A Solemn Appeal - James White

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Solitary vice<br />

Testimony to the evil effects of solitary vice<br />

comes in from all quarters. Dr. Clarke, the<br />

excellent commentator, says that selfpollution<br />

"excites the powers to undue action, and produces<br />

violent secretions, which necessarily and speedily<br />

exhaust the vital principle and energy." The doctor<br />

goes on to speak of its consequences, as disease<br />

and death, and then adds: "Reader, this is no<br />

caricature, nor are the colors overcharged in this<br />

shocking picture. Worse woes than my pen can<br />

relate, I have witnessed in those addicted to this<br />

fascinating, unnatural and most destructive of<br />

crimes. If thou hast entered the snare, flee from the<br />

destruction of both soul and body that awaits thee."<br />

Physiology also bears its testimony. Says<br />

Sylvester Graham, "By far the worst form of<br />

venereal indulgence is self-pollution." This<br />

testimony perfectly accords with that of the divine<br />

quoted above. Says Mrs. Grove, the celebrated<br />

physiological lectures, "There is hardly an end to<br />

these diseases"--diseases caused by solitary vice.<br />


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