Social Impact Investing

Social Impact Investing

Social Impact Investing


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Domini, shareholder advocacy and community investing are pillars of socially<br />

responsible investing, while doing only negative screening is inadequate.<br />

History<br />

The origins of socially responsible investing may date back to the Religious Society of<br />

Friends (Quakers). In 1758, the Quaker Philadelphia Yearly Meeting prohibited<br />

members from participating in the slave trade – buying or selling humans.<br />

One of the most articulate early adopters of SRI was John Wesley (1703–1791), one of<br />

the founders of Methodism. Wesley's sermon "The Use of Money" outlined his basic<br />

tenets of social investing – i.e. not to harm your neighbor through your business<br />

practices and to avoid industries like tanning and chemical production, which can harm<br />

the health of workers. Some of the best-known applications of socially responsible<br />

investing were religiously motivated. Investors would avoid “sinful” companies, such as<br />

those associated with products such as guns, liquor, and tobacco.<br />

The modern era of socially responsible investing evolved during the political climate of<br />

the 1960s. During this time, socially concerned investors increasingly sought to address<br />

equality for women, civil rights, and labor issues. Economic development projects<br />

started or managed by Dr. Martin Luther King, like the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the<br />

Operation Breadbasket Project in Chicago, established the beginning model for socially<br />

responsible investing efforts. King combined ongoing dialog with boycotts and direct<br />

action targeting specific corporations. Concerns about the Vietnam War were<br />

incorporated by some social investors. Many people living during the era remember a<br />

picture in June 1972 of a naked nine-year-old girl, Phan Thị Kim Phúc, running towards<br />

a photographer screaming, her back burning from the napalm dropped on her village.<br />

That photograph channeled outrage against Dow Chemical, the manufacturer of<br />

napalm, and prompted protests across the country against Dow Chemical and other<br />

companies profiting from the Vietnam War.<br />

During the 1950s and 1960s, trade unions deployed multi-employer pension fund<br />

monies for targeted investments. For example, the United Mine Workers fund invested<br />

in medical facilities, and the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU) and<br />

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) financed union-built housing<br />

projects. Labor unions also sought to leverage pension stocks for shareholder activism<br />

on proxy fights and shareholder resolutions. In 1978, SRI efforts by pension funds was<br />

spurred by The North will Rise Again: Pensions, Politics, and Power in the 1980s and<br />

the subsequent organizing efforts of authors Jeremy Rifkin and Randy Barber. By 1980,<br />

presidential candidates Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and Jerry Brown advocated<br />

some type of social orientation for pension investments.<br />

SRI had an important role in ending the apartheid government in South Africa.<br />

International opposition to apartheid strengthened after the 1960 Sharpeville massacre.<br />

In 1971, Reverend Leon Sullivan (at the time a board member for General Motors)<br />

drafted a code of conduct for practicing business in South Africa which became known<br />

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