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6<br />

No.1 JANUARY 16, 2018<br />

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By Roman GRYVINSKYI, The Day<br />





Mr. Sekundant, we have seen the<br />

development of public philosophy in<br />

Ukraine in the past few years.<br />

Philosophers deliver public lectures<br />

and debates in the media, including<br />

the newspaper Den/The Day. The<br />

journal Filosofska Dumka has even<br />

devoted one of its issues to this. What<br />

do you think is the mission of a public<br />

intellectual in Ukraine today? What<br />

prospects and perhaps risks does this<br />

trend open?<br />

“Public philosophy is rather a rare<br />

phenomenon. It is usually political<br />

scientists and sociologists who go public,<br />

whereas the philosopher is a more<br />

profound person and, therefore, the<br />

public finds it more difficult to apprehend<br />

him or her. But this trend really<br />

exists and is rather new for Ukraine.<br />

Andrii Baumeister, Oleh Khoma, Oleksii<br />

Panych, Mykhailo Minakov are just<br />

a few names that came to my mind. It<br />

is a very useful phenomenon, and I can<br />

only welcome it. But I don’t know if the<br />

audience will grasp what these people<br />

want to put across to it. The point is<br />

that audiences are accustomed to ‘nonphilosophical’<br />

communication. The<br />

philosopher is supposed to disclose the<br />

root causes of the phenomena we come<br />

across. And it is a great art to speak<br />

about profound things in simple terms.<br />

Luckily, people endowed with this talent<br />

do occur, albeit rarely.<br />

“There has always been a problem<br />

of failing to understand things, including<br />

philosophy. Sometimes it<br />

seems to me that many philosophers<br />

became great only because they did<br />

not manage or, maybe, did not want to<br />

understand their predecessors. For<br />

example, Kant seems to have read neither<br />

Wolf nor Leibniz in detail.<br />

“It is a question of an important<br />

historical factor, not of risks. But for<br />

an extensive popularization of philosophy<br />

among the masses, the formation<br />

of such philosophy-minded nations as<br />

India, Greece, and – in the Enlightenment<br />

era – Germany would have been<br />

impossible. In the 18th-century Germany,<br />

almost every provincial newspaper<br />

had a huge philosophical section.<br />

German burghers were thus discussing<br />

philosophical problems and<br />

gradually got accustomed to philosophical<br />

thinking.<br />

“Some Kyiv philosophers complain<br />

that too many philosophy departments<br />

have come up in Ukraine<br />

today, which is a profanation of philosophical<br />

education. It is partly true,<br />

but, on the other hand, the more people<br />

are involved in the philosophical<br />

process and thinking, the better. It is<br />

one of the factors that help change the<br />

nation.<br />

“For the totalitarian past is still<br />

weighing upon our society – people<br />

are afraid to think independently. We<br />

are very dependent and have a lot of<br />

complexes. This is illustrated, in particular,<br />

by the quality of dissertations,<br />

most of which are rather superficial<br />

and distracted from real problems.<br />

At the same time, the interest of<br />

the broad masses in philosophy is supposed<br />

to promote transformation of<br />

academic philosophy which customarily<br />

popularized the postulates of<br />

Marxism-Leninism in the Soviet era<br />

and is still eschewing the pressing<br />

problems of man and society.”<br />



1990S, BUT WE MISSED IT”<br />

Do you think philosophy has had<br />

a strong impact on the identity of a<br />

contemporary human being? Is it true<br />

that the formation of certain philosophical<br />

ideas can become an important<br />

historical and cultural factor for<br />

not only intellectuals, but also society<br />

as a whole?<br />

The ways of the “philosophy<br />

of common sense”<br />

Serhii SEKUNDANT on how to learn<br />

to distinguish the truth from lies<br />

and drop the stereotypes<br />

of totalitarian mentality<br />

Societal interest in philosophy and its more a more noticeable presence in public space raises the<br />

following questions: can philosophy become if not the motive force then at least a factor of social<br />

transformations in a country? What efforts should the professional community make to this<br />

end? Does the philosophical perspective really offer a more comprehensive and unbiased<br />

assessment of the ongoing processes? In search of answers to these questions, Den/The Day<br />

continues a series of philosophical dialogs with a well-known Ukrainian researcher Serhii<br />

SEKUNDANT, Associate Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), head of the Department of<br />

Philosophy and Common Humanitarian Knowledge at Odesa National Illia Mechnikov University.<br />

“German philosophy was very<br />

academic, scholastic, and, in general,<br />

distracted from real practice. But in<br />

the era of Enlightenment, philosophers<br />

deliberately turned to rather<br />

broad masses of the population. In the<br />

17th century, German thinker Christian<br />

Thomasius developed the ideas of<br />

‘court philosophy.’ The new philosophy<br />

was to be of practical use in life.<br />

Incidentally, this occurred well before<br />

the French Revolution. The thinkers<br />

of that epoch knew that the grassroots<br />

needed some ‘simple truths.’ This philosophy<br />

appeals to common sense. Unlike<br />

to, say, Leibniz, Thomasius was<br />

known to the general public. It was<br />

later Christian Wolf who began to<br />

popularize his philosophy that comprised<br />

a mathematical method and the<br />

ideal of strict thinking. Philosophy<br />

was being simplified – abstract speculations<br />

were giving way to a simplified<br />

logic, a simplified, albeit based on<br />

common sense, theory.<br />

“Today, too, Germans always appeal<br />

to common sense in conversations.<br />

Soviet people, on their part,<br />

lived in ideocracy, in an ideologicallyoverburdened<br />

spiritual atmosphere.<br />

We still continue to think in these categories<br />

and cannot see where there is<br />

or there is no common sense. Our society<br />

is bereft of normal legal awareness.<br />

The right to a fair trial is a natural<br />

human right. If this right is not<br />

exercised, there is in fact no state. If<br />

courts pass judgments ‘by a phone<br />

call,’ no reforms will be possible. It is<br />

absurd and unclear to Europeans why<br />

Ukraine has been unable to establish<br />

an anticorruption court in the past<br />

four years. I’ve spoken a lot with Germans<br />

– they find it difficult to understand<br />

why we are not fighting for our<br />

rights, why this is not a top-priority<br />

problem for society.<br />

“As our awareness is overburdened<br />

with false stereotypes, such a<br />

simple ‘philosophy of common sense’<br />

is badly needed today. It would be a<br />

very good idea to include the postulate<br />

on natural human rights, drawn up by<br />

European philosophers in the 17th-<br />

18th centuries, into the school curriculum.<br />

In this connection, society<br />

should have a demand for academics<br />

who study the modern history philosophy.<br />

Among them is also Andrii<br />

Baumeister who focuses on medieval<br />

philosophy, for Thomas Aquinas was<br />

a very systematically- and adequatelythinking<br />

person. If a philosopher adheres<br />

to these principles of common<br />

sense, if he is a religious and ethical<br />

person, his teaching has rather a<br />

sobering impact on society. We are so<br />

much used to fearing, deceiving, and<br />

lying that we have stopped distinguishing<br />

between the truth and the<br />

lies, between real and fake reforms.<br />

This is the result of the absence of<br />

common sense.<br />

“Profound truths are very simple.<br />

But, to understand them, one must often<br />

have a certain insight. An individual<br />

should understand that he or she<br />

cannot be an instrument in someone<br />

else’s hands. The Kantian imperative<br />

says: it is your life, and you must not<br />

waste it to satisfy someone else’s ambitions.<br />

And our politicians are usually<br />

oligarchs for whom a party is just<br />

part of the business empire. They control<br />

the media, courts, police, and the<br />

prosecution service. It is Kuchma who<br />

created this system. We had a chance<br />

in the 1990s to go a way other than<br />

that of Russia, but we missed it. The<br />

Czechs invented voucher privatization,<br />

but Kuchma, the premier at the<br />

time, carried it out according to the<br />

Russian not the Czech, scenario.<br />

When he came to power, he introduced<br />

‘manual control’ of the Prosecutor<br />

General’s Office. Serhii Horbatiuk<br />

says this has never occurred before.<br />

And now Kuchma represents<br />

Ukraine at international negotiations.<br />

Sometimes the impression is that we<br />

are living in a totally absurd country.”<br />

A few primitive translations of<br />

philosophic classics appeared recently<br />

on our book market, and still more<br />

new books are expected soon. At the<br />

same time, a lot of utterly weak translations<br />

still remain on library shelves.<br />

When do you think we will be able to<br />

see high-quality publications of basic<br />

philosophical texts in the Ukrainian<br />

language? Will the newly-established<br />

Ukrainian Institute of the Book be<br />

able to help speed up this process?<br />

“Low-quality translations are a<br />

problem indeed. Incidentally, this also<br />

concerns Russian-language texts.<br />

“Undoubtedly, there should be a<br />

certain culture of translation. The<br />

translator must convey the inner<br />

sense of the text. To do so, he or she<br />

needs to understand the context very<br />

well. He or she must know very well<br />

not only the grammar rules of the language,<br />

but also the philosophy and the<br />

terminology of a certain period.<br />

Therefore, to become a good translator,<br />

one must work in a certain narrow<br />

field for many years.<br />

“The philosophers who call for external<br />

control over the work of translators<br />

may be right to some extent.<br />

But this facility’s prerogatives should<br />

be confined to reviewing only. If one<br />

has decided to translate a book, we<br />

must not forbid them to do so. At the<br />

same time, no one can forbid other experts<br />

to criticize a superficial or weak<br />

translation. It is also up to everybody<br />

to agree or disagree with this criticism.<br />

“Translation is always a creative<br />

process. All the well-known thinkers<br />

were guided by their personal vision<br />

and interpretation of their predecessors’<br />

philosophy. Should we reproach<br />

them for this? I don’t think so. Maybe,<br />

if Kant had read Leibniz and Wolf attentively,<br />

he wouldn’t have been the<br />

one we know – there would have been<br />

neither Critique of Pure Reason nor<br />

any other works.”<br />




Do you think Ukraine and<br />

Ukrainian society are today an organic<br />

part of Europe (Europe as a cultural<br />

and historical phenomenon, not<br />

a set of bureaucratic structures)?<br />

“The mentality of Ukrainian society<br />

is quite dissimilar. In contrast to<br />

us, residents of the country’s south<br />

and east, Western Ukrainians have a<br />

European mentality. Kyivans and residents<br />

of Central Ukraine have a mentality<br />

and culture of their own, also<br />

close to European. It is totalitarian<br />

mentality that prevails in the south<br />

and east – so it is very difficult to drop<br />

the stereotypes of totalitarian awareness.<br />

And the point is not in the absence<br />

of a wish but in historical determinism<br />

– this is handed down from<br />

generation to generation. As for<br />

me, the possibility of traveling to<br />

the West played a crucial role: I have<br />

visited Germany many times.<br />

“Today, the situation is particularly<br />

sad in the provinces – people are<br />

very fearful there. Incidentally, there<br />

is in fact no such thing as provinces in<br />

Germany. But in Ukraine, like in Russia,<br />

this difference is very essential.<br />

Nevertheless, I think the Ukrainians<br />

are a European nation. In Odesa, too,<br />

there are European-minded people,<br />

but they are in the minority – most of<br />

them are intellectuals.<br />

“We must go to Europe. But when<br />

the president begins to create a police<br />

state and allocates money not for the<br />

army but for the police and other institutions<br />

that are supposed to protect<br />

the ruling clan, this brings us closer to<br />

Russia than to Europe. One can unconsciously<br />

act in favor of his enemies<br />

against whom he is ostensibly fighting.<br />

In my view, the leadership that is<br />

killing education and research is a<br />

more formidable enemy than Putin.<br />

Instead of ensuring national security,<br />

the SBU defends the interests of oligarchs,<br />

particularly the local and regional<br />

ones. Saakashvili did not exaggerate<br />

when he said that Odesa is today<br />

controlled by bandits, interclan rivalry<br />

is rife, and corruption is all-embracing.<br />

Unfortunately, in Odesa<br />

Poroshenko has sided with local oligarchs<br />

Kivalov, Trukhanov, and<br />

others who were taking overtly pro-<br />

Kremlin attitudes on the eve of the<br />

second Maidan. Patriots are being imprisoned<br />

today, while wrongdoers are<br />

being freed.<br />

“All these facts make me think<br />

that the FSB [Russia’s Federal Security<br />

Service. – Ed.] is controlling<br />

Ukraine as before – and it is not an exaggeration.<br />

The leadership is trying<br />

not only to keep the criminal oligarchic<br />

system intact, but also to restore<br />

the Russian model in Ukraine.<br />

And this model is an authoritarian<br />

dictatorship of criminal oligarchy,<br />

when one person, Putin, has created<br />

and controls all the criminal oligarchic<br />

groupings by way of the FSB.<br />

Putin would like to see the same system<br />

in Ukraine because it is much easier<br />

to influence a country from the<br />

outside if it is run by an authoritarian<br />

leader. An attempt to pull off this<br />

kind of deal in the US failed – American<br />

civil society did not allow doing<br />

this. Once it became known about<br />

Trump’s ties with Russia, he had two<br />

options left – either an impeachment<br />

or renunciation of all his commitments<br />

to Putin.<br />

“One of the functions of philosophy<br />

is to promote a normal civil society<br />

in Ukraine. But, unfortunately,<br />

most of Ukrainian, as well as Russian,<br />

intellectuals are reactionary.<br />

It’s beyond my comprehension that a<br />

philosopher, if he is an honest person,<br />

can support outright corruptionists.<br />

Intellectuals must think independently.<br />

This kind of people can<br />

be counted on the fingers of one hand<br />

today, while the rest are afraid. They<br />

are afraid to lose the job, they fear<br />

that somebody will gain a ‘wrong’ impression<br />

and an official will punish<br />

them. It is philosophers, rather than<br />

artists and musicians of the<br />

Vakarchuk type, who should determine<br />

the society’s way of thinking.<br />

But, to be able to do so, they should<br />

be taken out of ‘serfdom.’<br />

“Yes, reforms are really being carried<br />

out: the current parliament has<br />

passed more laws on this country’s democratization<br />

than all the previous<br />

ones combined. But this is not enough,<br />

for the reforms do not work. We need<br />

an anticorruption court, and there<br />

must be an inescapable punishment<br />

for corruption-based crimes. Even in<br />

Russia a former economy minister was<br />

imprisoned, whereas in Ukraine corruption<br />

is ostensibly being fought, but<br />

nobody was put behind bars. It’s just<br />

a simulation.”<br />



EMPIRE”<br />

What was the year 2017 like for<br />

you personally?<br />

“The best news for me and our department<br />

is that the philosophy and<br />

history faculties have been merged in<br />

one. Every cloud has a silver lining,<br />

you know. Merging history and philosophy<br />

opens up vast prospects to us.<br />

The history of philosophy in Europe<br />

has long been the basis of philosophical<br />

education. You can’t possibly understand<br />

philosophical problems,<br />

think creatively, and offer rational arguments<br />

unless you know the history<br />

of philosophy. Our former dean, a<br />

chemist by education, was unable to<br />

understand why specialization was<br />

needed at the philosophy faculty, and<br />

the majority of our faculty’s academic<br />

board members backed him in this. I

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