A Solemn Appeal - James White

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of your children as soon as their minds open<br />

sufficiently to receive them. John Newton said he<br />

had no fear of the enemy's filling the hearts of the<br />

young with tares if he could first get them filled<br />

with wheat. But be assured, parent, that in order to<br />

get the advance of Satan in this matter, you must<br />

begin early, even at break of day.<br />

Your own example, as we have elsewhere<br />

intimated, must be every way correct. You must<br />

make your children see that you discountenance<br />

and detest unchastity in all its forms. You must<br />

watch the social influences which your children are<br />

receiving from abroad. It is easy to crush the viper<br />

in the egg. Whenever your children become<br />

impurely insinuating, as is too often the case<br />

among children generally, correct at once by<br />

judicious measures (but always more by moral<br />

suasion than by force), the dangerous symptom.<br />

Pay strict regard to diet, to cleanliness, to<br />

education. Be judicious in the selection of pictures,<br />

books, etc., for the amusement and improvement of<br />

your children. But for more of this see above,<br />

where we have already considered some of these<br />


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