A Solemn Appeal - James White

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prevent this vice, and thereby all other forms of<br />

human depravity and woe.<br />

It perpetuates and re-augments itself<br />

"We have seen that excess begets<br />

inflammation, and that inflammation creates desire.<br />

Hence every new indulgence only reaugments the<br />

cravings of this propensity. As an inflammation of<br />

the stomach causes a morbid hankering after food,<br />

the gratification of which still further increases<br />

both the disease and the craving, so excessive<br />

sexual indulgence fevers these organs so that they<br />

call still more loudly for gratification, every new<br />

indulgence of which re-augments the inflammation<br />

and consequently the power of passion, till, like the<br />

letting out of waters, it rises and rushes till life<br />

itself is emptied out thereat, and both body and<br />

mind swept on to remediless destruction and woe!<br />

Indulgence is fuel to these already consuming fires<br />

of perdition. This propensity being to the sexual<br />

apparatus precisely what appetite is to the stomach,<br />

since as eating, so far from satisfying the ravenous<br />

cravings of the dyspeptic, only increases them, by<br />


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