A Solemn Appeal - James White

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discouraged, wanting in clearness and point of<br />

idea, less bright than formerly, and altogether<br />

depreciated in looks and talents compared with<br />

what he would have been if he had never<br />

contracted this soul-and-body-ruining practice.<br />

"Pain at or near the small of the back, is<br />

another dark symptom. It at least shows that the<br />

sexual apparatus is diseased, because the nerve<br />

from them enters the spinal column at this place, so<br />

that their inflammation renders it proportionally<br />

tender and painful. Sexual excess in any of its<br />

forms will give this pain. True, other causes may<br />

have deranged these organs, and given this pain,<br />

yet this is the great cause. Some victims of this<br />

passion have running sores in the small of the back,<br />

and are generally tender there.<br />

"Many other signs evince carnality, yet these<br />

must suffice. Nor am I quite clear in giving these,<br />

because they will expose so many of my erring<br />

fellow-men, now unsuspected. Yet, again, such are<br />

dangerous, and ought to be exposed--at least,<br />

allowed to tell their own carnal story. Let every<br />


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