

suggests to his parents to get Timmy’s eyes checked.<br />

Like Sarah, Timmy finds out he has myopia, which is why he can’t<br />

seem to hit the tennis ball! After Timmy started using his Emerald<br />

lenses, he is always able to see where the ball is with his sharp vision,<br />

and wins point after point, helping his team on their way to victory!<br />


Meet Gary!<br />

Gary’s favorite thing to do is play video games.<br />

He is the best at RaceCar 500. On the weekends, Gary invites his<br />

friends over and they all sit in his room and play for hours. One weekend,<br />

though, one of Gary’s friends kept winning!<br />

Gary tells them that he wants a rematch, except that he is going to sit<br />

on the floor so he can see better. As the weeks go on, Gary needs to get<br />

closer and closer to the TV to see the game clearly. Gary’s parents<br />

notice this and wonder if Gary has myopia.<br />

I gave Gary an eye exam and just like Sarah and Timmy, Gary now has<br />

great vision all day thanks to his Emerald lenses. Now, although Gary<br />

can play video games with his friends while sitting on his bed, they only<br />

play for an hour before going outside to play!<br />


How does it work?<br />

1. Put on your Emerald lenses<br />

every night before bed,<br />

just like you brush<br />

your teeth.<br />

Make sure to wash your hands<br />

before touching your Emerald<br />

lenses so that they stay nice and<br />

clean when you put them on.<br />

After you put on your lenses,<br />

make sure to clean out your lens<br />

case with warm water, and put it<br />

in a safe place where it won’t get<br />

dirty or lost.

2. Emerald will do its<br />

job and gently correct<br />

your vision while you<br />

are asleep.<br />

After getting out of bed, fill your<br />

lens case with solution, and wash<br />

your hands so you can handle<br />

your Emerald lenses.<br />

Carefully take them off one<br />

by one and put them in the<br />

case with some solution. Store<br />

them in a safe place and<br />

enjoy clear vison all day.

How to care for<br />

YOUR eyes.<br />

3<br />

Lots of kids have<br />

myopia and Emerald<br />

can help fix that, but<br />

you still want to make<br />

sure that you are<br />

always treating your<br />

eyes right!

Go to Your Eye Doctor.<br />

Visit your eye doctor regularly to make sure your eyes are<br />

healthy, and that your lenses are still a good fit. By age<br />

5, children should have had 3 eye exams.<br />

Emerald lenses can slow down myopia in kids. Ortho-K<br />

lenses are the only way to have clear sight without<br />

contacts and glasses all day!<br />

Eat Right for Your Eyesight.<br />

Just like you need to eat right for your bones and muscles<br />

to grow strong, your eyes need the right nutrition. Make<br />

sure to eat a variety of foods, particularly vegetables and<br />

…you wake up with clear sight! After getting out of<br />

fruits.<br />

bed, fill your lens case with solution, and wash your<br />

hands so you can handle your lenses. Carefully take<br />

them Play off one Outside!<br />

by one and put them in the solution in<br />

your case. Close the case and store them in a safe<br />

place Spending for the too day. much time watching TV, looking at a<br />

phone, or a computer can hurt your eyesight. Spend<br />

more time outside, playing, taking a walk or just 4<br />

hanging out!

What have we learned?<br />

2<br />

4<br />

7<br />

1<br />

5<br />

6<br />

3<br />

8 9<br />


DOWN<br />

1 Every night you put on your ________ and every morning<br />

you take off your ________<br />

2 The person you visit regularly who helps you see better<br />

4 You blink them, you wink them, and with Emerald you<br />

won’t be squinting them!<br />

6 An eye condition also known as Nearsightedness<br />

ACROSS<br />

3 When your doctor gives you an eye exam he or she is<br />

checking your ________<br />

5 What your lenses are called. Hint: it's also a green jewel<br />

7 This is when you have clear vision and are not wearing<br />

your lenses<br />

8 This is where you store your lenses during the day when<br />

you are not using them.<br />

9 This is the special liquid that helps clean and protect<br />

your lenses in your case.<br />

10 This is time when you are wearing your lenses<br />

(1) Lenses (2) Eye doctor (3) Eyesight (4) Eyes (5) Emerald (6) Myopia (7)Eyesight (8) Case (9) Solution (10) Night<br />


PMA<br />



P040029 & P010062<br />


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