Sag Eye Issue 5

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could be that Cassandra’s team realised the<br />

that someone involved with Thunderchild<br />

speculate as to the reasons for the century-<br />

Jotunheim listening post we see the “unit<br />

significance of finding Thargoid Sensors<br />

had some political clout, or was it something<br />

long delay, however the final message - from<br />

01” designation again - this may be simply<br />

‘seeded’ around known space, gathering data<br />

more significant — maybe something that<br />

Thunderchild - might indicate the answer to<br />

a code-name or a reference to one unit of<br />

in preparation for their return.<br />

Thunderchild itself could do...<br />

this.Or at least an answer to consider.<br />

several working under the Thunderchild<br />

project name.<br />

One fringe theory is that Thargoids might<br />

While delving into this mystery, a search of<br />

A Message to the Future<br />

actually have made some sort of deal with<br />

historical records pulls up a very interesting<br />

It’s time to look at the final and most<br />

We have in this message reference to some<br />

a faction of humans after the war, and the<br />

ancient literary reference, dating all the<br />

mysterious message stored in the message<br />

interesting things: This is the second mention<br />

Equinox team discovered evidence of that.<br />

way back to pre-spaceflight Earth — the<br />

buffer of the Sarasvati:<br />

of an “archive of data”. We know from the<br />

“Traces were so miniscule” might mean “their<br />

dawn of civilisation. In a little-known fiction<br />

Jotunheim message this refers to Dr. Calvin’s<br />

presence in our society was hard to detect”,<br />

novel written 1,500 years ago about an alien<br />

“Unit 01, if you’re receiving this, then I’ve got<br />

research data, presumably another member<br />

and this would help to put into context her<br />

invasion of Earth, a sea-based warship called<br />

good news and bad news. The good news is the<br />

of the Equinox project. “...you’re going to need<br />

earlier statement; “It was literally under<br />

Thunderchild lands a crippling blow against<br />

contingency worked.<br />

it for what comes ahead. The whole Galaxy is<br />

our noses the entire time, the Thargoids<br />

one of the invaders. It is the only time in the<br />

going to need it”. Obviously Julian feels it’s<br />

didn’t leave…”. Cassandra’s concern about<br />

story that primitive humanity is able to do any<br />

The bad news is the contingency was necessary.<br />

very important for whoever this message is<br />

the appearance of Thargoid-like materials<br />

real harm to the rampaging aliens.<br />

addressed to to recover the archive — and<br />

technology might be because it was the result<br />

It’s possible that whoever named this project<br />

Before everything ended, Dr, Lockhart from<br />

again we can see this mirrors the original<br />

of trade deals or shared knowledge rather<br />

pulled the reference from this ancient story. If<br />

Project Equinox managed to track me down;<br />

Jotunheim listening post message: “In the<br />

than salvage. This explanation seems highly<br />

this is the case, it suggests that Thunderchild<br />

all the data in this archive, all their findings…<br />

up-coming struggle Dr Calvin’s data may be<br />

unlikely though, and it will likely forever<br />

is likely a weapon intended to strike a blow<br />

you’re going to need it for what comes ahead.<br />

critical. Calling all Galcop personnel, we must<br />

remain the province of tinfoil-hat-wearing<br />

against the Thargoids, in which case the<br />

The whole Galaxy is going to need it. In<br />

find Calvin’s Archive and retrieve the data at all<br />

conspiracy theorists.<br />

“Gail” in the intercepted message might be<br />

all likelihood, by the time you’ve gotten<br />

costs...”<br />

the project lead, and Thunderchild Unit 01<br />

this message, me, Izzy, and the rest of the<br />

Who or What is ‘Thunderchild’?<br />

might be a way of referencing her role, or<br />

Thunderchild team will be long gone. And I’m<br />

Intriguingly we also get a possible answer to<br />

In three relatively short paragraphs this last<br />

sorry, I truly am. We’ve given you an enormous<br />

the apparent delayed return of the ammonia<br />

log of Cassandra Lockhart packs in revelation<br />

responsibility, one you never asked for.<br />

aliens; Julian’s reference to “the contingency”<br />

after revelation. The Thargoids might never<br />

might be the answer we were looking for here.<br />

have left — they might have been planning<br />

Listen, we all made mistakes. I’m not going to<br />

What could it have possibly been that was<br />

something significant even 130 years ago<br />

pretend that the Cooperative didn’t collapse<br />

“necessary” but also bad enough that Julian<br />

— the superpowers might have known the<br />

for a reason. We watched the hopes and dreams<br />

would seem to regret it? Given that — in<br />

Thargoids were back, even before Equinox<br />

of generations before us crumble in the face of<br />

context — this might be referring to delaying<br />

figured it out. Expeditions to the Pleiades<br />

political infighting in the decades following<br />

the return of humanity’s greatest enemy, an<br />

might have recovered Thargoid technology:<br />

the war. But out of everything we got wrong, out<br />

argument could be made that whatever was<br />

they could well have brought back Meta-<br />

there were multiple ‘units’ of Thunderchild,<br />

of all our failures, you weren’t one of them.<br />

necessary was justified.<br />

Alloys. If even one of these is accurate it<br />

and Gail was part of one of those. This all<br />

could rewrite our history; what technological<br />

makes sense. However, as we’ll discover<br />

Whatever else happens, I’m proud of you. We<br />

The implications of Lockhart’s logs and<br />

developments have sprung from recovered<br />

shortly, the final message in the buffer might<br />

all are.<br />

Julian’s last message might reach well into<br />

Thargoid technology?<br />

point to something much more significant to<br />

3304 and beyond.<br />

the future survival of humanity.<br />

-Julian Lyons”<br />

This final line asks more questions than it<br />

A Literal Child of Thunder?<br />

answers. “Maybe Thunderchild could’ve done<br />

Before we get into what Thunderchild might<br />

On the surface we have an almost personal<br />

By necessity, we’re going to have to speculate<br />

something, but they went dark in ’69.”<br />

be, the final words recorded by Dr. Lockhart<br />

update/status message from someone that<br />

a lot here in this conclusion. We’ll be drawing<br />

are bone-chilling:<br />

appears to be a key member of the Thunderchild<br />

connections based on one or two words or<br />

In context Lockhart seems to indicate that<br />

team. While we know from this context that<br />

lines, and so it is nothing more than one<br />

‘Thunderchild’ could have done something<br />

”We’re almost out of time.”<br />

there was a team around Thunderchild, we<br />

interpretation of many.<br />

about getting people to listen to her about the<br />

don’t know yet if Thunderchild was the name<br />

Thargoids returning. What was Thunderchild<br />

This was written in 3172. Lockhart felt very<br />

of something specifically in development, or<br />

What is Thunderchild? We have references<br />

that it could have had greater influence than<br />

strongly that time was important, and yet here<br />

the codename of a person being supported<br />

to the ‘signal source’ of the message that<br />

the actual project established to warn people<br />

we are 130 years later and apparently the<br />

by a team, the name of the team itself — or<br />

awoke the Jotunheim listening post as both<br />

if the Thargoids came back? Was it simply<br />

Thargoids have only just returned. We can only<br />

all three. From the reference here and in the<br />

“Thunderchild Unit 01” and “Gail” and we’ve

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