Le'Blanc Music Mag Vol. 16-Gifty

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Va l er ia High

SA Mk r e w<br />

Samuel Kwabena Marfo, better<br />

known as SAMkrewis a Ghanaian<br />

recording artist fromthe<br />

Eastern Region. He started his<br />

musical career in high school,<br />

and managed to form2 record<br />

l abels. Currently signed to his<br />

own l abel SAMkrewMUZIK,<br />

he's released an album"No<br />

Regret" and several singles<br />

since then. To check out some<br />

of his music click on the link<br />

and enjoy.<br />

- TeamLe'Bl anc<br />

https://audiomack.com/so<br />

ng/samkrew/samkrew- - - ble<br />

ssingsmp3<br />


https://soundcloud.com/superbe<br />

lements/sets/harsh-realities<br />

JK Th e Rea per<br />

Dr ops A Di ss<br />

Tr ack A gai n st<br />

Tal i b Kwel i<br />

https://soundcloud.com<br />

/jkthereaper/fucktalibk<br />

weli<br />


Dr ops A N ew Si n gl e Wh i n e Pon Me<br />

PAGE 3<br />

http://ghonpoint.com/2018/01/17/king<br />

-xzibit-take-industry-storm-dont/<br />

DJ Fl a s h<br />


Gif t y<br />

Phot o Credit : Sucfred Phot ograpghy<br />


Fl a me D a D a r k c h il d<br />

Rap artist Flame Da Darkchild from<br />

Religh, North Carolina releases his<br />

official video for the hit single<br />

?Money? off his latest EP ?Light From<br />

The Darkside?. The EP is available on<br />

all digital music platforms and is also<br />

on CD.?Money? blazes a catchy and<br />

inviting hook that is a sure win for a<br />

club banger. Although flashing loot,<br />

Flame isn?t rhyming about expensive<br />

cars, a night filled of groupies, or<br />

immoral behavior Rather, he is<br />

rhyming about money as his<br />

motivation and his destination both<br />

personally and in his career. Every<br />

penny and dollar earned through<br />

persistence, travail, and authenticity<br />

of his musical talent and<br />

skills!"MONEY"<br />

VIDEOhttps://youtu.be/O<br />



EPhttps://soundcloud.com/u<br />

ser-974710678/sets/light-from<br />

-the-darkside<br />

S o u r c e: M J S a v ino

Dani el l e Cr ai g<br />

Chops I t Up<br />

Wi t h Hel l<br />

RAZAH Fr om<br />

Wu- Tang Cl an/<br />

Sunz Of Man<br />

Danni- Hey what?s up with you, how have you<br />

been?<br />

RAZAH- Peace QueenI?ve been busy wor king<br />

on my documentar y movie coming soon about<br />

my life stor y ?RISEN? AND MY TWO RECORD<br />





IAPPARRELSTOREhttps://iappar elstor e<br />

.com/pr oduct-categor y/hell-r azah/<br />

Danni- Soooo tell me about your latest pr oject<br />

with KILLAH Pr iest.<br />




Danni- I know you r eleased your documentar y<br />

last year, br iefly tell my r eader s about it.<br />














Danni- A lot of people don?t know you suffer ed fr om<br />

that aneur ism, and mor e impor tantly you fully<br />

r ecover ed. My question to you is did you EVER think<br />

for one minute that it was impossible?<br />






Danni- I also r ead somewher e that you r ecently<br />

launched a new r ecor d label, what a major POWER<br />

move. Tell us what?s up with that and how can they<br />

link up?<br />



r ecor d label.FOR Inquir ies go<br />

toheavenr azahmusicinc@gmail.com<br />

Danni- I know this is way off but, a Wu-Tang<br />

wor ldwide r eunion tour is loooooong over due. I also<br />

believe you guys owe to your fans to gr ace us with<br />

your stage pr esence as a whole at least one mor e time.<br />

Not to mention the millions of dollar s to be made<br />

over seas alone. I know you can?t speak for ever yone<br />

else, but is this something you would like to see<br />

happen as well?<br />

RAZAH- that is a dr eam come tr ue<br />

I wanna see happen again<br />

Danni- I know you?r e ALWAYS wor king diligently on<br />

one thing or another, so what can we expect fr om you<br />

this year?<br />






DAYFEBRUARY 14, 2018<br />

Danni- I appr eciate you sooooo much for chopping it<br />

up with me, but befor e I let you go tell my r eader s how<br />

they can find your latest pr ojects.<br />




Hell Razah <strong>Music</strong>

S L R M u s i c G r o u p , C 7 5 L i v e , M Js H i p H o p C o n n e x & G o r i l l a G e a r P r e s e n t<br />

#M y P h i l o s o p h y C h a l l e n g e<br />

A r e y o u r b a r s d o p e e n o u g h ? A r e y o u r f r e e s t y l e s l y r i c a l w i t h s u b s t a n c e ? W a n t t h e<br />

w o r l d t o h e a r y o u ? A l l y o u n e e d t o d o i s s u b m i t a 6 0 s e c o n d f r e e s t y l e v i d e o t o S c o t t<br />

L a R o c k ?s f a m o u s ? M y P h i l o s o p h y ? ( i n s t r u m e n t a l ) . T o b e c o n s i d e r e d f o r t h e c o n t e s t<br />

p l e a s e s u b m i t v i d e o o n I n s t a g r a m a n d t a g @ S c o t t L a R o c k Jr , @ S L R M u s i c G r o u p ,<br />

@ M Js H i p H o p C o n n e x , @ C 7 5 D e s i g n s , a n d @ O f f i c i a l G o r i l l a A r m y .<br />

R e m e m b e r t o h a s h t a g #M y P h i l o s o p h y C h a l l e n g e<br />

C o n t e s t e n d s o n M a r c h 2 n d , b i r t h d a y o f l e g e n d a r y S c o t t L a R o c k ! W i n n e r w i l l<br />

r e c e i v e ?<br />

- 1 f r e e m i x t a p e p l a c e m e n t o n S p i n r i l l a<br />

- N Y C r a d i o i n t e r v i e w<br />

- G o r i l l a G e a r m e r c h a n d i s e<br />

- B l o g p l a c e m e n t i n 6 s i t e s i n c l u d i n g T h i s I s 5 0 , I A m H i p H o p M a g a z i n e ( L o n d o n ) ,<br />

N O M A D S S t r e e t T e a m , a n d C 7 5 L i v e

Residing in Albany, New York is up and coming local artist by the name of Clear Mind. With a large<br />

grass root f an base, he is on his way to claim fame outside of the Tri-State area as evidenced by mass<br />

media f ootage, live events, showcases, and radio airplay. I was shockingly impressed when I caught<br />

wind to his newly released mixtape ?Swords, Metaphors, & Pressure Points?, which is predominately<br />

self -produced by Clear Mind. I was also astonished by his level of excellence and execution with<br />

lyricism, versatility, and beat selection. Not one track is repetitive in f low, rhyme, sound, or message.<br />

He gives listeners something real to grasp, embrace and relate to especially with tracks ?Fire at my<br />

Feet?, ?Legend?, ?Walk with Me? and the most heartf elt track ?Freestylin?Under Inf luence?. This<br />

mixtape also illuminates a f usion of Hip Hop, Jazz, Soul, and personal scriptures which def ine Clear<br />

Mind as artist and man, from struggles to conf idence, and with the certainty of becoming a legend in<br />

his own right. Clear Mind has the ability and conviction to create timeless and extraordinary music.<br />

https://soundcloud.com/theclearminded/sets/swords-metaphors-pressure-points<br />

Management:rakimlemonier@gmail.comhttps://www.f acebook.com/kvngclear/http<br />

s://www.instagram.com/kvngclear/<br />

Source:Follow MJ @<br />

Source_ MJ Savino

J P<br />

Lasuria<br />

Allman<br />

Interviews<br />

JP a artist<br />

straight<br />

out of<br />

Detroit.<br />

What city and<br />

state did you grow<br />

up in?<br />

Detroit<br />

What was it like<br />

growing up in<br />

Detroit?<br />

What you made of<br />

Tell us a few things<br />

about yourself<br />

Cool<br />

What inspired you<br />

to become a artist?<br />

Obie Trice when I<br />

was ten<br />

How long have<br />

you been in the<br />

music industry?<br />

10-15 years<br />

So your fans can follow<br />

you what social media<br />

sites are you on?<br />

Fb, Twitter, Instagram,<br />

Reverberation,<br />

SoundCloud<br />

Are you interested in<br />

making movies?<br />

Yes,<br />

Where do you see<br />

yourselffive years from<br />

now?<br />

Entrepreneur<br />

What advice would you<br />

give to young men of<br />

today who are suffering<br />

from injustices?<br />

Keep working hard let<br />

nothing stop you<br />

Is there a website<br />

where your music and be<br />

viewed and purchased?<br />

Spotify, ITunes<br />

Have you ever<br />

experienced stage fright?<br />

Not Really<br />

What advice do you<br />

give to aspiring artists<br />

who are trying to get in<br />

the industry?<br />

Get your feet wet and<br />

experience it<br />

What motivates and<br />

drives you?<br />

To Be The Best<br />

What advice do you<br />

give young people of<br />

today about the<br />

importance of obtaining<br />

a good education?<br />

The more you know<br />

If you could change<br />

your profession what<br />

would you be doing?<br />

Pro Football player<br />

Favorite food<br />

Lemon pepper chicken<br />

Hobbies<br />


PC: Face Photogr aphy


D a nni B il l io ns<br />

Int er v iew s W it h<br />

K o b b y S t o ne (G H )<br />

Danni- Heeeeeeeey Kobby, how are you young<br />

man?<br />

Kobby- I'm doing good mama<br />

Danni- First and foremost I?m like so proud of<br />

you, you have no clue.<br />

Kobby- honored to know this mama, You give<br />

me so much motivation.<br />

Danni- So it?s been proven it AIN?T shit you<br />

can?t do. But without telling all your business<br />

secrets what are you planning to do this year?<br />

Kobby- This year im starting a multi purpose<br />

social media empire (name withheld) and im<br />

gona drop a couple of videos as well. Im<br />

gonna lead up the Sugar Daddy CEO brand lol.<br />

Danni- So last year was explosive for the<br />

Pressure King. You did radio, television, and<br />

the ultimate shit you dropped your first EP as<br />

a solo artist. Tell me about the project.<br />

Kobby- it's called Fame Before Fame, the EP I<br />

have planning since I was boy. I did it to<br />

share my life with my fans. I got international<br />

artiste like Judah Priest on it and the public<br />

response was good. Its on my soundcloud and<br />

gonna be available in stores in by sunday. I<br />

actually Put it on soundcloud to allow<br />

everyone have a feel for free. Im gona focus<br />

on selling my first studio album soon.<br />

Danni- You know I have no filter so I?m gonna<br />

give it to you straight, you made Ghanaian<br />

artists step up their game because everyone<br />

on my timeline started dropping EP's instead<br />

of just singles around the same time. How<br />

does it feel to have that type of positive<br />

influence on your peers.<br />

Kobby- haha feels good, my influence on the<br />

industry is pretty obvious from online to<br />

branding. I wouldn't like to sound like a<br />

braggart so I will only express how special it<br />

makes me feel knowing people watch me.

Danni- You also did the ultimate with a<br />

feature from Judah Priest of Wu-Tang Clan,<br />

not to mention you?re also featured on his<br />

album. What was that like for you to<br />

collaborate with a Hip Hop legend?<br />

Kobby- it's one of the greatest feelings ever.<br />

Im so honored to be doing collaborations<br />

with legends. I count my self blessed.<br />

Danni- Being such a young successful<br />

entrepreneur, where do you get your<br />

strength and inspiration from?<br />

Kobby- I'm inspired by my circle. I keep<br />

positive people around me and these people<br />

don't sleep so how the hell can you sleep<br />

haha you take a look at Dannie Billions she<br />

doesn't sleep haha im just kidding with you<br />

but you inspire me so much alongside a<br />

couple of go hard people I know.<br />

Danni- In addition to music and<br />

entertainment, you?re a master at Guerrilla<br />

media marketing. I know what the Pressure<br />

Bois team did for my company. Who taught<br />

you all of that? You?re not that old and<br />

you?ve been getting it for years now.<br />

Kobby- no one thought me my business, it<br />

all started from curiosity then it became<br />

passion then moved to a business then I<br />

didn't know nun about business so it's like<br />

the blind leading the blind I did lot of<br />

mistakes and then fixed them and today<br />

here we are, being a young CEO without<br />

direction is a big risk but I found my way<br />

out.<br />

Danni- Last but not least how can we listen<br />

to the album, and see some of your work?<br />

Kobby- im available on all stores worldwide.<br />

Just google "Kobby stone" and you will have<br />

access to everything you need. Im all over<br />

from Deezer, iTunes, soundcloud, Tidal,<br />

Google Play and over 250 music stores in the<br />

world so ones you know my name it ain't<br />

hard listening to me. I LOVE YOU ALL FROM<br />



Fame-o us bar z<br />

Lasuria<br />

Allman<br />

Interviews<br />

Fame-ous Barz<br />

an<br />

underground<br />

artist from<br />

Detroit.<br />

What city and state<br />

did you grow up in?<br />

Detroit<br />

What was it like<br />

growing up in<br />

Detroit?<br />

It was kind of hard<br />

Tell us about<br />

yourself?<br />

Chilled, Laid back,<br />

Cool<br />

What is your<br />

current single?<br />

" Let's Get To It"<br />

Do you have any<br />

showcases or<br />

releases coming up?<br />

My Ambition<br />

So your fans can follow<br />

you what social media<br />

sites are you on?<br />

Facebook, Instagram,<br />

Twitter<br />

What is your website?<br />

Under construction<br />

Have you ever<br />

experienced stage fright?<br />

Never<br />

Are there any artists<br />

that you would like to<br />

collaborate with?<br />

Eminem, Dr Dre, Kendrick<br />

Lamar, 50, King Crooked<br />

Who do you think is the<br />

hottest female hip-hop<br />

artist?<br />

Cardi B, Nicki, Remy<br />

Where do you see<br />

yourselfin five years?<br />

Successful Artist,<br />

Entrepreneur<br />

What motivates and<br />

drives you?<br />

My Family<br />

What advice do you<br />

give to aspiring artists<br />

trying to get in the<br />

industry?<br />

Learn the business, Stay<br />

focus, Don't Believe The<br />

Hype, Get Entertainment<br />

Lawyer<br />

What was the most<br />

funniest or strangest<br />

thing you ever seen while<br />

filming?<br />

A guy jumped on a table<br />

and almost fell off<br />

If you could change<br />

your profession what<br />

would you be doing?<br />

I really can't say music is<br />

my passion, my life.<br />

Zodiac<br />

Virgo<br />

Children<br />

No<br />

Favorite food<br />

Soul Food<br />

Hobbies<br />

Studio, Collaborating,<br />


A ma r a Wa s h in g t o n<br />

Model/Actr ess

Lasuria Interviews Money Meeco<br />

What city and state did you grow up in?<br />

Columbus<br />

What was it like growing up in Columbus?<br />

Diverse city ups and downs<br />

What inspired you to become a artist?<br />


What inspired you to become a Actor?<br />

I'm always imitating Denzel Washington<br />

Money Meeco<br />

Tell us about BREATHE THE HUSTLE Webseries?<br />

It's a Hip hop drama series started in 20<strong>16</strong>. I play the lead<br />

role Superstar Jay<br />

Do you have any showcases coming up?<br />

I'm nominated for 3 awards<br />

So your fans can follow you what social media sites are you<br />

on?<br />

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook<br />

What is Breathe The Hustle website<br />

BreatheTheHustleMovie.com YouTube<br />

Are you working on any other films<br />

Yes, Breathe The Hustle Movie, Billy Buried Dreams<br />

Have you ever experienced stage fright?<br />

Yes, my very first performance at a motorcycle club.<br />

Are there any artists you would like to collaborate with?<br />

Who do you think is the hottest female hip-hop artist?<br />

Young MA<br />

Where do you see yourselfin five years?<br />

Acting mainstream<br />

What motivates and drives you?<br />

My brothers and cousin are doing football jersey numbers in<br />

prison. My Grandmother passed in 2015 she supported me.<br />

What advice do you give to aspiring artists?<br />

Take your time be patient. Don't let your dreams shatter your<br />

reality.<br />

What was the most funniest or strangest thing you ever seen<br />

while filming?<br />

When I was doing my Sex scene everyone was watching and<br />

fell through the door.<br />

If you could change your profession what would you be<br />

doing?<br />

I Wouldn't Change Anything

C hay C rews<br />

PC: Shar de Richar dson Photography

Rap RenegadeRon Onealaka Black Bottle Boy is a stand-up guy. He?s a good fella. He represents the L.E.S (Lower East Side of Manhattan, NYC). He?s one of<br />

L.E.S??Made Men.? Confident and with a dope flow, Ron Oneal does everything in a colossal way. During All Star Weekend 2015 he amazed Maybach <strong>Music</strong><br />

generalRick Rosswith a relentless freestyle. The video clip went viral and that added to Ron Oneal?s street legend status. The freestyle video sent the Internet<br />

into a frenzy. It received over 2 million views with over 1 million views on WorldstarHipHop.com alone<br />

Ron Oneal is building a worldwide movement with his long time rap partnerSv Skee(L.E.S BBB). SV Skee is Ron?s elementary school friend, brother from<br />

another and right hand man who grew up with him making all of the music together. Ron Oneal?s style is a blend of reality rap and braggadocios lyricism. He<br />

kicks sharp rhymes over bass-heavy tracks while sharply telling realistic stories about his life and his peers. His sound hearkens back to the days of hard body<br />

beats and grimy rhymes delivered with authenticity. There is an undercurrent of realness in his voice. ?Everything I?ve seen, done, felt, heard, been through,<br />

and witnessed I put in my music,? proclaims the rapper.<br />

Equally important, every time Ron Oneal steps into the booth his goal is to create timeless music that resonates with the masses. Ron Oneal dropped the ?If<br />

Not Me Who? mixtape which was hosted by Power 105.1FM?sDJ Self. The mixtape received kudos and acclaim from many DJ?s and fans alike. His second<br />

mixtape "Son Of Rome" Hosted By Hot97'sDJ <strong>Mag</strong>icis still buzzing and receiving great reviews from bloggers, tastemakers & fans. Ron Oneal is riding high on<br />

the release of his latest Single entitled ?Pull Up In Da Wraith? feat Sv Skee. The single is impacting mixshows around the country.<br />

The dynamic rhyme slinger has music running through his veins. Moreover, the emcee is backed byTroubleMaka Kat o TMNYC. Ron Oneal is a rapper, a<br />

boss, and a business man. His hardcore lyrics, powerful stories and masterful delivery make him one of the most sought after emcees around. This magnetic<br />

rapper exudes confidence and has the skills to back it up. At times brilliant and at times daring, Ron Oneal is thoroughly engaging. Respect the grind and join<br />

the movement<br />

Ron Oneal Spit s For Rick Ross In The Project s<br />

https://youtu.be/FwaKzmeG3jg https://youtu.be/7DqbA-_Bweg

Shalong Hamilt on<br />

PC: Face Phot ography

What city and state did you gr ow up in?<br />

Detr oit, Downr iver<br />

What was it like gr owing up in Detr oit?<br />

Like gr owing up in any other hood<br />

Tell us a few things about your self ?<br />

Laid back<br />

What inspir ed you to become a ar tist?<br />

Listening to Tupac, DMX, Wayne<br />

So your fans can follow you what social media sites ar e you<br />

on?<br />

Fb, Twitter, SoundCloud Klutch Jenkins<br />

What was like wor king on set of " What PeopleDo For<br />

Money Movie ?<br />

In enjoy filming it open up my mind on how easy it is<br />

Have you ever exper ienced stage fr ight?<br />

No, a little ner vous feeling<br />

Ar e ther e any ar tists that you would like to collabor ate<br />

with?<br />

DZ, Sada Baby, Wayne<br />

Who do you think is the hottest female hip-hop ar tist?<br />

Lil Br ittany<br />

Wher e do you see your selffive year s fr om now?<br />

In Canada<br />

What motivates and dr ives you?<br />

The Str uggle<br />

What advice do you give to aspir ing ar tists?<br />

Stack or Star ve<br />

Nic e Wa t er Air l in es<br />

Ar e ther e any challenges you have faced and over came in<br />

the music industr y?<br />

Or iginal Beats<br />

If you could change your pr ofession what would you be<br />

doing?<br />

Counselor<br />

Zodiac<br />

Gemini<br />

Childr en<br />

3<br />

Favor ite food<br />

Chicken<br />

Hobbies<br />

Basketball, Making Beats<br />

Int erview ed By: Lasuria Allm an

Vee H u n t

Ricardo Gowe Records<br />

Releases Tommy Lee?s ?,<br />

New Creator?EP<br />

Jamaican-based pr oducer Ricar do Gowe Recor ds<br />

r ecently r eleased Tommy Lee?s debut EP titled ?New<br />

Cr eator ?.<br />

The EP compr ises 9tr acks: ?Pon Di Roadside?, ?Slow<br />

Down?, ?Happy Life?, ?Love You?, ?Bad Gyal Duppy?,<br />

?Destr uction of Man?, ?Ghost Buster ?, ?We ar e Her oes?,<br />

and the title tr ack ?New Cr eator ?.<br />

?The EP was cr eated basically to give listener s a taste<br />

of how ver satile thear tisteis and how talent our<br />

r ecor d label is?, said Ricar do Gowe.<br />

Deliver ing some cour ageous, catchy, joyous sounds,<br />

the tr acks ar e absolutely r eady for a r adio take-over.<br />

In this pr oject, thear tisteexpr esses a new ver sion<br />

himself, a mor e well-r ounded, mor e matur e<br />

enter tainer.<br />

"We expect the EP will help us to get mor e attention in<br />

the music industr y wor ldwide. We want our fans to<br />

r ecognise, as well, that the ar tiste can do<br />

dancehall/r eggae with a differ ent vibe fr om differ ent<br />

views. We also expect to show individuals that our<br />

pr oduction skills ar en't just limited to one genr e of<br />

music," said Ricar do Gowe.<br />

Thr ee videos wer e officially r eleased for these singles<br />

featur ed on the EP, ?Bad Gyal Duppy?, ?Happy Life?and<br />

?Love You?. The videos wer e shot in Kingston St<br />

Andr ew and wer e dir ected by Heavy Film and Ricar do<br />

Gowe Recor ds.<br />

?New Cr eator ?was r eleased on Itunes and all major<br />

digital outlets Januar y 5, for sale. Distr ibuted by<br />

Zojack Wor ldwide the EP hits number 3 on iTunes<br />

char ts hour s after r elease.<br />

To keep up with Ricar do Rowe Recor ds, fans can<br />

follow them on Instagr am<br />

@officialr icar dogower ecor ds,<br />

@wanka_r icar dogower ecor ds, @r icar dogowe, and<br />

twitter -@r icar dogowemusi.<br />

Sour ce: MIA Pr oduction

K imilist<br />

Kimilist isdoinghisthang, and<br />

it'samazingbeingable to<br />

watchhimgrowandblossom<br />

intothe artist he desiresto<br />

be. ResidinginGhana he raps<br />

withanaccent sonot onlydid<br />

he dropa newsingle he sent<br />

the lyricsaswell. Most<br />

ARTISTdon't dothat andthen<br />

get offendedwhenyousing<br />

the wrongwords, well NOT<br />

Kimilist he made sure he<br />

nippedthat inbud.<br />

Let'stalk about hisnewtune<br />

#PartyGodI'll tell ya it'sall<br />

kindsof dopeness. It could<br />

evenbe classifiedasAfrican<br />

Boombap, withbeat andhis<br />

style of rappingmixedwitha<br />

little Africanflavor.<br />

-Danni Billions

Conf likt<br />

ttps://youtu.be/IE2MXBCd4mo<br />




DJ PAIN 1<br />

Upandcomingartist Conflikt fromBronx, NYis<br />

pavingthe streetsandcreatinghisownlane<br />

whenit comestomusic. Steeringawayfromthe<br />

clubbanger andpoppingbottle hits, ? Stay<br />

Up? producedbyGummyBeatsandDJPain1<br />

deliversa clear message. Eveninthe<br />

darkness, inthe self doubt andinthe pain,<br />

it? svital topoint your headtothe sky.<br />

? Higher thanyour word, I? mlike an<br />

apostrophe.?<br />

Conflikt deliversunequivocal andvivid<br />

punchlineswitheachlyric. Evenwiththe<br />

realizationthat ? Life isa gamble, a knife<br />

withnohandle? he declarestolive life with<br />

nolimitations, andhasproventhismuch.<br />

Conflikt continuestobuilduphisfanbase and<br />

recognitionwithCoast 2Coast competitionsand<br />

showcases, TeamBackpack tours, live<br />

performancesacrossthe East Coast, andfor<br />

representingreal HipHop!.<br />

Source- M J Savino

MJSavino Interviews<br />

Earlii Red Promotions<br />

MJ:First and foremost let?s take it back, as most often in this business we<br />

are fans first. You have always been an enthusiast of music, specifically<br />

Hip Hop and R&B. How did that evolve from being a fan to starting a<br />

career in Entertainment?<br />

ER:Firstly, I will always be a fan first every step along the way in my<br />

career. It all started from when I was a kid, years ago and always had a<br />

special vision on music and helping people. It?s very important to keep<br />

that ?musical ear? going so with that said I decided to start my<br />

Independent Company, Earlii_RedPromotions. With a mission to get the<br />

upcoming artists and more advanced artists in getting the exposure they<br />

need via promo, social media, marketing, bookings, etc.? since new<br />

technologies are growing and building every day. I also act as a mentor<br />

to many because sometimes as we all know life can be hard and<br />

sometimes people just need to build and grow with the right people in<br />

their life not always on a business level. That I believe separates me from<br />

most.<br />

MJ:You have and still presently work closely with independent artists as<br />

well as major artists and mainstream labels. Talk about some<br />

differences between working with indie and major artists. Do you<br />

notice a difference in attitudes, or work ethics? What would you say are<br />

key elements an indie artist needs in order to cross over to that<br />

mainstream lane?<br />

ER:The difference between Independent and Mainstream in my opinion<br />

all falls on the artists and what goals they might have in their music<br />

careers. Attitude is very important to me when it comes to business and<br />

in my opinion Independent artists have a better attitude or work ethic<br />

because they look at the outside world differently and are easier to<br />

plan and build with. Sometimes a Mainstream artist will think since<br />

they made it all the work will be done for them and that is not always<br />

true. They still will have to keep a great rapport with the people and<br />

listeners. If an Independent artist is looking to go mainstream my<br />

advice to them would be to get the proper support and team to have<br />

with them every step of the way of their career. Not knowing the<br />

business side of things always worries me about all artists in general<br />

because that is key, and they will need to look at it as their own<br />

company to see growth. A lot has changed since the older era and more<br />

people need to be educated on it more than ever now, in my opinion.<br />

MJ:You provide an incredible amount of platforms for artists to shine,<br />

gain recognition, and to progress in their careers. Take a moment to<br />

share a little bit about those specific platforms.<br />

ER:Yes! I?m all about artists and people that know me will vouch for that<br />

because I like to always see every angle of situations but most<br />

importantly what is the best interest of that particular artist. With that<br />

said, I offer shows/ concerts, and I power myself or work with my<br />

affiliated partners to get their hard work out there and noticed by the<br />

right people. Whether it?s various Independent or Mainstream<br />

companies/ labels like Def Jam, Universal, Sony, and ASCAP to name a<br />

few. I also started my own TV Show a few months ago (2017) RedTV on<br />

SNYCTV?s Manhattan TV Network located in Midtown Manhattan, NY. I<br />

interview artists and entrepreneurs, and air their music videos or<br />

information about their company. I?m all about building, networking,<br />

and making better relationships with people I work with so we all can<br />

achieve success in this crazy world we live in today. So why not do<br />

something you love to do? The time is NOW! If anyone is interested in<br />

submitting to my show you can email:redtv.nyc@gmail.comfor more<br />

information.<br />

MJ:It?s no secret that is double time work for a woman in the music<br />

and entertainment industry. What keeps you motivated to keep<br />

going? What is some advice you can give to other women who are<br />

thinking about following your footsteps career wise?<br />

ER:My motivation everyday changes honestly, I set goals for myself<br />

daily, weekly, monthly and yearly and that keeps me going because<br />

I?m always up for a challenge and like to do new things. Besides<br />

having an Entertainment background and playing sports currently<br />

and most of my life, being productive and a ?go-getter? is very<br />

important too if you?re looking to accomplish something. Yes, we all<br />

go through trial and error or even failures but my advice to all<br />

women would be to get back up and face all your challenges<br />

because STRONG women are hard to defeat. Women need to<br />

empower each other everyday and more in my opinion because it<br />

always seems we have bigger burdens to fill and we all need to let<br />

people know the difference, and where we are coming from in our<br />

work ethics.<br />

MJ:In terms of the platforms you provide and the different hats you<br />

wear do you have a favorite, such as cyphers, showcases, special<br />

events, hosting?<br />

ER:As far as choosing a favorite task or job I prefer to do it all. I like<br />

the many hats I wear and gives me a variety because it never<br />

makes it boring or gets old. There is always room for improvements.<br />

I love to help others so wherever I?m needed pertaining to an event<br />

I?m all for it! But, if I really had to choose working special events<br />

and hosting would be one of my favorite choices because I like to<br />

engage people and crowds to have a good time!<br />

MJ:I?m curious, who is in your personal playlist? Also who have been<br />

top influences in the evolvement of Earlii_Red?<br />

ER:Currently on my personal playlist would be my favorite tracks<br />

from my Independent Hip Hop Artist Cashrac which I manage, 90?s<br />

slow jams, and 80?s Freestyle music. My top influences would have<br />

to be my artist Cashrac for whom I expanded on my vision and<br />

really started going hard for when I heard his lyrical content and it<br />

was like ?love at first sight?! He is so talented and gets his credit all<br />

over the world in this industry. Lastly, I would like to shout out my<br />

business partner Ed from StudioNYC and the rest of the SNYCTV<br />

family as we have been building and working hard for years now<br />

and they both have ALWAYS had my back. Building a strong team to<br />

me is always the key to success!<br />

MJ:Before we wrap up, tell everyone what is coming up this year for<br />

ERP. Will ERP be expanding?<br />

ER:So far coming up this year in 2018, ERP will be involved with<br />

many special events, political events, festivals, distribution<br />

opportunities, deals for artists, and of course more showcases and<br />

concerts. Also, I will be hosting and bringing back out a new and<br />

approved segment on RedTV called ?Fire Dept? that will feature<br />

artists rap freestyles and cyphers. I encourage people to follow me<br />

because my schedule is always changing and we are always<br />

expanding? At the time all dates are TBA.<br />

MJ:Thank you for taking time out, much continued success!<br />

ER:Follow @earlii_red on FB, IG & Twitter. Thank you all and most<br />

importantly MJ for this awesome interview! ~ Red<br />

Follow MJ @MJsHipHopConnex

Earlii_Red Promotions is a thriving Independent Company based out of New Jersey. Earlii_Red<br />

who is the CEO and Founder of ERP is well known in the Communities and Entertainment World<br />

as a Hip Hop and Arts Activist, Publicist, Event Planner, Booking Agent, A&R Scout, and Host.<br />

Earlii_Red is not only a phenomenal woman but has earned title of successful Entrepreneur!

Se s s ily

M J Int er v iew s<br />

Lu c a B r a s s y<br />

MJ here with London Le?<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Mag</strong>azine. Tonight I?d like to introduce<br />

former professional wrestler, now model and Hip Hop Artist from<br />

upstate New York Luca Brassy! Brassy?s latest single ?3000? produced by<br />

P Diddy?s Young Lord is hitting the clubs, globally by storm!<br />

MJ:I?m very curious to hear about your time spent as professional<br />

wrestler! How did you get into that field and how did that transform into<br />

music and modeling? You definitely hold title to Entertainer!<br />

Luca Brassy:I started in pro-wrestling at 13. I was always into it as a kid<br />

and when I had the opportunity to get involved in it, I didn't really knock<br />

on the door...I kind of kicked it down and did whatever I could to learn.<br />

Eventually, it led me to open my own school at age 15-17. It's a lot to go<br />

through, but let's just say in the wrestling industry (like a lot of<br />

entertainment), people would rather hurt your career than help it. Once I<br />

got out, I knew I had to find something for a release of my aggression<br />

and that I had to love it as much or more than I did wrestling. That's<br />

when I found music which, in turn, led to modeling and acting and<br />

everything else I do.<br />

MJ:Let?s take it back a bit. Tell us about growing up in upstate New York.<br />

Is music in the genes? What is the music scene like out there? I?ve heard<br />

both ?lit? and non-existent.<br />

Luca Brassy:There's not a lot of action upstate. We are about 2 hours<br />

from NYC, which is good, but the music scene in both areas couldn't be<br />

more day and night. Growing up here wasn't bad, but the music scene<br />

has never been great. It's NYC where you want to go. As far as music<br />

being in my genes, I come from a very musically inclined family, but no<br />

one has ever wanted to take it as far as I do.<br />

MJ:What do you find most challenging as an artist and model? What are<br />

some successes of both that you can share?<br />

Luca Brassy:Some challenges are, the time it takes to care for all the<br />

aspects of what I do, and definitely finding a balance of making money,<br />

doing what I love, and having some kind of social life. I'm also a personal<br />

trainer and take fitness on as a full time gig so time is tough to manage<br />

sometimes. As an artist, I was signed to Tate <strong>Music</strong> Group in 2014 and<br />

Sony RED in 2015. I have also opened for Lil Kim and Rakim and worked<br />

with a producer in ATL who does P Diddy's work. Modeling kind of ties<br />

into this as I'm always in front of a camera for a video or photo shoot.<br />

MJ:Because you are also an established model do you find that you are<br />

held in a different light from fans? Are you fully embraced in the music<br />

industry as an artist?<br />

Luca Brassy:Modeling is second to music. I do a lot more in film and<br />

music than I do modeling. Getting accepted as a model was a lot easier<br />

than music, especially being white in a predominantly black genre of<br />

music.<br />

MJ:Your resume is quiet impressive! How did you link up with Young Lord<br />

and other notable industry heavy hitters?<br />

Luca Brassy:I came in touch with some of the "big wigs" in the industry<br />

through hard work and never giving up. I started in my bedroom with a<br />

pad and pen and ended up in a multimillion dollar studio several times.<br />

Some of my former "management" (I use that term loosely) pulled a few<br />

strings and got me linked with Young Lord, but that's really all I can thank<br />

them for.<br />

MJ:Let?s talk about your latest single ?3000? produced by Young Lord.<br />

It is most definitely a club banger! ?3000? is that track you can bump<br />

in the car, in the gym, prepping for a date, etc.! Give us the who,<br />

what, why, when, where, and how of ?3000?!<br />

Luca Brassy:?3000? came about through meeting Young Lord and<br />

needing new material. He sent me a few beats and that's the one I<br />

chose due to the fast paced tempo and upbeat vibe. I wrote it over<br />

the course of a couple days and went to ATL to lay it down. The video<br />

was shot in PA and was released a few months later. People love it!<br />

MJ:You have your own style, you are incredibly talented, and unique<br />

in delivery. Tell us what separates you from other artists.<br />

Luca Brassy:I feel what separates me from other artists is number<br />

one, my work ethic. I can think of 5 guys off the top from upstate NY<br />

alone that I think are more talented than I am. But they don't have<br />

the drive I do. Therefore, I've gone beyond because I believe hard<br />

work will beat talent if talent doesn't work hard. With my music I like<br />

to connect a lot of syllables within lines and do a lot of run on with<br />

very little time to breathe. It's always been that way. But I can also<br />

spit bars, not just EDM and pop type music. But I think I've found my<br />

own niche that fits the mainstream, but you still know it's a Brassy<br />

record. Just like Bruno Mars!<br />

MJ:Talk about some upcoming projects you are working on. What<br />

does 2018 have in store for Luca Brassy?<br />

Luca Brassy:Right now, I'm in the midst of my first feature film role in<br />

the upcoming Indie film "Dollmaker". I'm also providing music for the<br />

soundtrack. I am also starting an online dating site called<br />

Starttodate.com LLC. That's due the beginning of the year. Within<br />

music, I plan to drop a new EP in 2018 and am always doing<br />

collaborations with people from various parts of the world (Miami,<br />

London, South Africa, Israel to name a few).<br />

MJ:Talk about the importance of investing in yourself and<br />

networking! Obviously, based on your resume the investment is<br />

paying off in more ways than monetary. SXSW is a prime example of<br />

investing in one?s career. Talk about that experience as well.<br />

Luca Brassy:If an artist doesn't invest in themselves first, no one else<br />

will. Believe me, I didn't think I needed anyone else either, but any<br />

serious artist comes to a point that they need help and investors<br />

unless you're independently wealthy. I was supposed to be at SXSW<br />

a couple years ago, but as fate would have it, it wasn't meant to be<br />

as my flight got delayed and missed my slot. I did perform at the A3C<br />

festival in ATL though, which was great? Always invest in yourself!<br />

MJ:I?m curious, who is in your personal playlist? Who, musically, has<br />

an impact on your career?<br />

Luca Brassy:I love all forms of music. I actually don't listen to a lot of<br />

Hip Hop anymore. I love the old school, but not a huge fan of current<br />

trends in Hip Hop. Some of my inspirations and favorites you can<br />

find on my personal playlist are...Johnny Clegg, Michael Jackson,<br />

Meatloaf, Metallica, ACDC, Huey Lewis and the News, Matisyahu,<br />

Eminem, Nas, Big Pun, Rakim, to name some.<br />

MJ:As we wrap up, is there anything else you want the world to know<br />

about Luca Brassy?<br />

Luca Brassy:If it's one thing that you shouldn't do...don't ever listen<br />

to the naysayers. People will tell you that you're not good enough, or<br />

it can't be done, or just shoot to be normal. The last thing I want to<br />

be is like everyone else...I'd hate that. POW!<br />

https://www.facebook.com/lucabrassyfans/<br />

https://www.instagram.com/brassyluca/<br />

https://twitter.com/lucabrassy<br />


Meet Jess Blaze, NY?s<br />

Own Ambassador of<br />

Hip Hop and the<br />

Airwaves<br />

MJ here with one of NY?s top entrepreneurs making some<br />

heavy hitting power moves across the globe! I have the<br />

pleasure to chop it up with Jes Blaze, who is Hip Hop<br />

devotee, radio owner & host, event planner & host, and<br />

manager! First and foremost, thank you for taking time<br />

away from your upcoming showcases for this interview.<br />

For those that might not be familiar, tell everyone who Jes<br />

Blaze is?<br />

JB:Jes Blaze is just a simple around the way girl that?s just<br />

been molded differently due to early life experiences. I?m<br />

a Biker (been riding for 10yrs), Mother and Wife. I?m<br />

extremely outspoken and a multi tasker. I always aim to<br />

help others, sometimes more than myself. I?m<br />

compassionate but don?t f* * * with me or f* * * me over!<br />

MJ:I want to take it back and give the fans a little history.<br />

Tell us a little bit about your upbringing. I know that you<br />

are very family orientated, as well as a true New Yorker! I<br />

bet you get that a lot. What comes to mind when people<br />

tell you that? How do you define a true New Yorker?<br />

JB:I?m the youngest of 5; 3 sisters and 1 brother. My<br />

brother tried his hardest to make me a boy. He wanted a<br />

little brother, got me and said I?m still going to treat you<br />

like a boy, hence my mental way of thinking. I have the<br />

mentality of a Man, yet always a lady. I was and still am<br />

spoiled being the youngest I always get my way. Family is<br />

everything to me! Whenever I leave New York to another<br />

state my New York accent, as they say gives it away. I?m<br />

Street Smart NY, survival of the fittest! New York is a grind<br />

state and everyone is always on the go so you have to<br />

keep up. They say if you can survive living in New York<br />

you can survive anywhere, and I survived leaving home at<br />

15 when I thought I was grown. I was working by 15, and<br />

had a car and a crib at <strong>16</strong>. It wasn?t easy but it built me<br />

Ford tough!<br />

MJ:When would you say music became a key element in<br />

your life? Is there someone you credit that to? What point<br />

did you declare to pursue the music industry as a career?<br />

JB:My brother, I have 3 sisters but was always with my<br />

brother. He would always play rap from the legends and<br />

make me recite the lyrics! From Slick Rick?s ? Children?s<br />

Story?, to Rob Base?s ? Joy and Pain? I loved it! I loved the<br />

energy, the beats, and the lyrics, I was amazed at how<br />

creative someone can be by telling a story. About 2 years<br />

ago I was asked to be a host for an online radio show. I<br />

did it for a few months and things went south. I decided it<br />

was best that I part ways but then I thought to myself<br />

?what now?? ?Do I just stop doing radio, that?s it, it?s just<br />

temporary?? My husband told me to continue perusing it<br />

that I was on a good wave and people liked me. I agreed<br />

and said I think I can do this myself. I always push myself<br />

and challenge myself to new feats. So I went ahead and<br />

did extensive research about radio and just started my<br />

show. Of course there were many bumps along the road<br />

but I saw it as a test of my strength of whether I can do<br />

this or not!!<br />

MJ:Let?s talk about the very first time you were live on the air. What emotions<br />

were running through you? Fast forward to the present, share the level of<br />

success No Filter Radio Show is receiving in such a short period of time<br />

throughout the U.S. and internationally!<br />

JB:I was nervous as all hell! See I?ve always been shy, until one day I woke up<br />

and said ?F* * * what people think?! (Snapple fact) I kept thinking, ?I?m going to<br />

run out of things to say?, or ?I?m going to stutter?. But as time passed I started<br />

to become one with the mic! it?s sort of became second nature to me and I felt<br />

so comfortable and somewhat powerful that I have a platform and people are<br />

listening to me. I look forward to every Sunday to jump on the mic and share<br />

my thoughts with others. I?m beyond humbled at the success I have received.<br />

MJ:I admire you, praise you, support you, and have the upmost respect for<br />

you. Not only have you taken the airwaves by storm by providing a platform<br />

for up and coming Indie Artists to be recognized, but you continue to discuss<br />

controversial topics and news the world would rather sweep under the rug<br />

and close eyes and ears to. That takes courage, confidence, and stamina! Why<br />

has it become a mission of yours to bring such topics to light? Have you<br />

experienced negative reactions because of that?<br />

JB:Thank you so much for that! I appreciate you! Society keeps living with this<br />

blanket over their faces and unfortunately over their kids as well. I feel like so<br />

many things need to be addressed rather than forgotten about. that?s what<br />

?awareness? is about. So I figured with my show I?d take full advantage. Also I<br />

speak about things people only think about because they?re afraid to speak on<br />

it. so you can say I?m like a breath of fresh air for them. I?ve had some negative<br />

feedback, but opinions are like a* * holes, everyone?s got them so I can only<br />

respect it and keep it pushing. See people need to understand that everyone<br />

isn?t going to like what you do or say and that?s ok. you just can?t allow that to<br />

define who you are. I stand firm by everything I say. My pops always told me<br />

?If you?re 100% certain about something fight to the death when it comes to<br />

explaining but if you aren?t, shut the hell up!?<br />

MJ:Would you consider yourself a role model to young women and to women<br />

who are pursuing a career in a male dominated industry?<br />

JB:I?d like to think so. there?s that saying, ?Someone is always watching?. I tell<br />

young girls to be confident at all times! Stand by what you believe in and don?t<br />

let anyone tell you, you can?t do it. There are some men who are intimidated<br />

by strong intelligent women, I?m not one for proving to others but in this sense<br />

you have to go a little harder because you will be tested. Don?t fold!<br />

MJ:Take this time to let everyone know about the independent showcases and<br />

contests you put on monthly for artists. You are doing so much more than<br />

providing an opportunity for artists to be heard, you are also providing them<br />

with the knowhow and confidence to progress in the music industry. Talk<br />

about that.<br />

JB:My monthly showcases thankfully have been successful for about a year<br />

now. Again I love helping people and given my platform I wanted to give<br />

artists an opportunity to show what they?re really about. However, they<br />

perform not only to show their skills on the mic but for chances to win either a<br />

Thisis50.com article write up, studio time, or Interview. So it pushes them to<br />

go a little harder. I tend to develop a relationship with most artists.<br />

Constructive criticism is important! I tell them if you can?t take critique from<br />

me and are trying to make it up top, they?ll eat you alive! I?m honest about<br />

their music no sugar coating. if it?s bad I?ll let you know! I?m proud to say I<br />

broke an artist, Wyen Solo, into the U.S. from the United Kingdom. I opened<br />

up many doors for her and that alone lets me know that I?m doing what I<br />

should be doing.<br />

MJ:Can you share with fans what?s coming up in the new year that we can<br />

expect and look at for?<br />

JB:Blaze is always on the move and always cooking up a new idea or new way<br />

to help Indie artists. In 2018 you can expect some workshop events for artists<br />

to help themselves as far as presentation, speech and overall artist<br />

development. There will be more showcases, and a special event for DJs,<br />

because people forget who the life of the party is.

MJ:I used entrepreneur to describe you because you have your name and<br />

hands dabbled everywhere from modeling, fashion, the biker life, and if I<br />

remember correctly you were interested in a cooking show as well! You are also<br />

a wife and mother. How do you find a balance? What is the secret to a healthy<br />

relationship? Some think a relationship while in the music industry is taboo.<br />

JB:Well my husband supports me 100% and also may be managing me. He?s<br />

going to be honest at all times and I would never have to question his opinion<br />

or loyalty. It?s about communication, it?s so important! It?s the common ground! I<br />

know I?m always dealing with men and men will attempt to come on to me<br />

because it?s a predominantly male environment, but that?s where trust factors<br />

in. My Son is extremely supportive; I actually have him listen to music that is<br />

sent to me for his opinion. So in essence I involve my family in my business, and<br />

they are my biggest supporters. My will Family always come first. My husband<br />

and I ride so that is a plus! Whether I go out alone or with him he understands<br />

the passion for it. I kind of gave up a little on the modeling because every gig I<br />

was offered they wanted me to be half naked. I?m a married woman and even if<br />

I wasn?t I don?t feel I need to show my a* * to make it, my mind and face do<br />

enough? . The secret is sex, communication, and trust (and yes notice I put sex<br />

first)!<br />

MJ:Tell me, in about a year or two when I come back to interview you, what will<br />

we be catching up? What is next on the list of accomplishments for Jes Blaze?<br />

JB:Having my own studio for my show and having other shows and hosts. I want<br />

artists to come and drop some bars and create dope music? Shade 45 has been<br />

my end goal and I?m working hard towards that? More showcases in bigger<br />

venues and other states? Expanding No Filter Radio Brand out of New York,<br />

(already in the works) and to become rich not so much famous, but rich.<br />

MJ:Is there anything else you would like the world to know about Jes Blaze?<br />

JB:I?m just a humble chick that tries to do good at all times. I feel if you do<br />

without expecting anything in return it will come back 10 times fold. My motto is<br />

#PayItForward. I always look to help someone else out because some people<br />

really have it bad. I?m a go getter and I?ll never allow anything or anyone to stop<br />

what I wholeheartedly have a passion for. I just hope to continue inspiring<br />

others and being a positive force in this screwed up society we live in.<br />

#EveryMoveIzCritical<br />

NO FILTER RADIO SHOW:http://www.nofilterradioshow.com/Info@Nofilterra<br />

dioshow.comJesblaze7@gmail.com<br />

S O U RCE: M J S a v ino

Get t o Know<br />

t he Hi st or y<br />

of Leg endar y<br />

DJ Soul buck<br />

n.MJ:MJ here with London Le?<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Mag</strong>azine, and joining me is<br />

Jersey?s, East Coast, United States, and worldwide legend DJ<br />

Soulbuck! Salute, and thank you for your time. You have shared<br />

that music, Hip Hop, and the art of deejaying stem back to early<br />

on as a child. Your father a DJ and heavy into Disco, and your<br />

uncle also a DJ but more into the Hip Hop scene. Early on you<br />

were mesmerized and fascinated with turntables and mixing. Talk<br />

about the very first experience for you when your father and<br />

uncle introduced you into that world.<br />

DJ Soulbuck:Well my dad of course was heavy into disco at the<br />

time after he stopped his singing career. But memories I have of<br />

him is sitting in the room with me while he played music and<br />

would sometimes tape himself or show me records he was<br />

playing. I was always fascinated just by looking at the albums. My<br />

uncle would play tapes around me when I was about nine. I heard<br />

?Rappers Delight? but didn?t care too much for it but I heard a<br />

tape he was playing of Grandmaster Flash and he acted out what<br />

he was exactly doing and I was hooked instantly!<br />

MJ:Besides the genes, why else do you think your father took you<br />

under his wing and allowed you to deejay a family party at the<br />

age of 10?<br />

DJ Soulbuck:Well I was a fast learner. I tried to scratch on his<br />

turntables and broke a few needles and got my a* * whooped for<br />

that lol. But one day he asked me if I wanted to try it. I said yeah<br />

and he showed me how to cue up records and bring them in. He<br />

even taped me so after that he was amazed I picked up so quickly<br />

and asked me did I want to help him deejay my aunt?s wedding.<br />

MJ:Talk about your teenage years when deejaying became serious<br />

for you and you began practicing religiously day in and day out.<br />

DJ Soulbuck:Well I didn?t have my real first dj set until my early<br />

20?s. But my teen years I would practice on a record player and<br />

make pause cassette tapes religiously. I would tell people I knew<br />

how to deejay and people would laugh it off. One of my uncle?s<br />

was bragging about me one time to his friend who deejayed and<br />

brought me to his house. When he saw what I could do he<br />

remained very quiet while my uncle said I told you my nephew<br />

was nice!<br />

MJ:Share with us at what point in your life did the realization hit<br />

you that this was no longer a hobby for you? Talk about that<br />

moment when you knew this was now a career?<br />

DJ Soulbuck:When my son was born in 2005. I had always<br />

deejayed clubs and bars but I didn?t have any business sense. I<br />

was on some look fly sh* t and make money and rock the crowd.<br />

But then I met Doodlebug with Digable Planets and he dropped a<br />

lot of jewels on me plus I showed him my hard work ethic.<br />

MJ:Now I?m not sure if everyone out there knows the story on how<br />

you linked up with Digable Planets. But it was not you that did the<br />

reaching out! Tell everyone about that connection that ultimately<br />

led to a tour.<br />

DJ Soulbuck:I was attending The Art Institute of Philadelphia at<br />

the time majoring in TV/Video. I didn?t want to put deejaying on<br />

the back burner. I knew a group named Fine Arts show invited me<br />

down to their studio session at Sigma Studios and that?s where I<br />

met Doodlebug. He was recording and I showed up for a scratch<br />

and just to hang out. But I pulled him aside and told him I make<br />

beats and wanted to work on something. He gave me his info and<br />

the rest is history!<br />

MJ:Although tour life is an important element for fan base,<br />

growth, and success in the industry, it is not as glamorous as it is<br />

portrayed. What was tour life like for you? Do you think you were<br />

prepared for it?<br />

DJ Soulbuck:I wasn?t, but I adjusted. It?s fun when you are on stage<br />

but the politics of the business can be stressful. Also the traveling<br />

and if you have a kid like I do you get to missing your kid.<br />

MJ:Take some time now to let everyone know about DJ Soulbuck?s<br />

services! It goes beyond only radio and showcases.<br />

DJ Soulbuck:I do mixtape hosting, scratch features, deejay sets at<br />

venues, deejay for artists, production, private parties, and tours.<br />

MJ:You are a veteran in this industry of music! You have<br />

experienced different things, seen different trends, heard<br />

hundreds of one hit wonders, etc. From a DJ?s point of view what<br />

are the major key factors for an artist to make a name for<br />

themselves?<br />

DJ Soulbuck:Every day is a day to move up in the ranks, there?s no<br />

days off. Be humble and build relationships with DJ?s even if they<br />

don?t jump on your record right away, somebody will and people<br />

will catch on. You need to have plenty of media for people to see,<br />

hit these streets, and perform anywhere. Of course have<br />

someone smart who can represent you. It?s a lot of hard work, no<br />

sleep, sacrifice, and dedication! It won?t happen by just tagging<br />

people on Facebook to share your music.<br />

MJ:I want to know your do?s and don?ts. Every DJ has them when it<br />

comes to artists and fans or listeners.<br />

DJ Soulbuck:My don?ts is simple, if you come with an arrogant<br />

approach it?s a big turnoff. If your presentation doesn?t look<br />

believable I can?t see the hunger in you. Another don?t is telling<br />

me how to play at a spot when I?ve been hired to dj, and lastly<br />

don?t overload me with requests, I like requests but timing is<br />

everything with each song. The do?s is definitely display good<br />

energy everywhere you go and make sure people remember you!<br />

MJ:Besides being incredibly knowledgeable in the world of Hip<br />

Hop and the culture, being extremely talented, and a master on<br />

the wheels of steel, the one word that comes to mind when I<br />

think of DJ Soulbuck is humble! After decades and decades of<br />

working in the industry, touring, and deejaying for major artists<br />

what keeps you so grounded?<br />

DJ Soulbuck:My son keeps me from doing something really crazy<br />

and out of pocket. I was raised to be humble and modest.

MJ:Lets shift a bit now. You are first and foremost a father, not a weekend dad but a father<br />

co-parenting and raising his son. Salute! What are some of those challenges? Also how do<br />

you balance family and your career?<br />

DJ Soulbuck:Very challenging! But I?ve managed to juggle it all for years now. I always tell my<br />

family this what I know and how to provide for everyone. It comes with its ups and downs<br />

but this is all i know. It?s rough but I manage to keep it moving.<br />

MJ:You have traveled across the globe and receive love from all over! Do you have a favorite<br />

place you have toured? In your opinion what areas show the most love, energy, and<br />

support?<br />

DJ Soulbuck:Toronto and Calmore in Canada, the love they showed me was amazing, from<br />

autographs to pictures. A lot of places I?ve been outside the tri state has showed so much<br />

love and it?s always different from home base.<br />

MJ:Try to put in words and describe that feeling of having so much control at the tip of your<br />

fingers! How does it feel knowing you are a platform for so many up and coming artists?<br />

How does it feel to be the first to spin an exclusive track or album cuts from an established<br />

or major artist?<br />

DJ Soulbuck:It?s a good feeling. But I also want the artist to feel good about themselves<br />

when I do play their music.<br />

MJ:I know you appreciate lyricism carried over a strong beat. Tell us some artists in your<br />

personal play list.<br />

DJ Soulbuck:Conway, Westside Gunn, Benny, Drama Sinatra, Stevie Franks just to name a<br />

few.<br />

MJ:In the eyes and mind of DJ Soulbuck, what is defined as Hip Hop? Why is it important to<br />

you to live a lifestyle true to the culture?<br />

DJ Soulbuck:Because Hip Hop is a culture and people have it confused. It?s a lifestyle, not<br />

just rapping. Rapping is just one of the elements. You have to live, sleep, breathe, and eat<br />

this!<br />

MJ:Let?s talk radio shows form UTM Radio to BeatMinerz Radio. When and where can<br />

listeners tune in? Also do you have a preference between spinning at a live show or in a<br />

radio studio?<br />

DJ Soulbuck:It doesn?t matter as long as people enjoy the music. I?m on UTM Radio every<br />

Monday night from 9pm-12am on the syndicated show IIour Show Uncut. On Thursday?s<br />

you can find me on Beatminerz Radio from 4-6pm. Occasionally on Side B Radio with Phil<br />

Jackson on WPRB 103.3FM, Princeton NJ.<br />

MJ:How different would your life be without music, without turntables, and without vinyl?<br />

DJ Soulbuck:I don?t even know I?d probably be an artist because I used to love to draw.<br />

MJ:What knowledge can you pass along to those practicing the craft of deejaying?<br />

DJ Soulbuck:Study the essence of it even if you are doing it your own way you need to do<br />

your research on the pioneers who paved the way. Respect it! That?s what I did. Also study<br />

all genres of music because it will make you very well rounded and versatile.<br />

MJ:I?m curious about the influences in your life, personally and in your career.<br />

DJ Soulbuck:Well my dad and uncles. We got Grandmaster Flash, DJ Cash Money, DJ Jazzy<br />

Jeff, DJ Scratch of EPMD, Jam Master Jay, Red Alert, Marley Marl, and two of my closest DJ<br />

friends Kid Swift and DJ Doodles.<br />

MJ:As we wrap up, is there anything else you would like the world to know about DJ<br />

Soulbuck?<br />

DJ Soulbuck:That I am a DJ that represents the art form of deejaying, no gimmicks, no<br />

follower bullshi* , and no trendy nonsense, just me!<br />

MJ:Thank you again for taking the time out for MJ and London Le?<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Mag</strong>azine, salute!<br />

DJ Soulbuck:Salute

Hip Hop Duo Rel eases<br />

Excl usive Pr oj ect ?Dead<br />

Pl anet s and Dwar f St ar s?<br />

MJ here with London Le?<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Mag</strong>azine! Joining me with brand<br />

new music and a tell all is Hip Hop Duo producer Nextwon, and<br />

MC Trauma known as DS9.<br />

MJ:Before we jump right in with the release of ?Dead Planets<br />

and Dwarf Stars? give us some history of how you two linked up<br />

with each other to create DS9.<br />

MC Trauma:We met through a mutual friend and did a couple<br />

of dope joints. After that Nextwon asked me if I was interested<br />

in doing a project I said, and we took it from there.<br />

Nextwon:Trauma and I linked up a few years ago through a<br />

mutual associate, and we hit it off right away! We started<br />

collaborating and had been kicking around tracks for the past<br />

couple of years. But It wasn?t until about a year ago that DS9<br />

was officially formed.<br />

MJ:How long was producing and emceeing a hobby before the<br />

epiphany hit to pursue it as a career?<br />

Nextwon:I had started making mixed tapes and beats about 20<br />

years ago as a hobby with my crew Mentillstate. We would sit<br />

and make beats and tracks in my basement. Then I helped<br />

produce my first album Matrameru?s ?Sandglass?. It wasn?t until<br />

then that I really started collaborating with other artists and<br />

creating music for the public to hear.<br />

MC Trauma:For me it goes way back to 1985. I never been<br />

interested in anything else really.<br />

MJ:I first listened to DS9 when Nextwon reached out to me with<br />

the new release of ?Dead Planets and Dwarf Stars?. I was<br />

fascinated and mesmerized by both the lyrics and the<br />

production and the precision of it all! Tell the listeners all about<br />

the new release, from beginning to end! We want to know the<br />

who, what, where, when, why, and how of ?Death Planets and<br />

Dwarf Stars?.<br />

MC Trauma:It wasn't just a bang-bang creation. It took a while<br />

to finish, but it just came together real crazy like a drawn out<br />

blueprint.<br />

Nextwon:We had a handful of tracks finished but really weren?t<br />

sure what direction the project was going. Trauma sent me the<br />

lyrics to ?100 Eyes? and I knew right then and there that we had<br />

something. Once Trauma finished recording ?End of the Day?,<br />

we knew the potential was there for this to be a really dope<br />

project.<br />

MJ:How do you think listeners and fans will react to the project?<br />

Nextwon:We really tried to create an album that would appeal<br />

to the masses. You got that old school boom bap vibe paired<br />

with a modern twist in the way Trauma delivers his lyrics. I think<br />

heads will feel our energy.<br />

MC Trauma:I think the audience we're going for will feel it's<br />

different and spacy. But I think if they like that boom bap<br />

backpack, they will definitely dig it!<br />

MMJ:Speaking of fans, many of them tend to get caught up<br />

in the glamour and glitz of the music industry. Reality is<br />

there is an enormous amount of pressure, especially<br />

between producers and artists. One can?t outshine the<br />

other, the flow and tempo and lyrics need to be in sync, and<br />

the business relationship has to be built on trust and<br />

respect. Most importantly the chemistry has to be there!<br />

Talk about that and share some of your challenges and<br />

some of the successes as duo.<br />

MC Trauma:I don't have a reason not to trust Nextwon. It's a<br />

fair exchange of respect that comes from the give and take.<br />

When I ask for a beat I get it ASAP. When he sends a beat he<br />

gets the song back ASAP. Our chemistry just works!<br />

Nextwon:Trauma has a way of bringing my beats to life with<br />

his clever lyrics and smooth delivery. Although we have<br />

never been able to work in the studio together (since we<br />

reside in different parts of the country) our creative visions<br />

and ideas have blended together seamlessly. Thanks to<br />

social media, I have been able to connect with some of the<br />

dopest underground artists around the globe, with Trauma<br />

being one of them.<br />

MJ:For those that might not be familiar with DS9 describe<br />

your style. As a Hip Hop duo what would coin as your<br />

contribution to Hip Hop?<br />

Nextwon:I feel like this remains to be seen. Our musical<br />

journey together has just begun and I hope when all is said<br />

and done that our unique style has made a mark in the<br />

game.<br />

MC Trauma:We bring thatreal Hip Hop! We make Hip Hop<br />

great again, like for real!<br />

MJ:Take us into the studio, a day in the life of Nextwon and<br />

MC Trauma! Give us three words to describe the end result.<br />

Nextwon:Beats. Rhymes. Life.<br />

MC Trauma:Weed. No distractions. Good vibes.I usually<br />

listen to music right before I record and not Hip Hop.<br />

MJ:I?m always curious about a few things when I interview<br />

artists? Who is in your playlist? What genres of music do you<br />

listen to? If it wasn?t music where would you be today?<br />

Lastly, the name! For some choosing a group or artist name<br />

is like a movie title and there is a story behind it. What is<br />

yours?<br />

MC Trauma:Wu-Tang, RTJ, Jimmy Cliff, Bad Brains, and<br />

Hendrix, are a few artists in my playlist. I listen to the blues,<br />

funk, punk, old school r&b, and old school rock. I got my<br />

name after I was battling a rapper. I remember someone in<br />

the audience saying I traumatized the other emcee, Trauma<br />

stuck ever since then.<br />

Nextwon:Right now I have Thundercat and Run the Jewels in<br />

heavy rotation. I Can?t get enough of either. I?m all over the<br />

map, good music is good music. Whatever grabs me is what<br />

I listen to, well except for country. I?m a family man and still<br />

work a 9-5. But music is my love and my creative outlet. No<br />

matter what I do or where I am in life, music will always be a<br />

part of it. Trauma is responsible for the group name, he<br />

pitched it and we ran with it!

MJ:Give us an inside peak on what?s coming up for DS9 in 2018.<br />

Nextwon:The Follow up to DP & DS is already in the works. While<br />

this album is infused with cuts from what I believe to be some of<br />

the dopest DJ?s in the world like RenROK (L.A), Memory Loss<br />

(Germany), & SuggieSugindabuilding (N.J.), our next album we<br />

hope to have appearances by some of the underground emcees<br />

that we know and have worked with individually. It?s going to be<br />

dope!<br />

MC Trauma:More stories, more lyrics, and more Hip Hop is always<br />

on the horizon.<br />

MJ:Before we wrap up, please let the readers, supports, and fans<br />

know where they can get their hands on ?Dead Planets and Dwarf<br />

Stars?.<br />

MC Trauma:I'LL let Nextwon answer that one but s/o collective<br />

resonance.<br />

Nextwon:Check us out on bandcamp, iTunes, Spotify, Apple <strong>Music</strong>,<br />

google play, amazon and most major platforms. We are just one<br />

click away athttps://fanlink.to/deadplanetsanddwarfstars.<br />

MJ:Is there anything else you would like the world and ?universe?<br />

to know about DS9?<br />

Nextwon:Peep the album! Big thanks to Collective Resonance, be<br />

sure to check them out atwww.CollectiveResonance.net<br />

MC Trauma:We are the Resistance!<br />

D<br />

S<br />

9<br />

I want to thank you both for taking time out for this interview, and<br />

I want to thank you for creating timeless music, Salute!<br />

Nextwon:<br />

https://www.facebook.com/nextwonchicago/<br />

https://www.instagram.com/nextwon_chicago/<br />

soundcloud.com/nextwon<br />

twitter.com/nextwon8141<br />

MC Trauma:<br />

https://www.facebook.com/ryeshon.dixon<br />

Dead Planets and Dwarf Stars Album<br />

https://fanlink.to/deadplanetsanddwarfstars<br />

So ur ce: MJ Savino




MA R CH, & MO R E<br />

MJ here with London Le?<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Mag</strong>azine! If you are not familiar with<br />

Chicago?s own Hip Hop Artist, Actor, Writer, and Motivational Speaker<br />

Precise, sit back and tune in?<br />

MJ:I had the pleasure of interviewing you a few years back and since<br />

then there has been a tremendous amount of success and<br />

accomplishments in your career. All of which I?m eager to touch upon!<br />

But first tell everyone what it was like growing up in a Haitian household<br />

surrounded by music? Do you think your career path would have been<br />

different if music was not involved?<br />

Precise:Growing up in a Haitian household was beautiful, traditional, and<br />

sometimes strict. Having music as an intricate backdrop in my life has<br />

definitely influenced my life. Being Haitian adds to this experience<br />

because of the rhythms, moods, and vibes. I think I would have always<br />

gravitated towards music because it?s my heartbeat.<br />

MJ:Many artists also take on role of Engineer or Producer. However, you<br />

have evolved into a growing icon not only as artist but as Motivational<br />

Speaker, Actor, and Writer. Talk about those roles in your life. How do<br />

you find balance? Without balance a career in the music and<br />

entertainment industry can quickly crash.<br />

Precise:I love to do all of those things. I guess his is why time does not<br />

factor in as a constraint. It does in a sense because I actually have a job<br />

now. However, as the doors continue to fly open and welcome<br />

opportunity the time continues to present itself. I?m grateful for this.<br />

MJ:I?m also curious to know what keeps you grounded and humble. It<br />

almost appears to be a growing trend for artists or individuals in any<br />

spotlight to shine arrogance instead of gratitude.<br />

Precise:Knowing that life is such a valuable gift keeps me focused and<br />

driven. The world is changing every day and the ability to be able to<br />

control one?s destiny is becoming more apparent. This trend you<br />

mention are the growing pains of a new sensibility. Change starts with<br />

yourself, however in order to really move the bar we have to move as a<br />

unit. The arrogance and desire to have the spotlight will dissipate once<br />

we start recognizing our power as one.<br />

MJ:Let?talk about your anthem ?That Ol?Boom Bap?! That track is<br />

receiving large amounts of momentum and buzz across the globe! Talk<br />

about the creation, the message, and what that track means to you<br />

personally.<br />

Precise:DJ Tekwun from NY created ?The Boom Bap Project? a few years<br />

ago. My manager Redell Drakeford linked us up and Tek sent me the<br />

track. When I heard it, it immediately put me in the mind of the essence<br />

of what this culture represents. Peace, love, unity, and having fun is what<br />

this is about. Rap music provides the rhythm and the kick drum and the<br />

snare make us move. They motivate us. It?s important to acknowledge<br />

our origins in a way that is unashamed and deliberate. ?That Ol?Boom<br />

Bap? is a reminder of where we come from an Ode to the culture in its<br />

past, present, and future.<br />

MJ:Define Hip Hop for me? Define Hip Hop<br />

Culture for me? Why is it important for Precise<br />

to create music for longevity, music for the fans,<br />

and music that recognizes the foundation built<br />

by our fathering pioneers of Hip Hop?<br />

Precise:I get asked that question a lot. I?m happy<br />

that this happens because I always want be to<br />

make the clear distinction that Hip-Hop is the<br />

culture and rap is one of the things unique to<br />

the culture. The way I walk, talk, and present<br />

myself is Hip Hop. Creating music that adds<br />

value and is essential to any true growth in our<br />

culture. Doing this will always honor those that<br />

have come before us.<br />

MJ:I?m sure you can recall countless memories,<br />

but can you share one memorable and<br />

nostalgic moment in your career thus far that<br />

continues to impact?<br />

Precise:There was one time when I went to an<br />

event called Pheature created by P1. I went to<br />

watch the acts perform and P1 asked if I would<br />

perform. I agreed. My song came on and I<br />

zoned out and by the time I was done I couldn?t<br />

remember what happened. The crowd was<br />

going crazy. It felt like I experienced some out of<br />

body experience. I loved that feeling. The ability<br />

to just become one with the music is amazing.<br />

MJ:Briefly touch upon your experience at The<br />

Million Man March. I can only imagine it can be<br />

noted as a phenomenal, life changing<br />

experience.<br />

Precise:The Million Man March is an important<br />

part of me truly growing into manhood.<br />

Minister Farrakhan was able to get one million<br />

black men to come together and discuss the<br />

state of our people and how we must take<br />

control of our lives and families. I learned about<br />

atonement and forgiving. Forgiving is the most<br />

powerful thing we can do for ourselves. It<br />

releases a burden from your heart and allows<br />

you to move forward. The March was truly life<br />

changing and I am so happy I went.<br />

MJ:I want to take a moment for the fans, let?s<br />

give them a chance to get to know Precise! Who<br />

continues, and not just musically, to influence<br />

both your personal life and career? What are<br />

your favorite 3 genres of music? Give the fans<br />

three words to describe your stage presence.<br />

Where are some places you would like to tour?<br />

Precise:Hmm three genres.... I really love all<br />

music, but if I had to be pinned down to three I<br />

would say rap, r&b, and jazz? My stage<br />

presence is arresting, electrifying, and<br />

deliberate? I would like to tour Europe, Africa,<br />

and the Caribbean.

P r eci se<br />

MJ:Can you give us an inside peek on some upcoming projects<br />

you are working on?<br />

Precise:I?m working on my latest project ?Man of the Ages?. If<br />

you want a sample of what it?s going to sound like listen to my<br />

song ?Speak Lifez?. I?m really approaching this from a very<br />

focused and driven perspective. I?m all about raising the<br />

vibration.<br />

https://soundcloud.com/precise/sp<br />

eak-life-clean-by-precise-p<br />

roduced-by-ben-carter<br />

MJ:As we wrap up, is there anythin<br />

g else you want the world to know about Precise?<br />

Precise:Precise loves his family and wants all of us to be free<br />

and pursue our dreams unencumbered.<br />

MJ:I want to thank you again for the interview, and thank you<br />

for creating incredible music! Sky?s the limit for Precise, salute!<br />

Sou r ce: M J Sav i n o

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