L&R January 2018 (2)


Issue 17 January 2018 www.libertyandrestraint.com Free Liberty & Restraint KINKY KITCHEN! Amazing articles and recipes by the wonderful Sir Chef. ONLINE EXPERTS?.... Selection of articles that explore the truth and fiction of those that do and those that don't truly live the lifestyle. FEATURES Poetry Corner Valedictorian byDawi© Thrown to the floor http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ParrotHead%20Cove/195/234/32

Issue 17<br />

<strong>January</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

www.libertyandrestraint.com<br />

Free<br />

Liberty<br />

&<br />

Restraint<br />

KINKY<br />

KITCHEN!<br />

Amazing articles<br />

and recipes by the<br />

wonderful Sir Chef.<br />

ONLINE<br />

EXPERTS?....<br />

Selection of articles that<br />

explore the truth and<br />

fiction of those that do<br />

and those that don't truly<br />

live the lifestyle.<br />


Poetry Corner<br />

Valedictorian<br />

byDawi©<br />

Thrown to the<br />

floor<br />


Letter from the editor<br />

Editors<br />

Flame Jie<br />

Sir Arithon<br />

Columnists<br />

A. Sands<br />

Chef Lew<br />

Freelance Writers<br />

Madame Steele<br />

Screamer<br />


Raven Shadowborne<br />

Truth or fiction?<br />

First of all, here’s the<br />

disclaimer: I have no<br />

credentials to write about<br />

BDSM except I’ve been a<br />

SL & RL submissive and<br />

owned by both SL and RL<br />

Dominants. I have real life<br />

experience so I can claim a<br />

broader perspective. I have<br />

a healthy respect for the SL<br />

platform because it shields<br />

and protects with anonymity<br />

and allows for more uninhibited exploration of one’s desires<br />

and kinks, however, it can be just as emotionally damaging as<br />

any relationship in real life. We share our real selves and real<br />

feelings.<br />

Dominants and submissives should ask questions of each<br />

other to follow safe, sane and consensual practices. Beware those that profess to "know it<br />

all" as i suspect there is a lot of information that could not be corroborated.<br />

I periodically get quite rant worthy about this month's subject the notion that only a small<br />

percent of the online community monitor and teach the rest of us, with the possibility that<br />

those online may not even be active RL have experience RL, knowledge or safety at the<br />

fore when they endeavour to "Teach" those new and experienced the subtle and not so<br />

subtle "How, why and what for's".<br />

Because D/s is a value system. It’s so much more than ball gags and butt plugs. It’s an<br />

organisational concept, a system of gains and losses, of protocols and discipline. It<br />

seems more than a little dangerous to me not to have those concepts in place or over<br />

simplify the complex and sometimes challenging emotions that both sides of the equation<br />

can go through.<br />

So why do we seek to "Learn" from those online?<br />

How do we vet them?<br />

How do we know they are safe?<br />

What gives them the right to educate?<br />

Those are oft some of the questions that pop into my mind when i see the constant<br />

stream of "Expert" advice given at discussions. I often ask myself why are we afraid to<br />

touch on the believable and believability aspect, if you have no frame of reference for

interactions, implements or pain, we are likely to believe anything we are told. Which<br />

pretty much leaves us with two types of people.<br />

1. People who actually engage in power exchange relationships, scenes or play in their<br />

local area or local lifestyle away from the keyboard. Reality based exchanges.<br />

2. Those that fulfil fantasy, connect, RP the lifestyle within the SL/online medium only.<br />

I’ve made mistakes on my side of the leash. But in order to navigate this sometimes wild,<br />

uncharted and confusing side of our sexual and human psyche, intuition can really help.<br />

The first thing you do instinctually is ask yourself the questions and see how it sits with<br />

your natural responses, your gut reaction… which can be a very powerful.<br />

Secondary and tertiary, follow the feelings, thoughts, perceptions and intellectual mind<br />

processing the question.<br />

We are so complex and multi-layered in our psyche as a species that sometimes we<br />

need to wade through a whole pile of “stuff” just to understand one aspect of ourselves. If<br />

you take nothing else away from this minor rant of mine......<br />

"DO NOT believe everything you are told"<br />

and<br />

"DO ask for the credentials" of those "Experts".<br />

Happy reading!<br />

Flame x

In this Issue….<br />

Contents<br />

Thrown to the floor<br />

Articles, by Sir Arithon. The<br />

refreshing no holds barred<br />

viewpoint on all things D/s.<br />

Articles<br />

Offline/online BDSM<br />

Safety<br />

By Screamer<br />

D/shion<br />

Our Introduction to second life<br />

fashion D/s photography.<br />

Dominant vs Master,<br />

Dominatrix vs Mistress<br />

by Madame Steele<br />

For the Dom's; The<br />

importance of Consent<br />

in BDSM<br />

by Sean Lind<br />

Whats on in second life<br />

Our VIP section. This section will<br />

introduce you to some of the<br />

wonderful places you can visit and<br />

enjoy in second life. Also some of the<br />

educational groups you can join for<br />

quality lifestyle and community<br />

information<br />

BDSM: Types of<br />

relationship<br />

By Raven<br />

Shadowborne<br />

Kinky Kitchen<br />

Amazing recipe’s by Sir<br />


In this Issue….<br />

Contents<br />

Classifieds<br />

Information and advertisement for<br />

venues and Shops online<br />

Articles<br />

Gallery<br />

Erotic art, Editor’s picks.<br />

In the spotlight…<br />

Showcase of the talent<br />

that is in abundance in<br />

SL.<br />

Useful links<br />

like the web? Follow these<br />

crumbs for fun and<br />

information.<br />

Simply Online<br />

Specific content for those of the<br />

lifestyle who only practice in Second<br />

life or other online platforms and how<br />

you might manage relationships in<br />

these spaces.<br />

Lyrical Passion<br />

Our new poetry corner, with<br />

submissions from a varied<br />


So, if you're looking for a great way to get the word out about your startup, you should<br />

definitely consider podcast sponsorships.<br />

Click the link on the following page and listen<br />

to our podcast.<br />

Want to be involved in our next Podcast?<br />

Contact Sir Arithon.

Click Here for the latest Podcast

For the Doms: The Importance of<br />

Consent in BDSM<br />

by Sean Lind | Aug 5, 2016

The basic concept of consent is simple, and most men think they understand it, but as<br />

a Dom chances are you may not be taking it far enough.<br />

Somewhat shockingly, basic consent is still a topic which needs to be brought up,<br />

talked about, and taught. Go to any club in any part of America and you will find<br />

someone being touched in a way they didn’t invite or want.<br />

The basic concept of consent is really dead-simple: before you do anything physical<br />

(or even intimately emotional) with another person, they need to understand your<br />

intentions fully, and agree it’s something they want from you at that time.<br />

The Dating Kiss Paradox<br />

The idea starts to get a little fuzzy in the dating world, especially the vanilla dating<br />

world. If you are on a great date with a girl who is sitting there waiting desperately for<br />

you to kiss her, chances are she doesn’t want you to ask her before you do.<br />

This is about the only type of scenario where the ideas of consent blur slightly. It’s still<br />

never acceptable to attempt to do something unwanted to another person, but it’s rare<br />

times like this where it’s your job to get a reasonable expectation of that consent<br />

before attempting to act. In the pickup world this is talking about IOI’s, indicators of<br />

interest. And still, you don’t bulldog your way into forcing a kiss. Move in with clear<br />

intent, and wait for them to commit to the act. You move 3/4 of the way and wait for<br />

them to move the final 1/4.<br />

Most men confident enough to consider themselves dominant understand this, and are<br />

adept at understanding the situations, acting appropriately. The problem comes when<br />

we move into the BDSM world.<br />

Implied Consent<br />

There is absolutely such a thing as implied consent. For ex<strong>amp</strong>le, many people in<br />

relationships feel no need to consider asking their partner for permission to touch or<br />

kiss them at their discretion. This comes from many discussions and interactions<br />

where this ongoing implied consent has been explicitly given.<br />

The misunderstanding comes from assuming previous consent to be implied consent.<br />

Assuming the consent given yesterday is applicable today with a casual partner is a<br />

mistake, and can effectively cripple your ability to be a great dom.<br />

The Thrill of Choosing

While the details of your kinks and relationships will all differ, the one constant across<br />

all Dominant/submissive relationships is the power-exchange. For the submissive the<br />

biggest thrill, and the most important moment of all is making the choice to give away<br />

her control, hand you the power over her.<br />

If you want to be a great Dom, your primary focus should always be on giving your<br />

subs the absolute best experience you can give them, every single time they choose to<br />

kneel for you. A massive part of this experience is affording them the ability to make<br />

that choice, to choose to be yours.<br />

This means you have to lose the ego, and presumption. It means you need to<br />

understand that, even though she had a great time playing with you last night, perhaps<br />

tonight she wants something different. You need to be confident enough to make her<br />

choose.<br />

The BDSM world is full of paradoxes, this one being at the forefront. Asking the sub to<br />

choose to submit, rather than taking it at your discretion will actually improve your<br />

perception as a confident Dom. More importantly, it will give others a clear signal that<br />

you’re a good man who will make the well-being and respect for their sub a priority in<br />

your play.<br />

If you want subs to choose to play with you, you need to present yourself as a man<br />

worthy of their trust.<br />


Offline/online BDSM Safety<br />

Offline/Online BDSM Safety<br />

by, Screamer<br />

For as long as I've been into BDSM, Safety has been one of my biggest issues and<br />

concerns. Rather that was being a safe call for someone, or simply passing out safety<br />

info to new people, I worked rather long and hard at it. When it got to be too much for<br />

me, I sat down and wrote four separate safety 'posts' or 'classes', that I distributed, and<br />

continue to distribute online. These postings have been passed down from person to<br />

person since I wrote them last year, so you may have seen them before. But even if<br />

you have, please re-read them.<br />

Safety 101<br />

Class #1 - Online D/s - AOL or IRC, ( Second Life - etc. )<br />

Even in our little online world, there is danger.<br />

For all new Doms and subs alike, here are a few standard rules to make your transition<br />

into online D/s a safer, happier one.<br />

1. You do not have to answer ever private messages that you get. Should you get one<br />

that is vulgar, rude or harassing, simply use the cancel button. Even if you are a new<br />

sub and the IM is from an "online Dominant", no one has to take abuse.<br />

2. Do some reading ! The fact that you're here is a good start ! But there are many<br />

good books about D/s on the market. Doing your homework can really pay off.<br />

3. When you make your first few forays into the chat rooms, don't announce in the<br />

open channel or room who you are and what you're looking for. That is a magnet for<br />

anyone out there looking for quick and easy cyber-sex. If you're seriously looking for<br />

friends, contacts and possible partners, be discreet. Read profiles, if they are available,<br />

or do a "who is" on IRC. Message respectfully to people who interest you. Make polite<br />

conversation in the channel/room. Show respect, and you'll earn it in kind.<br />

4. There are lots of rooms and channels in which to find like minded people. On IRC,<br />

rooms that contain the words "Dom", "sub", or "Chateau" are good places to start. On<br />

AOL, you'll find "Le Chateau", "Le Chateau Dungeon", or any rooms that contain

"Dungeon" or "Chateau". Each of these channels/rooms has a different personality. Try<br />

them all, and see which one fits you best.<br />

5. NEVER give your real name, phone number, credit card information to any other<br />

personal information to ANYONE you've just begun to talk to online. Get to know<br />

someone over time before revealing anything of importance !! First names are<br />

sufficient in the beginning.<br />

6. When approached by a potential partner, ask questions !! Get to know the person as<br />

well as online will allow, and then very discreetly, ask around for references about that<br />

person. Please heed any warnings you may receive about an individual, but be sure<br />

you ask for more than one opinion. If you cannot find anyone online who will vouch for<br />

this potential partner either way, please proceed very slowly. Remember that online is<br />

no different than real life. Make them earn your trust.<br />

7. Always be aware that this forum of communication harbours unsavoury characters,<br />

just as any other. And also be aware that people may not always be who they appear,<br />

or claim to be. If you proceed at a cautious rate, you'll save yourself some possible<br />

heartache down the road.<br />

8. PHONE CALLS: If someone wishes to speak with you, and you aren't entirely<br />

trusting of the yet, offer to call them instead of giving your number out. You can disable<br />

any possible Called-ID function they have by punching in the disable code (check your<br />

phone book information pages, or call your phone company). Keep your first<br />

conversation brief and friendly. If you still harbour doubts at the end of this, continue to<br />

call them. Never go against your instincts - they are your most valuable resource. If<br />

they demand your number and you've respectfully and repeatedly told them no,<br />

perhaps it's time to close that particular door.<br />

9. Even if you live close to someone you meet online, it's not a good idea to move into<br />

meeting them too quickly. Take your time in getting to know them, speak several times<br />

on the phone, and if you do agree to meet, set it up at a public place, and take a friend<br />

along. A serious potential partner won't mind.<br />

Class #2 - First Time Meetings<br />

There are many ways to meet potential D/s partners. AOL, The Internet, and classified<br />

ads are only two of these ways.<br />

First time meetings always require a little extra security and safety. Here are some<br />

simple rules for those awkward first encounters.

1. Always set the meeting up well in advance, so that you have time to arrange a<br />

sufficient safety net. (This goes for Doms and subs alike.) If you are traveling, make<br />

reservations at a motel, but do NOT let the person you're meeting know where you'll<br />

be staying.<br />

2. Arrange to meet for the first time during the daylight hours in a public place, such as<br />

a mall or a restaurant. Always park your car a distance away, so that if the meeting<br />

goes badly, you cannot be followed away. Another good idea is to take a cab to this<br />

first meeting.<br />

3. Do not plan to play during your initial meeting. You should have plenty to discuss,<br />

without sex or D/s play entering into the equation.<br />

4. Think about taking along a friend. A serious potential partner won't feel intimidated.<br />

5. SAFE CALLS: There are many ideas out there about how safe calls should be done,<br />

but I'll only offer you my humble opinion, and what has worked for me in the past. Let 2<br />

friends, preferably local to where you'll be meeting, know your complete schedule.<br />

Give them the full name of the person you'll be meeting, their phone number and a<br />

brief physical description. You can even go so far as to give them the make, model and<br />

plate number of the car your date' will be driving. Make sure that your friends have an<br />

accurate description of you, as well, and the phone number of the local police. Arrange<br />

to call these 2 friends immediately after you've met your date'. Give them a key word'<br />

beforehand, that you can say if you need to get away from your date' - for ex<strong>amp</strong>le,<br />

you could say that everything is great' if you need help, or that everything is wonderful'<br />

if you're okay. Your safe calls should arrange to come get you, or give you some sort of<br />

out' if you use your keyword. If you'll be spending more than a few hours with your<br />

date', it's a good idea to call your safe calls every few hours, at least at first.<br />

6. Be honest with your date. If you feel, after this first meeting, that this person is not<br />

someone you want to be involved with, be honest and up-front about that. It's not<br />

necessarily a good idea to do this at your first meeting. Go home, sleep on it. And then<br />

arrange to speak to this person the next day. Remember, your instincts are your most<br />

valuable resource.<br />

7. Have a good time. Be yourself. But most importantly, be SAFE and be HONEST -<br />

with your date, and with yourself.<br />

Class #3 will be in next month's issue, if you would like to read this article in world, the<br />

NC is available at L&R venue.

Dominant??....<br />

A Dominant is a person with a<br />

dominant aspect in their<br />

personality.Those just entering<br />

the BDSM world will find the<br />

abundant usage of both of these<br />

words by members of the online<br />


Dominant vs Master<br />

Dominatrix vs Mistress<br />

Those just entering the BDSM world will find the abundant usage of both of these<br />

words by members of the online community. This is primarily due to the rapid growth of<br />

access and the restrained attainability of quality texts to correctly interpret what these<br />

words mean within the community itself. Up to a few years ago the BDSM world was a<br />

tightly closed and almost secret society. Memberships this society was kept totally<br />

private and hidden with significant effort.Entree into the community was by referral and<br />

accompaniment only. Protocols or rules of conduct were strict and strongly enforced,<br />

not from some control standpoint but because those rules emerged from bitterly hard<br />

lessons in survival.<br />

A Dominant is a person with a dominant aspect in their personality.<br />

A Master is a Dominant with significant real life BDSM experience.<br />

They are not the same. It can be fairly said that all Master/Mistress's are Dominant. It<br />

cannot be said that all Dominant's have earned the title of Master/Mistress.The<br />

Dominant person will range from lightly, moderately and heavily dominant.They may<br />

desire to engage in a relationship which is infrequent and strictly limited by rules,<br />

boundaries and limitations. These light Dominant's will generally have a very limited<br />

desire to have a significant D/s relationship,this is sometimes due to conflicting life<br />

events and other times due to being 'barely dominant'.<br />

There is a second group of light Dominant's or persons with a desire to control without<br />

the adequate understanding or tools to do so. I sometimes call these person'slow level<br />

Dominant's. Their range or sphere (their world) is small, they can be poorly educated,<br />

relatively low paying jobs, somewhat narrow minded and may be subject to 'dominant<br />

bursts', or short term barely or uncontrolled violent outburst's. These low level<br />

Dominant's are often abusive and were generally bully's or victims of abuse as<br />

children. They may be full of justifications for their 'actions' often assigning 'blame' or<br />

directing by means of fear,intimidation or threat of pain. They are often without honour,<br />

courage an veracity as individual's and when encountered in the BDSM world should<br />

be avoided or not sought out to be in a relationship with.

The moderate Dominant is the most common Dominant and will characteristically<br />

interested in a 'relationship', though often they may not desire a full time relationship<br />

when they are fairly new to the community. They tend to have a broader range and<br />

more committed style than the light Dominant and the submissive will find them to be<br />

more stable. They will tend to be decently educated, interested in their outer world,<br />

midrange job. They may tend to control through a blending of thought and the<br />

accentuating of traditional type disciplines. They are most likely to have 'sides', wishing<br />

and desiring their submissive to 'share' in decision making choices.<br />

The heavy Dominant can be distinguished primarily by a clear, strong and compelling<br />

desire to live in a 24/7 relationship with one submissive. This Dominant will generally<br />

have been in the community for a long time or be seasoned, will have explored the<br />

'abundance' of many D/s events, meetings, scenes and partners.They can be more<br />

tolerant and more strict than any other Dominant. A high percentage of heavy<br />

Dominant's will have spent some portion of their BDSM life as a submissive, learning<br />

from the inside. These Dominant's often allow few limits and believe that their<br />

submissive must trust in them to direct them in a safe, sane manner. They are<br />

generally well rounded and quite stable. Holding to simple, firm rules with a strong<br />

desire to maintain the health and well-being of their chosen mate.<br />

One of the most significant traits which identifies or distinguishes a member of this<br />

community is the basic 'desire to serve for the pleasure of another'. This aspect trait is<br />

shared by both Dominant and submissive though manifested in entirely different ways.<br />

When 'in scene' the Dominant is 'serving' the needs of the submissive by giving and/or<br />

directing that submissive in a manner which is pleasurable to the core being of the<br />

submissive. In those terms the Dominant is the giver, the submissive the receiver. In a<br />

good or well rounded relationship this flows back and forth between both Dominant<br />

and submissive. The submissive is 'giving' obedience and consent to the Dominant,<br />

the Dominant is 'giving' direction and control to the submissive.<br />

Additionally you have those who go by the name of Top. This person is generally an<br />

individual who enjoys scening from the Top position. S/he may or may not have a<br />

strong dominant aspect. Many Top's will openly indicate that they do not consider<br />

themselves to be a Dominant, they generally have little desire to being a controlling<br />

position of another person's life.

Many see themselves in dual roles and may identify themselves as switches, or having<br />

the ability to switch from Top to bottom role. I also need to mention the Sadist here. A<br />

Sadist mayor may not be a Dominant, in much the same way as a Top. Often a true<br />

Sadist will openly identify themselves as a Sadist. They scene because the inflicting of<br />

pain upon another being brings them pleasure. In many cases the Sadist has no desire<br />

to live in a controlling position over another person. Also the trueSadist is very attuned<br />

to 'scene limits', they can and may be a stickler for very precise identification of what is<br />

permissible and what is not. In general terms they are not oriented toward 'serving the<br />

pleasure' of the person they scene with though often they are very skilled, very<br />

intelligent and very careful.<br />

A Dominant may be sadistic and will often have a strong sadistic side which allows<br />

them the ability or range to interact with the submissive in an intense sensory<br />

stimulation way<br />

A multiple partner Dominant can be any of those above mentioned. The individual's<br />

stability can best be judged by the duration of those poly-relationships. Also there are<br />

those that take on or desire to take on 'stables' of submissives. In most cases this is a<br />

fantasy wish fulfilment type of ego stroking. Functionally, the more people within a<br />

relationship the harder it is to manage. It is quite difficult to manage a single<br />

relationship well, every division of time, energy and focus reduces the overall quality to<br />

everyone.<br />


The Master/Mistress is beyond the last level of the Dominant. They are generally well<br />

experienced, often having lived as a full time slave for up to several years as part of<br />

their training. This title used to be given within the local communities in a ceremonial<br />

way when the individual had earned this title by the estimation of a majority consensus<br />

agreement of the Dominant's within that local community. It was considered to be a<br />

high honor and carried with it a measure of instant respect by all those so encountering<br />

it. In addition there is a further title of GrandMaster/Mistress. This title is awarded even<br />

more rarely and should you encounter any individual with this title, you should offer<br />

extreme respect and understand that this title was awarded for demonstrable and long<br />

term consistent actions

One final thing to really confuse you. There is a category that I call the<br />

AlphaDominant. (aka High-Level Dominant) (aka Natural Dominant). This individual<br />

appears to have been born Dominant. They often 'emerge' at a young age,<br />

(sometimes at puberty), they have natural skills, are highly imaginative and creative,<br />

flexible, energetic and intense. They have no need to 'prove' themselves to any other<br />

standards or measures. They may have no abuse whatsoever in their background.<br />

They are generally highly motivated, precise, detail oriented, aggressive, charming<br />

and capable of literally anything.<br />

The vast majority of Dominants 'emerge' in their mid-thirties. A full emergence often<br />

takes as long as seven years as they work through and integrate all the conflicting<br />

information inside of themselves (this is identical for the submissive also - though<br />

many female sub's emerge in their late 20's). During this 'emergence' process they<br />

can be somewhat unstable, moving from person to person and sometimes from<br />

orientation to orientation as they seek to understand what is happening to them and<br />

who they really are.<br />

A few other misconceptions to address. The term 'Lady' is often seen. Lady can be an<br />

indicator of both Dominant or submissive. Many Alpha or number one submissives<br />

are called 'Ladies'. Usage of this term as it applies to a Dominant Female is<br />

somewhat unclear though it 'may' indicate that the Dominant is or has been a switch. I<br />

should note that many of the Dominant's are former submissives who carry forth their<br />

education and training quite proudly. The term Lord is also commonly seen here and<br />

is often used as in 'Lord and Master'. Being called a'Lord' does not mean that the<br />

individual is a Master but appears to be a term of endearment given by the<br />

submissive to that Dominant. Sir and Ma'am also fall into the category of endearment<br />

honorific title terms. Many Dominant's have no desire to assume the identity of a<br />

Master and require their submissives to call them Sir to be used as the reverent title<br />

of choice. This also holds true for Ma'am though I should note here that 'Madame' can<br />

be interpreted as a slur due to it's association with prostitution.<br />

Madam Steele

BDSM:Types of<br />


BDSM: Types of relationship<br />

by, Raven Shadowborne<br />

Within BDSM, there are many different types of relationships. Each one is important to<br />

those who live them. As well, each one is defined by the people involved. This often<br />

makes things difficult for people who are new to the lifestyle. Here are my definitions of<br />

the different types of relationships found in BDSM. None of them are better than any<br />

other, in my opinion. I give this information simply to show how varied things are and to<br />

aid those who are just learning in having at least a general idea of what can be found.<br />

Bedroom D/s: These are the relationships in which the power exchange takes place<br />

only during a set time frame. It usually coincides with sex or b/d & s/m play. There is no<br />

power exchange outside of these scenes. Often, this is used as a way to spice up an<br />

existing relationship by including b/d and s/m play. Some times, this kind of relationship<br />

can grow into another type. It is, in my opinion, a part of BDSM because a power<br />

exchange does take place, no matter how briefly. For many, this type of relationship is<br />

the first step into BDSM and can be an ideal way for newbies to start out. Often, this is<br />

a love based relationship or play partner arrangement.<br />

D/s: (Domination/submission) Be it a live in 24/7 relationship or a long distance one, a<br />

d/s relationship is one where the power exchange exists outside the bedroom or prearranged<br />

scenes. The power exchange encompasses more than just sexual acts.<br />

Such a relationship may or may not include love. It may or may not include limits on<br />

play activities, which were imposed by the submissive. For me, the deciding factor that<br />

makes a relationship a d/s one is the answer to the question "Who has final say in the<br />

majority of daily life?". If the answer is "The dominant" " my master" or such, that<br />

shows a power exchange outside of the bedroom and therefor a d/s relationship. In<br />

these relationships the focus is not on just play, but also on the mental aspects of the<br />

power exchange and service by the submissive. The power exchange is not always<br />

obvious, but each person involved knows their place whether play has occurred<br />

recently or not. In this kind of relationship, one finds rules of behaviour, expectations,<br />

and tasks put on the submissive. The majority of mainstream BDSM relationships fall<br />

into this category.<br />

M/s (Master/slave): This is a rare type of relationship. One that is often misunderstood<br />

and ostracised. Nevertheless, it is a valid and very real type of BDSM relationship. In<br />

such a relationship there is a total giving of power from the slave to the dominant. It is,<br />

in fact, a total power exchange (TPE). Like the d/s relationship, the power exchange is<br />

present outside of sexual encounters. Unlike the d/s relationship, the slave can not and

does not set any limits on the dominant and usually does not have a safe word. As in<br />

the d/s relationship you will find rules of behaviour, expectations and tasks placed on<br />

the slave. Unlike some d/s relationships, these rules can cover a lot more area, such<br />

as tone of voice, body movements, sleeping and eating habits, poise and more. The<br />

main focus in such a relationship is the service of the slave, not sexual gratification.<br />

For those involved in such relationships, it is the service of the slave that is the most<br />

satisfying and is a driving force behind the relationship. Those involved in an M/s<br />

relationship, do so because they need to serve or be served.. The slave wants to<br />

relinquish all control to the dominant and is happiest when he/she finds the right<br />

dominant for them to which they can fully submit. However, this does not mean a slave<br />

is incapable of caring for themselves or a doormat, quite the opposite in fact. A slave,<br />

like a submissive, must be capable and reliable. Many slaves have extensive<br />

responsibilities that they must take care of on a daily basis, and those who can't care<br />

for themselves or think for themselves, would not succeed as a slave or submissive.<br />

The M/s relationship seems to be more of a mental one than the d/s relationship. The<br />

mindsets of those involved are different. In a d/s relationship many submissives think<br />

they can just leave if they had to. In an m/s relationship, most slaves would not<br />

consider doing so even in the event of their life being endangered. A slave gives<br />

blanket consent to the dominant upon taking the collar. Whereas, many d/s<br />

relationships seem to require repeated consent from the submissive. An m/s<br />

relationship need not have love, and is usually not based on love.<br />

There is a fourth type of relationship. I have yet to see anyone name it or clearly define<br />

it, but it does exist. I will give a general description of such a relationship here. It<br />

comes between a d/s relationship and an m/s one. It is a relationship that has traits of<br />

both types. It focuses more on service and mental aspects than a standard d/s<br />

relationship, yet still has a bit more focus on the physical aspects than the m/s<br />

relationship. In such a relationship, the submissive exhibits and is happiest with quite a<br />

few attributes of the m/s relationship. For ex<strong>amp</strong>le, blanket consent, no safe words,<br />

and no limits. SUch a relationship can grow into an m/s one or revert to a d/s one,<br />

depending on what the participants want.<br />

Each of these types have variances within them from the mildest occasional hand<br />

spankers, to the extreme edge players. Or from the mildest power exchange of a<br />

weekend encounter, to the day to day living of complete submission in an absolute m/s<br />

relationship. And, everything in between! But, they all have one thing in common.<br />

Consent is the common denominator. Those involved consented to the relationship as<br />

it is.

Because of the many variances it is a good idea to have at least a general inkling of<br />

the different relationships out there. Armed with such information, it becomes easier to<br />

avoid finding oneself in a relationship that they either can't handle or just are not happy<br />

in. It is extremely important that prospective partners discuss what they want in a<br />

relationship and honestly evaluate if their desired relationships match.<br />

BDSM is NOT a competition. There is no magic level that makes one a "real" or "Not<br />

real". To view it as such is to set yourself up for disaster. No relationship is easy and a<br />

BDSM on has challenges all it's own. To make those challenges worse by placing<br />

yourself into a relationship you can not handle, is not a very smart idea. Be honest to<br />

yourself and others about what you want in a relationship and what you can handle.<br />

But, do not rule out growth and change as time goes on. A relationship can indeed<br />

grow into one of the other types over time. So keep that in mind, but do not strive to be<br />

something you are not because of a false belief that only those live a certain way are<br />

"real" BDSM. The main point behind BDSM is for those involved to be satisfied and<br />

happy overall with their relationship's dynamics. Not to see who can reach TPE first.

Thrown to the floor<br />

Dominant Traits and musings by Sir Arithon<br />

Happy New Year. Well this<br />

month sees a sizzler of a<br />

topic that is bound to<br />

promote a mixed reaction.<br />

Let’s hope we get some<br />

solid feedback here. So,<br />

come on and get your<br />

opinion to us at Liberty &<br />

Restraint in world or direct<br />

mail. You can also contact<br />

us through Facebook if you<br />

want to follow us there. We<br />

certainly want to hear from<br />

you and don’t worry that<br />

your views will not see you<br />

at the end of angry villager<br />

pitchforks because we love<br />

the debate.<br />

Ok so I will continue this<br />

convo in the podcast but<br />

essentially, I wanted to raise<br />

a question or two that have<br />

been on my mind for a few<br />

years now. What I am dying<br />

to know is this. Why at<br />

second life discussions are<br />

the loudest voices always<br />

the submissive side and why<br />

is there a burning desire to<br />

agree with whomever is<br />

talking.<br />

Seriously! The number of<br />

times you go along to a C.Q<br />

and R based discussion to<br />

hear that the next 5 C’s are<br />

prefixed with “I just wanted<br />

to say I agree with what<br />

P o l l y j u s t s a i d 1 0 0 % ”<br />

followed by “done” I mean<br />

can there be any more<br />

useless response to the<br />

burning question of the day.<br />

Where too are the Dominant<br />

voices in all this because<br />

they are so rarely heard<br />

pretty much all the ones that<br />

do speak are all hired as<br />

facilitators. Once you do<br />

become a facilitator of<br />

course be warned. The<br />

baying submissive crowd<br />

will pick up those forks and<br />

come at you if you should<br />

dare to express an opinion.<br />

Id love to hear your answers<br />

to this but I have come up<br />

with a working theory on<br />

some of it. Having been<br />

around in SL a fair bit I can<br />

say with some experience<br />

that the major venues are<br />

like private members clubs.<br />

They are all fighting for the<br />

same audience, so I guess<br />

you can understand their<br />

drive to “capture” the<br />

notable voices of the day for<br />

their discussions. These are<br />

in many cases brilliant,

So what is the rub here? I guess it’s the word discussion. I think that context is at best<br />

badly labelled. The format is much more like a university lecture where the resident<br />

lecturer puts out there the content and the audience absorbs it. It is not a debate where<br />

challenging views are examined and most of all there may be conclusions that come out<br />

of these discussions but there do not seem to be any actions relating to the topics<br />

discussed. Just a polite thank you until the next round.<br />

Perhaps the community is simply content to cycle through all these critical issues with<br />

their ultimate caveat that “what works for you is fine” honestly, I would love to debate<br />

these issues but have as yet not found a forum that is open to open debate about these<br />

and many other issues facing the online community.<br />

Perhaps over time there will be an appetite for a forum like this and thus will be born a<br />

credible alternative to the CQ and R that offers real challenge and debate. I would love to<br />

hear your views on the subject so get in touch.<br />

Sir Arithon

D/shion<br />

by A.Sands<br />

Our Introduction to second life fashion<br />

& D/s photography.

Round of Jewels<br />

Really often there is nothing better to complete an outfit that the correct piece of<br />

jewellery. It does not matter if it is high carats, pearls or gems, or it is done of wood and<br />

leather. A correct jewel turns a good outfit into outstanding. In second life jewels are<br />

really affordable and allow us to create looks like this, not wearing anything else but<br />

jewellery. Love doesn't grow on trees is one of the pieces I treasure from years ago.<br />

Mine is dated on 2012, and is still perfect for some occasions. Today I wanted to show<br />

how you can build a subbie look built just with jewels.

Credits:<br />

CHOP ZUEY Sweet Kamikaze - Cuff Rt<br />


F I N E S M I T H beautiful sadness- love doesn't grow on trees.<br />

Finesmith pieces are now just found in the marketplace.

Kinky Kitchen<br />


Monthly recipe section by<br />

the talented Sir Cheflew,<br />

with theme driven, topical<br />

writing on health issues.

A year gone by and i still love making this Chilli during the holidays. Great for warming<br />

up you and yours on a cold day.<br />

Read recipe first as it has been somewhat adapted for modern kitchens over the years.<br />

White Chicken Chilli<br />

Ingredients<br />

2 (14.5-ounce) cans white beans, rinsed and drained<br />

4 Cups of chicken broth, divided<br />

1 tablespoon olive oil or oil of your preference.<br />

1 large white onion, diced 1/4 inch cubes<br />

1 jalapeño pepper, seeded and minced - recommend saving the seeds to add to end o<br />

cooking if you like spicy hot<br />

2 medium poblano peppers, seeded and diced - recommend saving the seeds to add to<br />

end o cooking if you like spicy hot<br />

4 garlic cloves, minced<br />

1 tablespoon ground cumin<br />

1-1/2 teaspoons ground coriander<br />

1 teaspoon ancho chilli powder<br />

Sea Salt<br />

1 roasted/baked chicken, skin removed and shredded (about 4 cups)<br />

3/4 cup white sweet corn<br />

1/4 cup fresh chopped cilantro<br />

1 tablespoon fresh lime juice, from one lime, plus more to taste<br />

In a Food processor, blend 1/2 of the beans (1 can) with 1 cup of the chicken broth. Set<br />

aside both the puréed beans and the remaining whole beans.

Add the vegetable oil to a large pot heat it over<br />

medium heat. Add the onion, jalapeño pepper and<br />

poblano peppers and saute until soft, about 4 minutes.<br />

Add the garlic and saute for one minute more. Add the<br />

cumin, coriander and ancho chilli powder and continue<br />

to cook, stirring frequently, for 1 minute more to toast<br />

the spices. Add the chicken stock, pureed beans and<br />

1/2 teaspoon of sea salt; bring to a boil. Reduce the<br />

heat to low and simmer, uncovered, for 20 minutes.<br />

Stir in the shredded roasted chicken, reserved whole<br />

beans, corn, cilantro and lime juice; bring back to a simmer and cook until everything is<br />

heated through, about 5 minutes. Taste and adjust seasoning with more salt and lime<br />

juice, if necessary. (The broth will be somewhat soupy -- that's how it is supposed to be.<br />

It thickens the longer it sits;) Serve the chili in individual bowls with a dollop of sour<br />

cream or heavy cream, crushed tortilla chips, and lime wedges.

Monthly recipe section by<br />

the talented Sir Cheflew,<br />

with theme driven, topical<br />

writing on health issues.

Shivers down my spine…

Valedictorian<br />

byDawi©<br />

Though she would never had admitted it to anyone, Laura knew that she was probably<br />

not the smartest or prettiest girl in the Franklin Roosevelt High school.<br />

Close, sure, definitely top 10, but not the top. The title of smartest girl may well have<br />

gone to the girl in the back seat though, Emily Ratner, and that was what tonight was all<br />

about, her big juicy brain and how it was standing in Laura's way. She would never sell<br />

her sell herself short of course. She was a dangerous combination of beauty, brains, and<br />

a ruthless understanding of how to use both to get what she wanted wrapped up in a tall,<br />

lithe, raven haired girl.<br />

When all these traits combined into a woman entering the home stretch of her senior<br />

year of school, well - don't get between her and what she wants. Nothing else need be<br />

said. And sometimes what you want can take a fairly circuitous rout, she reflected idly.<br />

Like being on a date with a guy you have no interest in, for instance. A date that was<br />

going nowhere fast, or according to plan, depending on who you asked.<br />

While her date was on the phone outside the car she stole a glance in the rear-view<br />

mirror and checked out the competition. The contrast between Laura and Emily couldn't<br />

have been more exaggerated. Emily was fair, curvy, and looked completely innocent as<br />

she nestled against her boyfriend Robert's chest, engrossed in the movie. Her glasses<br />

and ill-fitting vintage chic clothing down played her feminine charms, but there was no<br />

hiding what a natural beauty Emily was.<br />

Laura wasn't entirely sure what movie they had actually come to see. She thought it was<br />

probably one of those super hero movies that were all the rage these days, but it didn't<br />

matter, she wasn't here for the film. She was here because Emily was, and that's all that<br />

mattered.<br />

It had taken a lot of work for Laura to set this up, she thought as she looked outside and<br />

watched her date pace while talking on his cellphone. She'd had to find a friend of<br />

Emily's boyfriend who had a car and a job, which in this case turned out to be a loser<br />

named Jeff.<br />

Once she'd found the right date, shed had to practically wear a sign, providing enough<br />

excuses to be around him and signals for a blind man until he worked up the courage to<br />

ask her out. And all of that so that when she told him her parents wouldn't allow them to<br />

go to the drive-in unless it was a double date. She was sure he would go to Robert and<br />

beg him to bring Emily. That was the great thing about Jeff - Robert was his only friend<br />

with a girl - it would have spoiled the whole night if he had brought someone else.

She stifled a laugh at the thought of her parents. Her mom wouldn't give a shit where she<br />

was as long as she was home before midnight, and who knew which country her father<br />

was for work this week. As long as she brought home A's, and they never actually saw<br />

her drunk or high, they didn't give a shit what she did with her time.<br />

Sadly though, even after all that work Jeff still wouldn't be getting his dick wet. Sure, she<br />

knew she seemed like a sure thing, and truth be told, she usually was, but once the date<br />

had been locked in, Laura had seduced his assistant manager with some topless<br />

pictures and the promise of a hand job to call Jeff<br />

up and make him come into work for an emergency<br />

shortly after the date started. Laura had really<br />

rubbed in this injustice too, by leaving a hickey on<br />

Jeff's neck between kisses and letting him feel how<br />

wet her panties were underneath her skirt. She<br />

wasn't wet for Jeff though, she was excited about<br />

what was going to happen after he had to leave.<br />

When she saw him hang up, head hung in<br />

resignation, she knew she had won. A moment later<br />

he popped back into the car.<br />

"Work called," he started, as he turned down the<br />

movie soundtrack on the radio, "and they are really<br />

slammed, so I'm going to need to go help them<br />

out."<br />

Laura tried to maintain a disappointed look, but with<br />

her sense of victory shining through it came out<br />

somewhat sardonic.<br />

"Aww, Jeff, that's too bad," she started.<br />

"But I want you three to stay and have a good time." Jeff interrupted, trying to preserve<br />

his dignity and hopes for a second date. It wouldn't work. Laura would block his number<br />

by the end of the night if everything went well. "Robert, just drive my car to your place<br />

after you drop the girls off and I'll pick it up at the end of the night."<br />

"How late do you need to stay, bro" Robert asked, trying to be a good friend, "We could<br />

pick you up after this and go chill somewhere."

"They're going to need me to close," Jeff said with a heavy sigh.<br />

"That sucks," Emily said sympathetically. Laura echoed her words somewhat more<br />

hollowly. "Yeah, totally"<br />

"Let me at least walk you to the gate," Laura said opening her door as she shrugged on<br />

her coat. "I need to use the ladies room any way."<br />

Jeff wasn't about to protest that, and soon enough they were walking arm in arm as<br />

Laura kept up the charade. Jeff wasn't a bad guy she reflected, he just lacked ambition.<br />

He probably deserved better than this, but all is fair in love and war.<br />

After she left Jeff with one last kiss for the road, Laura walked back slowly. She made a<br />

brief stop at the lady's room to remove her panties, and then strolled through the<br />

darkened drive-in lot observing the other patrons, or more specifically, their cars. The<br />

movie was approaching the half way point, so many of the cars that weren't exactly there<br />

for the movie had started to reveal their true motivations for showing up. Whether it was<br />

the slight bounce of suspensions, or fogged up windows, about half the cars she passed<br />

showed the subtle signs of passion taking place in their darkened interiors. At first<br />

glance, Jeff's used Prius wouldn't have revealed anything similar, to the casual observer.<br />

Its windows were clean, and its chassis was immobile, but there was just one subtle<br />

problem that made<br />

Laura smile her Cheshire smile: you could only see one head in the window, and judging<br />

from the height, that would-be Robert.<br />

Laura smirked as she thought about sweet little Emily giving head to the man she loved<br />

in the back seat. She had hoped they would try to use this little window of time to explore<br />

their passions, it would have been much more challenging if Emily had maintained a prim<br />

and proper demeanour. As long as the couple in the front seat was making out every bit<br />

as much as the couple in the backseat, but now that she was the third wheel, it would<br />

become a drag pretty quick. Well, normally it would.<br />

Laura strode over to the car with all the confidence in the world and casually opened the<br />

rear passenger door on Robert's side.<br />

"Okay guys, here's the... Well, hello," Laura said, feigning surprise. As suspected she<br />

had caught them both red handed.<br />

Emily had lost her glasses at some point, and had found herself a dick instead. When the<br />

car door burst open and the dome light came on she froze with one hand wrapped

around the base of Robert's not unimpressive cock and its head still deep in her mouth.<br />

The smell of sex and aroused cunt wafted out almost immediately, even though they had<br />

only been at it for a few minutes at most. How were they expecting to hide that when<br />

Laura had gotten back, she wondered?<br />

Emily's expression of horror was marred by her mouth being full. If she'd wanted<br />

blackmail this would have been the moment to laugh and snap a few pictures, but since<br />

she was after somewhat bigger game, she smiled wickedly and hopped into the back<br />

seat before they could protest, and shut the door behind her.<br />

Obviously, the young couple was pretty surprised by that turn of events, so Laura<br />

decided to press her advantage by kissing Robert deeply before he could protest. At first<br />

his mouth was slack against hers, but within moments his tongue was writhing against<br />

hers. He was a good kisser. Laura could see what Emily saw in him.<br />

"Ahhem," Emily said, as she stopped inhaling her boyfriend's dick long enough to object<br />

to what was happening, or more precisely what was getting ready to. "Laura, what do<br />

you think you're..."<br />

This was the critical moment, Laura thought as she broke off the kiss long enough to<br />

meet Emily's eye. Her level gaze, lusty and intense, made Emily trail off, and for a<br />

moment, there was silence. Laura broke the silence by reaching out to wrap her hand<br />

around Emily's. The hand that was still wrapped around her boyfriend's dick. Emily's<br />

eyes flashed down for a moment, and she flushed bright red for a moment as she took in<br />

the erotic sight in the half light of the distant movie screen. When she brought her eyes<br />

back up to meet<br />

Laura's, she licked her lips unconsciously, and in that moment, Laura knew that she had<br />

her.<br />

Laura closed her eyes and leaned in to kiss Emily, and Emily just let it happen. This<br />

wasn't the first girl that Laura ever kissed, and it certainly wouldn't be the last, but the<br />

same couldn't be said for poor innocent Emily. Robert was the only the second boy she<br />

had ever kissed and the only one she had gone further than that with. Her studies<br />

and religious upbringing didn't allow for anything more than that, so when she<br />

tasted this forbidden fruit she melted completely into it. She didn't put up a fight<br />

either when Laura started running her hand up and down her boyfriend's spit slick cock<br />

for her either.<br />

Once Emily's hand was keeping Robert happy and engaged, she used both hands to fish<br />

around under Emily's sweater and undo the clasp to her straining bra. To say that her<br />

shapeless clothes were hiding her beauty would be an understatement. Laura knew that

she had pretty big tits, but had not been expecting the double D's she found. She groped<br />

both of the orbs gently before finding the nipples and tweaking them hard, making Emily<br />

moan into her mouth. Emily may be able to breeze through AP calculus and English lit<br />

effortlessly, but Laura could read people in their weaknesses with equal ease.<br />

Laura pulled back from the kiss for a moment to pull off her shirt - she hadn't bother to<br />

wear a bra, and her nipples had been obvious in the cold for most of the evening. She<br />

was a well-proportioned B cup, but she looked flat next to Emily.<br />

"Well," Laura asked expectantly, "Aren't you going to show us what you got?"<br />

Emily paused a moment, biting her lip before reaching down the hem of her shirt and<br />

pulling it over her head. Laura took that moment to straddle Robert's lap, presumably to<br />

get closer to Emily. He took the opportunity to suck greedily on Laura's left nipple as she<br />

took the opportunity to pull Emily to her in another kiss. Neither of them realized the real<br />

purpose was to get Laura closer to Roberts cock until Laura rested her full weight on his<br />

lap, pushing her hot wet slit against his dick.<br />

Laura could tell that he felt it too by the way he bucked his hips involuntarily. At this angle<br />

that wouldn't do anything but slide his dick up and down her lips, which while exquisite,<br />

was not her primary goal. While Laura's hands and mouth roamed Emily's body,<br />

distracting her entirely from everything else going on, she raised her hips and twisted her<br />

pelvis forward, and the next time Robert bucked, his cock slid up and the head lodged in<br />

her pussy without effort.<br />

As Laura sank down on his cock, she used her left hand to hold his head to her breast so<br />

he couldn't object or give Emily any indication of what was going on. She had to admit it<br />

to herself, Emily had chosen a good man here. Though not quite seven inches, she could<br />

feel the girth stretch her slightly leaving her pussy eager, and aching to be fucked. She<br />

probably wouldn't get that tonight though. When she had been working out this plan, she<br />

had heard through the grapevine that Robert and Emily had had sex a couple times, but<br />

only with condoms, so Laura doubted he would last more than a minute or so in her tight,<br />

raw, little pussy.<br />

If she needed some relief after all this, Laura thought, she could always swing by Mr.<br />

Anderson's for some extra credit on the way home, she noted wistfully. His wife worked<br />

nights at the hospital, and he was never one to refuse a student in need of personal<br />

tutoring in the middle of the night.<br />

As Robert started to get the confidence to saw his dick in and out of her in slow, clit<br />

grinding, rocking motions, Laura reached into Emily's waistband to see how she was

enjoying tonight's unexpected events. It was no surprise that she was practically<br />

dripping, soaking her cotton panties to uselessness. Emily sighed into Laura's mouth<br />

again as soon as Laura touched her, and once she got started on her clit in earnest,<br />

Emily buried her face into Laura's breast and let out a series of breathy mewling sounds<br />

that quickly escalated into low moans.<br />

Robert's thrusts were coming faster now, and his breathing was getting more laboured.<br />

He definitely had a nice dick, but he didn't have enough practice with it in a real horny girl<br />

to be much good with it yet, all the same it scratched the itch, as much as it incited it, and<br />

made Laura work to suppress the moans that were starting to rise from deep within her.<br />

When she felt his motions get shorter and more desperate, Laura turned and kissed him<br />

hard, meeting his gaze with intensity. As soon as he met her gaze, his whole body<br />

stiffened as he came in a real woman instead of a plastic-coated pussy for the first time<br />

in his life. When the moment was over, Laura turned to Emily, who she had kept finger<br />

fucking throughout her boyfriend's orgasm. She was entirely oblivious as wave after<br />

wave of sinful and forbidden pleasure washed over her.<br />

When Laura took her hands out of Emily's pants before she had a chance to cum, Emily<br />

finally opened her eyes, somewhat disappointed. When Laura started to tug at Emily's<br />

waist band though, it took a few moments for the idea that Laura wanted her to take<br />

them off to penetrate the fog of lust she had generated in Emily's normally sharp mind,<br />

and Laura could see the hesitation in her pretty but dazed face, but her well-practiced<br />

pout was more than enough to change her mind.<br />

Well Emily wriggled out of her hand me down jeans and her white cotton panties, Laura<br />

turned her attention back to Robert. The lust warring with worry was plain on his face,<br />

though she couldn't be sure if he was worried that he had just fucked another woman in<br />

front of Emily and she might find out or he might have just knocked her up and ruined his<br />

life. Laura lifted her ass to hover over Robert's cock as she leaned forward to kiss him.<br />

She immediately missed the feeling of fullness as his semi-soft cock slipped out of her.<br />

"Don't worry big boy she said," pausing to kiss him deeply, "everyone here is having a<br />

great time."<br />

"I'm not complaining Laura, but what's gotten into you tonight?" he asked, not noticing his<br />

double entendre. 'You did, silly' was the obvious answer, but it would spoil the game.<br />

"I just came her to watch the movie Robert," she said in a playful tone, as she felt his<br />

sperm slowly drip out of her and on to his cock.

"You and you and your sexy girlfriend are the ones who upped the ante in all this."<br />

"Emily," Laura said, turning to face the girlfriend who was entirely clueless about the<br />

subtext of the conversation up until now. "I think your man is jealous of all the attention<br />

I've been paying to you," she slid off of Robert's lap on the centre seat, and back onto<br />

her own side of the car. "Why don't you make he feel wanted and needed?"<br />

She didn't have to be told twice. She was on his lap straddling his legs in no time locking<br />

lips with her one true love. Laura had to admit that they made a cute couple. If anything,<br />

what she was doing was going to keep them together. Laura noticed that Emily was<br />

grinding her bare pussy against Roberts rapidly hardening cock. She also noticed that<br />

Emily was careful not to let it go inside of her as Laura had, and that Robert was careful<br />

not to tell her about all of the sperm she was currently grinding against.<br />

That suited Laura just find as she reached down to finger her own pussy while she<br />

adjusted her position to better help Emily out. To the casual observer this might have<br />

looked like she was just enjoying the show of two passionate young lovers, recently<br />

come of age. What she was really doing though was making sure she had as much of<br />

Robert's slick sperm as possible on her slender fingers before she reached between the<br />

two lovers and started to finger Emily.<br />

Robert opened his eyes briefly to give Laura a look, and for a moment she thought he<br />

might spoil everything, but teenage hormones won out, and he stuck to kissing instead of<br />

talking. For her part, Emily never missed a bit, rutting and grinding harder than ever as<br />

Laura slipped two fingers inside her needy little cunt. She was close to cumming and<br />

starting to get louder - the couple in the next car over probably could have told you that.<br />

That was too bad for her - every orgasm she had tonight upped the chances that she<br />

would conceive little Robert or Emily jr whether she wanted to or not. Emily thought of<br />

herself as careful, sure, but at this point her pussy was wet with the sexual fluids of<br />

everyone in this car, and there had to be a few hundred thousand swimmers searching<br />

for her egg even now. To be fair, there were a few million still in<br />

Laura's pussy too, but they were unlikely to be successful.<br />

Careful research ahead of time both through the gossip grape vine and observation in<br />

gym class had revealed that not only was Emily not on birth control but that tonight was<br />

her most fertile time of her cycle. Laura by contrast had a diaphragm and had just<br />

finished her period.

It was a bad time to take chances - Laura wouldn't have made the same decision of<br />

course, she was a thoughtful and deliberate woman.<br />

Robert was likely to knock up one of them tonight, just not the one he was expecting.<br />

As Laura mused about all this, her fingers flew on auto pilot, playing with Emily's clit and<br />

scooping up sperm to finger into her by turns, bringing the young girl to one wracking<br />

orgasm after another. Before long Laura could see that Emily was so turned on that<br />

Robert could have fucked her if he had wanted to, condom be damned. Whether it was<br />

because he was too inexperienced to notice, or he had a desire to do the right thing the<br />

moment passed, and as the credits started to roll, Emily's frantic bucking subsided, as<br />

she looked down soulfully at her partner.<br />

"Aww, poor boy, Laura and I have had all the fun and here you are just waiting," She<br />

looked mischievously at Laura as she dismounted her man and his cock once again<br />

stood at attention. "I'll be the two of us can figure out something to help you. With that<br />

Emily bent down to suck his cock once again, and Laura saw no reason not to follow suit.<br />

Together they didn't suck his dick so much as French kiss around it, while it was in both<br />

their mouths. Even Laura had to admit it was incredibly hot - after all this she would need<br />

someone to fuck her right later - her pussy was steaming with need after this strange<br />

three-way, and the taste of all their aroused juices mixed together like this was definitely<br />

an aphrodisiac.<br />

Even though he had already cum once this evening, Robert didn't last long. After just<br />

over a minute of this intense double oral action, he exploded, fountaining his sperm into<br />

both their mouths. If Emily noticed that the taste was a familiar one, present since they<br />

had started sucking his cock, she said nothing.<br />

After that there was only the sound of heavy breathing, so Laura wiped away some of the<br />

condensation from the closest window, and saw an empty lot, and a dark screen to go<br />

with the silent radio.<br />

"Umm, guys, I think we're the last ones here," she said, trying to sound nervous as she<br />

attempted to wind up the evening on this high note. It wasn't a tone Laura was good at.<br />

She was rarely nervous. "I think we should get out of here before someone comes out to<br />

check to make sure we are okay." That last line set off a small flurry of activity as<br />

everyone suddenly rushed to get dressed before driving home.

Simply online….<br />

Separating the wheat from the chaff<br />

among Dominants<br />

NOTICE: The article below deals with adult and fetish-related topics and fantasies. If you<br />

are offended by this sort of material and/or are not a legal adult, I suggest you leave this<br />

instant.<br />

In a now-deleted post about the “loving dominant”, which was inspired from and based<br />

on Inara Pey’s post of the same title, I negotiated what makes a good Dominant: the one<br />

that’s called “the loving Dominant”. One would think this topic has been covered to death,<br />

but it seems the misconceptions are a veritable Lernaean Hydra, and I’m sure shoddy<br />

depictions of the D/s scene by such films as The Secretary and such books as Fifty<br />

Shades of Grey and Histoire d’O have played a significant role to this.<br />

I won’t hide: I’ve come to the point where I actively avoid the D/s and fetish scene in<br />

Second Life, even though I have adopted a very kinky look as my main, even though I<br />

define myself as a submissive. Why’s that? Because I’ve found out I have too little in<br />

common with the vast majority of the people populating that scene. Typically, the erotic<br />

roleplay is shallow and vapid; far too many submissives only want some instant<br />

gratification without any emotional connection to the other party / parties involved; and,<br />

finally, far too many “Dominants” are actually poseurs full of contempt for submissives,<br />

using their “Dominant” identity as an excuse to hurt others.<br />

The audacious and aggressive tone with which I, a submissive, write this post might<br />

shock Dominants who read this post, but I do think we all need a rude awakening,<br />

because there are simply far too many domineering poseurs. Any halfwit out there can<br />

dress the part, adopt an authoritative-sounding title, hang a bull whip from their belt,<br />

wave a crop like a feather duster and start barking orders left right and centre, trying to<br />

out-dominate other Dominants, demand “respect” and bully submissives into deferring to<br />

them simply because they identify themselves as a “Dominant”. That doesn’t make them<br />

a Dominant. Not by a long shot.

Time to clarify a few things.<br />

You are only a Dominant within the relationship between you and the submissives who<br />

have agreed to submit to you;<br />

A submissive who is not your submissive has no obligation whatsoever to defer to you;<br />

If you act in a condescending, insulting, humiliating, hurtful, spiteful manner to any<br />

submissive (including yours), you don’t deserve to be called a Dominant; instead, you<br />

are a domineering poseur; a wannabe; a mockery of a Dominant.<br />

Real Dominants exhibit self-control; they respect, understand, and nurture their<br />

submissives. They don’t demand respect; they inspire and earn it with their<br />

consideration, kindness, empathy, sympathy, tenderness, warmth, and love.<br />

Domineering poseurs demand respect simply because they identify themselves as<br />

“Dominants”, lack any kind of self-discipline and self-control, and, in the name of their<br />

“authority”, they insult, humiliate and hurt submissives (and not only submissives…).<br />

And make no mistake: If you’re involved with a person like that, they’ll hurt you when<br />

they get a chance, because that’s how they roll; they enjoy mistreating others, so be<br />

aware that you’re next – the question isn’t if your turn to be hurt by them will come. It’s<br />

when. Such poseurs need to be removed from the D/s scene like the cancer growth they<br />

are, because they only exist to hurt others. The wheat needs to be separated from the<br />

chaff.<br />

See also:<br />

Lernaean Hydra – Wikipedia<br />

.<br />

Shortlink: http://wp.me/p2pUmX-JK<br />


Lyrical Passions….

Sleeping<br />

your softly breathing sleep<br />

allows me to muse on times of love<br />

of how you care to devise for me<br />

such pleasures that I know not of<br />

with softly tested link of chain<br />

that holds me to your loving bed<br />

to know that you are there to<br />

shield me with your tender bonds<br />

before slumber claims my eyes<br />

I want to feel your hand in mine<br />

That I may know that you<br />

Lie close by for all our night.<br />

I need to feel the tight confine<br />

Of my captive self that lies within<br />

full knowing that I am<br />

your slave at every sunrise wake<br />

to do your bidding here by morn<br />

and seek your use of me in ways<br />

that have not yet seen light of day<br />

so you shall know me as your own<br />

but dare I risk your wrath by want<br />

of something in this darkest hour,<br />

and think of all you did to me<br />

that brought me to my frenzy here?<br />

my fingers stray and find such wet<br />

as you in passion full create<br />

with desire for you now so intense<br />

that I cannot but divide myself<br />

and guide with care your sleeping hand<br />

where I can ride it in my thrall<br />

and pillow-stifle screams of need<br />

at thoughts of being used again<br />

your touch though sleeping forces me<br />

into that driving ecstasy<br />

that has become my life with you

with no other than this torment wild<br />

that makes me use myself like this<br />

shameless as your wanton bitch<br />

needing all you do to me<br />

in ways that you need me to be<br />

....Francesca Anderssen 2016<br />

From the Francesca Anderssen collection of 101 BDSM Verses (Amazon)

Submissive.<br />

So he said to me one night<br />

Submissive is not what's right<br />

He said to me one day<br />

You've to command and make your way<br />

You cannot be quiet<br />

You cant be a riot<br />

You have to be you<br />

And not let destroy'it<br />

He calls me his friend<br />

Say, when will this end?<br />

He says he don't care<br />

It goes beyond repair<br />

He says I mean nothing<br />

Without the slightest grieve<br />

"You are my closest"<br />

Oh, I wouldn't like to believe<br />

But I've known better<br />

And not made up a pile<br />

Fed it to the skies<br />

Never failed to smile<br />

I've grown as a human<br />

I've grown as a friend<br />

He's been a pillar<br />

The crave will never end<br />

He's helped me in ways<br />

Helped find my forte<br />

He's helped me mature<br />

Never enough to sway<br />

But now that he's changed<br />

I'm hit by numbing rain<br />

Now that all's deranged<br />

Major bouts will reign.<br />

Written by A.

VIP section!<br />

This section will introduce<br />

you to some of the<br />

wonderful places you can<br />

visit and enjoy in second<br />

life. Also some of the<br />

educational groups you can<br />

join for quality lifestyle and<br />

community information

Liberty & Restraint is one of the most iconic magazines in Second Life. This ultra-modern,<br />

quality finished magazine has various space from which you can launch your product,<br />

service or VIP venue.<br />

You're doing the hard work - building your product. Let us help you get your product out<br />

there.<br />

Liberty & Restraint Magazine prides itself on offering an 11k plus audience for you to<br />

promote your business, sim or product too.<br />

Grab the opportunity to reserve space, using our new digital magazine, advertising<br />

boards, face book page, website, podcast or blog.<br />

Not forgetting the hot hot hot monthly magazine!<br />

What's most important, this is a not for profit project which has a great service, so you<br />

can be sure you will receive the best VIP treatment.<br />

Our marketing platform have free of charge packages (conditions apply).<br />

Visit the office or contact Sir Arithon (Arithon68) or Flame Jie, for full details.

Extremely excited to announce the opening of a new Venue for SL.<br />

"Venus" - (Group name Venus Provocation)<br />

Offering several different areas in one unique exclusive club experience.<br />

Promoting like minded conversations and experiences to meet new and<br />

old friends to socialise.<br />

Main house to gather and relax and chat with a private Burlesque room<br />

as well as a greedy table.<br />

Venus Secret garden for that alone time with pleasant cuddle areas for<br />

that one on one relaxing experience.<br />

Venus Dance area for gathering and social events and in the planning<br />

future demonstrations by various vendors. DJ/live events by some of<br />

the best DJ's in SL.<br />

Sky-box for you Ds/BDSM pleasure<br />

During the month of December no fee to join group.<br />

During the month of <strong>January</strong> 100L (50%)<br />

February to normal cost to join 200L<br />


If Y/you're looking for a place to call home, then<br />

look no further than Fallen Angels BDSM Club!<br />

Fallen Angels BDSM Club is all-inclusive, so no<br />

matter what your kink, role, or orientation - there's<br />

something here for Y/you!! Stop by today and<br />

check us out for the fun, but stay for the family!<br />

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Crystal<br />


http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beyond<br />


Beyond Vanilla - The D/s and BDSM Sim<br />

Beyond Vanilla is an adult D/s and BDSM sim that has been built by people who have<br />

been involved with D/s and BDSM for a long time in Real Time and has different areas<br />

that will appeal to many lifers. The underlying theme throughout the sim and associated<br />

areas, though, is D/s and BDSM. The owners are from the United States and England.<br />

We cater to both these time zones.<br />

We hope you have as much fun here as we have in building it.<br />

The Warehouse<br />

The big old ramshackle building that’s on site? Yes.. but inside it's tastefully decorated as<br />

a D/s and BDSM club. The ground floor has bars and a stage where we will be having<br />

some “interesting” revues. The 1st floor is totally made over to a play area with some<br />

great devices that will stretch a submissive and make a dominant smile, no charge to use<br />

them at all so if you want to try out some Shibari or just display a submissive and then flog<br />

them - then feel free to use anything there. The 2nd floor is a comfy relaxing area for<br />

meetings and discussions that will be held and is available for groups to use as well as a<br />

special event area as well.. If interested in renting this area please see the Owner's.<br />

Auction Area: What self-respecting D/s and BDSM place would be without an auction<br />

house? Well, we have "The Auction House" here. It is staffed and run by knowledgeable<br />

people who will assist potential bidders with their choice and help the auctionee find their<br />

Dominant. The management is a mixture of new and old hands at auctioning. We want<br />

to bring respect back into the auction process, it’s not a meat market. If you, are like most<br />

subs/slaves and have that burning desire to be owned, come by and ask us for an<br />

application. There is no charge to be sold. and we pay the auctionee a very favourable %<br />

when their term is completed satisfactorily. Here at The Auction House, Dominants will<br />

only be sold in charity events.<br />

Dance Club: Yes, we have one, Whips End. It is a good one as well with a TIS Hybrid<br />

System fully loaded with all sorts of the latest dances AND a TIS T1000 Dance Floor as<br />

well with some seriously good effects. We also have some great DJ’s on our roster who<br />

will play a multitude of genres to make your time enjoyable here. Our lifestyle isn’t all strict<br />

Dominant and submissive you have to let your hair down sometime.


♠♥♂♀∞♥♥♛ღ.¸¸.•✦RED ROOM SOCIETY✦•.¸¸.!♛♥♥♀♂∞♀♠<br />

We are a new BDSM sim who is looking for all staffing positions. for all<br />

time zones. We are a classy ,fun, friendly establishment and sometimes<br />

crazy *smiles*. Please take the ride and click on the box that is pertaining<br />

to your interest for dancers,dj's and host or just grab an app fro above<br />

and then please send your applications to safiya silversmith or<br />

hotskorpion charisma ..Thank you<br />

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ohukai/202/139/1995<br />

Red Room Society

Bored Babygirls Entertainment Hangout & Sentano's B.B.N.<br />

Sentano's B.B.N. club where everyone is welcome!! electro music, pop<br />

music, hard core techno music, drum and base, trap music free Style<br />

music! dance music<br />

100% tips and a wage<br />

pro dj 500L per fixed set during 12 till 8pm<br />

hoby dj 300L per fixed set during 12 till 8pm<br />

host 200L per fixed set during 12 till 8pm<br />

come take a look and talk with myself sentano resident<br />


Imagine all the tales of old you grew up loving.<br />

King Arthur, The Knights of the Round Table, Avalon, Sherwood Forest & Robin Hood.<br />

Add to that the element of fantasy. The Sidhe, Elves, Demons, Angels, Mermaids,<br />

V<strong>amp</strong>ires, Werewolves, Dragons & More......<br />

Oh what a land this is, Beautiful & Terrible. Blessed & Cursed. So many stories have<br />

made it, so many more will shape what it will become.<br />

The Highland Crescent Watch is looking for warm, compassionate people to join our<br />

growing family.<br />

Looking for a home?<br />

Help learning Immortals?<br />

Fun and high quality RP?<br />

Visit the sim or the website for details<br />

http://highlandscrescentwatch.enjin.com/<br />

Personality more important than experience.<br />

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Goldrush%20land/186/194/37<br />

Refuge of Lost Wanderer's<br />

Home to Highland Crescent<br />


Classified<br />

A showcase of retail<br />

outlets across the grid<br />

where you will find quality<br />

pose makers, mesh<br />

clothing and much much<br />

more…<br />

Reach a potential<br />

audience of 11k across our<br />

magazine, facebook, blog<br />

and website!<br />

If you would like to<br />

advertise in this high<br />

quality section, please<br />

drop a notecard at the in<br />

world magazine office or<br />

contact<br />

Flame Jie or Sir Arithon.

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/<br />


Let’s have some truth!!<br />

Tell us what you Like!<br />

Tell us what you don’t like!<br />

If you disagree with comments or articles?<br />

let us know your views!!!<br />

Drop a NC into the office<br />

or Contact Flame or Sir Arithon.

Useful Links<br />

like the web? Follow these crumbs for fun and<br />

information.<br />

Blogs:<br />

http://flame-darkandlight.blogspot.co.uk/<br />

http://www.pdrelate.co.uk<br />

http://www.pdrelate.com<br />

ACES Group Joiner URL (copy & paste into local chat then click from chat history to<br />

JOIN ACES) :<br />

secondlife:///app/group/827673f4-77d0-1536-7b07-106556047025/about<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

ACES Blog:<br />


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

ACES Google calendar:<br />

https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?<br />

src=2pakplu8i9gdn1ls3picgrrm2o@group.calendar.google.com<br />

ACES in FetLife:<br />

http://fetlife.com/groups/18665<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

ACES Youtube channel:<br />

http://www.youtube.com/user/AdultCommEdSociety<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

D/s Discussions Group;<br />

Link to the group: secondlife:///app/group/c938f093-2dcb-dfd5-26c9-44db5ea70985/<br />

about<br />

Have a link you want to share, drop a NC in at the<br />

magazine office!

Gallery<br />

Editor’s Picks<br />

Nothing is more<br />

evocative or inspiring to<br />

me than art. I often find<br />

one of the most<br />

satisfying parts of editing<br />

this magazine is finding<br />

the art that brings life to<br />

the heartbeat of the<br />

words.<br />

Join me as i present<br />

some of the most<br />

wonderful imagery<br />

available, from the most<br />

sensual of minds.<br />

Amazing art by a myriad of talent.

Coming up…<br />

February<br />

February<br />

February Magazine<br />

Topic!!<br />

why do we get jealous?<br />

when does it happen?<br />

How is envy different from<br />

jealousy?<br />

How do Dominants handle<br />

jealousy in a dynamic?<br />

Magazine Podcast.<br />

Varied topics and guest<br />

speakers. Unique way to<br />

educate and learn. Visit<br />

the venue to hear it<br />

stream or download from<br />

n e x t m o n t h i n o u r<br />

magazine.<br />

February<br />

Thrown to the floor<br />

Articles by Sir Arithon,<br />

delivered in his unique<br />

Dominant style.<br />

D/shion<br />

Another look into the D/s<br />

world of fashion with<br />

A.sands<br />

Editor’s Picks<br />

A trip into the naughty<br />

mind of flame and her<br />

choice of erotic art.<br />

February<br />

VIP Venue’s<br />

Information and<br />

advertisement for venues<br />

and Shops online<br />

Simply Online<br />

Specific content for those<br />

of the lifestyle who only<br />

practice in Second life or<br />

other online platforms.

Produced by<br />

Flame Jie, Editor in Chief<br />

& Sir Arithon, Associate Editor<br />

The content on the magazine and its website are made available on the terms<br />

and condition that the publisher, editors, contributors and related parties:<br />

• shall have no responsibility for any action or omission by any other<br />

contributor, consultant, editor or related party<br />

• disclaim any and all liability and responsibility to any person or party, be they a<br />

purchaser, reader, advertiser or consumer of this publication or not in regards<br />

to the consequences and outcomes of anything done or omitted being in<br />

reliance whether partly or solely on the contents of this publication ands<br />

related website and products.<br />

• are not responsible in any way for the actions or results taken any person,<br />

organisation or any party on basis of reading information, or contributions in<br />

this publication, website or related product.

To contribute to the<br />

magazine….<br />

Contact Flame<br />

or<br />

Sir Arithon.

Looking for....<br />

Committed and passionate members of the lifestyle to help with all things Liberty &<br />

Restraint Magazine.<br />

For ex<strong>amp</strong>le;<br />

Marketing<br />

Handling inquiries<br />

Facilitating classes and discussions<br />

Brand development<br />

Art Exhibition<br />

Do you have spare time and the passion to be involved in the leading lifestyle<br />

magazine in SL?<br />

Drop a NC with your details and interest into the office, and we will get back to you.

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