A Solemn Appeal - James White

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genital organs themselves; but always throws an<br />

influence equal to the intensity of the affection,<br />

over the whole nervous domain; disturbing all the<br />

functions depending on them for vital energy,<br />

which is thereby increased upon, or distracted<br />

from, them--and if this excitement is frequently<br />

repeated or long continued, it inevitably induces an<br />

increased degree of irritability and debility and<br />

relaxation generally, throughout the whole nervous<br />

and muscular tissues, and especially the nerves of<br />

organic life. And hence, those lascivious DAY-<br />

DREAMS and amorous reveries, in which young<br />

people--and especially the idle and the voluptuous,<br />

and the sedentary and the nervous--are exceedingly<br />

apt to indulge, are often the sources of general<br />

debility, effeminacy, disordered functions, and<br />

premature disease, and even premature death,<br />

without the actual exercise of the general organs!<br />

Indeed, this unchastity of thought--this adultery of<br />

the mind--is the beginning of immeasurable evil to<br />

the human family."[1]<br />


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