IC HBA Directory2018

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As members of a progressive industry, we encourage<br />

research to develop new materials, new building<br />

techniques, new building equipment and improved<br />

methods of single-family and multi-family financing, to<br />

the end that every homeowner or resident of a rental<br />

unit may get the greatest value possible for every dollar.<br />

As members of the Association, we agree to carry a<br />

proper amount of liability and property insurance and<br />

if we have employees to carry Workers’ Compensation<br />

Insurance as required by the laws of the State of Iowa.<br />

All sound legislative proposals affecting our industry<br />

and the people we serve shall have our informed and<br />

vigorous support.<br />

We hold hallowed the free enterprise system and the<br />

American Way of Life. We pledge our support to our<br />

associates, our local, state and national associations and<br />

all related industries concerned with the preservation of<br />

legitimate rights and freedoms.<br />

(C) We assume these responsibilities freely and<br />

solemnly, mindful that they are part of our obligation as<br />

members of the Home Builders Association of Iowa City.<br />

ART<strong>IC</strong>LE IV (Amendments)<br />

Section 1. This constitution may be adopted or amended<br />

by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the active members present<br />

at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Association. A copy<br />

of the proposed amendments shall be mailed to each<br />

member of the Association not less than five (5) days prior<br />

to the meeting at which action is to be taken.<br />

BYLAWS<br />

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ART<strong>IC</strong>LE 1 (Membership)<br />

Section 1. Classes of Members.<br />

Membership in this Association shall be of three classes:<br />

(A) Builder Membership which shall be open to any<br />

person, firm or corporation that is, or has been, in the<br />

business of building or rebuilding homes, apartments,<br />

schools, commercial, industrial or other structures<br />

normally related and appurtenant to a community;<br />

and who performs this construction, or resides, within<br />

the territorial jurisdiction of this Association; is of good<br />

character and business reputation; agrees to abide<br />

by the provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws of<br />

this Association; subscribes to the objectives of this<br />

Association, and meets with the approval of the Board<br />

of Directors.<br />

(B) Associate Membership which shall be open to any<br />

person, firm or corporation engaged in any allied trade,<br />

industry or profession within the territorial jurisdiction<br />

of this Association; which is good character and business<br />

reputation; agrees to abide by the provisions of the<br />

Constitution and Bylaws of this Association; subscribes<br />

to the purposes of this Association, and meets with the<br />

approval of the Board of Directors.<br />

(C) Affiliate Membership which shall be open to any<br />

person who subscribes to the Code of Ethics of this<br />

Association and is employed by a firm represented by an<br />

associate or builder member, the same shall be eligible<br />

to be an affiliate member approved by the Board of<br />

Directors under the current membership guidelines.<br />

Section 2. Acceptance of Members.<br />

(A) Applicants for membership shall apply in a form<br />

satisfactory to the Board of Directors and meet such<br />

other requirements as the Board may prescribe. The<br />

Membership Committee reviews all applications,<br />

checks references and attaches a certificate of insurance<br />

to the application prior to board approval.<br />

(B) Applicants approved and accepted by this<br />

Association, upon payment of dues, shall be members<br />

of the National Association of Home Builders of the<br />

United States and the Home Builders Association of<br />

Iowa, and while in good standing shall be entitled to the<br />

full benefits, services and privileges of the respective<br />

Associations. Applicants not approved by the board shall<br />

receive in full dues collected with said application.<br />

Section 3. Suspension and Revocation of Membership.<br />

(A) The Board of Directors by a two-thirds (2/3) vote may<br />

censure the membership of any member:<br />

(1) For failure to meet the financial obligations to<br />

the Association or, for conduct detrimental to this<br />

Association.<br />

(2) The member shall be given at least thirty (30)<br />

days notice in advance of the meeting of the Board<br />

of Directors at which vote is to be taken, and shall be<br />

afforded reasonable opportunity to be heard.<br />


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