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T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 7 8<br />

REuNioNS<br />

CLASS oF ’44 – July 2013<br />

On the middle Wednesday of July, the sun shone brightly on the<br />

British Isles, and warnings were issued that elderly persons going<br />

out of doors were a danger to themselves and a potential nuisance<br />

to the emergency services.<br />

Nonetheless twelve representatives of the class of 1944 arrived<br />

safely, punctually (and in some cases rather early) at the RAF<br />

Club in Piccadilly. This group of octogenarians were all in<br />

reasonable shape both physically and mentally, and rejoiced in<br />

the annual renewal of friendships first made sixty-nine years ago.<br />

They made short work of a splendid terrine of mozzarella cheese,<br />

smoked ham, Mediterranean vegetables and olives. They then<br />

enjoyed some excellent roast lamb with all the trimmings and<br />

concluded with strawberry pavlova, coffee and petit fours. It was<br />

a meal of high quality accompanied by some excellent wines of<br />

which the star was the Savigny-les-Beaunes 2009, and the buzz<br />

of happiness around the table never ceased.<br />

This was the eleventh reunion in a series begun in 2001 at the<br />

suggestion of David Mariano on the back of some astonishing<br />

success by Gordon Rose in tracing so many of the boys who had<br />

arrived in 1944, far as they had roamed, and organised so well in<br />

recent years by Antony Tight. The RAF Club welcomes us<br />

each year through the good offices of club member John Miles,<br />

and we all find reunion day one to mark in ink in the diary. Next<br />

year we propose to celebrate the 70th anniversary of our first days<br />

at the school. The lunch will be on Wednesday the 16th July<br />

2014 and the regulars all plan to be there. We hope that anyone<br />

and everyone who joined the school in 1944, whether or not they<br />

have been in the habit of attending, will put that date in their<br />

diary for 2014. All will be welcome, whatever the weather.<br />

John Sparrow<br />

CLASS oF ’54<br />

Once again the 1954 intake held its annual reunion at the<br />

Cheshire Cheese pub just off of the Strand near Aldwych.<br />

The 20 who attended on the day are listed below (in alphabetical<br />

order and not order of arrival or departurel). There was one<br />

newcomer, Roy Stevenson, who had been traced through an<br />

Internet search. He was delighted to have been "found" and will<br />

soon become a member of the OSA. This was the 1st time we<br />

had assembled 20 since the 1st reunion 9 years ago.<br />

Our singing started early with a chorus of happy birthday for the<br />

daddy of us all- Geraint Pritchard. Deutchers IPA was the real<br />

ale on pump upstairs, which few of us were able to pronounce<br />

properly even early on. It was though in excellent condition and<br />

enjoyed by all of us who like our ale. After most people had been<br />

fed we drank the usual toast to "absent friends". Alan Williams<br />

and Nigel Chamberlain had sent apologies for absence and there<br />

were no known deaths during the year to report.<br />

A discussion then followed about how we can locate any more of<br />

those we have had no contact with at all and whether we might<br />

do something different next year. 2014, of course, will be the 10th<br />

anniversary of our 1st reunion, or our "diamond reunion" of<br />

joining Stationers' for those who prefer to think that way. There<br />

wasn't a lot of interest in doing too much differently although if<br />

we can attract back some ofthose who made the long journey the<br />

first time as well as some newcomers a buffet style meal, perhaps<br />

back at the Melton Mowbray in High Holborn, might suit us<br />

better. A tour ofthe archives at Stationers' Hall could also be<br />

organized for that morning if there was sufficient demand.<br />

It was agreed that we would continue to hold the event on the<br />

1st Tuesday of September, being 2nd September 2014.Continuing<br />

REunion of the Class f '44 – Standing from left : David Mariano, Brian Kill, Stanley Ward, Ernie Stone, John Blakely, Arthur Field<br />

Seated from left : Gordon Rose, John Sheen, John Sparrow, Antony Tight, Bill Croydon, John Miles<br />


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