A Solemn Appeal - James White

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perform a part in the removal of this evil from<br />

society, have an eye to correct and sufficiently<br />

moral, physical, and intellectual education. A good,<br />

moral education is of the highest importance in this<br />

matter. As the moral sentiments do most to form<br />

the character, so should they be most carefully<br />

educated. Children should be taught the importance<br />

of right and wrong, and the consequences of them.<br />

They should be early taught to make right a<br />

primary source of enjoyment, and to look upon<br />

wrong as a primary source of misery. They will<br />

then see that a life of mere sensuality is quite<br />

unworthy of their dignity, and hence will look<br />

higher into the sublimer region of the moral virtues<br />

for the means of happiness.<br />

The intellectual education of children must also<br />

be attended to. The power of perception and of<br />

reasoning from causes to consequences must be<br />

early improved. Then will they be far more likely<br />

to see and flee from the sins of destruction. They<br />

will be more capable of appreciating any<br />

arguments used with them against their evil<br />

practices--and indeed they will be far more likely<br />


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