A Solemn Appeal - James White

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which their case and location admit. Let parents<br />

and guardians remember, too, that they are<br />

necessarily the prime educators of their children,<br />

and govern themselves as an enlightened love for<br />

children will dictate. Much may be done, too, by<br />

school-teachers, ministers, and indeed by every one<br />

whose influence extends to children. But, in order<br />

to teach, parents, teachers, ministers, etc., must be<br />

themselves instructed. But some there are who tell<br />

us that instruction on the subject of unchastity can<br />

serve only to aggravate the evil, or at least that it<br />

does more hurt than good.<br />

"The whole question, therefore," to apply the<br />

language of Dr. Combe, "resolves itself into this,<br />

whether it is more beneficial to enlighten the<br />

understanding so as to dispose and enable it to<br />

control and direct this feeling, or (under the<br />

influence of error in philosophy and false delicacy<br />

founded upon it,) to admit it to riot in all the<br />

fierceness of animal instinct, withdrawn from the<br />

eye of reason, but not thereby deprived of its<br />

vehemence and importunity." We hope every<br />

reader--and especially every doubting one--will<br />


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