A Solemn Appeal - James White

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sensual indulgence merely, but all its forms. It is<br />

inherent in all forms, and appertains alike to<br />

matrimonial, promiscuous, and personal<br />

indulgence in all their stages. Animals, one and all,<br />

before their first indulgence, experience only a<br />

moderate power of this impulse; but afterwards<br />

become uncontrollable. The less it is exercised, the<br />

more easily can it be held in check.<br />

"Beware, then, O youth! how you unchain this<br />

roaring lion till walled in by wedlock; else<br />

propensity will haunt and goad you night and day,<br />

clamorous for indulgence, yet never satisfied till<br />

your ruin is complete. Indulge but once, and you<br />

will have no peace of your life, but will be dashed<br />

hither and yon, with those waves of passion into<br />

which "one false step" plunges you. If you have no<br />

regard for the sin committed, yet regard your own<br />

subsequent peace and happiness of life.<br />

"Mark; we do not put this matter on its moral<br />

turpitude, but on its necessarily consequent evils<br />

and sufferings; first, because the latter involves the<br />

former, and is the cause or rationale of all sin--the<br />


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