A Solemn Appeal - James White

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sentiments, and set off with fine embellishments,<br />

while, at the same time, by their designed<br />

associations and sly allusions, they play in upon the<br />

animal passions, and keep them under constant<br />

excitement. And it is because very much of modern<br />

reading is of this very character that the animal<br />

passions, unstayed by instinct, are prevailing with<br />

so much force throughout the community.<br />

Speaking of unchastity, Dr. Dwight says, "Most<br />

unhappily, aids and allurements to this licentious<br />

indulgence are never wanting. Genius, in every age<br />

and in every country, has, to a great extent<br />

prostituted its elevated powers for the deplorable<br />

purpose of seducing thoughtless minds to this sin.<br />

The unsuspecting imagination, ignorant of the<br />

dangers spread out before it, has, by this gay and<br />

fiery serpent, glittering with spots of gold, and<br />

painted with colors of enchantment, been allured to<br />

pluck the fruit of this forbidden tree, and hazard the<br />

death denounced against the transgressor. The<br />

numbers of the poet, the delightful melody of song,<br />

the fascinations of the chisel, and the spell of the<br />

pencil, have been all volunteered in the service of<br />

Satan, for the moral destruction of unhappy man."<br />


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