Pittwater Life April 2017 Issue

Arrested Development. Straight Shooter. Help To "Shape 2028". ANZAC Day. Avalon Surf Swap. Easter Activities. Arrested Development. Straight Shooter. Help To "Shape 2028". ANZAC Day. Avalon Surf Swap. Easter Activities.

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Health & Wellbeing Health & Wellbeing Keep on moving for better bone health Osteoporosis is a common condition in which bones become weak and brittle, leading to a greater risk of fractures; it affects over one million Australians. The most commonly affected bones are the hips, wrist and spine, while spinal fractures can lead to a loss of height and a stooped posture. “It is common to be unaware of having osteoporosis until you sustain an apparently minor fall or bump and realise that you have a broken bone,” said Jennie Strathairn from Avalon Physiotherapy and Clinical Pilates. There are a number of risk factors, such as being a post menopausal woman, family history, low calcium and vitamin D levels, low levels of physical activity and certain medications like long term use of corticosteroids. “Early diagnosis of osteoporosis is crucial so you get a head start in fighting it.. go to see your GP if you think you may be at risk,” advises Jennie. She said regular and ongoing weight bearing exercise, as recommended by a qualified health professional, was a proven method of treatment, along with medication or supplements. “The more you apply stress to your bones in the right way, the more the bone is stimulated to strengthen,” she said. The best exercises for building bone density are: jumping (for example, impact aerobics, netball, skipping); tennis; and jogging. “Simply going for a regular brisk walk can be beneficial too,” she said. “We use a Galileo whole body vibration machine which has a plate that you stand on that rapidly pivots on a central axis, creating forces through your legs, similar to running. “Performing different exercises on this plate has been shown to effectively build bone mass. Come down and give it a try!” More info call the practice on 9918 0230. Eco Corner The capacity for renewable energy generation in Australia is enormous. We rank second, after Russia and ahead of China, for renewable energy production potential according to a report by Beyond Zero Emissions. Is this a dilemma for us as the world’s biggest coal exporter? Why does it take Elon Musk, Co-founder Of Tesla, to spot the opportunity to provide utility scale battery storage facilities in SA? The opportunities in renewables lie in harvesting, storage and management. We have a small window to support our innovators and ensure Australia takes a leading position. Contemplate the alternative: the impact on the environment of coal generated electricity and the opaque pricing practices which have seen our electricity bills doubling in some areas in the last decade. There’s no denying that some days the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow. That’s where the storage of energy is crucial to smooth out the peaks and troughs. Ironically the motor industry is driving the development of battery storage for use in electric vehicles to significantly reduce CO2 emissions. We have the ability to generate, the technology is rapidly becoming available to store and the remaining challenge is to allow households to manage their use of electricity intelligently. What does smart energy management mean? It allows you to run your energy-hungry appliances including washing machines, dryers and pool pumps, using stored energy produced by your own solar panels rather than drawing on the electricity grid at peak times. Russell Lamb is the Founder of ecodownunder 46 APRIL 2017 Celebrating 25 Years

Health & Wellbeing Celebrating 25 Years APRIL 2017 47

Health & Wellbeing<br />

Celebrating 25 Years<br />

APRIL <strong>2017</strong> 47

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