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T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 7 8<br />

EDiToRiAL<br />

At the beginning of 2014, it is good to take heart that<br />

the first magazine that is in general circulation is dated<br />

1914 and thus we are celebrating the Centenary of<br />

publications of 'The Stationer' and its successor, 'The<br />

Old Stationer'. The last edition of 'The Stationer' was<br />

published in July, 1983, thirty years ago when the<br />

Stationers' Company's School closed its doors for the<br />

last time. However, 'The Old Stationer' had already<br />

appeared, under the aegis of Hermon Symons, as the<br />

School's publication was intermittent at that time. By<br />

now, 2014, 'The Old Stationer' is a regular magazine<br />

appearing twice a year, in February and July. What a<br />

record firstly, the School Magazines are, of the events<br />

and activities that took place in School and in the Old<br />

Boys, each School magazine having a section of Old<br />

Boys Pages; and secondly 'The Old Stationer' full of<br />

events and activities of the Old Stationers' Association<br />

and its members.<br />

Once again, the number of Reunions of Year Groups<br />

continue to take place, with four celebrations during the<br />

time of this publication. The year group celebrating their<br />

year of intake, for the first time was the 1963 group,<br />

marking 50 years since starting at Stationers, followed<br />

by year groups of 1944, 1951 and 1954 who have regular<br />

reunions. The outcome of such events is that 14 new<br />

members were added in the summer and there are<br />

another 14 here in this edition. This is remarkable that<br />

the membership has increased by more than 5% in one<br />

year when there is no alma mater! There is no doubt that<br />

the diligence of Gordon Rose has much to do with the<br />

efficiency of the system of membership, working together<br />

with each Stationer who organises a Reunion, in sending<br />

out forms to Stationers who, formerly were not<br />

members. At the mention of Gordon Rose, I am<br />

delighted to say that having had a spell in hospital, we<br />

are pleased to see Gordon back home and being able to<br />

pick up on many of his interests and activities.<br />

The sad side of membership, of course, is that we are<br />

also recording deaths of members, many of whom, have<br />

been members for many years. We welcome the new<br />

members. We sympathise with Old Stationers who have<br />

lost their spouses and other close relations in recent time<br />

and with the families of former members who have died.<br />

The AGM takes place on Friday, 28th March, 2013 at<br />

6.00pm. If you wish to be nominated for a place on the<br />

Committee, please inform the Honorary Secretary, Tony<br />

Hemmings, whose details are on page 3 of Magazine<br />

Number 77. Tel. No. 01992 638535. E-mail:<br />

hemmingsac@hotmail.com<br />

Anyone interested please contact Tony before the 28th<br />

March.<br />

Tony Moffat is looking to update our membership data<br />

base. If your e-mail address has recently changed, please<br />

let Tony Moffat know of the change. All details on Page<br />

3 of Magazine Number 77. Also Tel. No. 01954<br />

782366. E-mail: tnymfft@aol.com<br />

Mike Pinfield has also set up a button on the front page<br />

of the website to make it easy to email with your details.<br />

Congratulations to Reg<br />

Bailey 1961-1967, on<br />

being awarded the CBE<br />

for his brilliant work for<br />

the Mothers' Union and<br />

on tackling the commercialisation<br />

of childhood.<br />

Very many thanks to all<br />

the contributors to this<br />

edition, their contributions<br />

are very much<br />

Reg Bailey CBE appreciated by the readers<br />

and the editor. The<br />

correspondence section is of great interest where a<br />

number of members have taken the trouble to write. The<br />

articles are so varied often referring to events in the past,<br />

still vivid in the mind of the writer and of interest to his<br />

contemporaries. The travels, at home and abroad, under<br />

the section 'Far as you Roam', actual experiences of Old<br />

Stationers, give an added richness to these pages. Keep<br />

on writing!<br />

A Happy New Year to all our Readers.<br />

Geraint Pritchard<br />

DATES for the DiARY<br />


Friday March 28th 2014<br />

Stationers' Hall, Ave Maria Lane<br />

LONDON EC4 7DD<br />

AGM 6.00pm. Annual Dinner 7.00pm.<br />


Thursday May 8th 2014<br />

Imperial Hotel Russell Square<br />

Wednesday September 10th 2014<br />

Imperial Hotel Russell Square<br />

Wednesday December 3rd 2014<br />

Stationers' Hall, Ave Maria Lane<br />


Sunday August 24th 2014<br />

42nd Annual Cricket Match<br />

Botany Bay, East Lodge Lane, Enfield, EN2 8AS<br />

Lunch 12.30pm; Match 2.00pm.<br />


To be advised<br />


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