A Solemn Appeal - James White

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French novels are generally reckoned among<br />

the worst. And they do much to make and keep<br />

France what she is for unchastity.<br />

Look at the young lady with the last novel of<br />

the French school in her hand! You know what it<br />

is, and therefore you know what her thoughts are,<br />

and what her taste is. And if purity, the stainless<br />

whiteness of an angel's breast, is the bosom whose<br />

companionship you seek, you turn from her<br />

society, and seek a friend whose loveliness of soul<br />

has never been profaned by such communings.<br />

Margaret Prior, that fearless friend of the<br />

friendless, says in her journal, "Several instances of<br />

the baleful influences of novelreading having<br />

recently come under my observation, I feel<br />

constrained to lift a note of warning against the<br />

indulgence of this pernicious habit. . . . Nothing<br />

tends more to destroy virtuous principles, or<br />

promote the growth of unholy appetites and<br />

passions. It is a real barrier to all useful<br />

acquirements, and, if persisted in, will effectually<br />


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