Beyond Borders - International Online Magazine, edited and published by Sujil Chandra Bose, as part of BIGG Network initiative for CCCI Family program. BB comes to you with its 15th edition, with the theme of "Miracles of our life". The Editorial Board comprises Sowmya Ramkumar, Vaishali Thaker and Pallavi Manoj

Beyond Borders - International Online Magazine, edited and published by Sujil Chandra Bose, as part of BIGG Network initiative for CCCI Family program. BB comes to you with its 15th edition, with the theme of "Miracles of our life". The Editorial Board comprises Sowmya Ramkumar, Vaishali Thaker and Pallavi Manoj


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<strong>BEYOND</strong><br />

<strong>BORDERS</strong><br />


ISSUE NO. 15/18 | <strong>JANUARY</strong> | <strong>2018</strong><br />

A N I N T E R N A T I O N A L O N L I N E M A G A Z I N E<br />

THE LONG<br />

ROMANCE!<br />


POETRY<br />









OUR LIFE<br />



Patron Council<br />

J Rajmohan Pillai<br />

Tim Eynon<br />

Ingird Sciberas<br />

Jenny Wang<br />

Barbara Vadiveloo<br />

Chief Editor & Publisher<br />

Sujil Chandra Bose<br />

Editorial Board<br />

Sowmya Ramkumar<br />

Vaishali Thaker<br />

Lali Nair<br />

Sub Editor<br />

Pallavi Manoj<br />

Photography<br />

Enjo Mathew<br />

Sujil Chandra Bose<br />

Partners<br />

Bigg Push<br />

B>Fresh<br />

Activus Club<br />

Readers Club<br />

Design & Marketed by<br />

<strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong><br />

Copyrights reserved by<br />

Sujil Chandra Bose<br />

All complaints and<br />

communications regarding<br />

the content shall be sent to<br />

bigpushconsulting@gmail.com<br />

or to be sent by whatsapp to<br />

+91 98951 44272<br />

The long Romance - Interview<br />

Sujil Chandra Bose<br />

What they said<br />

Kavitha K Nair<br />

Sound of Silence<br />

Anupama Blaser<br />

Miracle<br />

Sheeba Mohan<br />

The Miracle called life<br />

Kriss Venugopal<br />

Miracle of my life<br />

Amarnath Pallath<br />

Truth of life<br />

Sujil Chandra Bose<br />

My best friend<br />

Meghana Narayanan<br />

A mother's prayer<br />

Arshi Khan<br />

My life<br />

Maya Pradeep<br />

Love, pray & miracle<br />

Sowmya Ramkumar<br />

Miracle<br />

Priyadarshini Deepak<br />

My Miracle<br />

Sarah Correia<br />

Life, a miracle of joy<br />

Anuradha Sharma<br />

Painting<br />

Sarah D'costa<br />

Star Forecast<br />

Shubha Jain Javaria<br />

<strong>JANUARY</strong> | <strong>2018</strong><br />

<strong>BEYOND</strong><br />

<strong>BORDERS</strong><br />


ISSUE 15 | <strong>JANUARY</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

<strong>BEYOND</strong><br />

<strong>BORDERS</strong><br />

E D I T O R ' S S C R I B B L E<br />

Miracles happen everyday, change your perception of what a miracle is and you'll see<br />

them all around you.<br />

- Jon Bon Jovi<br />

Faith and religious books talk more about the miracles or the divine power of the almighty to perform<br />

miracles, but how will the almighty perform them without the help of his people, his sounding boards or<br />

his arms of action? I admit certain of my readers would certainly want to burn me for these<br />

blasphemous words, but having lived an eventful life and virtually being on the edge several times, I am<br />

compelled to believe in the power of miracles for sure, but those that happen because of the power<br />

within us, thanks to the most powerful part of us, our mind!<br />

Once we start believing in ourselves, our needs, wants and aspirations, it is the level of intensity of our<br />

desire that would decide the success of its conversion. If you rewind your life a bit and take a list of 10<br />

situations where things have occurred in your life, to others dismay, you would realize that every human<br />

being has had a tryst with his own set of miracles. These miracles happen because of the beautiful<br />

people around us and the colorful existence that believes and acknowledges our instincts and responds<br />

to what we throw at it. Every meeting is hence a miracle, every moment is.<br />

Let us continue to believe in us, others and let us watch miracles happen, one after the other.<br />

Sujil Chandra Bose.


L I T E R A T U R E | I N T E R V I E W<br />


S U J I L C H A N D R A B O S E<br />


SUJA<br />



They are different in many ways, one a second generation Indian born to devout parents, the other<br />

part of a American traditionally music family. Yes for Suja Paris Long, a healthcare professional<br />

and Grady Long, a musician, it was indeed a long and winding romance. What makes their<br />

association special; let us hear it from the true ambassadors of <strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong>.<br />

The moment I decided Grady was for me:<br />

When I met Grady I didn't expect to see him again. We met and went on for 2-3 group outings and<br />

then he left. I remember a couple of days later hearing a song that we had listened to together and<br />

breaking into tears. This was very odd for me since I had never before felt so emotional over a guy I<br />

just met. I was very much determined to have an arranged marriage so I made sure to never let<br />

myself feel an attachment to any man. So imagine my surprise when the tears came rolling down. I<br />

remember chastising myself and thinking "You are being silly. Why are your crying over a complete<br />

stranger". It was then that I realized why I was crying. This was the most amazing man I have ever met<br />

and will probably ever meet and now I will never see him again. The thought was so overwhelming<br />

that I knew I could not just let him go.<br />

What makes us click:<br />

We are truly best friends and our love of the arts keep us connected more than anyone else I know.<br />

We love so much the same music and movies and can talk for hours about all the intricacies. We both<br />

explore each other's interests and support what the other enjoys doing.<br />

What are our future plans:<br />

Our plan has always been to spend as much time together as a family. Most all of our plans revolve<br />

around setting up a type of lifestyle where we can work together and not be separated if at all<br />

possible. Our ultimate goal is to get a sustainable type of living out in the country.<br />

How is India welcoming us:<br />

The minute we arrived at the airport someone came up to Grady and asked if he could get a selfie.<br />

We were so surprised. Since then we have had multiple people recognize us and yet be very<br />

courteous and respectful. Overall we are enjoying our stay and meeting so many lovely people. India<br />

has welcomed us with open arms!<br />

What are the barriers we have faced:<br />

Other than the common barriers of the opposite sex trying to get along we have had the added<br />

cultural barriers. Although initially my family was very resistant to an interracial marriage they have<br />

come to embrace the differences and marvel at the similarities. We have gotten our share of stares<br />

and awkward moments from Indians who consider it odd. There were many times we felt a bit<br />

ostracized but we never let it stop us from being what we are. Both of us have made compromises<br />

but thankfully we enjoy the act of cultivating a whole new culture of our own which is a mix of all the<br />

best of both. I am also so blessed to have a husband who loves the Indian culture! Sometimes I feel<br />

that I am the Anglo and he is the Indian!<br />

N O M A D I C | 2 4

ISSUE 15 | <strong>JANUARY</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

<strong>BEYOND</strong><br />

<strong>BORDERS</strong><br />

WATER<br />

SAVE<br />


D I S C U S S I O N O N T H E M E M I R A C L E S O F L I F E<br />


SAID<br />

C O M P I L E D B Y K A V I T H A K N A I R<br />

According to me a miracle is something that has slim chances of<br />

happening, therefore the miracle of my life is my birth. When someone<br />

hears about birth they get exultant and very joyful . I’m one of the few<br />

people in my family that was premature, it’s a funny thing cause I was<br />

actually meant to be born on the 25th of December ; yep on Christmas.<br />

Premature babies; if you didn’t know are very small, and the chances of it's<br />

survival is really slim, thus I would call it a miracle because I survived. Well<br />

obviously its been about 14 years and 2 months since my birthday but the<br />

story of my birth is still told, as if its an adventure or something. I’m happy<br />

to be the only child of my two stupendous parents as the spotlight is on me<br />

and I've no sibling to steal it from me. So yeah That’s that, my birth is my<br />

miracle, what's yours?<br />

Advaith Sangeeth, 14 (Dubai)<br />

In my 11 years till date in this world, I have seen many miracles and had<br />

experienced many. But, this one I'll remember my entire life. Guess what?<br />

Some thing which was unimaginable for me. It was last year I got facinated<br />

by this reading series of Harry Potter. And ever since I came to know about<br />

mugglels or non magic folks, I wanted to go to Hogwarts school of<br />

witchcraft and wizardry. Why? Because I wanted to be unique. I tought<br />

about hogwarts letters piling up in my post box. Ah! What a dream!<br />

Soon came ny birthday. And my friend had come over for a party. She told<br />

she got a secret letter for me and I got exited because it had the hogwarts<br />

stamp on it. Wait! Is hogwarts real? Not exactly but a small fake one was<br />

made for me. It had everything. Spell books, wands, and even the magic<br />

sport qudditch! It was like a dream and the next morning, I woke up to see<br />

My best friend cleaning the mess and yes, hogwarts was real! Actually, a<br />

homemade one! And moreover, her dad had allowed her to stay at my<br />

house till evening and we played chess, ludo, snake and ladders, Chinese<br />

checkers, bingo, hide and seek, running race, science lab, monopoly,<br />

domino's and many more. The best part was food. We had fried rice,<br />

potato wedges, burger, sprite,pizza,spegetti, cocholate sandwich,ice cream,<br />

lollipops, candies, toffix, icebreaker's and my most favorite: A North Indian<br />

buffet! Yummmmm.<br />

She got me many presents. A harry potter book, a amazing key chain, a<br />

cute puppy doll, a dork diaries book and lots of toffix and candies. A few<br />

minutes before she went home, I was in curiosity. I knew my friend very<br />

well. She was a really bad artist. But, how did she manage to draw a<br />

amazing background of hogwarts? When I asked her this, she said she<br />

drew it all by herself. It was a great miracle as she drawing amazingly is an<br />

event that happens once in a blue moon and it happen to be my birthday!<br />

Ananya Naik, 11yrs old, Dubai.<br />

N O M A D I C | 2 4

<strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong><br />


SOUND OF<br />



There is so much of noise every where and we are in the middle of this circus<br />

which we have created. Ever wondered what does silence sound like? Yes no typo<br />

error, what is the sound of silence? I got a first hand experience of this recently.<br />

Sitting at the Indian ocean shore, with no wifi or connectivity, all i could do was<br />

look at the serene ocean. The silence was a music, of the waves lapping on the<br />

tide and coming to meet me on the shore. The tune of my heartbeat and<br />

breathing were creating a melody with these waves, and the energy was<br />

exuberant far more musical than all the noise which i have heard all my life.<br />

The absolute disconnect with the world was more magical and mystical in nature<br />

than i could have imagined. As i did not have an option to get on my smart phone<br />

for anything other than listen to music or take pictures, therefore the complete<br />

disconnect to me was a blessing in disguise. Many a times i have tried to<br />

discipline myself to not check my messages, or notifications but still some where<br />

i have always cheated and managed a peak into the outside world. But on this<br />

trip i had no choice, and the effort to check whether i had the signal or data<br />

connectivity lost its battle once i experienced the total silence.<br />

I felt as if the world had stopped and i was one with nature and for the first time<br />

i felt i was in Now. There was no thought which crossed my mind and i was in a<br />

meditative state without making any effort to meditate. This is when i realised<br />

the true sound of silence.

<strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong><br />

Nothing creates everything and in this nothing is what everything is.<br />

The sound of Silence is more intoxicating than any sound we will ever hear in our<br />

lives. My inner journey took a different turn with this, i experienced bliss as it is<br />

said in books and by many spiritual people. When there are no thoughts, no fear,<br />

no past, no future but just you and this moment. In my meditation i have come<br />

across this feeling many times, but to experience this state without any effort<br />

was the first for me.<br />

We have heard "Silence is golden" in the context of speaking less and let the<br />

other person talk in a conversation. or not making a fool of oneself by speaking<br />

too much. To me Silence is Music and this is what i will like to rephrase as when<br />

we find ourselves, we don't need to challenge ourselves to listen to people who<br />

we have no interest in. Yes we learn from people, but then what is it that i want<br />

to learn from someone is the most important question. With so many people<br />

making their voices heard and numerous discussions which we all do on daily<br />

basis, yet no one understanding each other. This is the price we are paying by<br />

creating so many noises, who is actually listening?<br />

I was once very angry at an incident and wanted to write a stinker mail to the<br />

concerned person, but was advised by my colleague to not write a mail but talk it<br />

out. Reason, once its written there will be a ripple effect but if spoken, people<br />

forget. Strange is this not? If i want to say things to you then its better to say<br />

them than write them. But i wanted to give a warning to the person for not doing<br />

the job as expected and wanted no repetition of the same mistake again. So my<br />

question, we create so much noise every minute of our lives, who really listens to<br />

us?<br />

There is a meditation i teach, 'still your mind', and in this meditation the only<br />

effect i ask the person to remove is the noise and thoughts. Let the clutter go<br />

away for the mind to be still. Once we achieve this still state its easy for us to be<br />

objective and logical in our thinking. A fresh mind thinks faster than an<br />

overloaded mind.<br />

To maintain even an hour of silence, disconnecting from the world for 60 minutes<br />

everyday, one will see how the brain wiring will change over time. Many people<br />

cannot meditate, they have a mind block or are hyper active and its a belief for<br />

many therefore instead of forcing them to meditate i usually ask them to<br />

disconnect themselves from the world for 60 minutes. What is it one going to do,<br />

read a book? think about their work strategy? think of a new technology? what is<br />

the question many ask and all i tell them is Nothing ! do nothing.<br />

Imagine to do nothing for 60 minutes. No work, no computer , no phone, no<br />

music, no thoughts ..... simple plain nothing. How many can actually attain this 60<br />

minutes of bliss?<br />

Think about it, Silence calls us and we don't hear it in this clutter.

<strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong><br />




With the advancement of technology and invention of Facebook, WhatsApp and<br />

other social media apps in today’s world everybody, everywhere seems to be busy<br />

with their own schedules, which has largely affected human interaction and<br />

quality of work life balance.<br />

Mantra to experience the miracles and magic of life is simple.<br />

Everything around us is a miracle. Miracles happen around us on an everyday<br />

basis. All we need to do is, open our minds and hearts to recognize them. Life is a<br />

journey into the world of miracles. Avery morning, pause for a few seconds,<br />

breathe deeply a couple of times and simply start reflecting on the miracles<br />

around. When we focus more on the miracles in our lives, every moment becomes<br />

happier and meaningful. You naturally get to feel great appreciation and<br />

gratitude for your life, knowing that you are blessed with so many miracles all day<br />

through.<br />

Firstly, the greatest way to enjoy the miracle of life is by spreading love. Love is<br />

not only romance or physical. It is much greater than that, it is what makes us<br />

happy, sing, dance and makes us human. Love is the most amazing thing in our<br />

lives. It makes life worth living. The size of our homes, bank balances, the beauty<br />

of spouse, our car size all this becomes insignificant, when we face the miracle of<br />

love. Love leads to other miracles such as kindness. Through the miracle of our<br />

love, we can indeed transform the world. A hug, a loving touch or just a smile can<br />

cause the miracle of healing others.<br />

Few simple things we can all do daily to enjoy miracles of lives by taking the time<br />

to stop and appreciate who you are and what you've achieved and perhaps<br />

learned through a few mistakes, stumbles and losses. You can enhance<br />

everything about you. Self-acknowledgment and appreciation are what give you<br />

the insights and awareness to move forward toward higher goals and<br />

accomplishments. Together, we can all make this an even more beautiful and<br />

miraculous world than it already is. So, from today onwards, appreciate and<br />

acknowledge everything around you and in you. Look for ways of spreading your<br />

love through compassion and making a practical difference to those around you.<br />

Your journey to see the world as a miracle has just begun. See everything around<br />

you as the miracle and try to bring in positivity to your life. Life will never be the<br />

same again, which means our lives are filled with opportunities to look upon<br />

every experience and every condition in our life with new eyes, choose a new<br />

vision, a new path to happiness.

<strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong><br />





“There are only two ways to live your life.<br />

One is as though nothing is a miracle.<br />

The other is as though everything is a miracle.”<br />

― Albert Einstein<br />

Is that a thought from a scientific mind or a profound thinker in Einstein which made him<br />

say these words. I believ, it was the thinker in him. More than miracles in my life … life itself<br />

is a miracle for me. A child paying in the park today, in a few years from now would be in<br />

the same park with his love, and then with his family and soon with a walking stick. The<br />

nature which is around him is seeing the miracle in his life… day in and day out. What more<br />

can be a miracle when you realize that every moment can be transformed into a miraculous<br />

one with a smile? From birth to death, every moment is sure a miracle.<br />

Have you tried writing down in a piece of paper all the miracles in your life. Though initially<br />

it would be challenging, soon you would be penning a book full of miracles in and around<br />

your life. There would be many moments of miracle which would bring a smile to your<br />

heart. A baby cries and without any words to convey its hunger and the mother<br />

understands it. The child who smiles instantly with a hug from his close ones forgets the<br />

flowing tears down his cheeks. The thumping of the heart and the sparkling eyes when one<br />

meets his or her love. The efforts taken to take life forward and go beyond the limits known<br />

to oneself to make things happen. There would be a million things around us like a<br />

blooming flower, a ripening fruit, the busy chipmunks and soaring birds, which when<br />

looked closer be the miracle which enlivens life. How does a huge tree hide in the smallest<br />

of seeds? Simple words of care and hope bring life back to a desperate individual. Is it not a<br />

miracle for you? Impossible is never a word to be adopted in life as we are the living<br />

examples of humans who started off in caves and now soar in the skies and beyond.<br />

“Be realistic: Plan for a miracle” ― Osho<br />

I read recently that "Prayer" is when you talk to the Almighty and "Meditation" is when he<br />

talks to you. The miracle called "Life" unfurls itself after you understand this concept. Every<br />

time you look around, look for miracles - you will find everything is a miracle, even the<br />

incessant beating of the heart pumping blood throughout a person's life. Many learned will<br />

give you so many more examples to understand the miracle called life. You will understand<br />

there is no need to search for the miracles in life, but Life is the miracle… More than<br />

anything” YOU” are the miracle.<br />

The key to the miracle is just one feeling – “Gratitude”. Let the miracle work for you and<br />

keep you smiling.

<strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong><br />



LIFE<br />


OMG!!! Death is imminent. Fear is natural.<br />

When I was told by the consulting neuro-physician about my death 14 years ago at Hinduja Hospital,<br />

fear enveloped for a few moments. Soon fear was overcome with hope zooming in.<br />

I encountered lord of death YAMA, who came in his full glory to take me away with him. I made a<br />

request to help me see world affairs for a few more years. He said he will come again soon.<br />

The five member group of doctors decided that they will work on steroid to deal with Transverse<br />

Miletus that had inflicted my nervous bundle within vertebra after a virus attack. Chances, they<br />

diagnosed for death was 99.999%.<br />

Doctors worked on technology and medical science. The mille ampere that was applied had to travel<br />

from my toes to brain in mille-seconds but was taking minutes. Hardly a chance!<br />

Frankly nothing was on my side. I with a background of specialty gases with impurity levels of p.p.m.<br />

(parts per million) range was not sure of 0.0001 chance I had for survival. I smiled at Dr. Ashok and<br />

requested to share half of that miniscule of chance possibility for me to pray. I prayed with others<br />

close to me - my wife children and friends.<br />

I had lost all senses of touch from the lower portion from stomach down to toes, stopped urinating<br />

and passing motions and looked at white ceiling of the 13th floor cubicle of hospital, waiting for<br />

YAMA’s visit!<br />

On the 22nd day, I witnessed a pigeon flying in to the window sill and flying away. Freedom for me<br />

was indicated in a different way. As my colleagues visited me in the evenings they expressed deep<br />

sorrow. I then knew for a person whose death was imminent more than sorrow freedom to smile was<br />

important. I changed my way of looking at life. I lost triggers that made me angry. I remembered what<br />

my old neighbor once said that power of mine was beyond me in thin air. Air we breathe. We may<br />

breathe in and out but cannot ensure the next breath. I was understanding life from a totally different<br />

perspective. I started appreciating pain. Pain – that makes people suffer and made smears and scars<br />

in minds.<br />

Yes, this was about the way death handled me. Later, I was chosen as Hope Ambassador and had<br />

written an article published in TM Association of USA.<br />

Over a period of time, with the gift of God and all those prayers I survived.<br />

And I am able to scribble about miracle of my life. Transverse Miletus that makes you paralyzed for<br />

life to death.<br />

“Death is not the greatest loss in life, it is what dies in us while we live” – Norman Cousins.

NOTICE<br />

BOARD!<br />


Jack Simmons<br />


ARE YOU A<br />

WRITER,<br />

POET OR<br />

PAINTER?<br />








Beyond Borders is very happy to announce the<br />

winner of the Short story contest announced<br />

during our last Edition. The Story is being carried<br />

in our pages on this issue. Meghana is a student<br />

of Class 8 and lives in Bangalore.<br />


We welcome your<br />

thoughts and comments<br />

on the contents of<br />

<strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong>.<br />

Write to the Editor @<br />

Whatsapp +91 98951 44272<br />


Send us your random clicks on nature, people,<br />

situations to bigpushconsulting@gmail.com.

<strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong><br />


| POETRY<br />



They asked me when i was young<br />

Do you have a garden at home?<br />

And I did say yes, while I had none<br />

But will truth bite me in the end?<br />

I didn't care a bit before the blurt<br />

What did I have instead?<br />

Thorny marshes and thoughtless<br />

People who bent their back<br />

to revel on the filth they made<br />

Yet I grew there to find my truth<br />

When I rode a bus, when the haves<br />

Rode fancy cars that sped past<br />

I told myself, one day I will<br />

Someday I will surprise myself<br />

With the same colors I see<br />

I pretended the best girl in my class<br />

Was in love with me, her eager<br />

Eyes sought my humble shade<br />

I enjoyed the comfort<br />

Another blatant lie smiled<br />

I had a way with the words<br />

But I never knew it was good<br />

For whatever I knew about me<br />

Was not so good<br />

Though I never believed<br />

Some are born with a golden spoon<br />

While some dont even know<br />

How a plate looks like<br />

As spate of fate runs<br />

So battered and blue around<br />

Here I am a thousand years later<br />

Behind the fancy wheels<br />

Lights and creams that shade me up<br />

Words flow out of emotions<br />

That are bought by the dime<br />

Yet life flows out<br />

Truth remains shut out<br />

One thing remains in the dark<br />

A miracle could make a lie<br />

Turn into truth everyone believe.

<strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong><br />





The dictionary definition of a best friend - the closest friend. Some people have<br />

many best friends, some people have one best friend, some people have had a<br />

best friend for a long time, and some people have newly made best friends.<br />

I and my best friend, Manasi, go way back, so way back that I don’t even<br />

remember the first time we met. I remember the first time I had to go to<br />

school - I was crying , pleading not to leave my mother’s arms, pushing and<br />

pulling, and whining not to leave home. Manasi however told me to stay<br />

strong, and said it would be only for a few hours until I would return home.<br />

Manasi said it would be a new beginning, and that all beginnings are<br />

challenging.<br />

On entering a classroom for the first time, I was nervous. Looking around the<br />

room, I found children screaming and running around. What would I do here? I<br />

prefered sitting at home and playing with my stuffed toys. When I told Manasi<br />

this, she persuaded me to go and talk to the other children, and socialise. I<br />

followed her advice, and found there were a lot of children just like me, and<br />

kindergarten then passed happily.<br />

It was now time for real school. I had made plenty of friends back in<br />

kindergarten, and leaving them behind would not be easy. I felt worried - how<br />

could I ever make new friends in a new place? I went home, crying - Manasi<br />

was there again, and told me that things would be fine, just as it had been in<br />

kindergarten. At the end of my next day, a friendly looking girl approached me.<br />

We chatted briefly, and over the next few days, I made many new friends. With<br />

these new friends of mine , I became confident, and school eventually turned<br />

out to be a great experience.<br />

Manasi has been my true best friend all my life. Honestly, without this best<br />

friend of mine, I don’t know what I could have done. She has been there<br />

whenever I needed her - when I cried, she would tell me to wipe away the<br />

tears, and to get up and be strong. Manasi helped me discover talents of mine,<br />

ones that I never knew I had..<br />

Now let me reveal my secret - Manasi, is a Sanskrit word meaning “with a<br />

sound mind - i.e. my conscience! “ . And my conscience is truly my best friend.<br />

Your first best friend is always you, and then come all your other real friends.<br />

Real people do help us, and are there to to help us in everything, but<br />

sometimes we should try and think of how to solve a problem ourselves. We<br />

must try and listen to what our conscience, and our own strong mind has to<br />

say first. We never know about how many answers to problems we can find in<br />

ourselves. We can be a best friend to ourselves, and then we can be the best<br />

friend to anyone else.

<strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong><br />





Painful tears rolled down my cheeks not merely wetting my countenance but corroding the very<br />

essence of my being. Even a distant laughter or a mere smile seemed tormenting and torturous.<br />

Innumerable memories ran across my mind as I relived my motherhood from the start. That<br />

divine moment when I took my cherub in to my arms, the painful tears of labor converted in to<br />

tears of ecstasy. .my little boy crawled, walked and ran bringing inexplicable joy to our little<br />

world.<br />

Many an autumn n springs went by when that ominous call came from his school that my fifth<br />

grader was puking n complained of severe abdominal pain. His father rushed him to the hospital.<br />

Probably the doctor expected some minor food poisoning. After a day my champ was all eager to<br />

go school. At noon he came home with high fever and just fell asleep. We never knew that it was<br />

just the beginning of our worst nightmare. He woke up puking and we rushed him to the doctor,<br />

they put the drip and sent him back home but the night brought more trial as his temperature<br />

was not going down. This time we took him to another hospital, he was kept under observation.<br />

All tests done followed by an ultrasound as they expected a ruptured appendix but no worthwhile<br />

result. I came home from the hospital. Next morn I woke up some friends came to take me along<br />

my boy was shifted to another hospital. I was desperate to see my baby.my hubby was waiting<br />

thereto tell that he was in the I.C.U incessant tears poured out as I fell on the chair. A panel of<br />

doctors came, they had suggested urgent surgery coz they found severe liver abscess in the scan.<br />

After two tormenting hours, he came out still under anesthesia sleeping like a fresh born, he still<br />

had to be in the I.C.U for days on the dreaded bed. he was shifted to another room and stayed<br />

there for almost a fortnight. His hands swollen with pricking needles, unable to eat or walk.<br />

Finally, the day for his discharge came, an overexcited father texted all near n dear ones that our<br />

hero is back. I thanked heavens and slept .in the middle of the night again he began throwing up.<br />

we rushed to give him medicine. I screamed when I saw urine in his blood. this time I cursed all<br />

the unknown enemies though my hubby reprimanded me for losing faith. Our son was admitted<br />

again. I prostrated immediately with repentful tears for allowing my immense faith to quiver<br />

I know who holds the future and I know he holds my hand.<br />

So, as I face tomorrow with its problem large and small ill trust the lord of miracles gives to him<br />

my all. Today my healthy boy hops around, goes to school and every moment I thank the<br />

miraculous healer, the Almighty.

<strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong><br />

MY LIFE!<br />



Trinity is always associated with divine providence, be it the 3 wise men that came looking<br />

for Jesus Christ, or the Hindu trinity of Gods. On a bright Monday morning, rather a quiet day<br />

at the French fashion house where I worked, the desk phone rang .What I least expected to<br />

hear was that there were 3 men in the reception waiting for me. I told my receptionist that I<br />

am expecting no visitors and they may have come to the wrong place. She insisted that it was<br />

just me they were looking for - the girl whose name begins with M. I told her that it must be<br />

Manisha my colleague , they are looking for, but apparently Manisha had met them and they<br />

mentioned it was the other M they have come to meet.<br />

I was a bit perplexed but nevertheless walked downstairs to meet the strangers. No sooner<br />

they saw me, one of them exclaimed “ Hey, you are the girl we are looking for, the girl with<br />

the name that starts with M and has four letters. We have come here with a message for you<br />

from the Golden Temple of Amritsar”. This scared me more and I looked at them with<br />

scepticism and fear of being cheated. But soon I realized that there was an aura of serenity<br />

in the men, and began listening to them with keen interest. What came next was mind<br />

boggling and exciting ; They asked me to write 3 wishes on a paper and without seeing it they<br />

exactly told me what was written on it. Then they proclaimed “In 35 days you will move out of<br />

this job and your life is going to enter a new orbit of prosperity and success”<br />

No sooner they made the proclamation they left, with a request to make any contribution to<br />

the temple; and I did so in my capacity. Thirty five days after this incident, circumstances<br />

made me quit my job and I left to the USA for a short while. When I returned from the<br />

United States, I decided to become an entrepreneur and started a venture- there has been<br />

no looking back since then. The thought of the incident still give me goose bumps.I believe<br />

the 3 wise men were messengers of God sent to meet the ‘God’s Child’, and I always feel so<br />

blessed by the almighty.<br />

Today I am a successful entrepreneur and there are several other miracles that keep<br />

happening to me. One such small incident is during our tour of Istanbul. We were rushing to<br />

catch the metro and realized that we were one short of the seven tickets we need. If we had<br />

to go back to buy another ticket we would miss the cruise we had booked for the day. Lo and<br />

behold a beautiful girl in tunic tops and boots appears and hands me a ticket. She says, ‘you<br />

need this now’ and she disappeared.<br />

I believe that this world is a miracle and miracles happen to everyone every day; it is just for<br />

us to recognize it and be grateful for the miracles that happen to us.

<strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong><br />

LOVE, PRAY &<br />




Kush and Anjali cannot put a finger even today on who proposed first but every soul around<br />

them could drench themselves in the all-encompassing warmth of love they manage to<br />

radiate. Anjali smiled at everyone, was a chatterbox and Kush felt like he got paid to talk<br />

less! Interesting contradictions, they had built a cosy nest in Kathmandu, Nepal and were<br />

absorbed in each other most of the time. There was a knot in every story and theirs came in<br />

the form of extended family and society. Kush could not care less for opinions but Anjali<br />

became the personification of a slowly drying twig yearning to engage in the most divine<br />

status, a mother.<br />

After a three year struggle of multiple needle pricks and nights slept on drenching the pillow<br />

with tears, that news was nothing sort of a miracle, but little did they know what awaited<br />

them in less than six months? Anjali was taken care no less than a queen, every whim<br />

considered an order by Kush. Anjali harboured the common fear that everything was too<br />

good to be true, but she could not have fathomed even in her wildest dreams the events that<br />

were waiting to unfold, a blow at a time. Anjali was taken into the best nursing home in the<br />

city and was awaiting her bundle of Joy and Kush worked more from the hospital room,<br />

glancing over Anjali for the slightest of the signs, first time parent you see! Kush was at the<br />

tiny eatery outside the hospital when the rubble hit his forehead and could not comprehend<br />

for a whole minute the horror that had unfolded. The damage was done before he could rush<br />

and the entire hospital was just a decapitated reminder now. A man defeated Kush lamented,<br />

the worst of the sounds that matched his were all over the place. Nature, with immeasurable<br />

patience sometimes chooses to retaliate!<br />

Hope was the only anchor Kush was holding for the first three days and even that started<br />

evaporating on the fourth. Strong men were being pulled out lifeless from the rubble and<br />

Anjali harbouring another life, stood not a chance. Kush, prone to logical thoughts wanted to<br />

believe in the goodness Anjali called wishful thinking. Kush broke down completely on day<br />

five and collapsed near the rubble, a man consumed by the flames of immeasurable loss.<br />

Every story cannot have a “they lived happily ever after!”<br />

“Then what happened grandpa?” the impatient kid queried! With a mischievous smile Kush<br />

said “I was shaken violently awake at the hospital tent only to cry in the loudest tone at the<br />

sight of Anjali holding up your dad from the opposite bed! You Grandma had come out of the<br />

hospital to take a walk and the quake hit. She had braved five days of hunger on the road<br />

side with only a broken pipeline for water, holding her most precious treasure!”<br />

“So now you know what’s the meaning of Miracle”, a crisp smile filled the room for Anjali<br />

Granny was her!

<strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong><br />




Each day is a miracle! When I wake up, when I breathe, when I feel, when I experience life, I<br />

realise I have woke up to a new dawn to start afresh. There is a joy felt within, when you<br />

know that you have one more chance to live. Doubt, fear and anxiety do creep in to push me<br />

down as I gear up. Then I close my eyes, stand with outstretched arms, and invoke the divine<br />

force. As I stand still in silence, I hear a whisper within: “Do not fear for I am with you. Go<br />

with confidence!”<br />

Until yesterday, my story was different. I used to wake up to a mundane world as I was<br />

running the rat race to keep up with everything as per social norms. One fine day without<br />

even me realizing, I walk past 4 decades of my life. Deep within, I used to hear a voice: “slow<br />

down a bit and breathe.” I ignored the voice and kept pushing for tomorrow. I had<br />

everything that equated to a successful life: great family, promising career, friends and<br />

wealth. Still I was unhappy inside.<br />

One day the voice within turned to be a shout that I couldn’t ignore. I took a complete U-<br />

turn, slowed down my life, stepped out from job to find myself. World found me stupid, but<br />

less could I care!. I neither had a sense of direction nor a plan, but I took the walk.<br />

Definitely, I had to fight through my doubts and darkness before the moment of clarity fell<br />

in place.<br />

Gradually, like a butterfly settling on your hand, life started to unfold its mysteries. Each day<br />

opened up to a new beginning, I started experiencing every moment as a gift and realising<br />

how much I had missed in life. I began to trust, release and let go of held up emotions and I<br />

started experiencing the joy that I longed.<br />

Each day I discover something new in me. Forgotten and hidden talents within surfaced.<br />

Today I am exploring myself through dance, music and more. The child in me is so awake,<br />

that I welcome each day with much enthusiasm and excitement. There is so much newness<br />

in a day waiting to be revealed, only if we are able to look with our inner eyes. Today, I<br />

count on each day to love, live and laugh more. Yes, at times to cry more, to feel everything a<br />

little deeper. When it is dusk, I sign off by reflecting in silence by sending love and gratitude,<br />

seeking forgiveness and sending pardon.<br />

Let’s take one day at a time. Each day has its own shade and the secret is to allow the day to<br />

paint its colour on your plans, aspirations and ambitions. And let the day unfold its mysteries<br />

and miracles to you.<br />

Ah! You call it a day, what a miraculous day.

<strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong><br />





Slow down!! That’s the best way to spot a miracle. They can be huge, they can be<br />

tiny and may even go unnoticed. Miracles happen every day, all you need to do is<br />

‘BELIEVE’, to see!<br />

I’ve been blessed abundantly to experience innumerable miracles in my life, but<br />

by far the most amazing and memorable one has been the birth of my first-born.<br />

Being able to conceive and carry a new life within your self is nature’s<br />

unbelievable miracle. Giving birth, again is natural, but it becomes extra special a<br />

miracle, when you deliver a pre term baby!<br />

My son was born to me when he was just 6 ½ months old. I was elated, my heart<br />

swelling with pride that I entered motherhood. But … the moment I set eyes on<br />

my new born I realized I need a miracle!!!! A ginormous one that too. This Oh so<br />

tiny 800 gm-weighing, body-full-of- tubes attached, medically- complicated infant<br />

was fighting to survive …. And that needed a miracle!!! As a young mother all I<br />

could do was watch helplessly tears streaming down my face, as the angels in<br />

white handled my baby and other tiny ones effortlessly with the gentlest smiles<br />

and efficiency.<br />

To me each strong and steady heart-beat of my baby, was a miracle. The brave,<br />

supportive and kind souls ensuring this baby’s survival, were miracles. The<br />

number of prayers by people known and unknown to us, were miracles…. And the<br />

days that followed I saw more miracles unfold, as my little ‘miracle baby’, fondly<br />

called by one and all was ready to come home to me. 55 days of enduring pain,<br />

experiencing tender loving care, receiving grace and mercy and holding on to<br />

faith, blessed me with my most precious bundle of joy.<br />

Miracles I understand result from unfailing faith in the divine….. and the hope<br />

that all will be well. A remarkable experience, which cannot be defined or<br />

explained. When the impossible happens, you call it a miracle. Miracles can<br />

happen to anyone, anywhere…..<br />

You can make it happen!!!! Just believe!!!

<strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong><br />





There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The<br />

other is as though everything is a miracle. – Albert Einstein.<br />

From the time of conception to the time that a child is born, the whole process is a<br />

miracle. The news of confirmation is a miracle. The happiness that a mom gets on<br />

being kicked by the foetus is something that is immeasurable. The wait seems so<br />

long. Finally the day comes when the parents get to see their bundle of joy. The<br />

mother goes through tormenting, excruciating pain- she cries, shouts, kicks or beats<br />

enduring the pain- but for what, only the baby. She forgets all the pain and is<br />

overwhelmed with happiness seeing her own flesh and blood. What a beauty! The<br />

tiny hands, cute pink feet, the lotus bud like eyes, all seems like magic. The fact that<br />

such a small human form can feel, breathe, express its hunger and anger is just<br />

mesmerising. People start telling the parents that the baby’s eyes look like the<br />

mothers and the nose is like that of the father, knowingly or unknowingly looking at<br />

the genetic aspects of the baby.<br />

Be it any animal, the mother looks at its new born so fondly and with such pride, that<br />

it is something one can’t express in a few words.<br />

Every milestone in the new-born’s life thereafter is an event which is recorded,<br />

photographed or celebrated. The rolling over, the crawling, walking, their first day at<br />

school, their aptitude, their liking, their graduation, their career, their wedding…. The<br />

list can go on. As the child grows the parents take utmost care in bringing up the<br />

child, providing the child with whatever support, be it physical or financial.<br />

I have had two miracles in my life –the two lights of my life. A commoner like me is<br />

spell- bound by my two creations. I just can’t imagine what Charles Darwin would<br />

have felt unwrapping the miracle so called evolution. To think that I am also a<br />

microcosmic part in the whole process of evolution is beyond my grasp. The miracle<br />

we know as life goes on adapting itself to the changes in the environment or at the<br />

genetic level, hence continuing the process of evolution, the circle of life.<br />

The sun rolling high in the sapphire sky keeps great and small on the endless round…

<strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong><br />


<strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong><br />



THEME<br />


BEST<br />

<strong>BEYOND</strong><br />

<strong>BORDERS</strong><br />

<strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong> SHORT STORY CONTEST<br />

The 3rd Beyond Borders Story Contest for School Children<br />

between the ages of 10 and 17. The Theme of the contest will be<br />

"The best vacation I had". The best short story will be<br />

published in the pages of Beyond Borders.<br />

Children of CCCI Members, Council, Contributors, their friends<br />

can also participate on the contest which is open to all<br />

nationalities. The stories should not exceed 500 words and shall<br />

be in English. A suitable affidavit of ownership along with the<br />

photograph, address of their school, parents shall be sent along<br />

with the story to the following email.<br />

Email: bigpushconsulting@gmail.com

<strong>BEYOND</strong> <strong>BORDERS</strong><br />


ARIES: Arians, be wary of problems. Handle them with a calm front and you should be good to go. You can expect a<br />

professional growth but don’t let it take control over family and emotional concerns. This month sees a jump in career<br />

prospects. Financial prosperity can be expected. On the relationship front, you will be happy. There is a possibility of<br />

falling in love at first sight. Health will be great this month.<br />

TAURUS:The bulls will emphasize on their professional objectives. Career goals will be achieved without much struggle.<br />

On the financial front, Taureans will gain high profits. Your love life will be full of zeal and enthusiasm. Married people<br />

can take a positive decision in terms of pregnancies. For those who are unmarried, you can expect the wedding bells to<br />

ring soon. You will be in the pink of health and fitness will be maintained.<br />

GEMINI: While doing great on the professional front, family matters might suffer a setback. You will be clear about your<br />

career and will focus on it. On the professional front, you can expect a promotion and you will excel at your job. Finances<br />

are great and you will make money. Your love life will be highly active throughout the month. Maintain a balance<br />

between your home life and your career ambitions. Pay attention to your health.<br />

CANCER: February will be full of enterprise and accomplishments for Cancerians. On the career front, possibility of<br />

getting a job of your wish is high. However, your finances may be under stress. Employ cost reduction techniques. On<br />

the relationship front, married people may suffer a setback with their partners. Singles may find romantic partners.<br />

Your health will be good.<br />

LEO: This month, things are not going to go according to your will. Do not worry too much and adapt yourself to<br />

situations. Career prospects will be good for Leos. However, you can expect delays in the financial front. Be wary before<br />

investing or purchasing. Married people can expect to be at peace with their spouse. Those, already in relationship can<br />

look forward to a permanent association. Singles are likely to find love amongst health professionals.<br />

VIRGO: Concentrate on family issues and emotional aspects. On a career front, in order attain your ambitions, it is<br />

important to keep a social grace. Finances will remain steady but you can increase your profits using your intellectual<br />

capabilities. Singles will have opportunities to get into romantic alliances. Health will be delicate this month. Take<br />

sufficient breaks to maintain your well-being.<br />

LIBRA: Focus on the emotional aspects. Family life will be full of fun and gatherings. Status quo will be maintained and<br />

less importance is given to career. Although stable at the moment, making money becomes tougher in the second half.<br />

Stars suggest that you will find romance in social gatherings, working places and holiday resorts. Health will be better<br />

this month and you will experience the benefits of spiritual health.<br />

SCORPIO: February is a time where you will achieve career success in addition to keeping family interests intact.<br />

Pending issues will start sorting themselves out. Financial health will be good this month. On the relationship front, love<br />

is all around. There are chances of a pregnancy. Singles will find intelligent and affectionate partner. Health will be<br />

below par and energy levels will be low. Take sufficient rest to overcome this.<br />

SAGITTARIUS: Personal happiness and finances will dominate the life. You will be extremely dynamic with your actions.<br />

Career-wise you’ll get good opportunities this month. February is going to be a financially sound month. Relationship<br />

with your partner can be strained. Singles however, can enjoy a month full of romantic surprises. February forecasts<br />

Sagittarians to be in the best of their health.<br />

CAPRICORN: Job seekers will be presented with ample opportunities. Financial status will be positive and investments<br />

will be profitable. Coming to the relationship front, love is not too active. Singles may find new partners but they will<br />

lack seriousness. Health will be wonderful this month and no serious problems are anticipated.<br />

AQUARIUS: For Aquarians, February is going to be a month full of determination. Whatever you want, you can make it<br />

happen. Career stars show heightened ambitions and passion. Financial stability will be maintained. Family relationships<br />

may undergo stress. Relations with spouse remain stable. Singles may get into a romantic alliance. Health will be stable<br />

with no serious problems.<br />

PISCES: February will be a very social month for you. Professional ambitions and issues need to be given priority. Career<br />

will be in focus this month and you will get support from your loved ones. Financially, it is going to be a great month. On<br />

the relationship front, the first half will be enjoyable. Health will be good and can be improved further<br />

An ace & inherited Vedic Astrology practitioner, Shubha Javaria has been into the art<br />

of forecasting the future for the last 16 years for Individuals, Corporates & Financial<br />

markets. She is well known for guiding the people in practical spin and believes in<br />

empowering an individual by assessing future trends based on their Horoscope &<br />

zodiac reading, so that one can have maximum benefit & strategies accordingly. She<br />

has extended her guidance to many politicians, celebrities, entrepreneurs &<br />

corporates.<br />

Write to her for personal consultations at astroshubha11@gmail.com

<strong>BEYOND</strong><br />


whatsapp to advertise here: +91 98951 44272<br />

<strong>BEYOND</strong><br />

<strong>BORDERS</strong><br />


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